《Becoming a Hero (Portal Fantasy LitRPG)》Chapter 3
I found one of the adventurers I’m meant to be looking for. He’s brunette, wiry, and a little shorter than me. It’s hard to see him clearly in this dimly lit cavern, but he looks about my age, maybe a little younger. He’s not all I found though; a group of seven frantic goblins are accompanying him, or rather they’re nipping at his heels.
“Hey, you need any help? Should I call the guards?” I yell out.
His head spins towards me. The goblins gain on him, but he reestablishes the gap with a sudden burst of acceleration. “No, all good, stay back.”
Okay, so he is being chased on purpose. What’s his game? Where is he leading them to? Where is the rest of his group?
A lasso flies into the midst of the crazed goblins catching one by the throat as it chases the boy. It’s a comedic sight, watching a little, green, gremlin looking thing suddenly slip butt-first onto the ground. A few goblins turn and consider their prone companion. Are they going to help? Apparently not, looks like chasing the wiry boy is top of their priorities. At the other end of the rope stands a giant of a man. About nine feet tall and extremely muscular. He looks like he’d be a deadlift champion on Earth. I can’t make out anything else. His locket is hidden within his shirt masking its glow. At least that explains how I didn’t see such a big fella. I’ve been searching the dungeon for other walking light beacons.
The wiry boy has escaped the cavern now along with the six unshackled goblins. The caught goblin on the other hand is being roughly yanked across the cave floor to the giant.
“Now.” The huge guy yells while motioning his big bald head towards the goblin.
“Right!” A pure higher pitched voice calls out, the identity of which is a mystery as two average height girls, one blonde and one brunette, rush out from behind some nearby rocks. Each of them wielding a short spear. Their very sharp ends glisten in the locket light; maybe I should find a pointier rock.
The goblin stands up and attempts to wrestle the lasso from off its head. The huge man gives the lasso another sudden mighty yank. The goblin’s chaotic, writhing form slams into the ground once more. My heart stutters as two spearheads rip through the goblin’s chest pinning it to the ground. The writhing slows and then halts. In perfect harmony the girls rip out their spears.
Wow. That was badass.
“Good. Who will swap with Graem?” The giant asks this question, his voice deep and accent distinctly musical compared with the harsh Scottish sounding Lavraelian I’ve come to associate with the people of this world.
“I’ll go again, I feel rested enough.” The brunette responds. Then she moves to the blonde and hands her the short spear before crouching down and removing the lasso.
I faintly hear the blonde whisper something, but I don’t catch any words.
The brunette pulls out a dagger and cleanly slices off the goblin’s ears before turning back to the blonde. “It’s fine. My stamina is higher than yours anyway. You rest another round, I’ll manage.”
The wiry boy reappears at this moment and is quickly handed a spear by the blonde.
“Did I hear right? You’ll be runner this round sis?” The wiry boy asks towards the brunette girl. Looking more closely I see the familial resemblance.
“Keep them safe.” She hands him the goblin ears before dashing into the tunnel he had just arrived from.
“Keep yourself safe.” He responds to her distant retreating form “You’re the one taking the most dangerous role without a break.”
The wiry boy and blonde girl begin to move towards the rocks they had just ambushed the goblin from. Surely it won’t work again. Well, whatever. That’s their business. Still, I better let them know I’ll be hunting nearby. Wouldn’t want to get caught in the lasso crossfire.
“Oh hey, I forgot you were there! Goblins on the mind.” The boy laughs. “I’m Graem, this is Jaed and the guy behind the rock is Gorm. You need anything?”
“Reed, nice to meet you. You mind if I stay nearby? I don’t have any companions of my own.”
They all turn and look to Graem. “I don’t mind, but if you don’t have any companions of your own would you like to group up with us?” He sounds genuine, but he’s probably just asking out of kindness or pity.
“No, thanks.” Group up with you and risk everyone in your group realizing I know nothing about this world? Yeah, right. Besides, I’m fairly sure as a summoned hero with Earth knowledge I can handle a few little green goblins on the first floor of the dungeon on my own.
