《Centifire: Deciphering Magic》20 - Underwater Dungeon
If he could understand the abomination, then in a sense, he was smarter than the alchemist with over three hundred points of intelligence. This caused a feeling of achievement to gush inside him. Both terrified and happy of himself, Lark knelt his head against the rock and hugged his stomach.
“It’s very interesting how someone like yourself with almost no magic or spiritual abilities can understand the undead. More or less, only those with high spiritual powers can usually communicate with the undead. I wonder if it’s related to the Elf Stem properties. But it shouldn’t be… considering that communing with the undead is a spiritual trait and not a magic one,” Sphinx said, not too happy with Lark’s self-assessment. “I recommend hiding this ability when you figure out how to leave Earth.”
While Lark nodded his head, his eyes were focused on the four conversing next to a dead monster. An eye-catching, gaping hole laid in the center of the creature’s orange mantle.
Okto (monster)(common)(water)
Conditions: Killed by Arelli Ulu’s Water Spear.
Item: Okto corpse (monster drop)
This corpse is like new! Can be used or sold as an ingredient for various activities. Once a long-living dweller of Jade Waters, this unfortunate octopus tried to eat a human, only to get killed instantly by a magic user’s Water Spear right through its head.
Found in Jade Waters
Killed by Arelli Ulu
Known uses: cooking
Lark balked. This world ate monsters? He rubbed his chin and peeked at the giant octopus carried over Arelli’s shoulders. Right now, although the Okto looked slimy and thoroughly dead like the first time he saw a dead squid on ice at a fish market, Wangshi could transform it into something delicious. His mouth watered, remembering the last time Wangshi fried calamari.
Wang Shi (human) (Shi Clan)
Titles: Shi Clan Cook, Survivalist
Known Affinities: wind
Age: 41
Lvl 1
Conditions: Recovering from drowning. Swallowed inked water. (Will take three hours to heal).
STR: 50 (-10)
DEX: 90 (-10)
INT: 80
MG: 90
SPT: 90
LUK: 40
Wind Magic - Wind Walker, Wind Needles, Wind Blade
Sword Mastery
Sniping Mastery
Knife Mastery
Lark had guessed right. This was Wang of ten years ago. A shiver spiked down his arms, raising up the light-blond hairs like pickets.
Huan Shi (human) (Shi Clan)
Titles: Celestia Academy Student with honors
Known Affinities: wind, water
Age: 17
Lvl 1
Conditions: None
STR: 80
DEX: 120(+30)
INT: 200(+100)
MG: 200
SPT: 200
LUK: 20
Water Magic - Healing Water
Wind Magic - Typhoon, Typhoon, Wind Shield, Wind Arrows
Cloud Steps*
Sniping Mastery
Magic Craft
Lark clicked on the star next to Cloud Steps. An explanation appeared underneath the box. The movement skill was a combination skill of both Wind-Walker and Water Steps.
He eyed the seventeen-year-old holding a paper fan. The same creature that was designed on Wangshi’s sword showed over the folds.
Huan Shi reminded Lark of Wei. The two had a likeness for competition and an attitude that forced others to keep their distance. They were also both honor students, so that could’ve played a factor in how their noses seemed to stretch over their mouths.
“Are you sure you’re not biased towards Wei because he’s dating your ex-girlfriend?” Sphinx asked, taking Lark by surprise.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Lark shot back.
“That’s what you said to Sky remember?”
Lark said nothing and pulled up Arelli’s file from the SIM app. His eyes bulged from reading the list. It was by far the most written out of all the people scans so far.
Arelli Ulu (human) (Ulu clan) (Mariners Guild)
Titles: Celestia Academy Graduate, Diver, Friend of the Selkies, Friend of the Water Nymphs, Loved by water sprites, Enemy of the Vodianoi, Kraken Slayer
Known affinities: water
Age: 23
Lvl 2*
Conditions: Cursed by the Vodianoi (debuffs spirit and luck line). Suffers from joint pain, visual disturbances, and formication when near the Vodianoi and Vodianoi-crafted items. Blessed by the water sprites(buffs in magic and spirit.) Born with above average luck due to being a beloved godson of the Ulu clan guardian. Mute(birth condition.)
