《The Puppeteer (dropped)》Chapter 5 The Dwarf Apprentice
It was a peaceful day on the roads east of Relona. You could hear the birds and bugs sing and the screams of terror coming from the remaining bandits that had fled the battle. Why were they running? I has given orders for Proto to go kill them off, heh heh. With him are two brand new combat spiders and the original scout. I was controlling all three spiders from the cart as we slowly progressed towards the hideout.
On my lap was my sigil encyclopedia, which i had turned back into the original book and was making a copy for Alice. Alice on the other hand was in the second cart being trained by Magi on the meditation techniques and the inner and exterior mana control. Your probably wondering how I’m controlling the spiders while writing. Well it’s thanks to a new sense sigil that appeared after it ranked up to 5, it’s called shared senses.
I had placed it on the spider scout and was using him as the controller for the other spiders, all i needed to do is close one eye and i would see and hear what was happening around the spider. With this I’m having the very powerful stone spiders, which are twice the size of the scout, help Proto "clean up" the forest of bandits.
Oh, one other thing the scout did that became useful was it developing a spider web skill, not like mine, mine is an attack skill, his is more like a real spider, it is a sticky and tangible mana strings that are good for rapping around things, I’m technically using the spider as both a scout and a carrier of the loot we get.
As we are nearing the hideout, the number of bandits did increase a lot, but thanks to the battle our levels have increased exponentially. I’m currently level 32, Proto 33 and magi 28. The fighting spiders have gotten to levels 12 and 13 thanks to fighting with Proto.
When we started meeting up with groups of 10 or more bandits i had Proto return to us since we were almost arriving. When we neared the large cave entrance we saw large carts with cages on it leaving, hey were covered my normal ones but i could see the cages behind the drivers. Inside, dwarves all shackled and gagged. The bandits were leaving the hideout after the lost in the battle.
While i look at the cages i feel rage welling up in me. I put away a few things and step down off the carriage.
Magi: master...what are you going...to do?
Sting: watch and you will see.
When the third cart left the cave i slashed my strings. I cut up the wheels and the ropes holding the horses. The sudden collapse of the carts scared the horses who ran away. With each new cart i cut it up until about seven were outside and stuck blocking the exit.
With the exit blocked the bandits started coming out and shouting. It was clear that the stress of losing the battle plus the broken chain of command was eating away at the bandits. Though i didn’t particularly care, when forty of them came out i took control of them, it’s been easier controlling living beings i learned that i can send my own signals to control them with only 1 string though i normally use two for better control.
I then made the bandits kill all who were leaving the place. It was chaos but i was smiling as i stand controlling this trash as they kill each other. In the cages the dwarves just sat their wide eyes at the scene.
Soon enough after the fighting started some of the remaining captains appeared which spelled the doom of the bandit because as soon as i saw them i took control of them and with their superior skills they decimated the bandits. When all enemy bandits where dead, i froze my captives and called for our carriage to come out as i walk out as well.
The bandits were shocked when they saw me, as NPC they knew me since i had the Relona's hero title equipped.
Sting: hello this is quite unexpected; you bandits sure are running with you tails in between your legs and rather quickly.
Bandit: y-you followed us?!
Sting: not really, i got this info from some raiding party captain.
Sting: was that his name, not that i care anyways you guys sure are some sick bastards making slaves out of these dwarves.
I cut up one of the bandits after a say this. The bandits turn pale seeing this.
Sting: now could you please tell me how many carriages were able to leave before i got here.
Bandit captain: t-these are the first to leave.
I walk to one of the carriages and cut up the shackles and cages.
Sting: can you guys confirm what he said are these carriages are the first ones leaving here?
A short, bulky dwarf about 4 feet tall, with dark brown hair and a large beard, walked up after leaving the cage.
(A.N. I tried to make a Scottish accent similar to the kind you see in movies with dwarves, never met anyone that spoke like it)
Dwarf: aye we're th' first unes 'em bastards we're taken.
