《Is that a Wisp?》I promise!


Krune couldn't believe what he heard. Have they at least asked his opinion?

Although he thought that, he didn't say anything. He knows very well that this is a once in a lifetime chance! The girl and the man seemed to be from a very powerful background, and maybe they are even from 'that' Wang clan. If he goes with them, he will not have to fear being hunted anymore. But at the same time, thinking back at his 3 years of life where he just fled, he couldn't help but think.

'Is it really okay to just flee again? Didn't I just decide that if I had the opportunity, I would definitely become stronger? Didn't I want to show everyone that a wisp can also achieve great things? Sure, I thought that it would be in my next reincarnation. But if he used this reason to flee again, that would be just an excuse!'

The old man looked at him and didn't say anything. He could more or less tell what the wisp was thinking due to his higher realm. But then again, he decided that he wouldn't care. It's just a wisp, if he brings it with them, at least the little girl will stop throwing a tantrum now and then. So he simply nodded. Not to mention that something didn't seem right about this. Feifei was being a lot more forcefull than she was usually.

Feifei immediately became joyful and looked back at the wisp.

"Little guy, come with us! I won't let any baddies bully you anymore."

Although Krune was conflicted, he started to move in the direction of the spaceship with them. It was close by, so it would only take a few minutes to arrive. But deep down, his mind was still in fighting with his real desires.

'Is this really what I want? I've been pursued my entire life. Every day I just wanted to stay out of trouble too. If I go with them, will it prove anything?'

The closer they got to the ship, the bigger the conflict in his mind. At a distance, Krune could see the Wang clan space ship, and on its side, the Wang Clan insignia. Even for Krune, who lived in this forest, the name of the Wang Clan was something that he heard about. This is one of the big four of the western protectorate! But even so, he still thought that it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

The ship was enormous, and the crew could be seen running everywhere, finalizing the last steps before taking off. Finally, just when they were about to board the ship, Krune stopped. The girl and the old man looked back at him, confused. Krune then gathered all the courage he could find to say his next words.

"I can't go."

The Old man and girl duo looked at him surprised, especially the old man. Does this wisp even know what kind of opportunity he is throwing away? The Wang Clan is one of the biggest clans of the western protectorate with hundreds of sectors under its banner! Not to mention that they are one of the big four as well. Even if this wisp comes from an 'even dogs don't wanna piss at' planet, he's bound to know about the Wang clan, right?

If Krune could smile at the moment, he would definitely be showing a bitter one. But finally, that feeling that was crushing him disappeared. He then looked back at Feifei and said.

"Miss Feifei, I haven't told you my name yet. I'm called Krune. Before you ask, we wisps are born from the energy of heaven and earth. So we don't have parents to speak of. And because of this, we also don't have a family name either. Even the name Krune is something I thought myself."


"I will be eternally grateful for what you did for me, but I can't go with you. I know about the Wang clan, I know what kind of opportunity I'm leaving behind, but I can't go. I'm unwilling! During all my short life, I've been pursued by wisp hunters or demon beasts. Wisps are great cultivation resources, and I learned that the worst way possible. I've seen the already few existent wisps being taken away, being regarded as money, resources, and so on."

The little lady was indeed too young, all those words made her puzzled, but she could at least feel the little guy's feelings.

But the one really surprised was the old man. He is an expert, and as someone assigned to protect the little lady of the Wang clan, he definitely was one of the big shots out there. Because of his extremely high realm, he could tell that that wisp wasn't lying. He couldn't help but change his impression about this wisp a little.

"I'm unwilling! I don't want to flee like this. I finally decided to get back at them, to show those hunters and everyone else that I'm not just some cultivation resource. I want to prove that I can be just as strong that we also have dreams and feelings. If I go with you, an easy life will probably be waiting for me. But that is not what I want anymore. This is quite funny. If you had appeared a day before, I probably would have gone with you without a doubt."

"Miss Feifei, senior, I'm sorry, but I can't go with you. Krune will remember this favor for the rest of his life, and if there comes a day where this weak wisp can pay it back, this little one will definitely do so."

Feifei looked dejected and was about to argue when the old man whispered to her.

"Feifei, I know that you want to bring him with us, but he probably won't change his mind if you talk. So let me give it a try first."

He looked back at Krune with a stern face. His impression of the wisp got a little better, but that was all. Someone as old as he has seen such changes way too many times.

"Krune, you said that you want to become strong, to prove yourself, to get back at them. But as a wisp, you should know how limited your life span is. Usually, a person with an average talent would take up to 20 years to break through into the Foundation Establishment, and that's considering they have help and the resources necessary for it. But for wisps, 10 years is already the max their life span can go. Their only advantage is that with their intelligence, they can achieve an adult mind at the age of 2 or 3 without any help, but that's all! If you don't break through into the next realm before that, you will simply die."

But Krune could even reply, uncle Feng continued speaking.

"And I might tell you this since you probably don't know this part. The amount of life span gained is proportional to the individual initial total life span. Take a human, for example. The life span of a human is something around 100 years. There are very few cases where people can pass this limit without breaking into the next realm. When they breakthrough into the Foundation Establishment, their life span will be doubled. This means that they gain another 100 years to try to reach the Core Formation Realm, which is obviously much harder than Foundation Establishment."