STR: 150 (+100)
DEX: 150 (+150)
INT: 300
MG: 200 (+500)
SPT: 300 (+500) (-100)
LUK: 300(-100)
Water Magic - Water Conduit, Water Spear, Water Cleaver
Cloud Mining
Cloud Fishing
Cloud Shaping
Selkie Tears*
Sprite Magic*
Water Tyrant*
Spear Mastery
That Arelli was too damn impressive! The dark-skinned man with blue hair didn’t seem too imposing with his thin frame and gaunt face, especially when standing next to the Horn brothers. But his titles and skills told another story.
Magical creatures gifted Arelli the starred skills, and could only be activated under certain conditions. The Sprite Magic was able to rank up Arelli’s level if he activated it, hence the changeable state in his level.
Lark rubbed his hands together, his eyes gleaming. How long would it take him to have amazing abilities and stats like everyone here?
Sphinx yawned.
“Young master Huan, you sure you’re alright?” Wangshi asked.
“Are you sure you should be asking me that after you almost let yourself get eaten by an over-sized zhangyu?” The boy with green robes rudely replied, fanning himself with the paper fan he always carried around.
Wangshi chuckled half-heartedly, tying his dried, black hair back into a ponytail. “That's right. If it weren't for Arelli, I would've been in deep trouble with that damn octopus.”
Huan ignored him and the stoic Arelli only nodded as if to say it wasn't a big deal.
Wangshi spoke to Aulo and Quichu. “So you two are descendants of the Minotaur clan?”
“Cheh! We've been with them for almost a week and you haven't figured that out yet?” Huan said.
Aulo puffed his chest, strong and proud. “It’s alright, I know our clan name has fallen in the last few decades. But my brother and I will revive our clan’s sacred magic.”
“So, I see. The Metal Body was very mighty looking.”
“That's right, brother!” Quichu said. “You're the only one in our clan that has been able to use it not just on a specific limb, but all-over!”
Aulo slapped Quichu’s back. “It's not enough! Once I master another body tempering skill, I will be able to really demonstrate the Minotaur blood in our veins.”
“How admirable,” Wangshi rubbed his goatee. At this Lark smiled. Wangshi apparently always had that habit of stoking his facial stash when he was impressed.
Arelli stood up and carried the lake monster’s tentacled limbs over his squared shoulders. The slimy, bright orange tentacles had suction cups hanging over his bronze-tanned skin.
“What will you be making for us tonight Wang?” Quichu asked, his mouth slightly salivating.
Wangshi inspected the giant orange octopus; it's rubbery skin flaccid and dried out under the desert sun. “Maybe, a seafood salad or stew? Flamed zhangyu is also not a bad choice.”
“Is that what you call octopus in your clan’s language?” Quichu asked.
Wangshi nodded kindly. “Alright, let’s go back to camp and eat! Oh, the other two already left.”
Young master Huan and the silent Arelli were already halfway towards the bluff using movement spells. Lark recognized the green glow under Huan’s feet as the wind movement spell, Wind Walker. Unlike Mishka’s spell, however, it appeared that Huan did it chantless.
“Arelli’s been like that since we’ve met him,” Aulo remarked. “Also, we will catch up with you later Wang, I wanted to give him some pointers before we go back to the group.”
“No problem. Take your time.” Wangshi waved, but before he trotted few steps away, Quichu clambered after him. “Wait, I picked this up for you.”
The love talisman was clutched in the boy’s hand.
“Aiya!” Wangshi cried. “That's my wife’s gift! Thank you for getting it back for me Quichu.”
Quichu shyly scratched his cheek. “I saw it burn the abomination and picked it up afterward. That must be some special gift.”
Wangshi reattached the tassel to his sword. “It is to me. She made it when my daughter was born. She made one for me, herself, our daughter, and our parents.”
“You have a very talented wife Wang, whatever enchantment she used on that talisman did more damage than what I and Salene could do to it.”
“Is that so?” There was a mix of pride and surprise in his voice.
“None of our attacks made it scream with pain, except maybe Rhea’s and Jaime’s,” Aulo said respectfully.
