《The Puppeteer (dropped)》Chapter 3 The First Apprentice
The walk to the woods wasn’t hard neither of my puppets complained. Oh your probably wondering how I am controlling two puppets at one time, well im not I found out while at Miss Gingers house that in auto mode I need only one string attached to the puppets for them to move, they use their own mana to move in auto mode but with more strings they waste less mana.
After a few minutes we encounter our first enemy. It was a lone bear it was standing over a corpse of a deer and eating it.
Sting: ok Magi lets test your magic
She nods ready for anything.
Sting: I want you to make a cage with the Earth lances like this
I crouch down and make a tiny cage with entwined stone lances; she looks at it a bit then stands up and holds one hand up towards the bear.
Magi: Earth Lance.
A small glowing seal appears floating in front of her hand like you see in magic formations. Then we felt the ground shake as the lances sprang out of the ground closing off the bears escape.
Through the earthen bars I could see the bear was raging inside trying to get out, its roars vibrated clearly in the forest.
I call Proto close and make raise the ground below us with the Earth lance magic so we could see above the cage, I look towards Magi and nod. She lifts both arms.
Magi: Blind, Curse
The two spells fly out of the seals and hit the bear dead center, at that moment Proto and I move in, he jumps on the ground while I aim to land on top of the bear. I land successfully and grab the fur just before it starts to thrash around but that is stopped by Proto when he lands a clean hit in the bears gut with Knuckle drive. I take the chance and hook my strings to the bear’s neck finally stopping it. It stayed up on its hind legs for a bit before dropping in a lump on the ground while roaring and trying to move. We then finished it off and collected its loot. When I checked the body I gained info about the bear, level 28 butchered produces, a LOT of meat and really large pelt.
Sting: it’s too slow to fight like this.
Magi: but… we are… w-weak.
Sting: I guess, this might be a good pace for now.
Proto: we…could t-try…a g-game… to see… how fast
He says this while doing pushups, why because of Monk mindset, he now searches for ways to get stronger.
Magi: w-why…not take…turns hunting.
Sting: I think that should work everyone hunts differently so we should do that.
We head out again, first we let Magi go since she is the lowest level, though she has the highest dmg/s she quickly trapped a bear and shot a few ice spears and finished with a fire bomb, the explosion was huge, to huge I had her use it before just to see how large it was but this one was almost twice as large. I think what could have changed, and then I remember something in physic class. Its goes something like, if you heat something that is very cold rapidly it could cause a large explosion, the same would work with heating up then freezing quickly, best example would be throwing dry ice in warm water the reaction is very powerful.
With that in mind I tell her about it and she seems to understand, it’s a shame we only have the ice spear and fire bomb combo, since we don’t have many spells available.
After her was Proto's turn, we captured another bear in a cage, larger cage this time to give him room so he could fight. His fight was...i would best describe it like one of those old martial arts movies, it went like this.
First he waited for the bear to move to the far end then jumped in. He then rushed at it and gave the bear a knuckle drive punch on its side before jumping back out of range of the bears paws. When the bear finally had him in its sight it got on its hind legs and gave a roar while standing three meters tall. Proto responded by getting into a stance similar to either a boxer or a Muay Thai and was hoping from one foot to the next ready to move. When he didn’t come the bear rushed him which he just jumped out of the way. When the bear stopped to turn and find him, he moved in. He struck another Knuckle drive into its side with an uppercut then began his combo skill. He started with volley of punches which stunned the bear and it fell on its side at this point he took his chance to do the finishing move of the combo. He jumped easily four meters up into the air and did a single front flip before falling head first towards the stunned bear with his right arm ready he launched the punch. When it connected it caused a small shockwave and from outside i could see the bear was in a V shape as it got closer to deaths door from the terrifying impact. He suddenly jumped away and waited as the bear got up, suddenly the bears black fur stood on its ends and became a bloody red color as it let out a terrifyingly loud roar which signaled it had gone berserk but when it looked at Proto he was already in front of him. I could feel he was determined to finish this. I had his stats open this whole time, hen i saw his mana drop by 100 i guessed he had armed both hands with knuckle drive. The first went in as a left hook to the side of the gut which made the bear drop onto its four paws and the right punch connected as an uppercut to the bears chin. As soon as it connected the sound of a snap was heard. Inside the cage the bears head was faced perfectly up in a 90 degree angle. It stood there a few moments before falling down dead.
