《Phantom Swordsman》Chapter 6: Part 1. Aspirant.


Days passed in Frogob, and at first, he spent all of his time just thinking about how he should escape. And yet… he still visited the ship being built every day, watching them work away in silence; it had a soothing effect on him. They weren’t attacked by any more Goblins either. It seemed that they had learnt their lesson, but that didn’t stop them from glowering at them as they passed. During that time, the Mink continued whatever tests that Gomorra wanted. It didn’t seem like it was being harmed at all, just tired out. It was around five days after he’d arrived in the town that he woke up to prodding. He blinked, and looked down at the animal that was on his belly. Once it saw it had his attention, the little critter started slowly making gestures. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. “What?” The animal rolled its eyes, and began again, pointing to itself and then to the floor, before at him and then outside. He frowned. “Are you trying to say that I should leave? Cause you’ll stay?”

It nodded.

He cocked his head, and shook it quickly, trying to get the sleepiness off. “You’re serious?”

It bobbed its head at a mocking pace.

He rolled his eyes, and sat up. “I don’t get it. You drag me to another world, regardless of what I want, and now you suddenly care about me?”

It hesitated, before making more signs.

He frowned. “I didn’t catch that one.”

The Mink tried again, using different motions, yet no matter what it tried, whatever it was trying to say was too complicated. He shook his head. “I don’t know what you're saying.”

The Mink actually stomped its foot, and made more motions.

“You wanted something?” He asked uncertainly. The animal just sighed and waved its hand in dismissal. He let it go, and laid back again, mulling things over. “I…honestly, I don’t want to leave quite yet. I…want to…No, I want…” His expression twisted. He wasn’t sure what he wanted. The Goblins had wronged him, but at the same time, he…didn’t know. He sighed, and looked down again, absently reaching over to pet the small animal. Its eyes widened, but it was too surprised to move away, and by then…it was too late. The Mink’s little jaw opened, as he gently stroked its head. Its eyes began to close in appreciation, and he blinked, hesitating a bit, before continuing. It was…nice. He stopped after a moment, firmly pushing the Mink off, which it allowed. It seemed quite sheepish, rubbing the back of its neck. He ignored it, and made his way down to the kitchen again. He grunted at the gathered warriors, and as part of the routine, sat down in the small gap that was available. They had fish again for breakfast, and Jason was thoroughly fed up with the taste. When he’d finished, he eyed the bones of the cooked fish, and sighed, before grabbing them. He looked at Viper and the warrior, whose name he still hadn’t learnt. “So, you ready for our morning walk?”

They glanced at each other, before a voice interrupted him. “Actually Jason, there’s no reason to guard you anymore.”

He turned in surprise to see Gomorra with the Mink on the back of her hand. She nodded to it. “It has agreed to stay and allow me to conduct more tests for a while. You’re free to go.” She smirked at him.

He stood there, dumbfounded. “What? You mean, I can just walk out of here? What about the other tribes, what if they attack me?”


She arched an eyebrow at him. “You have that ability that makes you invulnerable, don’t you? Just walk away, and come back here if you need help.”

His mouth dropped, and the Mink snickered, causing the other warriors to join in. Gomorra smiled. “You’re more than capable of defending yourself too. Your Class is truly a powerful one.”

He shook his head, before looking around, his neck prickling with all the stares on him. “So…I can just go?”

Grunts of affirmation came from them, and he snorted. “Right…okay then. Could I have a weapon?”

That earned him a few suspicious looks, but Gomorra shrugged. “As long as you know to not cause trouble” She plucked a knife from her belt, and tossed it to him. His hand instinctively rose to catch it, and his eyes widened as images of his hand with a jagged hole in it flashed through his mind. He caught the blade deftly by the handle, and stared at it for a moment.

“See? You can defend yourself. Goodbye Jason.” She walked out the room, and the Mink gave him a parting wave, before disappearing. He stood there for a moment, before he felt a slap on his back. He twisted his head, and saw Viper, standing there grinning at him. “Been good to have you around. You’re not so bad for a human – Now get out.”

He was shoved forward, stumbling. Looking back, he saw all of them shooing him away. So in a daze, he walked to the front door, and stepped outside. He inhaled deeply. So…that just happened. I’m free? Just like that? What was he supposed to do now? He pondered for a moment, before deciding that he needed to think about it, and he did want to look at the boat, one last time. So he set off down the streets, his new knife tucked between his waist and trousers. The dawnlight made him see everything differently: the decrepit houses were somehow more warm and inviting, small Goblin children from different tribes ran across the street, brandishing wooden swords at each other, while the old Goblins watched from the side. He blinked. He hadn’t seen many old Goblins, he wondered where they had been hiding? They gave him wary looks as he walked by, a few of the children perked up, and started to swagger over to him, before being smacked on the back of the head by their carers. He ignored that, he knew in his world that would be considered bad parenting, but…well, what was he going to do? Call social services?