“My Yaling is quite good, isn't she? Wangshi rubbed his chin and then chuckled uncomfortably. “I better go prepare the meal first, Huan can get moody if he doesn't eat.”
Aulo Horn (human*) (Minotaur Tribe)
Titles: Celestia Academy Graduate, Heir to lost Minotaur Culture
Known affinities: metal
Age: 20
Lvl 1
Happiness: NA
Conditions: Unawakened Minotaur blood (birth).
STR: 150
DEX: 80
INT: 80
MG: 150
SPT: 100
LUK: 30
Metal Magic - Magnetic Rod, Metal Horn, Metal Body, Metallic Darts
Bull Run
Magic Craft
Knuckle Mastery
Spear Mastery
Quichu Horn (human*) (Minotaur Tribe)
Titles: Celestia Academy Student, Part-timer at the Academy Cafe
Known affinities: metal
Age: 14
Lvl 1
Happiness: NA
Conditions: Unawakened Minotaur blood (birth).
STR: 80
DEX: 50
INT: 70
MG: 70
SPT: 120
LUK: 30
Metal Magic - Metal Body, Magnetic Rod
Bull Run
Magic Craft
Compared to Arelli, these two didn’t have amazing titles and stats, but Lark noticed the asterisk by their racial category. As explained by their unawakened birth condition, the minotaur blood in their veins ran thick. If they could awaken their bloodline, they would unlock minotaur racial traits.
When Wangshi was out of earshot, Quichu said to his older brother, “Huan is only three years older than I, but he can already use a movement spell without chants.”
“Although he acts with arrogance, he has the mental fortitude to back his ego like his brother. You must learn from him in the Academy,” Aulo confirmed.
“From him?” Quichu’s face soured and he crossed his arms together.
“I'll admit he’s good, but the Shi clan has another promising talent who is not your so-called rival. In fact, I’m sure she will outgrow Huan and Yazhu in the next few years and I'll bet you'd be surprised at who it is.” Quichu’s gossip was not so subtle with its information passing.
“Who?” Aulo’s large forehead protruded.
“It's Wang’s daughter!” Quichu laughed and smacked his brother’s glistening forehead. “Surprised, right? Yuuna's only ten, but she’s already acquired two affinities: wind and fire. And she’s a natural born acrobatic warrior,” Quichu spoke as if they were his own accomplishments.
“An acrobatic warrior? That’s uncommon,” Aulo remarked and faced the green water. Memories from his youthful years at the Celestia Academy seemed to flash through his grey eyes. “Quichu, while I want you to grasp every opportunity you can from these famous clans since they all have something we can use to raise our own clan’s reputation, I also want you to have a happy childhood.” He turned and placed both hands on Quichu’s shoulders.
Quichu looked away. His face was the same as when Huan shooed away Salene. “I’m only doing the part-time job at the cafe not just because we’re poor, but because Yuuna likes sweets!”
It was weird seeing the giant Aulo laugh. An itchy feeling warmed around his neck. He would’ve had a different upbringing if he had an older brother like Aulo, Lark thought warmly until he remembered Sky and the twins. Cloud and Teddy must be feeling terrible about the loss of their older brother. Since he awoken at Friledaux Hospital, he hadn’t contacted anyone and having Wangshi back was already a godsend. Before going to Soko’s, he promised himself to visit the twins.
“What?” A light blush warmed through Quichu’s olive skin and he stomped on the sand, kicking the grey particles over his strapped sandals.
“Nothing,” Aulo laughed again. “I wanted to show you the new technique I was working on!”
Quichu’s eyes sparkled the same way Cloud and Teddy’s eyes did when they saw Lark coming over with Wangshi’s treats.
“The skill is one our sacred clan skills. Rage!”Aulo balled his hand into a fist and Quichu’s lips made a big ‘O’ shape as a red glow enveloped over the fist. The red energy had a misty appearance and the blue veins around his wrist turned black!
Hey! He’s not turning into another one of those cursed abominations, is he? Lark feared. But that mist… He recalled this incident with the Redlines Airship. That zombie cultist had purple vapors wrapped around his hands as well.
Thinking similarly to Lark, Quichu asked his brother worriedly, “What’s going on with your hand?”