Magic Marionette Proto leveled up
Bare handed mastery leveled up basic 3
Knuckle drive leveled up to 2
Combo skill Rush strike, drop punch leveled up to 2
Sting: good job Proto now lets me clean this then it my turn.
One feature to this game that makes it realistic is that bodies of the dead, both animal and humanoid, don’t vanish after dead and leave the drops, you need to go and get it off them yourself, which is one of the reasons this game is for 18+ players, you don’t want kids having to kill bandits and have them take items from the corpses.
After butchering the pelt and meat we catch another one for me. I know what your think I’ll just control him and kill him. Sorry but to boring, i want to test something from one of my favorite anime. I make five strings appear from the tips of my finger and let them expand. Then, like handling a whip i motion my hind down quickly like I’m clawing at something. I was extremely happy with the results, five deep claws like wounds appeared on the bear as it roared in pain. I then pulled the strings up over head and point them down over the bear and do the same downward movement. The strings go down and easily piece the bears body through heart and lungs and it falls over dead.
You have gained new skills
String mastery
Controlling the strings as weapons to do great damage at long distances.
Only gives effects when strings come from the hands.
Increases control over the strings when directly using it from your hands or holding the control bars
Increases slashing damage by 5%
Increases piercing damage by 5%
String Slash
Using super thin string durable like whips to claw into an opponent from a great distance.
1 string damage=100 slash damage
Cost 100 stamina
String pierce
Moving the string straight downward towards your opponent with the points aimed at them
Ignores armor up to iron but not harder materials
Can only be used with the strings attached to the hand.
Cost 300 stamina
Sting: wow really efficient skills...i wonder if other skills might work
Magi: master...scary skill.
Sting: you don’t like them
She shakes her head while covering her face more.
Sting: it’s getting late, Magi can you make a large hold over there then use earth lance to cover the top and leave an opening for us.
She nods and gets to it, she finishes thanks to her magic and we go in and i have them meditate. When both were sitting i sat a bit away and began as well. In mediation i already had planned on developing a sensory skill. How? I took spiders in consideration here; they sense vibrations on their threads so for me i was planning on making max number of strings and spreading them as far as possible. It didn’t take long, after i found a bear with the skill the game system recognized what i was doing.
Mana string sense
Like a spider you spread your strings to hunt your enemies.
Range: 70 meter with max amount of strings
After getting the skill, not job related for some reason i return to my senses. I then leave the burrow and gather up lots of rocks and go back inside before pulling out a chisel and hammer.
What was i making, a scout puppet. What kind? a spider of course, i planned on using it to transmit to me the info as it walked around as I use my new skill.
By morning i had all the pieces made, the three sections and the eight legs, i then used the grow spell to grow the abdomen and carved a single seal for the mana string sense, on the spot was there webs normally came from, and then i added sight and hearing to the head. The core i used was opal; none were large like Magi's diamond but it not like i needed it to be.
Connecting the parts was quick as there wasn’t as many parts as human puppets but it took a fair bit of time. When i was done the sun was already out. I attached strings on it to complete the puppet.
Magic Arachnid Marionette
The first of its kind as it’s the first magic animal marionette.
Constructed by an up and coming puppet maker this stone spider boasts its high durability thanks to the material used.
Warning: just like natural spider, excluding the demi tribe of Arachne, this one does not know the concept of loyalty and will attack if not in complete control.
Level 1
Job: Drone (scout)
Exp 0%
Health/Durability: 2000/2000
Mana: 500/500
Stamina: unlimited
Strength 50
Agility 80
Dexterity 50
Vitality 90
Stealth (basic 1)
Ambush (basic 1)
Mana string weaving (basic 1)
Tracking (basic 1)
Status: normal
Puppet Making leveled up to 4
Magic puppet making leveled up to 6
Sculpting leveled up to level 6
The spider was standing there since i was in full control and after reading the description i didn’t plan to, at least not near me.
Sting: it has a job already is it because I wanted a scout or because it’s an animal? Maybe it’s both, animal puppets might come with the job for what I plan to use them for.
