《Becoming a Hero (Portal Fantasy LitRPG)》Chapter 15
Sun creeps across my face from the glass window. I blink warily and push the warm wool covers off me. The mattress creaks as I curl over and grab the cool glass of water I left on my bedside table last night. Each sip is bliss. Pure, fresh water; first thing in the morning. Funny how I took such simple things for granted back on Earth.
It’s been a week since I was transported to this video game fantasy world. A week, but damn it feels like a lifetime. Everything has changed; everything is still changing. I feel like I should miss Earth more, but I don’t. I don’t even know why that is. No, that’s not true; I know. It’s because I didn’t really leave anything behind. No family, no friends, no girlfriend, nothing and no one. That’s why you picked me right fantasy world Goddess? Of course, no reply. I know you are a fan of mystery. You know you can speak to me anytime, I’m not that upset about the whole leaving me to figure everything out on my own thing.
Maybe I’ll miss Earth more soon, I mean not having access to the internet sucks. I don’t really miss the entertainment. At least for now in between hunting goblins, leveling up, and firing magical death bolts out of my hands I’m not feeling particularly bored. No, I miss that through it I could learn anything, now that would be useful. Still, there’s something to be said for learning things the old-fashioned way. Trial and error, definitely more fun that way. Yeah, on second thoughts it would be terrible if there were some fully optimised levelling guide for this world.
Anyway, it’s not like I can’t ask for help if I need it. Yeah, I have friends here. Friends who are happy and willing to teach me. Friends who want me to succeed and will stick with me through thick and thin. I’ve been here a week and I have that. Did I ever really have that on Earth? Maybe, but I doubt it. Either way I can’t even remember the last time I’ve felt part of something like I do now.
I guess what I’m trying to say Goddess is that if this is my life now until I die, I can accept it. I can accept it, and I’ll make the most of it.
There is a knock on the door.
“Breakfast is ready. Come and eat before it cools,” Vraena calls.
“Thanks, be there soon,” I call out in reply.
I dress quickly and make my way down the stairs to the ground floor of the tavern. Vraena is already serving the other bed-and-breakfast guests, Henry and Eloy, at a windowside table. I quickly make my way to it and sit opposite the pair. Vraena struts up the slight flight of stairs to the table and roughly places my plate before me. For a measly four-foot-tall dwarf she sure exudes and intimidating aura of don’t fuck with me, I don’t mess around.
“Beans and toast again?” I ask beginning our little daily ritual.
“It’s all you pay me for Reed.” Vraena smiles. “If you want eggs and bacon like Henry and Eloy you’ll have to pay more.”
Henry and Eloy of course smile and me and shamelessly enjoy their eggs and bacon.
“How was your dungeon progress yesterday?” Eloy asks.
“The same as always, we just hunted goblins. I’m nearing level four, catching up to my group.”
“Well, these things take a while. Delving like life is full of peaks and valleys…” Eloy’s voice trails off.
“So, what’s on the agenda today Reed? More goblin hunting?” Henry, asks in his pompous but friendly voice.
Time to go off script. “No actually. We’re having a day off today.”
“Oh.” Vraena looks at me in mock horror. “A day off surely not? Well, it would explain why you slept in so late today.”
“Oh come on, the sun has barely risen.” You should see how late people sleep in where I come from.
“Any plans for this day off of yours?” Eloy asks clearly amused.
My plans for today? I slowly chew a spoonful of beans. “I’m not sure. Between everything else I haven’t really had the time to think about it. I guess I will probably just explore this city.”
“Would you like some recommendations from a native?” Eloy asks good humouredly.
“Sure. What would you suggest?”
“Have you been to the docks? It’s beautiful this time of year.”
The question sparks a familiar sensation. The smell of salty air and the feeling of sleeping on dirt. “I’ve had enough sea air for a while thanks.” I wave the suggestion away with a swipe of my hand.
Eloy continues. “What about the market by the northern gates? Lot of interesting things to be seen there and its close to the Amber district. Can get a look out how the rich and powerful live.”
“That’s a beautiful place,” Vraena chimes in, while she forcefully wipes down a glass beer mug with a soapy rag.