Aulo smiled in that strange manner, where one could tell he was lifting the corners of his lips, but it more or less stayed within a flat line. He turned to face the water and widened his stance, while bringing the red-coated fist to his side. His left hand, palm open, seemed to hold down the water with the pressure-exerting from his body. Pitching his right leg forward together with the red fist, a powerful force launched behind his elbow and extended through his fingertips. The red energy parted the water like a razor blade shaving through the middle of a man’s hair, unrestrained and wild with power!
Aulo’s powerful strike extended over ten yards and Lark could see the bottom of the Cursed Springs. The bottom was not much different from the top. The gray sand was muddy instead of dry and there were building materials swept in from the ruins. Driftwood made from the Birdsong and Kirkswood trees were down there too. As the milky, green water began to recede, Aulo threw out another red-coated punch!
The second attack breezed past ten yards and exploded across the water. Plumes of water rose in the air as the crackling energy from Rage tore through the Cursed Springs, destroying all the driftwood sitting on the bottom of the oasis.
“Amazing!” Quichu clapped at Aulo’s demonstration as he saw the second punch continue to tear through the water. As Aulo released his stance, his attack reached the epicenter of the lake and stopped. It was as if time stopped when the crashing plumes of water faded to silence.
Frantic looks of horror drew on Quichu’s face as if he saw something unbelievable either coming out of the lake or something inside the lake. Lark hoped it was the latter. The epicenter of the lake was out of the range for Gushi’s Perception skill, so he could only rely on Sphinx’s better nature to warn him.
“Aulo has revealed the underwater dungeon.”
Lark nearly fell down to his knees, his heart pounding fast. It’s here, at last, the first dungeon!
“I think there are two options for you,” Sphinx said. “One, we could travel through the woods, and go to the bluff where the group is meeting. Then sneak into the dungeon at night. Or two, go through the battlefield and sneak into the dungeon now after Aulo and Quichu leave. What do you plan to do?”
He peered around the rock to see where he could hide to get a closer look at the dungeon. The rugged landscape was full of Henry’s cone-shaped rocks jutting up from the ground, and the unmistakable twenty-feet in diameter hole encased by a cyclical light barrier. Yeah, he was in no way going near that Cursed Abomination.
The brothers stood dumbstruck in front of the water until Aulo activated his Bull Run skill. His entire body was covered with both a metallic sheen and a red glow. Two curved horns protruded from where his ears used to be. Landing on his hands and feet, he tossed Quichu onto his back and carried him away towards the campsite. With Bull Run, Aulo ran at a speed that matched the Cursed Abomination.
“I guess we’ll go to the campsite to see what they know about the underwater dungeon.”
“After I take a look first.” A triumphant smirk relayed on Lark’s face, after momentarily stunning Sphinx.
“That's not a bad idea,” Sphinx said and Lark could imagine him grinning as wide as the Cheshire Cat.
Comparatively to all the elite members, it took some time for Lark to maneuver through the uneven terrain. As he brushed aside the mountainous rocks, he flinched as the pointy ends were as sharp as the edge of a serrated knife. While he was used to trampling on flat, grassy fields, he had a harder time creeping over the sand and rocks, which were not at all like the beautiful white sandy beaches he was used to. Though if he were tired enough, the Cursed Abomination’s cage could pass as a strange halo. As he went around the light barrier, he could hear Vick talking to the strange serpent-like voice as himself.
“Why are you doing this? Please don't make me kill anyone. Jaime is a friend. No, he's not. Yes. No. Foolish. He'll die first. Haha. Stop laughing you damn lizard. You’ll do my bidding you stupid human until you die…”
A bead of sweat rolled from his forehead down to his chin. It’s too hot to listen to crazy talk, he thought. Aulo and Huan reached the camp in less than thirty seconds, but he was only halfway to the shoreline after two minutes of running and hiding. Once, he got some points in magic, he’ll definitely invest in some type of transportation magic, Lark thought to himself tiredly.
It took another few minutes of running before Lark reached the calm waters, which parted in the middle. The milky green waves separated into two distinct sides as if a comb paved over a watery midline. Seeing the bottom of the oasis bridge over to a large marble platform, which held up a doorway encrusted with green gems, Lark found it hard to believe something so ornate could have been submerged underwater for so long without anyone discovering it till now.
