《Phantom Swordsman》Chapter 15. Hunting and Singing


Taking his time, Jason strolled down the road. The mission that he’d picked up from the Guild had said that he needed to kill a lot of monsters, nothing else. However, there was also the reason why all the beasts were appearing. If he could find that out, he’d have a hefty sum of money by the end; which he actually needed, surprisingly. The money he owed Ilis, and the payment for healing his shoulders, along with other things, had emptied his wallet.

He arrived at the torn up fields, his eyes scanning for any clues on a direction to start. Unfortunately, there were actually too many clues. The monsters had torn the field up from all directions apparently. He sighed and chose one set of tracks to follow, making sure to keep in mind where Danist was.

In moments, he’d gone from civilization to wilderness, with trees stretching high above him, their leaves whispering in the wind. He stepped over thick roots, still following the markings of a beast passing. He’d been searching for about an hour before he started to hear the trickle of a river. Feeling that this was likely where the monsters would be, he hurried towards the sound.

He brushed some leaves aside and stopped as he looked into a clearing. There was a pack of giant wolves drinking. One of them kept watch, while the others quenched their thirst. He peered closer and noticed an icy shimmer emanating from their fur, and matching in color to their snow-white irises.

‘Ding’ [Mountain Wolf Lv ??]

Suddenly, the wolves’ heads shot up, noses twitching. He hadn’t moved at all, but he couldn’t do anything about his scent. His hand became ghostly as he summoned his sword. Might as well prepare. Just as he was about to jump out, the breeze shifted and he got a tangy whiff of sweat. Wait, that’s not me. His head moved to where the air was coming from. The wolves did the same, pacing forward, growling. He heard a curse and some muttering, the wolves became more aggressive, and suddenly a stone went flying above them, hitting the tree he was under. The wolves’ heads jumped to him, finally spotting his crouched form. They started racing across the space between them.

“Well that’s bullshit.”

He stood up and shifted his hand into his State, allowing bone to spew out into the shape of a sword. He was about to step forward when something in the corner of his eye flew towards him. He instinctively swung his sword, and unfortunately, he could only smack the object away with the flat of his blade. It sailed through the air, back the way it came, until it suddenly blew up. A huge explosion ripped the trees apart, the noise causing him to stagger. The wolves were staring wide eyed at the fire, and glanced at him, before howling and running towards the attackers. He blinked, wavering for a moment, before charging after them. The assailants were a team of three: One of them was swinging a longsword at the wolves, while another was rapidly firing arrows. However, the most interesting was the cloaked one. They were reaching into their sleeves, tossing out potions and bombs, causing caustic gasses, slimey traps or rot to pop into existence. He hesitated, eyeing them, before the archer noticed him and promptly shot an arrow at his head. He had thankfully activated [Phantom State] just in time, allowing it to pass through, and thankfully, the archer was then distracted by another wolf. His heart thudded painfully in his ribs and he gasped a bit, but was brought out of it by the screaming of one of the wolves. He watched wide-eyed as a flaming corpse writhed on the ground, and his face hadened. Fuck these guys. His eyes travelled to where the wolf had come from, and landed on the cloaked individual. He gritted his teeth and sent a [Spacial Strike] towards the cloaked figure, which they saw just in time to dive out of the way. As they got to their feet, their fists clenched before opening. Potions slipped out into their fingers, before they reared back and threw them. He continued charging, holding his breath as an explosion of blue flames enveloped him. His world was a confusing swirl of colour, for a moment, but he still ran through completely unharmed. He glared at them causing the figure to flinch in surprise.


‘Ding’ [Genius Alchemist Lv ??]

His increased Dexterity allowed him to blur across the ground, and reach them in moments, but he was interrupted by a sword swinging through his head, causing him to jump back in alarm. He glanced left, seeing the knight in now bloody armour, and was staring at him open mouthed. His arm moved without thinking, and he slashed, leaving a distorted line that cut deeply; the knight tipped like a falling pot, and made a clanging crash as he hit the ground. There was a roar and he turned to see the Alchemist, along with the archer shooting at him. They passed through to no effect, which only seemed to make the archer even more furious. The Alchemist grabbed their partner and threw something at the ground, causing a blinding flash. When he could see again, they had disappeared. Panting, he turned around to the knight, who was struggling on the floor still, and staring at him spitefully, which swiftly ended when a wolf tore his throat out. He quickly looked away.

