《A Sorcerer's Footsteps》Chapter 11: The Battle of Desperation
Goblins. Small humanoids with the strength of well-fed children. Stupid; imbecilic creatures, armed with mere sharpened twigs as replacements for spears and plump rocks instead of cudgels. The rare smarter ones in the pack were at least aware of the pitiful craftsmanship their kind possessed. These marginally intelligent ones would steal the tools of man and claim them as their own. Few were even strong and lucky enough to acquire weapons of war like swords, axes and spears; tools forged for nothing but war.
Their small scrawny arms enhanced by their poor weaponry made them pitiful foes indeed.
Apple warded off their onslaught, globs of fire devoured four, an invisible blade of air severed two in half, a javelin of ice thrown at one more. Many of the creatures fell before they get close to the sorcerer. Those fortunate to be located at the back of the horde, managed to close the distance their little weapons desperately needed. Although even once that criteria were met, they then had to face a larger and stronger foe wielding a giant staff, that could crack their skulls like melons.
Sadly, for Apple, not all would fall to his onslaught of attacks. The stronger and the wiser of the pack were able to survive all the barrages of elemental blows that threatened their existence, were rewarded with a poke to the sorcerer. Now that they had finally met their reward for their wits and luck, the next criteria had to be met. Were their stabs and jabs strong enough to bypass Apple’s thick cow-leather coat? Perhaps if they prayed to their primitive gods hard enough their sticks and rocks would wind purchase on an area not protected by his precious leather.
Goblins would continue to charge with a frenzy one could only muster when their livelihood was at stake. Many would burn, drown, or simply be crushed by Apple’s superior strengh. Those that survived would poke one, barely a concern to the much more powerful Apple, but what about another poke? And Another?
A prick to the side. A thump to the forearm. A poke to the thigh. A slam to the shin. A sting to the stomach. Even the occasional arrow managed to break skin. Though, tiny bows wielded by tiny people, firing twigs that haven’t even been hardened by the black of fire, failed to maim significantly.
Individually the wound Apple suffered were of no concern at all. Individually, however, was the key word. One scratch to the chest was of little notice, but what about thirty?
Just as how ants overpower the vastly greater spider with their sheer numbers, the goblins did same to Apple.
They surrounded him from the only two available directions he could move. At first it was easy. Tens of goblins fell to his magic and the ones that did not were met with the strikes of his equipment. Yet, as minutes passed and more and more kept coming. So many in fact their grotesque corpses shielded the newbies on the battlefield from his might.
Apple, a sorcerer that possessed a horrifically average amount of dwimmer, accompanied by an apprentice level repertoire of spell knowledge, was slowly being overwhelmed.
He believed that the main reason he had yet to suffer a serious blow was due to his small silent shadow protecting him, whilst he focussed on the horde.
Apple was down to about a third of his dwimmer reserves and even less of his stamina.
He performed the spell formula for the fire magic: “torrent of flames” the spell was typically called, sending the formula to his catalyst for deciphering. Once done he willed the magic back down his arm, into the stomach, straight up his right hand, and finally into the torch clutched within it. Using the already burning flame as a pseudo-catalyst, his spell forced the fire to grow and feed upon the goblins in front of him – all the while swatting at another patch of the creatures with his staff.
They screamed and howled as they were roasted alive, yet Apple never heard them. Their existence already forgotten, as he now kicked a new goblin in the nose, a pesky individual who had just stabbed him in the leg while he scorched its brethren. As soon as he did that, he felt another pinch of pain upon his back. He turned to face the cause and saw a goblin with a bow in the near distance jumping up and down in joy, as one of its arrows had buried itself in his coat. That was now the fifth arrow that had successfully lodged itself in his leather attire, all barely causing any damage to himself, never the less it was all adding up and wear him down.
Apple unleashed a quick blast of water at the bowman, knowing it would not be enough to kill it, but hopefully enough to destroy its flimsy bow string.
It was now becoming painfully obvious to Apple that his current predicament was a losing battle. His eyes darted wildly for an escape route. He was confident he could at least create an opening in the pasty-green crowds long enough to flee through, but which direction? Everything looked the same in this tunnel and Apple had become so discombobulated from the fight, he no longer knew which warlead to the exit.
“Forwards, backwards. Forwards, backwards. Forwards, backwards...” He mumbled to himself between each laboured breath.
He finally decided forwards as it possessed the least number of goblins on that side. With a panicked haste he casted the same steam spell he had used to escape the Espavailier in the city of Pier.
The magic came quick from practice and wilful desperation. He lingered for several seconds, fighting other goblins in the meantime, waiting for the burning cloud of water to completely envelope the legion in his path.