A pop-up message appeared from his Trinity Watch: “New Location added to SIM.”
Lost Gemma Temple (Dungeon) (location)
During the Astral apocalypse, a few hundred Celestian years ago, many of the residents fled to the temple that was once used as a place of worship. As it appears, the temple somehow sank into the Jade Waters, burying the souls who sought refuge deep into the murky abyss.
Once known as the temple of the Goddess Gemma, lover of all shiny material goods and a symbol of wealth, the residents and merchants of days past brought luxurious offerings in hopes of attaining the Goddess’s blessing that would bring them prosperity in their endeavors.
Do you wish to discover the mystery behind the sinking of the Gemma Temple or loot all the valuable offerings for yourself?
The Dungeon Master has awakened after a long slumber! Because someone has disturbed the tranquility of the dungeon portal, monsters will be more active.
The big-eyed Lark gobbled up the sight of the ancient temple. Beyond the arched door, which was mysteriously clear of any rubble, a silvery mist swirled interspersed with signs of flitting gold and blue.
“Sphinx, do I need to enter the portal to use the scan skill?” Lark licked his dry lips, feeling a thirst to walk across the beach-sand pipe version of the red carpet and towards the clean-cut, stone platform before the gem-lined door frame.
“Well, if you want to experience the fullest capabilities of the location scan, you better hurry inside.” Even the usually refined Sphinx couldn’t hold back the pleasure of greed in his voice.
This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance; a lucky event! Lark took a step in between the columns of green water, whispering in his heart, “I’ll just a quick peek and then leave!” Without breaking his pace, he made it five feet across, when the columns of water began to recede back into a flat lake. It lapped up to his ankles and then all the way to his thighs as he quickly jogged backward, watching the portal disappear under the opaque water. Before he could even ask why an explosion in the distance whipped the wind behind his ears.
Turning his head, he saw the bluff blow rising smoke towards the oasis and like before, the Ancient Forest remained untouched.
He jetted through the field and made a beeline towards the closest forest trail. Wracked with worry for the adventurers, but mostly Wangshi, he hadn’t realized the barrier around the pit lifted.
Running uphill turfs was never Lark’s favorite conditioning exercise because it felt like he was aggravating gravity and gravity always won. Someone like Huan, who could bypass the uphill trail with their movement skills, wouldn’t be able to understand the agony Lark was going through.
Although Sphinx mentioned one could not feel physical pain in the Mind Space, Lark still felt exhaustion and heat expel through his muscles. Never mind the fact he was back inside a creepy forest, he couldn’t even get a nice breeze to cool him down. At least, Gushi who was still keeping him company felt like a cool ice pack on his head. Still using Gushi’s perception skill, he could tell the adventurers were engaged in a heated confrontation, while he was still running in the forest. Wangshi’s band of adventurers situated their campsite on the bluff, which oversaw the oasis and was somewhat near the Ancient Jade Forest. It was also the closest spot to the city’s ruins, which laid east of the lake.
At least he was close enough to tell that Wangshi was safe elsewhere in the camp with Rhea, Dula, and Arelli. The four were safeguarding their food storage and weapons locker.
Aulo seemed to be knocked out with his brother caring for him, while Jaime and Silvina fought together against what looked like small, green-skinned creatures that were carrying all sorts of shoddy shields, spears, and crossbows near the entrance of the campsite.
Goblins! Another well-known fantasy creature, Lark thought.
As for Salene, Huan, and Henry, those three were at the opposite entrance, also fighting against a group of angry-looking goblins and a giant sandworm.
Redcap Goblins (monster) (common) (cursed)
Foul creatures sent by the dark enchanter to rid of the adventurers. Careful, these Redcap Goblins have a taste for human blood!
Conditions: Frenzied! These creatures love the scent of raw meat, so much they go into a frenzy for it and may attack each other.