“Right, okay then. Well, if you are going to be nearby just try not to get too close to us unless you don’t mind being chased around by a goblin horde for a few minutes.”
I look a bit closer at Graem and realize he is covered in light bite and scratch marks. Yeah, wasn’t planning on it. “Sure.”
Surrounded. Three of them, one of me. No problem.
The goblin in front is moving on the balls of its feet. He’s going to leap at me. No, no power behind it. Must be a faint, I won’t fall for that again. The one on the left to the side then. Out of range. That just leaves the one on the right. As I thought, its closing in. I’ll dodge the first strike and trip it. Then spin kick the goblin as it does a follow up attack from the front. When the left strikes, I’ll smash my pointy rock into it. Then I’ll commando roll out of the way. Punch. Throw the front goblin at the right. Strike. Strike. Twist. Punch. Roll. Suplex. Break the neck. Hammerhead rock crush strike finishing move. Okay, plan into action!
-3 Health Points: Piercing damage.
“Fucking ouch, you bit my ankle again you little shit.” My right leg reflexively swings forward launching the ghastly creature a few feet up before gravity slams it back into the ground. About three seconds hang time. Good, I hope it hurt.
I limp away from the goblins, thankfully barely able to outrun their tiny forms even with my handicap. I focus in on the words that just mysteriously registered in my brain. Three damage that will heal quickly.
I’ve learned a lot from the couple minutes I've been fighting these things- Oh, who am I kidding? If I’d learnt a lot I wouldn’t be limping away from the battlefield in tears. That's what I get for disregarding a powerless feint. At least what I thought was one, until the goblin's pointy teeth tore a chunk out of my shin.. Regardless, I have learned some things and while I stumble my way the hell out of here, I’ll remind myself of the short version. Goblins suck. Bites hurt. And this is absolutely not fun.
‘Status.’ I mentally scream taking out some of my ankle pain on whatever video game world deities are listening to my thoughts.
Reed Williams
Health Points:
Mana Points:
Strength: 6
Stamina: 7
Constitution: 9
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 9
Built for endurance:
Every 5 levels gain 1 bonus point to Stamina.
Linguistics Correction:
Innately understand the language of the first being you speak with (Language Designated: Lavraelian). Gain increased efficiency towards learning new languages (intelligence modifier)
-1 Health Points: Bludgeoning damage.
Ouch! Something hard just slammed into my back. A rock judging from the clink heard by my feet.
I twist around and see a goblin has followed me to my resting place. It is juggling a small pebble in its slime covered, leathery hand. You little wretch, you’re dead.
I jump after it. Thankfully my legs are healed enough that I can at least keep pace. It spins around throwing another rock. I lift my arms to protect my face and feel the wind knocked out of me as it slams into my stomach.
-1 Health Points: Bludgeoning damage.
Very good, you little shit. But you’ll need to try better than that if you want to stop me. I haven’t learnt much about this fantasy game world’s combat, but I know one thing for sure, my health regenerates quicker than a few thrown rocks can break through.
The bastard scrambles for another rock. Oh no you don’t!
I kick hard launching its arm backwards, the rock flies off as the goblin loses its grip. Good, just because I heal doesn’t mean those rocks don’t hurt. I lunge forward, and thankfully my left hand succeeds in gripping its throat despite the disgusting, slimy residue. It spins around again and its claws rake through my cotton pyjama pants lacerating my right shin.
-3 Health Points: Slashing damage.
I raise my pointy rock high above my head with my right hand. I will kill you!
It twists its head and bites my left wrist.
-5 Health Points: Piercing damage.
“Shit!” I can’t help screaming as I lose my grip on it. My right arm swings down a second later, but my pointy rock strikes nothing. The goblin has already wriggled away.
-Bleeding condition: Wound haemorrhaged. -2 Health Points: Bleeding condition.
