《My Thoughts Exactly》Chapter 4: Wet and Wild
I don’t like tests.
“Disassemble the cube,” said one of the men before me.
I’d finally made it through the queue and was now sitting the second stage of the exam. In front of me were two men and two women who were in charge of grading. I was seated before a smooth wooden table with a seamless looking cube sitting in the center.
I reached out with my hand to grab the cube.
“You cannot touch it.”
“How am I meant to do anything without touching it?” I said.
The panel whispered amongst themselves.
“Remember where you are.”
I sighed and looked at the cube. I probably should’ve done like Ruri and actually studied. I knew nothing official about using magic, but I had seen videos of people using it on the interwebz. According to my highly reliable sources, it’s all about shouting out words and making flashy body motions. Neither of those are things I am willing to try.
Perhaps just saying it in my head isn’t enough?
This time I visualised the cube exploding to the best of my ability, but nothing happened as well. Not that I really expected anything to. My mind drifted off into fantasy.
Kana, in all her teasing allure, was on my lap. She wore the same white dress shirt and skater skirt from before, but they clutched her flesh, accentuating her womanly curves. My face was level with her chest, so I could see the few buttons that’d been undone, drawing my eyes into the cavern between her smooth mounds.
I was salivating internally while I awaited whatever would come next, oblivious to the fact this was my own imagination. However, in my waiting nothing happened, so I willed myself to fulfil my desires. I reached out to try cup one of her divine orbs and was batted away. My sight was still centered on her chest, which was now visibly rising and falling ever so slightly, but on the edges of my vision I could see her head shake side to side.
“Tsk tsk tsk, not too hasty,” said my imaginary version of Kana.
Her hands moved to undo the the few remaining buttons on her shirt, starting with the one just below her chest.
Teasing be damned, I got enough of that from Ruri, so I wasn’t going to take anymore of it. At least that’s the excuse I used. No way could I show such restraint with Kana on my lap.
This time I advanced with both hands. Each one grabbing one side of her shirt and then simply tearing it open, popping the few buttons that remained in the process. All that was left to keep me from those titillating orbs of hers was the surprisingly plain white bra she wore. I suspected that was due to a lack of imagination on my part. I tended not to perform research on bras but more on what lay behind them.
My hands were before me, awaiting their next order. I moved in. My hands advanced towards her breasts-.
“RYU!” One of the woman in charge of grading yanked me back into the real world.
My eyes went wide. The cube, which had earlier been completely inert, hovered in the space between my hands, but, to my surprise and the surprise of the people grading, it was not longer a cube. The matter that was previously solid in phase had converted to a liquid and taken the shape of a sphere, and if not for the fact I could see the fluid constantly flowing down from the top of it I wouldn’t have been able to tell it was a liquid. I suppose whatever had been used to cause such a phenomenon couldn’t defy gravity.
The woman who’d shouted was standing up and waved her hand casting a spell I’d never seen before. The sphere solidified and landed on the ground, bouncing a few times before rolling into the corner. It would’ve been comical, and I would’ve laughed if not the serious atmosphere in the room.
Well at least I didn’t blow something up.
But then my eyes, already looking downwards caught something in their peripheral vision. Something of mine.
I take it back. Something did blow up.
“EXCUSE ME!” shouted the lady. “Do we have your attention?”
My eyes connected with the other lady who was still seated, and she rapidly shifted her gaze. Cute, both her and her reaction. Another student forced into a job I guess. She probably didn’t realise, but I’d caught her eyeing ground zero a couple times. The next time she looked my way I shot her a wink, and the reaction was just as cute; she jumped up in her seat and immediately looked left. I only wish I’d been close enough to know if she was blushing or not, but I bet she was.
“RYU?” shouted the lady, who I now knew was called Ellen. Somehow I’d missed the fact their names were displayed in front of them.
“Apologies, just taking care of business. And yes, you have my attention.” I didn’t realise how mocking I’d sounded until after I’d spoken, figures.
Ellen sat back down. She was surprisingly composed for someone who’d just been yelling at the top of her lungs. I guess that’s one of those things which comes with growing up.
“This exam has already gone overtime, so I hope you can explain to us what you just did right now, seeing as you ignored all our other requests.” Ellen must be the leader of this group since she’d done effectively all the talking so far.