Averaged stats
STR: 20
DEX: 30
INT: 5
MG: 20
SPT: 10
LUK: 5
While those stat points were undeniably pitiful compared to all the elite members, their group numbers were above fifty. With Gushi’s Perception skill, Lark was able to discern the goblin’s reddish brown-colored hunter caps that fit snugly over their large pointed ears. The caps had a really odd stench about them too.
Sandworm (monster)(earth)(common)
Lvl 1
Titles: None
Lives in desert habitats and eats unsuspecting, wandering travelers and creatures.
Conditions: Blind (Birth condition). A heightened sense of smell.
STR: 50
DEX: 100
INT: 20
MG: 30
SPT: 20
Desert Swallow
Bone-splitting Bite
Not much could be said about the sandworm, except that it lived up to its name. Unlike worms on earth, this worm had triangular-locked teeth like a shark’s where its face should have been. Lark guessed the other end was where the nose would be…
Lark neared the edge of the forest when Wangshi jumped into the thick of the battle with Huan. He recognized the green-glowing twirling blades, recalling the time they combined with Mishka’s fire spinning attack, as they sliced through the sandworm’s thick pinkish-brown skin. Without the scattering fire though, the welts developing on the creature's body were unpleasant to see and made Lark want to close his legs as he felt something like an unbearable pinch attack his nether regions.
A strange cry echoed from the Sandworm’s mouth and it buried itself under the sand.
Huan side-stepped Wangshi with a scowl on his face and raised his paper fan in the direction where the ground was rumbling. The closed fan jutted out from his hand like a staff, and this time Lark noticed the runes engraved on the wooden guard. When it flashed open, the painted Quilin rose from the slips of paper and transformed together with the black painted characters, turning into a scaled beast.
The summoned creature’s state was not fully solid, but still had shape and form and was almost gaseous-looking. Rather than getting blown away, the winged beast pierced through all the Redcap Goblins! While avoiding Salene and Henry, who were shocked by the spirit creature’s sudden appearance, the Quilin raced deftly like a wind current and rushed through glued bodies. Lark shivered as he watched the harrowing Quilin swallow down purple-colored orbs it received after going through the goblins’ bodies. Only half-satisfied with the meal, the Quilin sent out a chilling growl. It whisked away into the burrow where the Sandworm hid.
Item: Small Quilin Fan (weapon) (ancient) (rare)
+25% DEX, +100 INT
Durability: NA
Graded as a rank A weapon. Contains both spiritual and magic properties due to housing a medium-grade spiritual beast. Requires a high level of magic and intelligence to wield. Consumes high amounts of spiritual essence and mana.
Obtained through the Shi Clan Treasury.
Sweat rolled down Huan’s forehead, sticking the dark hairs of his bangs together. The effects of using the ancient weapon were beginning to show.
A small tremble startled the group, as the Sandworm reappeared from a new hole next to Henry. His griffin squawked as it used its wings to shield Henry from the billowing sand. Wangshi and Salene readied their swords at their sides, but the Sandworm made no movement. Its mouth was closed when it came crashing down on the goblins bodies, silent and a more spineless version of its former self. The now quiet Quilin sat on its hind legs like a majestic dog next to the beaten Sandworm and licked its paws.
With a “Hmph!” Huan retracted the fan and the creature was recalled. Its painted form returned to the paper slips. He dusted off his green sleeves and continued to fan himself as if nothing happened at all.
The other group also finished fending off the invaders around the same time. But their side had more damage done to their housing and the dead goblins’ numbered over a hundred.
Silvina looked away from the burnt tents as Salene came crying over the ashes of her belongings. The Ice Wolf snorted through its pebbled black nose.
As Wangshi, Rhea, Arelli, and Jaime extracted useful materials from the Redcap Goblins, Dula revived Aulo from his slumber by using a strong smelling potion. The alchemist wafted the spherical bottle containing a purplish brew under Aulo’s nose. Like a zombie coming to life, Aulo’s dark brown eyelashes fluttered before the sudden opening of his eyelids. His big grey eyes reopened with a small fog in front of them until Quichu jumped on his back. Scolding his older brother for being careless, he reminded Aulo to thank both Jaime and Silvina for rescuing them. Apparently, as soon as Aulo canceled his Bull Run skill, he fainted in front of the swarm of approaching Redcap Goblins. Luckily, Silvina and Jaime made it in time to stop the impending attack.