Once satisfied enough had become blinded by the steam, Apple called to Mula: “Mula! Climb on my back, Mula!” He cried, unsure where she was.
A pause and then the quietest utterance of the word “Kay,” was heard. Immediately afterwards Apple felt sudden soft weight of life appearing on his back.
Apple surrounded himself, and what he prayed was Mula too, a small tornado and charged into the scalding steam. The vortex around him successfully flung the flouting droplets of wet flames away from the pair.
Even when he had left the shroud of white and dissipated his shield, Apple still continued to run blindly forward, creating as must distance between him and the horde as possible.
He eventually came across a trio of separate tunnels and happily burrowed further into the unknown goblin lair. It had quickly become painfully obvious he had gone the wrong direction, yet since turning was akin to suicide, Apple had little choice but to venture forth.
More and more options presented themselves as Apple continued to storm through the maze of clandestine burrows. His unthinking haste was at least rewarded with the growing silence of the enemy that chased him, they too must have become lost in their own nest.
Apple found himself in an open space for the first time since he had arrived. A vast circle of elevated rocks, jagged stalagmites, and drooling stalactites. What Apple truly found amazing about this area, was not the frightening architecture or its size, nor the strangeness of its difference, it was the fact that he could see all of its interior without a light of his own.
Scattered around the walls were lit torches much like Apple’s own, except these still possessed the fuel needed to feed the fire. Mula jumped off Apple’s back and the two began to move forward and investigate the area. Apple wondered why beings that could see in the dark would need torches. Did the light symbolise something?
As they ventured further and further away from the room’s entrance and closer to the torches, a figure presented itself.
Sat atop what looked to be a throne made of bones of various species was a goblin. A proud looking fiend that studied the pair with vulture-like eyes and a solemn expression. Both of them were unsure on how to react to this new character. This was the first time a goblin had not immediately hissed and attacked them. No, this goblin sat with a straight proud back and causally tapped the clearly human skull that made the end of the throne’s armrest. Apple may have found the sight of a lesser creature mimicking nobility amusing, were it not for his exhaustion and the clear confidence this creature radiated.
The two locked eyes. Appraising each other through the red hue of scattered flames. Apple took advantage of the standoff, using it to catch his breath. Still, he kept his lips puckered, ready to bellow a spell at any moment.
“So, I’m assuming you’re the leader of this establishment?” Apple asked. Deciding it could not hurt to try and have a conversation with this goblin, now that his breathing was steady.
It simply continued to stare at him, its expression never changing in the slightest.
Knowing it to be pointless, yet believing it to be the right thing to do, Apple tried sparing the creature’s life. “I am the great and powerful magician: Apple!” He bellowed. “Next to me stands the swift and furious: Mula. We have slain many of your men and order you to surrender and flee this place. Also, if you have treasure or people laying around, those are now ours too.” Apple boldly declared.
Apple found his answer in the form of two arrows finding themselves inside his back.
Mula screamed and Apple fell to his knees from the unexpected force that assaulted him. While forcibly lowered, Apple saw two goblins from either side of his peripherals step out from the shadows and stalk towards him. The biggest goblins he had across so far, dressed in stretched hide and armed with clearly human-made spears. It would appear that the goblin leader had been also stalling for time as well.
“Archers, Mula! Find the archers!” Apple spat, along with strings phlegm and blood. The girl failed respond but Apple to his command although he could no longer feel her presence near him.
The leader’s guardsmen were almost upon him now. Thrusting their iron tipped poles at the air, mocking his impending demise. Their leader remained lounging upon his throne, grinning down at Apple with those vile yellow goblin teeth.
Apple smirked right back at him, it seemed they were underestimating him a little too much. How dare they make him bend to these inferior creatures.
He threw his lifeless torch at the goblin to his left in an mock act of desperation, an act the goblin easily dodged and cackled at. As soon as Apple heard that condescending laugh, he unleashed a geyser of water at the goblin to his right. The creature was thrown from its feet and Apple was certain the blast at least shattered its ribs.
Apple smiled wider at their leader, its own grin was now replaced with complete bewilderment, it appeared that this goblin had never came across a magician and their abilities before. However, the goblin to his left was no longer savouring the hunt and charged at Apple, its wicked spear gripped tightly in both hands.
Just as he was about to cast another spell, he felt another arrow burrow itself in the flesh of his back. These archers must be using a higher quality bow than the previous goblins, these arrows were easily able to bypass his poor excuse for armour.