Sting: how many dwarves an in there and bandits?
Dwarf: Hmm us dwarfs number a good 400, 'em bastards meybe 100, efter th' wee game ye got 'em ta play, maybe less.
String: not many left then, let’s get your friends out and armed, we've been collecting bandit gear since we arrived in the forest there should be plenty around for each of you. You can have fun with these guys it might help with the stress you built up.
A menacing grin appeared on the face of all the dwarves as they looked at their prey. Without even grabbing a sword they beat up the bandits. I had Magi heal them as much as possible to let the dwarves vent more but soon stopped and let them die off. After the job was done the dwarves stretched as if a weight was lifted, the same that talked to me came up.
Dwarf: Mighty kind a ye ta come save us, names Topaz Smiths, I'm une a th' head smiths befur 'em bastards caught us.
Sting: I'm sting my job is mage.
Topaz: hm really, ya look like some'en else, them string thingy ya messed wit, is strange.
Sting: you can see them?!
Topaz: Yep but it might jist be me, i've a larger mana well 'en normal dwarves, sae what’s yer real job?
Sting: Magus Puppeteer.
Topaz: never heard of it.
Sting: not surprised I'm still developing the job and I’m keeping it a secret, I’m currently looking for apprentices to teach and help me better this job.
Topaz: min’ if i see yer puppets.
Sting: sure.
I call Magi and proto, when they arrive i ask them to remove their masks. Topaz eyes got wide after seeing the faces.
Topaz: by th’ gods, i know i heard ‘em talkin’ but they're puppets.
Magi: yes master made us and taught us magic and fighting
He sits down a bit while looking at them as they move around.
Topaz: if i din’t see it wit me own eyes i would a laughed at ye if ye told me about ’em.
Sting: you know, besides saving the dwarves i had another objective here, i want to find a dwarf that would like to learn my job and help me.
Topaz: why a dwarf, nuthin’ special ‘bout us.
Sting: those puppets are made out of wood, i have a few made out of stone, and I needed to learn carpentry and scripting to make them.
Like something click he finally begins to understand what I’m after.
Topaz: ye want blacksmiths fur metal puppets.
I sent him a grin when he finally said that. Truthfully i was hoping he would join because of his larger than normal mana well, it would help.
Topaz: hm from de name a yer job seems to be a mage class.
Sting: crafting and mage.
Topaz: might be hard ta find a dwarf ‘at would join ye, not many can use magic, though we still ‘ave mages.
Sting: you seem like you can...
Topaz: ...
He just stares at me then sighs before lifting his hand and making a small ball of mana appear.
Topaz: i was born wit de high affinity te magic in general umm de thing ye mage type call mana control. Made me sorta an outcast ‘til i started blacksmithen i learned ta use it during da process to make high quality goods. See this here; it’s a junk item i made.
What he was holding was one of the bandits swords, specifically the same kind Proto used that was really good.
Iron sword
A basic iron sword crafted by a dwarven smith.
Durability 45/60
Damage 17-25
Sting: ... you call this junk... any beginner traveller would look in awe at this.
Topaz: i guess em weaklings would, not blamen em though, ye travelers appear wit knives meant fur cooken and use it ta hunt.
Sting: so you interested in trying out my profession.
Topaz: ...it has peaked me interest... but ye need ta do somethin’ fur me.
Sting: sure i need a good smith for what I’m planning.
Topaz: good, its simple, kill all de bandits in the woods an’ in the cave an’ save me people, ‘en I'll join ya.
Quest Bandit clean up
Topaz has asked you to save his people and kill all stragglers from the bandit army, then he would join you on your adventure.
Difficulty F
Requirements: job Magus Puppeteer
Reward: Topaz as your second apprentice, Familiarity with Dwarves, ???.
Sting: Magi, Proto get ready to hunt; you two are to hunt all bandits in the woods, no mercy.
Quest accepted.
Topaz: heh heh, glad ta see yer excited.
Magi: what about master?
Sting: I’ll be doing cleaning the cave, here take them to help.