“A brilliant suggestion. It’s certainly one of the nicer markets, I’ve seen on my travels.” Henry agrees.
“I mean if you all seem to think so, I guess I’ve got no choice but to check it out.”
Before anyone can say anything else Floofy pops his head up over the window and barks. I feed him a goblin ear.
“Why not take Floofy with you today?” Eloy asks.
“Take Floofy?”
“A grand suggestion, you leave him here all day when you go adventuring. Spend some quality time together,” Henry adds.
“Yeah, okay. That’s actually a really great idea! I will.”
“Then while you’re at it give him a wash. His stench is scaring of any new customers!” Vraena grumbles.
“Naw.” Eloy smush’s Floofys cheeks. “You’re not scaring away the customers. Don’t listen to mean old Vraena.”
“Well, he could use a wash though.” Henry sniffs distastefully.
“It’s a good thing I finally bought soap then.”
“Finally?” Henry asks looking at me in disbelief.
“Guess I’d better change the sheets then.” Vraena just sighs.
“Thought I’d find you here.” It’s Laela. Of course, she interrupts me in the middle of washing Floofy.
I stand up and twist around till I’m facing her. “Laela? I thought we weren’t going to the dungeon today. What are you doing here?”
“Hi Laela,” Vraena cheerily remarks, before dunking my bed sheets in a soapy pool.
Laela waves at Vraena then turns to me. “I figured you’d have nothing to do today. So, I may as well keep you company.”
“You just assume I’d have nothing to do today?”
“Okay… And you don’t see how rude that is?”
“Do you have anything to do today?” Laela stares at me amusement clear on her face.
“That’s not the point!”
Laela snorts.
“Fine, you want some company? How about spending some quality time with your brother?”
“Spend my day off in the library with Graem?” Laela splutters. “Absolutely not.”
“Well, what about your parents? Can’t they use your help at the bakery?”
“Course they could, but I feel you can use my help even more.”
“What help? It’s a day off?”
“I already said didn’t I. I figured you’d have nothing to do and that I could show you around.”
“Well for your information I do have plans today!”
“Oh?” Laela raises an eyebrow in mock surprise.
“I’m going to the northern gates and markets. I’ve heard they’re beautiful.”
Vraena laughs by the side.
Laela smiles. “Great. I love the north market.”
I consider Laela carefully. She smiles back defiantly.
“I can’t leave until I’ve washed Floofy.” I say finally not quite sure how she managed to invite herself into my day off exploring the city.
Laela turns to Floofy. “Ahh, the long spoken of Floofy.” She crouches down and scratches his soapy wet fur. “You’re very cute.”
Floofy looks back at her miserably. The despair of being bathed only a dog could understand clear in his big brown eyes.
“I didn’t think Floofy would be missing a leg.” Laela glances at me with interest.
“What can I say. I attract a strange bunch.”
Laela snorts. “That’s for sure. So how much longer will you be washing Floofy?”
“I’m practically done. He just needs a rinse.” I pour a bucket of cool water over Floofy’s head and body. He flinches and shivers miserably, but doesn’t flee.
“Poor thing.” Laela’s laments. “He’s got the same exact expression as you had when you walked out the dungeon that first day we met you. Even down to the sopping wet hair.”
“Do me a favour Laela.” I dip my hands in the soapy water and scrub them raw. “Never speak of that incident again…”
Laela bites her lip and gives a couple glib small nods.
I tie a short stretch of damaged rope around Floofy’s neck. It was given to me by Vraena earlier especially for this purpose. After doing so Floofy shakes himself dry splashing water everywhere.
“Okay, ready to go.”
Laela nods.
We make our way through the busy streets of Favel. It isn’t long before we make it to the even more crowded northern markets. After a week in the quiet darkness of the dungeon my senses are assaulted by the vibrant noisy marketplace. There are screaming kids dashing about and even louder vendors hawking their wares. Dozens of different smoky scents from street food vendors. And everywhere I look there are an assortment of bright colours and shining metals. Even my skin feels overwhelmed by the bustling and nudging of fierce shoppers.
“What do you think!?” Laela yells over the din.
“It’s busy! There’s so many people!” I yell back holding firm to Floofy’s lead. If he’s lost here, I’m not finding him.