‘Ding’ You have defeated a [Warrior Knight Lv 109]

Less experience is earned due to your group.

‘Ding’ You have levelled up. [Phantom Swordsman Lv 80 – Lv 82]

‘Ding’ You have levelled up. [Bone Manipulator Lv 42 – Lv 46]

There hadn’t been any Ability levels, unfortunately. He supposed that the ones he used the most were high enough to slow down now.

He turned to the wolves, who were licking their wounds. They regarded him warily, but when he didn’t do anything, they continued. Why did those people come after me? Was it because we made a lot of money in the dungeon? Was it the high-levelled body? He shook his head.

Wanting a change in subject, he moved his attention back to the wolves. They didn’t attack me…are they intelligent like the Minx? Can they understand me?

“Hey, do you guys know what I’m saying?”

They looked up, then at each other, before continuing with whatever they were doing. So that’s a no for understanding English… no, wait, it’s Bretaen? God, I really didn’t pay attention when that skill popped up. He decided to try something different. He got their attention again, and then drew a line in the dirt. He pointed with his blade, behind the line, and then to the dead body in front of him, before moving it to them. Their eyes sharpened, and their fur stood on end, advancing while snarling. He stood there calmly, watching them. Suddenly, one of the injured wolves snapped a command, and they all shrunk back, staring at him warily. The wolf that had given the order was massive, and glowering at him. It jerked it’s head behind him, at the mountains in the distance.

“Oh… your mountain wolves right?” he said while pointing at them and then at the jagged shape on the horizon.

The beast nodded, and gestured at it again, before moving it’s head to the cooling body by his feet.

“The mountains kill you?” he asked while making an exaggerated death face.

A few of them snorted, and the leader nodded.

Hmm, I wonder if that’s the reason why there have been so many monsters flooding the area? If that was the case, then maybe he should investigate? Besides, if it wasn’t, he’d just exterminate the beasts around there that weren’t capable of negotiating.

He pointed at himself, and then at the Alpha, then at the mountains. The Alpha blinked, looked down at the dead man by his feet, before giving him a ferocious grin.


“Um…that’s a yes, right?”


Ilis walked along the road to Grenion. Gotta be the dumbest name for a village that I’ve ever heard. She could see it in the distance now, and it wouldn’t be long before she arrived. She was looking forward to it. The others probably expected her to be out fighting, drinking, or maybe finding someone to help warm her bed. She had considered Jason, briefly, but realised very quickly that he wasn’t that type of person. The guy was clearly a virgin. A smirk broke out across her face. Okay, maybe he isn’t… Either way, she wasn’t here to do any of those things.

She arrived at the town, stopping when the enticing smell of a bakery caught her attention. She got herself a cinnamon pastry and munched on it while continuing. Ilis eventually spotted the alleyway she was looking for, and walked down it. Wealthily dressed people eyed her as she walked, a few of them nodding in respect. As she headed down, the light from the sun grew more distant, and lights from neon signs replaced it. When she was truly in the darkest part, she finally found her destination. A sign hung with purple glowing letters.

The Scandy Singer

She smiled fondly at it, and went inside. She stepped into a room that had a mixture of smells: Sweaty, fruity, and smokey. It smelt comfortable. She walked up to the bar where a familiar face worked. The woman looked up, and grinned excitedly. “Well, long time no see Ilis! How have you been?” The lady was a beautiful blonde, wearing relatively fine clothes that paired well with her green eyes and jade earrings. Ilis was certain that she was the main reason people came to the Scandy Singer.

She returned her enthusiasm. “Juliet! I’ve been pretty good. Did a dungeon run recently that was absolutely wild. A new member on the team too, a sweet guy; he had a hard time as well, but thankfully he knows how to take care of himself. How’s business?”

