《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 8 Let the wolf run free


Presently on Char

Sarah Kerrigan the Queen of blade sensed an old acquaintance

it was powerful, intelligent and dropped all pretense of hiding. The Overmind was alive, that was a serious threat, but it was far not even in the sector.

Using her power she investigated the feeling where it was from, it was so far like he did not ever want to be found. On the side, the dark whisper was confused, it seems, it didn’t like the fact he was alive, good, if oblivion was coming the least she could do was to make their life more miserable for it.

She found it, in the Directorate space? Did they make a new one or it was something else ? she needed to know. Maybe sending one of her brood should go. Maybe pulling the directorate into the new war ? . But first, she needed Isha to store plan, the Overmind was not something she could deal without a plan.


On the Void Seeker

Zeratul meditating on the prophecy, feel it on the edge of his perception, something he had been looking for. He have work to do with a little time to do it. the next answer will at the birth home of the Terran, Earth was far so it would take time to go there and coming back will be an issue, energy takes time to gather.


On the Hyperion, on route to the mustering point for the invasion of char.

Tosh was sitting in his corner, looking over the cantina. Felt the shift in the zerg, they were reacting to something and he was damn sure it was not the invasion force, they did not even gather at the mustering point. Maybe he should inform Raynor.


In the imperial palace on Korhal, there are a woman talking to the emperor on the seat.

(secretary) Sir, the prince took half the fleet.

(Mengsk) I already know.

(secretary) Ah sorry my emperor, do you also know that our psi sensor, the one we stole from the Protoss detected something big ?

Mengsk was surprised but did not show it, he must maintain the illusion of control.

(Mengsk) Tell me, what do you know?


On Shakuras

The Protoss were anxious as the psionic sensor just pick up the presence that was once believed to be dead

(Artanis) Are you sure that the information is right ?

(Protoss) Yes, we believe that the Overmind live once again.

(Selendis) Should we send the golden armada ?

(Artanis) No! the reclamation of Aiur is more important, from this report the Overmind is far outside of the koprulu sector. If it comes to our striking range we will send the full might of the golden armada, but I will not leave what remains of our race defenseless.

(Selendis)Yes, Hierarch.

(Protoss) Yes, Hierarch.

(Artanis) But we should send an observer to track its movement.


Inside of the void


Amon was ecstatic for once, one of his most important pawns had returned, it would speed on his timetable drastically.

Amon tries to connect with the Overmind but something unexpected happen. His minion did not respond to his call, he was completely ignoring him. His rage and confusion builds up inside of him and released a dark wave of energy. He called upon his servant to look into this matter.

(Amon) NARUD!!!!!


Back in the sol system

One little piggy, the one who had accompanied Sasha Stukov was fleeing back to earth, the ship pushes past her limit was barely holding together. He only wanted to be back in the safety of his own home, the mansion ‘Le Manoir Du foin´ on the south coast of France.

He had ordered the detonation of the warp drive of his escort ship to clear the way for him to flee. When the ship was losing power, he cut power to the life support across the ship except for the bridge, and when to crew tried to stop him, he had to shoot everyone with his hidden pistol.

The ship was going to earth so he only had to call for transport home, that was his plan. Now alone on the bridge with only dead peoples for companionship, dark though eating at his every thought, seeing monsters in every shadow. Madness was slowly seeping into him.


We return to our MC

(Overmind) oh fuck me

I am an idiot, I just realized that I had dropped my veil technique, that I had used to hide from other psionic entity, and that UED ship went inform people. I had realized that I tend to hyper-focus on things

forgetting other stuff, maybe I should have delegated more, I do have Broodmother.

Well no use crying over spilled milk. On a side note, I can feel someone, who is locked inside of the void, having a tantrum.

The ” dark one” is not happy. He did reveal himself to me by trying to take over. Now I know him, his energy signature, I can now locate his influence. But when he did touch my mind I could feel his hatred, his power. When Zurvan the ancient zerg on Zerus told Kerrigan that Amon could rip the world apart. Well, he had told the truth.

It was really the first time since I became the Overmind that I had truly felt fear for my life.i needed to improve to the levels of a god.