I limp after the little bastard, but am forced to keep a steady distance, slowed down as I am by my wounded shin. Thankfully these buggers are all idiots. It could easily get away, but keeps stopping to pick up rocks to throw at me. That’s just more time for me to heal. The rock sails through the air landing right upon my lacerated shin.
-1 Health Points: Bludgeoning damage. -1 Health Points: Bleeding condition.
God, that hurts. I grit my teeth and stumble after it. In fact, everything about this hurts. Why didn’t I think to try finding shoes before going barefoot into a cave? And why are there so many jagged rocks on the ground. Did you really need to make the dungeon floor feel like it’s made out of legos, fantasy world Goddess?
I wish I had a proper weapon. I wish I had armour. I really, really wish I had shoes.
Bleeding condition ended.
My goblin nemesis and I continue this painful dance through the cave for a few minutes. But slowly my wounds heal and with my increasing health points the pain dissipates; I appreciate it System. I gain on the cretin and finally, it makes a mistake. This tunnel it brought me down is a dead end.
I watch as it scrambles for more rocks before realizing there is nothing left. It looks at me and I can see the realization and fear in its eyes. Nowhere to run. You really are stupid.
I leap at it arms outstretched ready to wrestle it to the ground. I feel its slimy arms and legs slide through my grasp. I twist to grab it, but it kicks off my torso. Suddenly, I find myself falling as it flies through the air in the other direction, inertia parts our ways. I twist back to see I’m about to fall face first into a shallow inky black puddle.
I brace for impact. Eyes shut my whole body falls into the puddle. I’m totally submerged. Okay, not so shallow. I clamber around until my arms find purchase then desperately I grab hold. Violently I pull myself up and emerge from the depths of the pool. The goblin nowhere in sight. There’s something wrong with this pool, it’s far too thick and sticky to be water. Suddenly the smell assaults my senses. Whatever I fell into, it reeks.
I look down aghast and it hits me, clinging to my skin is greenish slime. That’s a pond of goblin goop. I am completely covered in goblin goop.
I feel nauseous and revolted. It’s taking all my willpower to not vomit.
I can hear the goblin scampering away.
“I hate these stupid stinking goblins!”
I step outside the dungeon and the glow of my locket fades out. I forgot I even had the thing. It’s not so easy to focus on the little things while I feel like I’m covered in honey and smell like I took a bath in a compost bin. At least it’s still light outside, some damn warmth for my clammy skin.
As I make my way to the portcullis, I overhear Braed, the unknown guard, and the group of adventurers I met earlier conversing. I stop, I’d rather they not see my still dripping visage. My glorious dinosaurs aren’t even visible atop my pyjamas anymore. Everything is goop. Perhaps I’ll just wait here behind the fortress walls. I mean, I can enjoy the warmth. And maybe I’ll learn something useful from eavesdropping on their conversation.
Braed’s voice is the first I hear. “Thirty-one ears without a break, your best haul yet. Maybe you’ll be able to attempt a second floor delve again soon?
There is a long pause before the boy from the dungeon responds. “We still have a long way to go before then I’m afraid.”
What was his name again? Graem I think?
“Right well, Guild cut is half but you’ve got an odd number. So today we’ll be kind and take fifteen. Though if you show up next time with another odd number the Guild will of course take the extra.”
Half? I could have sworn the debt repayment was only forty percent. Maybe I misremembered?
“How did you end up with an odd number of goblin ears anyway?” The unknown guard laughs.
“One was missing.” Graem speaks again.
“Ah well, just a measly goblin ear who cares. Are you heading back in there?” The unknown guard replies.
There is a short pause before Graem replies. “No, not tonight. It’s getting late.”
“Right, it is.” Braed pauses. “Did you happen to see a lone adventurer while you were in there?”
“Yeah, introduced himself briefly. Why?” Graem again.
“Oh, I just thought he might walk out with you is all. Considering the time, I’m a bit worried. Today was his first delve.”
“First delve!? And he went in alone?” It sounds like the tall brunette girl speaking, Graem’s sister if I remember correctly.
“Brave.” That deep, rhythmic voice, definitely Gorm.