I control it and make it walk outside and go back to meditating. Since i have the mana string sense when meditating i can see my puppets if they are linked to me. I make the spider walk a good sixty meters towards the east, where bandits were supposed to be then i activate Mana string sense. From me a ball of mana, all i have, travels down the string attached to the spider’s core. When it reached the core it passed through it and headed to the seal and pulled along the cores mana as well which deactivated the spider. The spider slumped down but the seal was active all the same since I was controlling it. After a few minutes I sent a bit of my regenerated mana to the spider and activated it again.
Now the mana sense skill how it works is a bit complex I think. It works together with a skill it gave me, Mental mapping which appeared after the strings mapped out everything around the spider. It works like this, when the strings that float around the user touches something new it raps around it and gets a general shape, if more strings are nearby it will also rap around it getting a better image that I why this skill only works while I meditate, I can only see this image of the sense while I focus a lot and I need mana to control the spider to as it goes further from me.
I had the spider move in a zig zap movement to map out a larger area to the east and I found what I wanted about 2 km away. It was a small patrol group of bandits, just grunts but its good since I can interrogate them for the main bases location.
I have the spider return and after an hour it arrives and I deactivate it before packing it so it won’t attack. Then I follow the mental map I created, obviously I had some sensory strings spread out for safety reasons but we reached the patrol group easily without any encounters.
The group consists of about 10 grunts ranging from levels 30-38.
Since they were just the weaklings of the bunch we just raid the place. Magi built the fence then began bombarding magic over them, Proto jumped into the fence dodging the incoming magic from Magi and began devastating the bandits while I used my strings to slash them up or control one or two to attach their friends. It didn’t take more than five minutes to finish off the group.
We then proceeded to strip them of their wares I repaired two sets of bandit armor and handed it to each of my puppets. Though it was old stuff it still improved our defense and any help would be good.
I then sent out the spider again and quickly found a new group, much larger this time with 25 men and one was much higher ranked then the grunts so I had my target to get info on the bandit hideout.
The raid on the second group wasn’t as nice as the first, the target was a trained officer and had quite a good head on his head while he directed his men but sadly he never encountered my job before so he had devise a plan for the constant changing men that would randomly turn on their comrades saying they were being controlled, which isn’t a preposterous thing seeing as there really exists brainwashing magic.
When I finally got rid of a quarter of the group Proto and Magi stepped in and cleaned up the remaining ones while I captured the captain, he seems to have magic resistance so I need almost three times the number of strings to fully restrain him.
Sting: we finally got him restrained.
Bandit: so you’re the bustards, let me go so I can strangle you!!!
Magi: Master…interrogate
She said this then makes an ice spear appear in her hand and aims it at the guy. He becomes paler then the light blue ice from the spear.
Sting: hold on Magi, as you can see she means business so you better answer correctly, where is the main bandit hideout?
Bandit: l-like i-i-I’ll ever b-betray Tristan.
Before I could say anything the ice spear pierced his leg.
Sting: we can continue this all day, she knows healing spells so we can injure and heal you all we want.
The next one to approach was Proto and without a word he got his point across by punching the ground and making a 2 foot wide crater. The man was ghostly white now and was covered in sweat; I gave him a menacing grin then moved in close and said in a cold tone.
Sting: the thing that would make me the happiest is to let them have fun with you but if you answer our question truthfully you won’t need to.
Bandit: t-t-t-to the n-n-northeast in a c-c-cave…w-we have s-some dwarves s-slaves
digging for us so the hideout is a huge
underground fortress.
When he finished Magi finished him off.
You have destroyed a bandit raiding party.
+100 fame
1500 exp
Level up 3x
Mari level up 6x
Proto level up 2x
Sting: “that’s a nice parting gift he left us,
With our training we did, Magi is level 14 now,
I’m level 22 and Proto is 25”
(I’ll put all three stat tables at the end of the chapter)
We then proceeded to loot their gear, i was happy the armor in this group is much betters then the first groups. I gave Proto the bandit captain's armor which consists of a chainmail shirt, leather pants, chest plates, iron gauntlets, and metal boots. For me i settled with a better bandits gear for now until I can have a good look at the loot. The more valuable stuff, money jewelry, higher grade weapons, i stored in my inventory and the rest i dumped into a carriages the bandits were pulling. Not surprising it was a merchants cart and to make me happier it held fabric material and gems, lots of gems though all uncut.