The woman raised a delicate eyebrow. “Really now? A new teammate? Well, I wish I could meet the rest of your team. That time you brought Brand was a night to remember!”

Ilis snorted as she remembered his drunken antics. And the amount of people he had pining for him…how the fuck does he do it? She cleared her throat, and gave the woman’s knowing grin a look. “I’m sure you and a lot of people share that opinion.”

She nodded easily, a wistful look on her face. “Hmm, can’t say you're wrong – Business has been fine by the way, can’t complain. Although, if you’re here tonight, maybe we’ll see some more.”

Ilis bobbed her head, and looked around the inn. She could see the beginnings of a decent crowd: There were people just hanging around chatting on the first floor, where she was, and looking up she could just about make out the people on the second floor, where candlelit dinners were being held. Distantly, she could hear the cheers and maybe just make out the roll of dice on the third floor, where the gamblers were enjoying themselves. It made for a unique atmosphere, one that could only work in her opinion, because of the stage. She looked over to the artfully gilded structure, with instruments up ready for use. She looked back to Juliet. “You think now would be a good time?”

She brightened. “Anytime is a good time. I’ll get the others.”

Smiling, she stood up and walked to a discreet door. She felt a thrill in her chest. Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.

In about half an hour, she was behind the curtains. She had changed her outfit, one that felt a little more right, for this. She was wearing a red dress that made her feel like a star, and added with her combed hair, her painted nails, and slippers, she felt like she was unstoppable; a feeling both similar and distinct to how she felt in battle. Every part of her had been cared for, and as she stepped onto the stage, she shined.

“Evening Gentlepeople. I am your singer tonight, Ilis Yernester. I hope you enjoy.”

The other musicians struck up a beat, and she began to sing. It was a song that was perfect for the Scandy Singer. A song about being free, and open about who you were, and obviously sex. There were a few chuckles every so often, but people were mostly enraptured by her ringingly passionate voice. Her notes went high and low, breathing energy into the room that was beginning to fill up. People had started swaying, just as she finished. She watched them blink, coming out of their daze; she deeply inhaled, and launched into another. She went on through the day, singing relentlessly. When the songs became cheery and upbeat, people began to dance flickering around with the light, and she shimmied on the spot in tune.

It was many hours later that she bowed to a cheering crowd, and retreated behind the curtains. She slumped, suddenly realising how tired she was; she was grinning though, still ready for more action.

‘Ding’ You have levelled up. [Burning Singstress Lv 45 – Lv 49]

She spent the rest of the evening socialising with the guests. There was a lot of flirting, which did get tiring. She was chatting with one of the musicians when she heard a commotion; she glanced over to see a woman giving a waitress some trouble. She made her way over and interrupted them, “Is there a problem?”

The woman’s brown eyes widened when she saw her, and stuttered for a second, before gathering herself. “The cooks got my order wrong, and they won’t give me my money back!”

She raised an eyebrow. “Why would they? This is an inn, not a high class restaurant. Do you think they’re rich?”

The woman stuttered and then grew red. Uh oh. She winced as she started screeching at her, saying how it was unacceptable this, and that, and blah, blah, blah.

“Shut it.”

“You- you fucking bit-” She punched her in the face and she toppled with a wail. Ignoring the stares, she picked her up by the scruff, marched over to the door, and tossed her onto the wet cobblestone, before slamming the entrance shut. She turned with a challenging expression to the room, who all quickly looked away.

“Ugh, I want a drink.”

Many hours later, after downing many glasses of wine. She stumbled up to her room, and got undressed for bed. She was interrupted by a knock. She paused, and cautiously tip-toed over to the door. She opened it ajar, and peeked at who was there: Juliet was standing in front of her…naked, her curves highlighted by the moonlight. She immediately opened the door fully and pulled her inside, while the woman kicked the door closed, and flashed her a seductive smile.

As the passionate kissing started, she recalled how she’d thought this day would have gone. She leaned back, staring into the woman's lovely green eyes, panting. A thought crossed her mind. Heh…I guess I ended up doing everything after all.

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