I pull out the three spiders and start controlling them.
Topaz: well now these ‘re some nice pieces, they strong.
Proto: the big ones are...the small one master uses to control them.
Sting: animals like spiders don’t have loyalty so you need total control so they don’t attack.
Topaz: mighty complex puppets fur sure.
For i bit i prepared my puppets then let them head out while i headed in with a group of dwarves leading the way. The first floor was relatively empty, except for the small group of up to five, which i finished off without batting an eye, it was uneventful. The second floor the same it was even emptier then the first which probably meant they were all guarding the dwarves on the final floors.
Just as i guessed, as soon as we entered the third floor we found a group of twenty bandits, to the dwarves dismay, they help a small group of children hostage.
Bandit: oh goody out merchandise returned to us like good pets, you human stay were you are we will deal with you.
I looked at them with a blank face, obviously i was burning in rage inside and quickly took action a controlled the bastard and made them drop the kids.
Sting: kids come over here, everyone behind me, i can’t forgive them and I'll finish them myself.
No one complained besides the bandits. I walk up a few steps.
Sting: "Spiders Web"
I activate the system guidance to see how it preformed. I first put up both hands together; Kamehameha styles, then strings from my fingers make a small spider webs on my hand. Finally as if shooting a shockwave, the strings then launches out towards them increasing in mass and size thanks to the mana it absorbs.
When it hit them it went straight through them and hit the wall making the spider web design on it. The bandits all fell over dead and completely cut up. Everyone in the room was quiet while looking at the massacres. Suddenly a single laugh escaped in the group, Topaz obviously, he saw what happened and liked it.
Sting: let’s go we have more dwarves to save.
For the next hour is went the same down in the cave, some idiot had a hostage and i would destroy them, after every group we would find a large group of dwarves and soon i had a large herd behind me. By now every dwarf looked at me with respect for my power no one but Topaz and young kids actually tried approaching me though.
In the final chamber of the cave we were surprised to find the bandits on Stone hide boar, i actually got worried since these guys are difficult to control thanks to their outrageous level advantage being 150+. But that worry was put to rest by Topaz, he just walks up and gave an order to play dead. Like good pets all the boars fell to the side or on their backs and either injuring or killing their riders.
Topaz: heh heh heh, i jist love how obedient em boars are ta dwarves.
Sting: how do you breed and train those things?
Topaz: We don’t, all we do is give ‘em a place te live an' they protect us in return. After a few generations they got ta liken us and we ‘aven’t separated since that, ta ‘em dwarf orders are like boss orders even when they got a rider on.
With the final group rescued I finished my part of the quest.
Sting: guess that’s everyone then right?
Topaz: aye, that be all of us… though we ‘ont know wat ta do now that we are safe.
Sting: … why not make this place a dwarven city, its already carved out all it need is to be populated.
Then all looked skeptical at me it seems they didn’t want to remain but I could see they didn’t have many options.
Topaz: if it’s like ‘at then I suggest somethin’, all in favor o’ Sting our savior te be lord of this town say aye.
The roar of the dwarves felt like it shook the entire cave all the way to the top.
Quest Bandit Clean up complete
You have cleaned the woods and Cave of all remaining bandits and made the area safe. Without any place to return to the dwarves have decided to turn the hideout into a dwarf city.
Reward: Topaz is now your Apprentice, Familiarity with dwarves and Ownership of new town.
You have been chosen as the lord of a new town, you have the honor of naming the city.
Sting: so what should I name this city…the name I have chosen for this place will be Hevea.
You have founded the village Hevea
All town info can be accessed at any time by saying “City Status Window” for regional info say Region Status Window” for any internal affairs options you need to a house/palace/mansion so that you can access such options, (current location bandit leaders house).
You have gained a title Lord of Hevea
This title belongs to lord ruling over the village of Hevea.
Villagers have a tendency to imitate the lord’s job if they know it you class will promote magic and crafting jobs.