“So, he’s still in there alone?” It’s a light voice I can’t place, must be the blonde’s. I think her name is Jaed?
“We should go back and help him!” Ever the hero aren’t you, Graem? Except, did you ever consider I don’t want your help? Didn’t I already say that? Fairly sure I already said that.
Graem’s sister follows up, “Right, he could be in serious danger!”
I sigh and step out from my hiding place behind the tall fortress walls. “That won’t be necessary.”
There is a lull in conversation as they all turn and look at me eyes growing wide and mouths falling to the floor as they take in my goopy presence.
Unsurprisingly the unknown guard is the first to speak, “Boy, have you gone mad? What are you doing covered in goblin shit?”
“Goblin shit!?” My skin tingles.
“Aye, that green slime smeared all over you.”
Are you fucking kidding me!? What kind of messed up video game fantasy world have I been summoned to!?
- In Serial11 Chapters
Psychotic Death Online
(Side Project for now)In a futuristic alternate reality, the creators of nanotech team up with the VR capsule company to create a capsule where one could stay it in for a year at a time before having to leave. These capsules could be use for rehab and even reconstruction! Eventually, Buzzard, the largest gaming company in the world, created a new VRMMO with 99% realism pending the new capsules, of course the rate dropped to 97% with normal capsules and 90% with the old fashioned visor systems. Unfortunately, the new capsules cost $100,000 and not many people can afford them, either way the new game World of Destiny was a hit with over 110 million subscriptions!Meet our tragic MC Feng Jun, an injured psychopath that simply wants to get his next kill. He has no MO, he doesn't even care if what he kills is an insect let alone a person. He just has to kill every once in awhile to scratch his itch. Up til an injury that left him without a leg, he was able to make do simply killing insects as no one cared and he didn't even have to visit any doctors about it. People just thought he hated bugs! But after his injury he has been suck at his home not being able to do anything! Fortunately he is rich and spends most of his time playing MMOs since normal VRMMOs don't work well with his injury as the realism setting always keeps him with only one leg! But what will he do with a new opportunity to rebuild his leg with nanotech? Knowing he has to spend a year in the game minimum for something like this, he sets a goal to insure he doesn't go crazy (er) without having stuff to kill.This is a VRMMO story where the game is closer to zhan long than royal road with a few twists here and there. The world outside of the game is sci fi and has very little impact at least for the first year due to obvious reasons. No gore or explicit sex in this story, if cursing requires a mature tag I will add it later, this story is at best PG-13. Tragedy is for his circumstances and previous life, the game itself isn't tragic at all as it's just a game more or less.(This story will be put out alongside my main story whenever I feel like it for now, no set schedule at this time)
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Quest for the Elysian Fields
Wünder is a fifteen year old, four feet tall lad who likes nature and loves discovering vistas every now and then. Elysia is a prim and proper girl who dreams of finding her prince charming one day. They live in the village of Delossus, and live an inane life bereft of excitement, but for the stories told by Mrs. Detroit. One day, a miner wounds up dead in the Taitanus Caves, the place where Wünder's brother works. That incident leads Elysia, Wünder and his brother to an expedition into the depths of a mountain so colossal, that it has terrified villagers and noblemen alike about the possible existence of a certain god residing in its depths. What they find instead is nothing short of the incarnation of tyranny, and trails leading to a certain legend - the realms long forgotten, not even a remnant of lores... The Elysian Fields.
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Temporal Deities
In the far future, humanity has spread to new worlds. While spaceships are used to travel to these different worlds, they aren't new planets, but different versions of Earth. Bifrostal vessels are able to travel through space and reality itself. In this new era, several super-corporations emerge and expand rapidly in power and reach. Named after deities of old, they are the true rulers of the three temporal galaxies. Haloke Shanendoah is a lone warrior who has dedicated herself to the increasingly vain quest of finding her lost brother. Her journey brings her to the planet Tefnut where she encounters a corporate spy, Naak. Naak is a secret agent who operates in the perpetual war between the corporations. He thrives in the arena of secrets and craves power and control. Together, they'll try to discover what they stand for in a universe that seems to grow ever bleaker.