Rubbing the back of his neck guiltily, Aulo had no choice but to listen to Quichu's reproach. Then, he glanced in Silvina’s direction with a serious expression.
Rhea and Wangshi helped Jaime collect all the de-weaponed goblins and the one giant Sandworm into a giant pile in the plateau away from the campsite so that he could dispose of them using light magic; meanwhile, the others were having a meeting headed by Silvina about the appearance of the underwater dungeon.
Both groups were still within Gushi’s range, so Lark could simultaneously listen in to their plans. But he already predicted Silvina would want to explore the dungeon. Not just because it might be related to their royal mission, but because it was a dungeon meant to be discovered and excavated by adventurers!
Rhea Smyth (dwarf) (Artisan Guild)
Titles: Rank 2 Blacksmith
Known affinities: None
Age: 25
Lvl 1*
Happiness: NA
Conditions: None.
STR: 700(+100)
DEX: 200
INT: 70
SPT: 10
LUK: 10
Shield Mastery
Axe Mastery
Warhammer Mastery
Wait, Rhea was 25! She’s older than himself by almost ten years? Lark looked on with disbelief as the petite, doll-faced dwarf walked next to Jaime. Rhea had a duller shade of red hair compared to Silvina, but her rosy cheeks and aptitude made her seem like a cute child if not for the overbearing battle ax and shield hanging on her plated back. Compared to Salene and Silvina who adorned their armor with different materials like fur and cloth, Rhea wore an all-metal chest plate and bracers for her arms and legs. But there was something else on her person that gave her a boost in strength! A magic amulet!
Item: Strength Amulet (accessory)(magic)(uncommon)
+100 STR
Durability: 15/15
A magic crafted accessory that grants the wearer super strength!
Craft materials: Demonic bear paw, demonic bear tooth, silver ore, cloud string
Crafted by Vick Sparks
Gifted to Rhea Smyth
While the demonic ingredients worried Lark, Gushi’s bubble antenna turned black.
As Jaime prepared his light spell, he asked Rhea, “About Vick, when he changed into an abomination, did you hear him say anything to you?”
Rhea’s posture slouched. “He called out my name for a moment in a very scared voice. But then, you stopped me, remember Jaime-an!” She puffed up one side of her cheek and Jaime pushed it back in with his wand, smiling.
“Never mind, then,” he said, and the end of his wand lighted up as he drew runes into the air. Wangshi tossing the last of the bodies onto the pile retreated to Rhea side and watched the light enchanter work his magic. As the light energy took the shape of a net, under the pile of dead monsters, dark magic escaped from the ground and encroached over them.
Jaime's golden eyes sharpened as he shouted at Wangshi and Rhea to run. Whether it was Rhea’s amulet that caused Gushi’s bubble to turn black or the massive pile of bodies being revived or perhaps both, Lark would have to sort it out later as the mob of creatures merged into one!
Zombie Mob (monster) (undead) (uncommon)
The hordes of monsters killed have been fused together into an ugly abomination!
Condition: Revived by the dark enchanter. Mindless. Impervious to mental attacks.
STR: 500
DEX: 200
MG: 300
SPT: 300
Poison Sludge
The giant pile of goblins turned into a gooey, green mess. In the center of the blob were three holes that looked like the face from a famous painting, The Scream. Green mist expelled from its body disintegrating the worm into a pile of green dust.
When his light net cast over the green blob, halting it to where it stood, Jaime quickly shot a red shooting flare into the sky.
Although Jaime told them to retreat, Rhea and Wangshi stood by his side. As soon as the Zombie Mob overpowered the net, Rhea spun on the axis of her foot and threw her steel ax at it. The broad ax spun wildly through the air and cleaved through the monster's face. It tore through the three holes and landed over a meter behind it.
A strangled groan erupted from the monster as it reshaped its ghoulish face. Rhea pouted again. Her brutal strength clearly ineffective, and all Lark wanted to do was squish her cheeks.
Next, both Wangshi and Jaime combined their magic skills: Light Spears and Wind Needles. Green energies paired with yellow spears as they soared together through the air and pierced the monster’s sludgy body from multiple directions.