All of a sudden the dwarves began to celebrate, loudly, it lasted a bit before the dwarves all dispersed and headed in different ways. Few remained and it was to fix up the area around the room. Topaz was the only one that stayed to talk with me.
Sting: so my new apprentice, ready for a long journey of building this place up from bandit hideout to flourishing underground city.
Topaz: HAHAHA, aye it be a long journey indeed, dwarves towns are hard ta maintained, ya gonna need humans and such comin’, though I think after we get th’ place more fixed up.
Sting: where are the old bandit leader’s house and the storage they used to hoard their money?
He lead me to the second floor, all around the dwarves were swinging pickaxes into the tunnel walls widening them at an amazing speed, what else would you expect from them. At the second floor Topaz led me into a door after a bit, inside was filled with many pelts of animals and other luxury’s. On the second floor it was the opposite and was completely empty except for a table and chair near the center of the room.
You have entered the lord’s management room.
Here you can control and improve the city and change taxes from here, for improvements you will need money.
Current balance in treasury (3274G)
To open the internal affairs options just say “Open Internal Affairs”
Sting: “Open Internal Affairs”
At once large screens appeared around the rooms surrounding the desk, one showed the growth of the population, one the economy, one was a detailed map with all the layers of the city showing, one was options for constructions and the last was a summary of the town. I look at the summary first as that holds the most details I need.
Region of Hevea
A bandit cave that was taken from them, this new town is still hidden from public eyes and holds no political power until it is found and integrated into a kingdom or creates one itself.
Military: 0
Economic Power: 0
Culture: 5
Technology: 30
Religious Influence: 0
Local Politics: 0
Influence on the surrounding area: 0%
Urban Development: 10%
Hygiene: 0
Public Security: 100%
Special Products: iron, iron works
Territorial Population: 421
Monthly Revenue: 0 Gold
Village operating expense: Military force 0%, Economic evolution 0%, Cultural investment 0%, Monster request and subjugation 0%, Village maintenance 0%
I scratch my head looking at the numbers; there is little to work with and so much to do.
Sting: this is a pain in the ass…I guess the best thing to do for now is invest in what we can do, invest 500 gold in mining operations and build three medium sized smithies at these three locations.
The costs for the buildings were 200G each the area I pointed was on the second floor the smithies were placed near the entrance the third floor. As we watched from there we saw the cave walls around there open up into a plaza like chamber leaving only the smithies in the chamber.
Sting: now build three weapon and armor stores here.
I pointed near the center of the first floor, this time it cost less and totaled 500G for 6 shops that formed in a large plaza that would most likely be turned into a marketplace.
Sting: ok invest 40% into economic evolution, 20% village maintenance and the rest is random.
Topaz: that’s it?
Sting: not much we can do with a little over 3000G.
Topaz: true, was hopen fur a tavern but we aint got no beer anyway.
Sting: we need wheat for it anyway so we need to clear the forest outside for that.
Topaz: good chance te get carpentry shops up an runnin’.
I give him a smile and see him holding an axe in his hand.
Sting: you can put that axe away; both you and Alice will be getting your first lessons on making string and how to cut with them.
I gave him a grin that showed I wouldn’t back down.
1 month later
Well it was one eventful month, the first week was mostly dwarves digging away at the caves making them wider and reinforcing them, obviously with wood beams us three cut. As for my apprentices Topaz picked it up quickly, same with the meditation stuff and since he was already born with both mana control skills he took up the mana string training quickly. Alice had gained the meditation skills while we traveled but it took her the first week to get the external control down and another 3 days before she could gain the mana string skill. After that it went rather quickly, most of the training was done to increase their proficiency with the skill, at the end of the month topaz was at the impressive basic 9 and Alice basic 7 at mana string and basic 6 both of them for mana slash. Me? I was at intermediate 5 for mana string and intermediate 1 for mana slash; I can now cut things weaker the reinforced steel, this class is slowly getting to be OP. I’m sure at advanced ill already be able to cut or at least damage mithril. We also cleared a large patch of trees during the training as well as removed the stomps leaving empty grass lands, which attracted weaker creatures found in beginner towns. It was obvious that at this point someone would notice but strangely no one did.