In Starcraft lore both the zerg and the Protoss managed to kill Xel Naga. If they were a ten of what Amon is I call bullshit. So what do I remember about his servant?

First is Narud at the head of the möbius foundation.

Second is the hybrid a mix of zerg and Protoss DNA, powerful servant and being breed by Narud.


The third is the Tal'darim as of right now Alarak is still the first Ascendant, he is not in control of that faction of the Protoss and many still believe that Amon had chosen them to ascend.

Fourth is the feral zerg scatter all over the galaxy. That is something I can deal with if I hurry.

And fifth the Protoss Templar after the invasion of Aiur, that will cause problems to me, the golden fleet is no joke.

With all that thinking I remember the Arkship

the spear of Adun, it had two other sisters ships that would make greats prizes, even if they were destroyed by the zerg invading, the wreckage would be valuable.

Well I have to kill a god, first step pissing him off by killing all his pawn, but before that, I have a war to win.

If the ship crew had someone competent there would be a warning send to all directorate force soon.

I turn towards my Broodmothers, over time I had created ten Broodmothers and their brood to serve as my main attack force. While ten was not a big number, my brood was overfilled to the commands limit in troops.

Each brood was named as a number, I was not particularly creative that day but coming with ten names is not easy, just ask any parent who had one child to named. They had every two or three leviathans escorted with dozens of behemoths, they would probably split their brood if the need happen. As a way to multiply my fighting force, the Broodmothers would have apprentices that would follow each of them.

The Broodmothers would teach what they know, which is not much right now, and when the time is right, would give aspiring Broodmothers a behemoth filled with troop so they can establish a new brood and repeat the process.

But for now, I had them holding this process for a while. Now I am letting them run free. I had given the order and location to go, they will manage or if they don't, die. The strong will prosper, the weak shall fall.

I had made plans for me, there were some locations I could benefit from. and since I am upgrading the maw I had a lot of space to fill.

The first target is a massive shipyard that currently refitting one of the defense fleets.

The second target is a private company world. Where the owner of this world was a major weapon manufacturer who providing 40% of the new munitions of the military.

The third target was one of the largest population centers in the UED which close to the trade route. By infesting this world I plan to cut off earth of this trade route and denying the directorate the chance to conscripts soldiers in this large civilians world.

Four was the advance research lab center of the UED, well the public one. A frozen world dedicated to research, it had various scientific interest located there. And more importantly the installation necessary for the production of powerful biological weapons, virus and such so I plan to take their research and add it to my swarm if it shows promises.

And lastly as my fifth objective in the opening salvo of this war. The largest naval element of the directorate was on route to the fringes of the directorate, to remind everyone that lives there, who was the boss. I plan the to remind the Directorate there are bigger fish than them out in the galaxy.

The remaining brood would be sent on their own to wage war at the mid-level colony of the directorate and the border colony, I am sure some want to be king will take this opportunity

The directorate then would abuse his colonies, now that the war will rage on, the military will take supply from its colony. Those border colony already had to send more food to earth ever since my large scale sabotage.

If they keep demanding stuff and not defending them (a couple of Zergling ever so moment) they will try to secede and deal with it themselves.

The revolting colony would be left mostly alone by my swarm.And by that i mean no large scale deployment, I still plan to harass them from time to time. I was hoping so idiotic bureaucrats order them to be quelled by the military,

I was preparing the maw since I would go against the five objectives myself. And for the rest of the campaign, I would only have an observer role since this was both a test for them and a lesson for me.

During the capture of Sasha, I was in complete in charge of the zerg outside the maw, I just gave the order to get the ships and left them alone. Like I would A click in a strategy game, it doesn’t work like that real life, the Mutalisk took their time and one ship had left.

I need to delegate, there are are plenty command breeds for this reason.

Taking your force and dumping them on top of your enemy only work if you send them a ridiculous amount of them.

Even if the zerg love this strategy it because we have unlimited numbers. We can sacrifice ten thousand for every one of them we take and still win.

But someone with actual combat scene would have make damn sure the ship was crippled before taking attention away from the battle.

And I am distracted by shiny stuff, this will become a problem in the future. My role should only be on the macro scale like a head of state

just point the direction and let someone else figures it out.

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