Apple’s vision went black and he collapsed to his hands. His arms shook violently from the effort of simply holding his weight. His entire body burned, the copious amount of sweat that rained down him did nothing to soothe him. He could feel more liquids dribble from his nostrils and clog his throat. He forced a coughing fit upon himself to help prevent his own fluids from suffocating him.
Apple was knocked further to the ground from the sudden kick to the chin from the goblin leader. No longer acting all high and mighty, he now stood in front of the prone Apple, wielding a bronze short sword and small round shield of wood and animal hide. Apple tried to cast a spell in retaliation, however was unable to find gaps in his wheezing to do so. Instead he willed his remaining dwimmer to pump through his body, invigorating him just enough to able to jump to his feet.
As soon as he stood up, the goblin leader stabbed at him with his sword, despite the fact Apple was clearly still flustered, he managed to dodge the strike and return his own, albeit clumsily. The creature easily parried the weak blow and returned a swing at Apple’s hands. This time, however, Apple was unable to move fast enough and felt the tip of his ring finger depart from the rest of him.
The pain of the parting was cut short by the sudden sensation of a spear piecing his side. Apple, trying to see the positives in the situation he was in, found a grey humour about all the scars he’ will acquire today to impress the maidens with in the future, should he survive of course.
Using his numb delirium to his advantage, Apple grabbed hold of the spear in his side and held it tightly in place. He barely even winced or groaned while the guard jerked the spear back and forth, in an effort to free it from his grasp.
The leader swung his blade again at Apple, a blow he just managed to block with his staff in the nick of time. The staff dropped to the floor, Apple’s hand had become too weak and greasy from his own blood to equal the goblin’s strength. Using his own failing as a distraction, Apple kicked angrily at the leader, forcing him back several paces.
Apple took advantage of the tiny window he had given himself and turned his attention towards the spear-user. He took hold of the goblin’s closest hand with his freehand and twisted its delicate fingers clasped around the spear in one swift motion. Once he felt the snapping of bone and saw the creature gulp air in preparation for screaming, he sent it tumbling with a kick as well, claiming the spear as his own.
He yanked the metal tip free from his flesh, swapping it out for his now crippled hand to help stop the bleeding.
Released from his daze, the leader was once again upon Apple, swinging at him with an increased frenzy. Apple retreated from the slashes, using the difference in their reach to his advantage. Unfortunately, his tired one-arm jabs were also too feeble, allowing the goblin leader to effortlessly block with his shield.
The two moved around the room as they duelled. Apple, forever on the defensive, completely unable to find a chink in the enemy’s own defence. His skill further dulled by the constant worry of another one of its minions joining the fray.
Apple was reaching his limit and his opponent knew it. He had been fighting and running none stop for almost an hour now, his body was a canvas of holes and a painting of various reds. The goblin leader, in contrast, had suffered no lasting wounds at all and did not utter a single unsteady breath while he fought. Apple prayed that Mula was okay and about to save him, a wish he was far too exhausted to feel embarrassed about.
His prayer was finally answered in the form of a knife rammed into his foe’s back. Apple used the distraction to plunge his new spear into the goblin’s shoulder.
The goblin leader screeched and swung his sword around at Mula, also forcing Apple to retreat his spear from the creature’s flesh.
Apple saw in the corner of his eye, the blurry haste of Mula as she ducked under the bronze blade just in time. Before Apple could stab the leader again, a cold and soaked goblin jumped onto his back and buried its foul knife-like teeth into his shoulder. Instinctively, Apple released the pressure from wound at his side and attempted to pry the vampiric suckling from his frame.
The goblin tangled itself around him tightly, Apple’s sapped strength failed to budge the creature even an inch.
He was only finally able to get the parasite to wiggle when he jammed his thumb and index fingers into its beady eyes. Ignoring the revolting texture of the pulsating white flesh, he twirled his fingers wildly, grinding the solid structure into a fine paste. Only when his fingers felt nothing but air and a viscous liquid while they spun, did he feel the goblin’s jaw at last loosen.
Now that he had finally freed himself, he turned his attention to the leader, ignoring the fire coursing through his body and the sound of his own laboured gurgles.
While he had been distracted by the goblin feasting upon him, Mula had been battling the goblin leader the whole time. Her body hosted several gashes from the creature’s polished blade; her breath ragged, yet compared to Apple she was completely fine, for now at least.
No longer possessing the element of surprise, she was clearly outmatched by the goblin. While faster and nimbler, the goblin leader boasted superior equipment, strength, and experience. All Mula seemed to be capable of doing was dodging, and even that was becoming obviously more difficult as the battle drew on.
Apple limped towards the two and stabbed at the goblin with his spear. While the blow met no resistance or objection, the thrust failed to even puncher the goblin’s crude armour. It was as if Apple merely poked him gently, as if one would do to get a friend’s attention. “Come at me, ya pointy nosed bastard.” Apple barely managed to taunt.