Second eventful thing of the month, we went and picked up the Hevea tree sap, there were a good twenty full barrels and one excited Alice roaring to start up the process. It took her a bit over two hours to make the first batch of synthetic skin, making it was simple just heat it until it boils and keep turning the sap in a slow pace. Then we had a specific part of the puppet dipped into it. Best example would be the arm, I took Proto’s shoulder down to his hand without disconnecting any of the other parts, and it was just a separate arm and poured the hot rubbery liquid onto the arm and let it cool. After it was cooled we cut it and pulled the arm out and made a removable skin. I also took the time to carve the sense seal for touch on the skin and placed it on Proto again and attached his mana. One thing that surprised me was that the strings inside the puppets evolved from a regular string in his body to a complex nerves system like circuit. When I attached the mana to the skin and touched it he naturally felt the touch on the skin like a normal human. We continued until he was completely covered. Now what of his eyes and mouth, to our surprise they moved naturally after we made a single slit separating them, the eyes blinked like normal and when he talked his mouth moved in sync. At this success all three of us gained a skill.
New Skill Alchemy
The art of changing one substance to another through simple reactions or complex magic formulas
New skill Rubber making
Rubber making
Taking nature’s bounty you have discovered a substance that has elastic like quality’s that mimic human skin when processed right, with further use you can discover more uses for it.
With this done I also finish Alice’s original request, also the skin seems to have integrated itself in the puppet and it works as a disguise piece that even hides the magic signature that they have which makes me think that the closer they becoming human the more we work on them.
At the end of the month we the cave had undergone a large change, the dark damp cave
had been widened to 6 meters wide with 5 meters in height all around with only few smaller tunnels. From the small plaza that held the stores, the dwarves used that as a starting place and expanded and made a large dome like area that was a whopping 15 meters high, don’t ask me how they got up there, and with a radius of at least 3 kilometers. Within this area new shops had been made, by hand not internal affairs, and on the second floor using the smithy plaza it was expanded in a similar manner. The second floor near the door to the third floor had turned into an industrial zone while near the exit to the first floor had become residential area, all over the place had stone buildings. All these domes were held up from falling by stone pillars that were left to hold the roof. All this was possible thanks to the donation of over 50000 gold on Alices and my part because of her OP armor being auctioned off for ridiculous prices since we invested a lot in mining operations .
With the town infrastructure mostly done now I got worried when no one appeared and decided to go to Relona to see what had happened. What I find is very irritating, on the road near the town was a large number of knights and mages, I asked what was up and they said the main guilds were investigating how the criminal Tristan the Red Claw escaped from jail. I got a headache as I thought of him, I had Alice and Topaz go into town and spread the word about the town, as they weren’t known by the guild it was easy to enter and leave for them, as for me I returned to my town.
After two days they returned… with a herd of beggar looking people.
Sting: ...why does everyone look so worn out?
??? : Because the damn guilds are making Relona go into ruin.
I looked at the source of the voice that came from an old cart and find Miss Ginger there with her grandkids.
Sting: what exactly is going on over there?
Miss Ginger: just as I've said, all the guilds are making the town go into ruin, they took armor and weapons from shops saying it was required for arming the solders took food saying the fucking army needed to be fed and even put limits like curfew and things like that. After Alice came and told me about this little town you made i instantly packed up all my things and helped out the kids spread the word.
Alice: she was a great help most of the shop keepers abandoned Relona now and have come with us, now we have tons of different crafts men here.
Sting: it’s been on my mind for a while now, how many guilds are there.
Miss Ginger: besides the guilds you travelers make there is the mages guild, the warrior guild, the thieves’ guild, the merchant guild and then the lesser guilds which consist of normally craft guild. The four main guilds are a plague to the world, they try and control the kingdoms from within and can ruin one as easily as they can sponsor a new one.