The yellow rods held down the Zombie Mob up until back up arrived. Henry, Arelli, Silvina, and Dula were the first to arrive on the backs of the Ice Wolf and Griffin.
Not needing to ask what happened, Silvina asked both Arelli and Dula to set up a warding spell to entrap the monster.
Nodding, Arelli took several ingredients out of his waist pouch and showed them to Dula, who then gave Arelli a thumbs up.
Explaining to the others, Dula said, “We’re going to set up an undead-based warding spell, which should undo the creature's fusion. Arelli also has his hands on some rare Vampire dust which should just completely eat up the flesh. Also, we’ll be collecting the green dust to study.”
“Good!” Silvina approved the plan. “I will go back and update the other four and make sure nothing happens to the camp, while you all deal with this!”
After receiving her orders, Henry and his beast took off into the skies, circling the Zombie Mob overhead. Silvina made a hasty retreat on her Ice Wolf while Jaime singlehandedly occupied the monster. Wangshi and Rhea stood behind Jaime without worried looks on their faces, in fact, they looked somewhat bored. With Jaime’s lightning quick spell casting and Henry hovering over them, they couldn’t play a strong role in this third fight. Rhea, almost wanting to bellow a yawn, was suddenly yanked to the edge of the forest by Wangshi. Green smog covered the sludge monster’s body; the Zombie Mob was about to execute its first skill.
- In Serial61 Chapters
The Royal Mates
Amorelli, a princess who was kidnapped from birth and sold to India, along with other royalties, as slaves of all kinds. She then makes friends with another royal princess, Zinniah. Every royal that is kidnapped has two qualities about them. They are a royal and have a special ability about them. But Amorelli has no idea what her gift is, nor does she know where she came from. Mordikai York, Prince of Russia, is a werewolf. He can be arrogant, rude, and selfish. However, one thing for sure is that he is drop-dead gorgeous. You would think with the last quality, he would have some new woman next to him so he could have his way with her later on, but the good thing about him - he is waiting for his mate. Amorelli and Mordikai. The way they meet is extraordinary. But finding out your mate is a slave, and the prophecies all around them are going to go awry soon is concerning.
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The Earth after the Reset.
The one who can afford to board the Colony ships and go to space for interstellar travel already left the earth. The one who cannot afford it, are left behind to die with this world. The end of the world is near, but we stayed here to continue the research to preserve the remaining human life who is currently living with us inside the bunker located in the center of the Amazon Forest. Natural Disaster is continuously occurring such as a strong earthquake, The non-stopping rainfall, Tornados, even possibility of a tsunami. The earth's temperature reached the point that human can die because of the heat. We want to finish it before the world ends. The successful cold-sleep technology that can preserve human life even billions of years pass. We love this planet, our home, it's the one and only place for us and we want to see what will happen to this planet after everything calmed down.
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Blaze and the Monster Machines: Calling among Angel
The story begins where Secret Powers left off. But now Blaze travels alone.But he won't be alone for long. The bounty hunters are after him.Will he make it to pond or get captured by bounty hunters?
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Perseus Jackson: The Last Stand
Book 3 of the Perseus Jackson series.
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alex ⤶ nct 19th member 2
alex lee is the 19th member of nct, also a proud member of the foreign swaggers.----💚 nct fanfiction----started: August 4th 2018finished: November 21st 2018
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One day, Izuku Midoriya sees his boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki, cheating on him with his bully, Katsuki Bakugou. Heartbroken, he's presented with the opportunity to go to America with his mom for her new job, he immediately accepts, needing some time to sort through his feelings. Class 1-A, well, most of it, is devastated to find out that their precious cinnamon roll was moving away, but was happy when Izuku told them that he would come to visit when he was ready. Two years later, he finally returns with a new crew, a new boyfriend, and a new life.Will he still be a sweet innocent cinnamon roll?Will he still be the same Izuku that they knew?Or has he changed?(Sorry! I have 5 OCs in this book, so sorry to anyone who doesn't like OCs. I'm also doing an IzukuxOC ship and boyxboy and girlxgirl. So, click off if you don't like this stuff or aren't comfortable with it.)
8 141