He continued, not stopping for anything, and began to think about his situation now. I’m free, the little critter is the reason why – I kind of feel bad for it, but this IS the least it could do, it brought me to this plane afterall. He frowned. That reminded him of something important; how was he going to get back? The Mink said that it didn’t know how, as the multiverse was too big or something. So, what was he going to do? Another thought rose. Will I lose my magic if I go back? He frowned. That…actually made a difference for him. He wanted to keep his Class, but if he couldn’t…He blinked as he realised what he was considering. Am I really thinking of staying? The thought shocked him to the bone. “Huh.” He shook his head. No, what was he saying? Of course he didn’t want to stay. This world was incredibly dangerous, with fantastical creatures, magic, and unexplored lands… Shit. Okay, maybe I sort of do. Hells, is there something wrong with me? He slapped his head, before his thoughts could go into a spiral. Don’t overreact. He breathed slowly. Even if it seemed that he was interested in the world he was in, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t want a way back in the future. There were hardly any people waiting for him, basically just his mum, who was doing her own thing right now, and she would probably carry on with that for a while. Which meant that he did want a way home, to visit and to make sure she didn’t worry. So how am I going to do that? His best chance was most likely the Mink, but it had said that it didn’t know the way back… That doesn’t matter, it can find out. The little bastard dragged me into this situation, even if it isn’t as bad as I thought, it still owes me. However, he wasn’t going to hang around it though. Like he said, this world was filled with things he’d never get to experience back at home and anyways, he doubted the Goblins would allow him to stay. If it doesn’t agree to look into it? Then…well, I have space magic too, don’t I? Maybe I can do it. He exhaled. He had a good grasp of the situation now. He’d head off, and explore the world, once he’d told the Mink that it still owed him.


Feeling a bit lighter on his feet now, he quickly made his way to the docks, where he had another surprise. The ship was almost finished. “Whoa…” he whispered. Something had happened, because they had made rapid progress since he’d last seen it. They had even begun loading it up with supplies, and more Goblins were around watching it, just like him. “Incredible.” He breathed, and nodded, about to turn around again, when he saw a flash of light in the corner of his eye. He frowned, and looked over, only to see a particularly ramshackled building. He blinked, and shrugged, about to leave, before he saw something move. His eyes narrowed. It had only been a shadow, he was sure, but it had struck him as odd. He looked back at the crowd, and debated what to do, before settling on investigating. He made his way over, keeping an eye out to see if any Goblins were watching him – he was clear. Within a minute, he’d arrived at the front step of the house, and was reaching to open the door. It abruptly wrenched back before he could even touch it, and he flinched as a blinding light flared into his eyes. A hand grabbed his shirt, and pulled him in; he was so surprised that he didn’t even resist. He stumbled forward, about to activate his [Phantom State] when he heard a distinct voice.

“Those monsters were keeping you prisoner, weren’t they? You poor thing. I swear by the Saviour, that I shall repay them!”

The light dimmed and he rubbed the spots out of his eyes, revealing a woman in white robes standing in front of him. As his sight cleared, he began to gawp at her glowing white wings. His eyes lingered on them, before moving to her flowing golden hair, framing blue eyes and an imperious face.

‘Ding’ [Aspirant of the Saviour Lv 67]

He ran his hand through his hair when he saw the name. Who the fuck is the Saviour? And Aspirant? Like Aspiring? He pushed the thoughts aside, as the woman peered at him. “I imagine you must be the last inhabitant of this town, Shipwright? I’ve seen you here every day. What do I call you?”


“Uh, Jason. I’m not really-”

“Good to meet you Child. I can’t imagine what horrors you’ve seen, but the fact that you’re still alive means you must be a part of the Saviour’s Will.”

He frowned. Saviour’s Will? Some kind of cult? Wh- oh.

He swallowed, as he suddenly had a very worrying idea on who this person was. “Just so… Aspirant.” He croaked, before harrumphing. “What are you doing here?”

She nodded. “I have been following a trail of death magic from a group of dangerous Goblins. Imagine my surprise when they led me to an overrun town, filled with more like them. I am here to make sure their ship never leaves, and that they are all punished for their sins.”

“Punished?...How are you going to do that?” He asked, pressing a hand to his forehead. This was quickly becoming overwhelming.

She flashed a perfect smile at him. “Burn the boat of course. I shall sneak on and wait for them to all board, before setting it alight and flying away.” She paused, and regarded him. “Your help would be appreciated, but of course, I will not force you.”

He stared at her, his mind floundering. Would the Goblins be able to survive that? Some of them, maybe? He cast his mind back to the state of the ship. It wasn’t that well built if I think about it. If the ship started burning in the middle of the ocean… He furrowed his brow. Did it matter to him? As long as the Mink was alright, which, with its abilities it would be, but…They’re going extinct. I’m I alright with doing this? He frowned, and looked up at the Aspirant who’d moved to peer out of the window. “How did you sneak inside by the way? It was easy enough for me to spot you with those wings.”

She scoffed. “I can turn them off, you know. I allowed you to see me.”

Well…that answers that question. But, now that he thought about it, it kind of seemed like she was in over her head. She was only Level sixty seven, and he’d seen five different Goblins that were higher than that. He shuddered as the Ivory statue thing rose in his mind. There’s no way she can beat that thing…fuck, am I really going to leave her to…well… die? “What about the high-levelled ones? What are you going to do if you meet them?”

She looked back and smirked. “Are you aware if any of them can fly?”

“Probably not…”

“Then there you go. That is my main advantage, and if I succeed…” Her eyes glinted. “Then I will have earnt my place as one of the Saviour’s Wraths.”

He frowned. I don’t know what that means, but she is called an Aspirant, maybe this is a test of some kind? He pushed the subject aside. I need to delay her, she’s gonna get herself killed. “The ship will be complete in a… few days. You shouldn’t stay this close to them, you could get discovered.”

She waved her hand in dismissal. “I shall be fine, no need to worry.”

“I…could find you a house that's empty? And report the progress of everything to you from there?”

She paused, and considered for a moment, before reluctantly nodding. “That would be most helpful, thank you. Will you come by tonight to show me?”

He bobbed his head, and she grinned. “Excellent. You’d better get a move on then.”

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