Sting: another set of reasons why i hate those guilds...why don’t we make our own guilds or schools.
Alice: our own, what do you mean?
Sting: well we have a great mage like Miss Ginger she can defiantly teach magic we have many craftsman that can make craft guilds, it would take time but we can make a merchant guild.
Topaz: what 'bout de warrior guild?
??? : I can probably help with that.
Pushing his way through was the knight that had helped the lord of Relona to register the players who would join the battle against the bandits.
Miss Gingar: ah commander Grant nice to see you are well.
Grant: same to you... my name is Julius Grant i was the commander of Relona's Guards before the guilds sent it into ruin, they even ransacked the town’s armory and took the guards armor for themselves.
Sting: if you’re the commander then would you like the positions here as well i haven’t had time to hire anyone because of the low population and need for it.
Grant: no thanks i think I'll retire to just be guild head and train the young, if you want i could still train the town guards though.
Sting: i can live with that... now the last thing to address before we can go inside. Is there anyone here with experience in farming?
After a bit some people moved up, about seven families came up they averaged about 5 family members each.
Sting: more than i though there would be, Topaz lead them to the storage and give them tools and the horse drawn plow, also teach them how to use it like i showed you.
Topaz: aye sir, ya farmers follow me.
He led them inside and entered into a side tunnel before vanishing.
Sting: the rest of you can go inside; the dwarves are friendly and can help you make shops and homes. Mr. Grant, Miss Ginger, can you to come with me it’s about the arrangements for the guilds.
Grant: lead the way.
I led them to my room while the rest of the humans headed all over the plave to start up their lives again.
Mages Guild Athoria Branch
In the council office of the mages guild there is currently a heated discussion between the mages and Alfred Count the guild master of the mage guild in Athoria
Council member 1: what have you been doing Alfred, this man that was being hunted still isn’t caught and now the guilds member are starting to question the reason we are hunting him.
Alfred: sir I've been personally searching for the magic signals of whatever item he owns, he was able to escape the town and started to move which made hunting him harder. Before the battle of Relona and the bandits i finally picked up the signal and also discovered two new signals coming from him.
Council member 2: new signals did he go into a dungeon or get it from some noble.
Alfred: no, nobles now a days don’t have magic items we obtained all of theirs except heirlooms that can only be used by that families bloodline. I believe he is creating new magic items.
As soon as he said that, everyone began shouting retorts like its impossible or only master ranks can make that. Alfred just kept his composure and let them shout their angry out. When they calmed down a bit he finally talked again.
Alfred: it’s only a speculation but who know, i believe that this made is studying the art for puppeteering.
Everyone was quiet which left a dead silence in the room. Many of the men in the room have taken, at least a few years in their life to study a bit to attempt this art.
Council member 1: what makes you so certain?!
Alfred: I’m not certain but it’s from listening to travelers (players) and adventurers (npc) saying he possesses strange abilities that he uses to control the bodies of his enemies. My first thought was mind-bending magic but that was taken out because he took control of hundreds of enemies quickly and in succession it takes massive amounts of mana to do the same so he must have something else that takes hold of the body that is when this idea came up.
Council member 3: it is very farfetched for sure but as you said this man has many strange abilities, not to mention he asked about meditation and mana control books in the library then went to learn carpentry which is an unlikely combination.
Head council man: i see your interest Alfred i think it is worth more keeping a watch on him instead of trying to capture him; it would do far greater harm if we kept doing the same thing we did to Relona just because that man was there.
With the heads command it was final everyone agreed on keeping a spy watching him because it would help them more if he developed his job to a greater extent.
Virtual Works board office
The same as the mages the board of director’s art Virtual works were also checking the info on the game; Malcolm’s father, Jonas Brim, was obviously there as required.
Board member 1: so Miss Catharine you may begin with the current affairs going on within the game.
Catharine: yes sire, well as you can see here, most of the Aloria continent is in a stable period but from recent reviews of the quests from the players that have become kings or nobles it shows that war will soon appear throughout the continent.