Well, I surely couldn’t tell them I was fantasizing about a certain young lady, and hell if I knew what I’d just done.
“You have thirty seconds.”
“I made the cube float.”
“That enough is obvious. But how?”
“With magic.”
The whole table looked at me deadpan. What? I mean it was an obvious answer.
“What kind of magic did you use?” Ellen’s voice reeked of “I’ve had enough of yo shit.’”
“I honestly have no idea. One minute the cube was on the table and the next it was floating in front of me.”
Ellen observed me for a moment, before speaking. “Have you ever used magic before?”
The group made some “mmm” and “ah” sounds as they wrote a few things down.
“Well that’s all we need to know. You will receive your ranking once we finish assessing everyone else. You can leave now.”
I said my goodbyes and moved onto the next phase of my journey.
As part of being a member of this city, I was entitled to my very own apartment.
Is what they said.
I’d only just walked stepped through the door of my apartment, but there she was. The devil incarnate.
Why?! Why is she here?!?!?!
“Oh don’t stare at me like that Onii-chan!” Ruri playfullying waved at me. “I told Mum about you harassing those girls and she literally begged me to watch over you.”
I closed the door behind me, not even caring to lock it.
“You Bitch. Mum’s not here to stop me fucking you up you know?” I said.
Ruri pouted and took a seat in my couch, crossing her legs in the process.
“Get off my couch and get out.”
“Fufufu, didn’t you notice anything on your way here Onii-chan?”
I groaned. “What did you do?” The question wasn’t even foreign to me since with Ruri around I’d been asking it almost every day of my life.
Ruri adjusted her legs, and my eyes instantly snapped to the light blue and white stripes between her thighs. I looked away as soon as I realised what I’d done, but I’d been cornered. My blue balls from the fantasy earlier on was already causing a rise in my shorts. Like before, I could feel the pair of eyes on me. I knew exactly what she was trying to do.
“Wow, are you getting hard from looking at your own sister Onii-chan? Well, I guess it’s to be expected. “
It somewhat shamed me to admit, but Ruri actually was very attractive. She took the time to exercise, so was lean with fat in the right places, and her choice of clothing was always more adventurous with no one but me around. At the moment she wore a gray and white striped camisole with a short pleated skirt. It didn’t help that she also had the forbidden fruit trait going for her.
“What did you do Ruri?” I wasn’t going to let her derail the conversation, not this time.
Ruri rolled her eyes and got up, and, for the smallest unit of time, I thought she actually would leave. But no, she headed towards one of the rooms and held up her middle finger the whole time.
Not this time bitch.
I charged at her, and before she realised what was happening I’d grabbed her from behind her, pulled her back, and thrown her against the carpet. I kneeled over her, holding down each of her hands with my own.
Ruri didn’t even look at me as she spoke, “what are you doing Onii-chan?”
“Answer my question! What did you do?”
Again, she rolled her eyes before lifting her nether regions and grinding herself against me. That exercising of hers definitely paid off, as her strength allowed her to grind against me really hard.
“Ah-” I moaned from the sudden friction. My boner twitched and Ruri immediately pulled back. My body followed without my consent, aching for more.
Ruri looked me in the eye. “This is my apartment Onii-chan. What would people think if they saw you here, holding me down, and grinding that dick of yours against me? Hmm?” Ruri sniffed and closed her eyes, pretending to be scared, but it only lasted long enough to get the point across.
She grabbed me in between her thighs and flipped us over, straddling me in the process. She kept her body pressed against mine, allowing her to whisper straight into my ear.
“Do you understand? This is the girls dorm. It’s not me who was transferred, but you. Do you really think Mum would send me alone to live in the boys dorm?”
I looked up at the ceiling, as I breathed rapidly. I felt pathetic. All that was on my mind was the pressure of Ruri’s body against my own, and the climax I so badly wanted.
Of course, Ruri could read me like an open book.
“If you say you’re sorry I’ll help you out.”
I couldn’t fight her now. No, I didn’t want to fight her. The possibility of her getting up and leaving me dry was frightening. Lust is a very scary beast.
“I’m sorry.”
“Fufufu, you’re so obedient when you’re like this,” whispered Ruri.
