《The Gray》Chapter Fourteen: One Should Always Remember to Listen to their Elders


Chapter Fourteen: One Should Always Remember to Listen to their Elders

Deep in the night, just out of reach of the forest’s shadow. The border village of Duio could been seen resting silently.

All except for one manor. Standing proudly within the center of town, the Lord’s residence was bustling with activity.

Servants dashed back and forth through the halls, carrying reports in their arms. Guards made their rounds around the manor, keeping a vigilant eye. While the other weary inhabitants huddled themselves away safely in their quarters. Each praying hurriedly for the morning to come.

Each face tended to carry the same expression of fear and nervousness. Occasionally they’d cast a glance towards the distance woods. As if a formidable enemy was out there, looming patiently, just waiting for a chance to strike.

Beneath the manor a meeting of grave importance was being held. A craven sloped downward to a large reinforced door. Through the door a was a magic lined hallway leading to a small domed room.

In the middle of the room a large black marble table rested upon an elevated platform. Around the table say a group of men. Each of them radiating the aura of an expert. Their mere presence filled the room with a heavy and oppressive atmosphere.

All of there were staring coldly at a figure kneeling on the floor before them. The one shivering and sniveling on his knees was none other than Private Shane.

The five figures where the Village Lord and the four Village Elders. They’d gathered here after receiving a report about the arrival of a Keeper in the village. The report had stated that the the Keeper had been insulted by the kneeling man before them.

And now here they were, each wondering how they could possibly salvage the situation. Village Lord Jermes was inwardly sighing as he pondered how many treasured he’d have to dish out this time to appease that old recluse.

Meanwhile Private Shane was sweating profusely. The gazes of the Lord and Elders were like knives ruthlessly slicing into him. His grandfather had dragged him here and commanded him to kneel an hour ago. Yet the men present still had yet to speak a word.


Earlier that day, after the Captain’s reprimand, he had scurried home. As soon as he arrived he locked himself away, forbidding any of the house servants from disturbing him.

Pulling his hair he paced his room in distress. The image of that emerald medallion was clear as day on his mind. And just as clear was a decrepit old voice mocking him.

‘Beware the children of the Trees, foolish child of man. For they are favored by the Great Elemental. Keeping an ever-watchful eye over Natulis’ Green Ocean, the blood of the forest runs strong through their veins.

Like a beautiful and alluring flower, they will call to you. But do not be fooled, child. For they are not peaceful flowers simply waiting to be picked. No, they are vindictive, vile, and deceitful beings.

Any poor fool to fall prey to their ways will be claimed by the trees they so happily protect. Dragged by the roots into the depths, to be devoured and kept for all eternity.

So, watch yourself young child, and pay heed to what I say. Or mark my words, for its been foretold, you’ll lose your life one day.’

As a child, he’d once tried to kick an old beggar that dared to block his way. But the old thing has easily grabbed his foot. Cackling like a madman he’d shouted those words at him, before vanishing right before his eyes. Making him wonder if it was nothing but an illusion.

Like a curse, the words haunted him. Over time he manages to convince himself that it was nothing more than dream. And like most children he eventually forgot.

However now the words resurfaced in outstanding vividness in his head.

The smirking eyes of that vile old elf.

The emerald medallion that’d danced tauntingly in his hands.

Both were a silent promise of retaliation yet to come.

Just like predicted. He knew he was doomed. And he was afraid.

Afraid of the death warrant his words had brought down upon him.

Blissfully unaware of the events unraveling in the center of the village, Larson lay facedown on a comfy twin-sized feather bed. On the bed across from lay Galdon, still sleeping peacefully. In the corner of the room, on a big blue chair, sat Hasson. A faint green glow wrapping around his figure as he meditated. The only movement coming from the occasional twitch of Larson’s tail.


When they’d just enter the room, Hasson had tried to get him to talk. But not knowing where to start, or even how to explain, Larson decided to stay quiet. The sleep mode prompt popping up continuously as he just lay there.

Time passed steadily as the thoughts in his head got no closer to being settled. At his wits end and not wanting to fall pray to another beak down, he lifted his weary body from bed. With a sigh he stretched and made his way over to the in-room bathroom.

Stepping into the tiled room he silently shut the door behind him. Squinting in the darkness, he reached and ran his hands over the walls. There, to his left near the door, he managed to find a small diamond shaped protrusion. With a push, a soft buzz sounded as a large pearl on the ceiling lit up.

Looking up at the gentle glow above him he was slightly surprised. He’d been just tying his luck a second ago. He hadn’t really expected for this worn out in to have magic lights just like the church. But he was glad to have something he was used to. Breathing out a breath of relief he turned his attention back to the other parts of the bathroom.

A hot shower was just what the doctor ordered on a night like tonight.

Near scalding water cascades out of an overhead faucet. Water droplets hit the scales on his shoulders, causing a twinkling sounds, just like sound of raindrops on a tin roof. It was calming. Closing his eyes, he let the water wash over him, letting his body fully relax. All the days worries flowing with the water away and down the drain.

Exiting the shower he stretched again, officially cleansed of all unnecessary thoughts. Enjoying the warming currently trapped in the bathroom, he decided to air dry a bit and check his stat box.

Character Information:

Name: Larson Reed

Titles: The First Born, Avid Reader, Big Kid Now

Race: Dragonling

Main Job: Apprentice Mage

Secondary Job: None

Level: 13

Experience: 20/130

HP: 1300/1300

MP: 1400/1400

STR: 140 (+10)

INT: 170 (+10)

DEX: 150 (+10)

WIS: 170 (+10)

CON: 140 (+10)

CHA: 150 (+10)

LUC: 113 (+10)

Status: Healthy

Element Affinity: Light, Dark, Unknown

Bounty: 0 Gold


Light Spells:


[Holy Shot]

[Basic Heal]

Dark Spells:

[Void Shot]


[Appraisal] (passive)

[Light Steps] (passive)

[Fast Casting] (passive)

[Accurate Throwing] (passive)

Noticing that nothing had really changed he shook his head, deciding to try another angle.

“Hey system, is there a way to keep my emotions in check?”


“... Something not so cryptic please.”

Since your body is still maturing, it has yet to get used to complicated emotions. Thus is easily overwhelmed. Like all children you’ll have to learn to managed them over time.

“But I’m not a child!?”

Big Kid Now: A unique title. Rewarded for being a big kid now.

“WTF! That’s not fair!”

Life’s not fair.

“Damnit!” Cursing he mentally slammed the menu closed.

While spitting out a few more choice words at the system in his mind, he lost all interest in remaining in the bathroom. Quickly drying himself off he then put on a clean set of clothes. Turning off the light he made his way back into the room.

Muttering a couple more insults towards the system, he crawled back into bed. With his body refreshed he snuggled into his blanket, before falling into a peaceful sleep. Not noticing that he didn’t even use the systems aid.

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