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I'm nothing but a curse. My family perished right in front of me. My belongings ceased to exist and little by little I was even losing what makes us all human, emotions. That curse was broken by the family that adopted me. The family that showed kindness even though I didn't have magic, or better put, pretended I didn't have magic. Due to a certain conflict, I made a deal that would take me to a magic academy. Will that curse, no, will my destiny rise again, or will I fight against it?
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The Reborn Otaku's Code of Practice for the Apocalypse
Lacking a pocket dimension, lacking a power, lacking a thigh to hug onto and the three life advantages (money, power, and looks), he had been cautiously living in the apocalypse for ten full years, getting closer to falling into the zombies' mouths, but unexpectedly he had the bad luck to be caught in a fight between two gangs and die, it really left people feeling disappointed. But when he opened his eyes, he had returned to a decade ago, three months before the apocalypse! Like before he still lacked an ability, an ordinary person without a pocket dimension, but he did have ten full years of experience in living in the apocalypse! Even if he didn't fight zombies, didn't hunt monsters, he could still live a careful farming life in the safe zone. Find a safe house, utilize all kinds of skills from his previous life to farm in exchange for meat, and if possible, find a person to peacefully spend the rest of his life with; ordinary people had their own ordinary little pieces of happiness. Originally believing he had picked up a beauty he returned home to prepare a golden house, but on the contrary he was the one being pushed down;someone once said, whether it is people or matters, by no means can you only look at the surface!This is not my work. For Offline reading purpose.Credits to the Author.And please don't vote the story because i don't own it.Thank you.
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Du Nhiên Mạt Thế - Lão Bối (Van edit)
Du nhiên mạt thế 悠然末世 Lão Bối 老貝 Thể loại: mạt thế, trọng sinh, NP (nhất thụ tam công), tùy thân không gian, HE Tình trạng : Hoàn (77 chương + 3 PN) Edit: Hoàn (Xôi thịt đầy đủ hê hê) Nhà chính: https://builongthivan.wordpress.com/ Nguồn QT: https://datuquynh.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/du-nhien-mat-the-lao-boi/ Nguồn raw: http://bbs.txtnovel.com/ Truyện dịch chưa được sự cho phép của tác giả, vì mình không biết tiếng Trung nên chưa xin, có vấn đề gì mong tác giả thứ lỗi. Truyện có tính chất nhạy cảm, về tình yêu giữa nam x nam, nếu không thích, xin click back. Truyện dịch không mang mục đích thương mại, chỉ mang tính giải trí và sở thích cá nhân, nếu đưa lên trang web nào khác, xin hãy dẫn đường link và chú thích đầy đủ! Văn án Giãy dụa tại mạt thế 15 năm, cuối cùng chết tại ốc đảo huyền bí, Lâm Phàm bởi vì không cam lòng, trước khi chết lại ăn được bạch quả thần kì, vì vậy hắn trọng sinh; lần nữa mạt thế, có được tùy thân không gian, Lâm Phàm càng trở nên tùy tính tùy tâm. "Bắc Cực" theo lời cha mẹ rốt cuộc là căn nguyên tai nạn mạt thế hay là chỗ ở an toàn? Ngẫu nhiên lại gặp được những người tu tiên đó là người tốt hay xấu? Không sao, tất cả đều không quan trọng, hắn thế nhưng tại trước mạt thế bùng nổ nửa năm gặp biến dị thể, nhiễm siêu vi trùng SR - Bán Thú nhân, là trong truyền thuyết binh khí hình người cường đại vô song Bán Thú nhân, thật là tên đang bán manh kia?! Còn bạn trẻ lạnh lùng kiêu ngạo họ Nghiêm này, là vị thành niên a, hắn ăn không tiêu! Thảm nhất là Lôi tiểu ca, ngươi thật là mẹ kế ta nhặt được
8 198