Jonas: and the Emon Continent
Catharine: yes this one is much less stable as the guilds are trying to make their mark permanent here as there are fewer players to interrupt them…there is one other thing though, it’s a player that goes by the name of Sting.
Jonas perked up after hearing his sons user name appear.
Catharine: for some reason his class is uncategorized, it doesn't fall under either craft or mage or anything just floating in the dead center like it incorporate all of them.
Board member 2: what is the name?
Catharine: ah let’s see…Magus Puppeteer.
There were whispers all around but Jonas was calm on the outside, though inside he was panicking wondering what would happen.
Board member 3: how did he come about this job?
Catharine: hmm let me check.
She flipped there half a dozen papers before she stopped on one
Catharine: ah here it is, the AI said that this was a player created class that came about with the creation of the first Magic marionette.
The room was dead silent; Jonas had seen his son make it from the video feed and was impressed by the complex process that took to make the puppets. The simple process of making the puppet needed a job on its own not to mention effectively using the loyal puppets in combat, which also would need to be trained before using.
Board member 2: Jonas I’ve wondered something you have been tense ever since we touched this subject did you know of this?
Jonas: of course, but it’s not my place to go telling the world whenever something like this happens.
Board member 1: do you know who it is?
Jonas: as I’ve said I do and I have talked with him and he says he will prefer to keep this a secret and it WILL be kept as such until he gives us the call to let it be known.
Board member 4: Miss Catharine is there anything else about his young man that is of interest?
Catharine: yes he is currently the lord for a newly founded dwarf town and is the man the mages guild is hunting for as he possesses magic items.
Board member 1: …
Board member 2: …
Board member 3: …
Board member 4: he is that man that is causing so much trouble to find for the guild?!
Jonas: “trouble maker, should have guessed it was him considering his job”
Board member 2: we need to talk with this man I want an interview on TV with him as he tells us about his job and its workings, miss Catharine please tell us this young man’s real name.
Though discreetly she turned her gaze to Jonas he just slightly shook his head.
Jonas: I’m sorry men but that job will be for me to do, thank you for your help Catharine you may go.
She gives a small bow and leaves the room, the board members stare at Jonas intensely
Board member 3: what are you planning Jonas, you’re not taking favorites are you?!
Jonas: of course not it’s just that you won’t be allowed into his house that is all?
Board member 1: and why not exactly
Jonas: because it’s my house and my son will be asked by me.
Without saying another word Jonas stood up and walked out leaving the board members slack jawed.
Like he said he asked Malcolm about it after getting home.
Malcolm: so they want me to tell about my job in a tv interview…I can go and reveal it I can take the chance to tell about my town, I’m thinking about making a puppeteer guild and setting up sellable puppet for players.
Jonas: what really but what about the guilds if they get their hands on them then what then.
Malcolm: that come with the job I guess, I’ll keep the secret of how to make the puppet and since puppets are more companions then just a tool it shouldn’t matter, I’ll just set up fire bomb spells inside the puppets so that if they are taken from their partners they will blow up if they aren’t in the inventory or connected to their partner for to long.
Jonas: as a job what are you going to teach them?
Malcolm: hmm ill set it that mana strings come with the class… requirements for the class will be having mediation skill and inner and external mana control and at level 10.
Jonas: external mana control is very hard skill to acquire you know that right.
Malcolm: of course I know that way it will deter many muscle heads and keep mages that work for their job but can you made this interview for 2 weeks, I’m going to start making metal puppets and I need lots of time to do this, with my blacksmithing level at 7 right now I need to train more to make decent puppets that will serve the guards of the town.
Jonas: sure thing so in two weeks you then no backing down now.
Malcolm: I know I should get going to work as of now time is precious.
I return to my room and hope into the game while dad calls Catharine to make the appointments and to invite other hidden class players that will be willing to tell about their class.
Feedback would be nice as well as some ideas, I’ve been running low on some and its taking longer to write because of that
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