Seeing his feeble state, the goblin happily obliged. Leaping at Apple with his sword aimed at the Apple’s throat. Apple did what only his body would allow him to, he merely collapsed to the ground. Not expecting this kind of retaliation at all, the goblin leader leapt completely over Apple and landed behind his body with a slight confused stumble.
Mula copied the goblin, leaping over Apple, absorbing the falling momentum into her thrust with ease. The goblin saw her fly towards him and readied himself with bowed legs.
A single breath before the two collided, the prone Apple kicked out at the goblin’s shin, causing it to fall to one of his knees. In that single moment of shock, Mula’s knife met the creature’s exposed face and skidded all the way down it, only finally stooping at where the creature’s bellybutton should be.
The goblin leader roared! Its skin peeled from where it was sliced in half, exposing the murky brown flesh beneath. “Finish-it-Mula!” Apple gurgled, his words muffled by the stone floor.
Once he heard nothing but Mula’s pained breaths did Apple know she had done what he asked. With a job well done, Apple went asleep.
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Basic Fantasy Solo RPG
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The legend of the sun guild.
Durning the age of darkness it was said that four people of great power were born. The first man of great might. Who hunted the monster and saw them as know more than a means to an end. He fought to simply feed his hungry for blood and power. He challenged both the heavens and the darkest depths of hell. He made the world know meaning of the word fear. He was a strongest swordsman of the world. During his time their were few who could say otherwise and by his end their was know to be only one who claimed to be his better. There were none who love the sword like him. And there would be none who his blade would love like him. They said that number did not matter to him. That all who face him blade would die without exception. They is a legend of him bringing death to an empire so he could claim the life of widow of a soldier who died of his own blade in the face death so that the sword man would not now the satisfactory of taking his life. They called him the sword of death. The second was a man of great rage. An noble avenger to the weak and and terror to the strong. He was a berserker but unlike most who would attempt to control they rage he would reveal in the through of it controlling him. He would streak across the battlefield ripping both friend and foe apart alike and he would do so with nothing but his bare hand. They called him an immortal they said the more be bleed the more his power would grow. And they spoke of the power to he he could trade his blood for death. They said that no mortal weapon could kill him and that he would rise to fight no matter the injury. There was a legend of him ripping off his own head and using it to club his enemies to death. They called him the immortal wrath. The third was a woman of madness and magic. She was a hated witch. They say that her only objects was to spread misery and hate. It said she lead many a good man from the right path to one of great evil just to she if she was capable of such things. Her experiments left only detestation in their wake as she tainted the lands in some way worse than the worse then the void or darkness ever could. Her magic was a foul and dangerous thing that saw all her enemy become her enemy. That she enter the territory of both the formed of order and the gods of Chao us would not go. That she played with the energy of the void. Legend speaks of a place where she corrupted the very darkness that that claim both the land and the people. Some say light would flee from her presence in fear of the shadows fate for that was her name she was the fate weaver. The forth was a man. He was simply known as… the hero of the world. But this is not his story. No this is a story that speak of the other three The unrelenting swords man The undying wrath The unquantifiable desire But it mainly speaks of their second life. For the age of darkness has long since pases and the age of fire is coming to a close. But as the age dies a new one must be born. ( the idea is that this story will be told from the perspectives of the bad guys. Their motives ,objectives, rise to power, struggles and what they want to achieve. But yes they are the ‘bad guys’ of the story it’s also probably important to note that for the time being it’s going to be written on my phone then edit later when I have the time and feel like it but you should probably think of whats here as a draft until further notice. )
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The Puppy Project
"Give me my puppy!" I demanded, my eyes ablazed with fiery anger."Correction, it's not your puppy. It's our puppy," He smiled, but it was anything but sweet nor happy."You know what? Damn you! You're nothing but a cold, emotionless, and heartless bad boy!" I sneered, glaring at him fiercely.He chuckled at my words, taking a step closer to me. He slammed his hand unto the wall, trapping me, before leaning in close. "You got that right sweetheart but I think you got one thing wrong." He said, his eyes piercing straight into mine."And what is that?" I managed to asked, my throat seeming to get drier the more he looked at me."I'm neither one of those when I'm with you," and with those words, slammed his lips into mine.#1 in Strong-Female Character - 1/29/21#1 in Sarcasm - 2/4/21#2 in BadBoy - 2/13/21#3 in Teen Fiction - 2/13/21#1 in Mysterious - 3/4/21Copyrighted 2017. All rights Reserved.
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