“Let’s head to the Amber district. Have a look around while we think about lunch!” Laela grabs my arm and starts dragging me out of this suffocating crowd. Eagerly, I allow myself to be dragged along.
A minute later we arrive at the Amber district. It really is beautiful. Large green hedges mask the foundations of the charmingly arranged antiquated buildings made of brick and stone, so unlike the wooden ones I’ve become to accustomed to across Favel. Beyond the hedges are manicured grasses, white sandstone fountains, and flowers spanning every colour of the rainbow.
We sit on a short red brick wall beneath the shade of a hedge wall. I’m guessing on someone’s property, but no one seems to mind. Floofy lays on the grass before us contentedly basking in the midday sun; perhaps hoping to dry off the last vestiges of this morning’s bath. Laela pets him before lazily pulls out a couple of sandwiches from her slight backpack.
“You really had everything planned huh?”
Laela only smiles and holds out a sandwich in answer. After I take it she pulls out a dried goblin ear from another compartment of her bag and feeds it to Floofy.
While eating I watch the people in the crowd move about their day. If there weren’t so many non-human humanoids, I might even mistake it for a medieval carnival on Earth.
“Thanks, Laela.”
“Huh?” Laela turns to me.
“This is really nice.”
Laela squints at me with eyebrows creased. “Are you okay?”
I wipe my eyes and smile. “Yeah, sorry.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, I’m alright.” I shake my head. “It’s really nothing.”
We sit in silence. Laela watches me for a while as I slowly finish her sandwich. Then she turns away and feeds Floofy another goblin ear. I watch contentedly before returning back to watching the crowds.
Suddenly, a glimmer of familiar wavy brown hair enters my vision. Eventually the delicate hair parts and I catch a glimpse of a pair of gorgeous green eyes. Her green eyes; Fraeya.
What is she doing here? And who are those people with her? Shiny flamboyant armour and weapons, must be adventurers. Perhaps the rest of her group? I don’t recognise any of them. No, that’s not true. I recognise one. The scarred knight from the doorway!
Wait, are they heading to that caravan? She couldn’t be leaving- Could she?
“Reed!” Laela shouts.
“Huh?” I drag my attention away from Fraeya.
“Damn lost you for a second there.” Laela snorts before feeding Floofy another goblin ear.
“Laela! Another ear!? Don’t give him anymore, you’ll spoil him!”
She stares slackjawed. “You’re seriously telling me not to spoil Floofy!?”
I burst out laughing. “Only joking, you should see your face.”
Laela punches my arm softly while laughing. “Floofy is a girl by the way”
“What how do you know that? Floofy could be a boy.”
She shakes her head dramatically. “Wrong! She squats to pee. That makes Floofy a girl.”
I look down at Floofy’s stupid drooling face. “You’re sure?”
“Tsk. Tsk. Just further evidence you are clueless with girls.” Laela smirks, her gaze is piercing.
“Huh. What does that mean?”
“Come on Reed. Graem may like to position himself as the more perceptive sibling, but there are many things I pick up on that he doesn’t.” Laela waggles her head in the direction of the Silver Ravens. More specifically, at Fraeya.
I glance back down to Floofy. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
Laela laughs and winks at me. “Bit of advice rookie. Girls like guys who chase them.”
Guys who chase them? Yeah, that makes sense. I mean that’s why I have to become the world’s best adventurer. So, I catch up to her and even overtake her in levels and abilities.
“Right.” I turn to Laela and nod firmly.
“Then go on!” She winks again before shoving me off the fence.
“Huh? But today is our off day.”
Laela stares at me stiffly. “Unbelievable. Even more clueless than Graem. Beyond all hope.”
In Laelas blank stare I’m unable to discern any trace of what I’m supposedly clueless about. Whatever, I turn back to Fraeya and catch a final glimpse of her brown hair in the crowded throng before she disappears outside the city gates.
“Where do you think they’re going?”
“They?” Laela smirks at me.
“The Silver Ravens.”
Laela shrugs. “I can’t be certain. Though if I had to guess, I would say they are heading to the capital to take on Favel’s only A rank dungeon.”
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