“It’s hard-” Ruri cut me off.
“Oh, I know it’s hard Onii-chan, just let me take care of you, okay?”
I felt the pressure on my boner leave momentarily, but when it returned it felt hotter, and much closer. Ruri had moved her skirt out of the way, leaving nothing but the thin white and light blue fabric of her panties against me. Despite the layers of fabric between us, I could feel the heat coming from her core. She wanted this as much if not more than I did.
She started grinding against me, and I wrapped my hands around her back, pulling our bodies even closer together. Her breasts squeezed against me, and her pace quickened.
The fabric of my pants became soaked in something wet, her no doubt, and I could hear her breathing become short.
Knock knock
“Fuck.” I exclaimed, cursing myself for what I was about to say. “Ruri we have to stop.”
“No,” she denied.
She arched her back and wrapped her hands around my neck as she gave herself a better angle to grind into me. The result was just what she wanted, much more pressure and friction. Going further, she increased her pace to the point I could hear the two moist surfaces of my pants and her panties squishing together.
My fear wasn’t unwarranted though. I knew something she didn’t. “The door isn’t locked!”
“Shutup. Ah~” Ruri denied me again and let out a cute muffled moan.
I wanted to be like Ruri and just let myself go, but I knew this was wrong. If someone walked in both of us were screwed.
Why do I always draw the short straw?
I focused, and time seemed to slow as I searched for a solution. The door was no more than ten meters away and we were in direct sight. Ruri seemed to be close to climax, but I wasn’t sure that would stop her, so trying to get her off and run to the door wasn’t an option. I doubted Ruri would stop if I dragged us to a different room either, so it’d only delay the inevitable. Dammit. I’d have to simply force her off me and make a beeline for the door, without a doubt this would leave her pissed, but it was better than being expelled before we even completed our first day here.
Knock knock
“Hello?” said a girl's voice on the other side of the door.
I debated answering her, but stopped. This was a girls dorm, if I answered instead of Ruri the person would definitely want to know what was going on and try to get in. I had to get the door locked first.
I flipped the two of us over, which Ruri didn’t resist. Her arms and legs were both busy. Unfortunately, as I tried to pry her off of me and stand up she wrapped her legs around me tightly. This position felt even more erotic than before, as she hugged her whole body against me and grinded up and down. It seemed to please her too, as she went a little further and started to lick and suck on my neck.
Scratch forcing her off of me, her arms and legs held onto me like a vice. I could feel something building up within me as well, and knew I wouldn’t last much longer like this. This position was too much.
“Stop it Ruri!” I whispered aggressively into her ear, but it seemed to turn her on as she moved harder.
Just get to the door Ryu.
I took it one step at a time, struggling to keep my balance. I was forced to grab Ruri from below to keep her from moving so much, and on the tips of my fingers I could feel a river from her sex flowing. Fuck, why was my sister so dirty?
I made it to the door and immediately locked it.
Thank god.
My action didn’t go unnoticed though, as the girl behind the door tried to turn the knob. It didn’t open, but she’d clearly heard me lock it. Unlike the doors at the exam centre, these ones were normal mechanical locks.
“Excuse me? I’m here to give you your dorm tour,” said the girl. “Please open the door.”
I didn’t care anymore, my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest with how fast it was beating, and my climax was so close. I walked as far from the door as I could and collapsed after a few meters, lying on my back.
Now on the ground again Ruri went wild. I felt her teeth scratch my skin before she got up and one of her hands pulled up her skirt as the other slipped underneath. It gave me my first glimpse of her raw sex, as she pulled her panties to the side, straddled me, and rubbed herself directly against my pants.
That was the end for me. My mouth opened wide and I felt the need to look Ruri in the eye as I came more than I ever had on my own. Watching me silently cry in pleasure pushed her over the edge, and she collapsed on top of me while her body quivered and she moaned out loud.
I’d never imagined my first bit of action would be on the first day, and with my own sister for that matter. However, I got the feeling what’d just happened wasn’t unplanned.
Far too much had happened today, and Ruri had sucked the last bit of strength I had out of me. I closed my eyes and fell unconscious as Ruri continued to ride out her orgasm on top of me, most likely meeting the same fate in the end.
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