"But you are a wisp. Your life span is only 10 years! Even after reaching Foundation Establishment, you will gain just another 10 years. You will need to become a Core Formation with what remained from your life span plus the extra time you get from your breakthrough. This is why no one takes wisps seriously. This is why no sect or any other power would accept wisps under normal conditions either. That's because they don't have a future! Think about it one more time. Do you really don't want to come with Feifei? At least you will live in peace during the few years you still have."

Krune's mind was struck by lightning! He knew that wisps had very limited life spans. Still, he probed from the nearby villages. He found out that Foundation Establishment cultivators gain 100 years of extra life span after the breakthrough. But that thing about it being proportional to one's initial life span was something completely new, though. Immediately, his mind went into turmoil.

'Should I give up? Foundation Establishment already seemed a far fetched dream, and now it looks like even if I reach there, it will not have much of a meaning.'

Krune kept silent for a few minutes, but neither Feifei or the old man rushed him. Even Feifei understood that it was hard to find out this truth.

After thinking for some time, that unwillingness he felt when he was about to be captured started to grow again. Finally, it reached the same point as before. Since he had made his mind, why should he stop now?

'Fuc* this shit! If I'm going to die anyway, I will die trying!'

Krune looked back at them and said.

"Thank you, senior, for the words of advice. But I still wish to try it! I probably... no, I most definitely won't succeed. But as I said before, I simply can't let go. My life span is already short anyway, so why don't I give it my all?"

The old man looked deeply at the wisp in front of him, and after a while, he just sighed. Feifei beside him was already tearing up.

Krune also noticed her tears and was taken aback. No one has ever cried because of him! He had no idea about what to do, he was lost. But then he remembered that as a wisp, a being of energy, he could control the energy around his body and change his own form to look like something else. Of course, he would still have the energy like appearance, so no one would ever be fooled by that.

He started to play like a sparrow, jump like a frog, created a mini pool of energy, took the form of a whale, and splash the energy around. He could only think about acting like that to see if Feifei would cheer up.

When Feifei saw all of that, she burst in laugh. She almost rolled on the ground from laughing so hard. The old man by the side was quite pleased with the wisp's performance. He indeed looked like a strict elder, but for him who had been protecting Feifei ever since she was born, he obviously saw her like his own granddaughter and loved her very much. There was also the promise he made back then.

Krune saw that and was relived.

"Is miss Feifei happy now?"

Feifei looked very happy at the moment when suddenly an idea came in mind.

"I am! So I will let you go, but you have to promise me one thing first."

Krune looked a little lost but agreed with it nonetheless.

"As long as I can accomplish it, miss Feifei can count on me."

Feifei Smile and said.

"When you get strong enough, you must come back to me, then we can marry!

Both Krune and the Uncle Feng were taken aback.

"That came out of nowhere!"

Did she hear anything that was said just a while ago? The chances of such a thing to happen are almost nonexistent! And what is this talking about marrying? Both he and the Uncle Feng thought the same thing. He is just a wisp, the Wang Clan would never accept such bullshit.

Uncle Feng immediately scolded her.

"Feifei cut the crap! What's this marrying thing you are talking about? You are just a child! Do you even know what marriage means? Besides, he's just a wisp. Let's forget about the fact that he will probably not even be alive to see that future. Even if he does, do you think your father would permit that?"

The old man could also have said that you can't marry a wisp since it wasn't a man or woman. Still, then he remembered that all demon beasts can achieve the human form once their cultivation is higher enough. Simply put, the weaker the type of life form, the earlier they can change into human form. For divine beasts, for example, they can turn into their human form only at the void breaking realm.

But what about wisps?

Foundation Establishment! They are so weak that they can immediately change into their human form as soon as their first realm breakthrough is completed. Their gender is also only able to be seen after that. From what he knows, their personalities are what decides what gender they will have, and this wisp is bound to be a man 100% sure!

It's not like there have never been Foundation Establishment wisps before. If they look after it, they definitely can find some out there. With Feifei's status, it would be way too easy for her to find about it. But this kind of Foundation Establishment wisp isn't something that could be found in Makui Planet, that's for sure.

Feifei did not give up and started a tantrum.

"I don't care! Krune, at least, is much funnier than all those annoying guys father keeps forcing me to meet. I don't like any of them. Krune is much better!"

Of course, Feifei wasn't thinking about marriage as something important at all! She just thought that since she had to have a husband, a funny one like this wisp would be better. She wasn't thinking about race or status at all. But there was also another reason that she hadn't told them.

Krune was lost at words. Then, he suddenly started to laugh! He couldn't help but like this little girl even more. Who would ever propose marriage to a wisp?

'Feifei probably doesn't even know the importance of those words.'

In fact, even Krune doesn't understand the concept of marriage well. From what he found so far, it was more like getting some kind of permission to have children or taking away the other family's daughter.

He then looked at Feifei and said.

"Haha! Sure, I'll make sure to become so strong enough to the point that even your father will have nothing to complain about. In my life, I promise I will only like Wang Feifei and no one else!"

Krune looked at Feifei and couldn't help but think.

'Well, she will probably have forgotten about this meaningless promise by the time she arrives back to her clan anyway. So this shouldn't cause any trouble for me. Haha!'

Poor Krune had no idea about the implications of today's words.

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