After strapping up a pair of horses to the carriage, there were twenty in total which I took all thanks to my strings, we returned to Relona. Why? To get rich off the cart full of merchant goods and loot and the twenty horses the bandit were riding.
Bandit leader Tristan POV
In the wood about a half hour walk north east of Stings position was the bandits cave city. It was made like a dwarf’s city, which is in layers on over the other. The boss’s room was located on the second floor while the third was the current working place of the dwarven slaves.
Inside Tristan was sharpening an exquisite blade when one of his officer's entered.
Officer: sir... we have a small problem.
Tristan: if its small then why are telling me then?
His voice was as cold as ice just like his stare.
Officer: i-it’s about Captain Leo and his raiding party... their dead sir.
Tristan stared blankly at the man and slowly got up.
Tristan: dead...you know what you’re saying boy?!
Officer: yes sir, they were later for arrive so we sent out a search party and found the party dead and strips of all their belongings, all the horses and the merchant carts, which were three in total, they raided today were also gone, sir.
Tristan: DAMN IT!!!
He grabbed his sword and tossed it straight past the man head to the left and lodging it in the wall behind him. The officer was sweating all over and trembling in fear.
Tristan: who did it?!
Officer: w-w-w-we d-don’t know, we s-sent out several s-search groups after we found Captain Leo.
Tristan: send some men to all the surrounding villages, with so many horses he will have to sell them, search in all places you can that sell horses, stables, ranches whatever i want these guys found and brought to me alive.
The officer ran out of the room to do as ordered, even from far he could her Tristan’s yelling.
Sting POV
The ride was very eventful, i was in one of the three carts, which held three large bags of uncut gems. Why was it eventful? Well because i found the mother of all diamonds. It was easily as big as a basketball and feeling inside i could sense it was half filled with mana, but the quantity of mana inside is something that would take weeks with Magi, Proto and me to fill to this point.
In all three bags were a guessed total of at least 200 gems. I sorted through them all by type and put each in a separate pile while keeping the large ones. Diamonds 20, 5 large, Ruby 50, 3 large, sapphire 30, 6 large, topaz 60, 10 large, Opal 10, 7 large, Emerald 20, 8 large. The rest i put back in the bags to sell.
Getting over my exciting discovery, which i will never sell since it’s to useful to recharge our mana reserves in dire situations, there were other stuff we acquired. First from the fabric goods, there is a cart full of both silk and leather, both at extremely high quality and the leather was from powerful animals. Then comes loot from the bandits, most had leather armor with some really high quality iron pieces, the swords and daggers were also great most even had a restriction for level 30, must be stuff made by dwarves.
The armor took a bit of sorting through but i was able to make a full set of iron armor which i wore, as for Magi and Proto. Proto had gained the captains armor which was mostly iron with leather pants, while i gave magi full leather armor. The last bit of loot we gained were horses, twenty in total. Though i won’t be selling the six pulling the cart the other fourteen will. I heard from father that a healthy horse normally sells for at least 20g each, so right now with all this stuff I’m sitting in a gold mine.
When we reached Relona we had quite a few people staring at us, though i can’t complain, i would stare as well if i saw three large merchant carts leading a pack of horses. When we reached the gate we were blocked because of the number of horses.
Guard 1: halt we can’t allow you to enter with so many animals.
Sting: I've come to sell them can you indicate someone.
Guard 2: really, I'll take him to the stable manager.
The guard let us pass and we were led inside following the cities walls until we reached a fenced area with a few horses.
Guard 2: hey old man, you have a customer
Quickly an elder man followed by a young one appeared from a small hut near the fence.
Old rancher: what’s this 'bout a customer?
Guard 2: boy here want to sell horses.
Old rancher: really let me see ‘em.
He jumped the fence then began checking them. After a good ten minutes of checking all of them, he came over.
Old Rancher: boy, were in god’s name did you get these horses.
Sting: some bandits attacked, the horses survived their riders didn't.
Old rancher: that explains the slight bruises on them but over all they are pretty health, how does 12G a head sound?
Sting: 18
"13" "16"
Old rancher: 14 final offer.
Sting: done
Hey told the boy to get the money while he led the horses into small corrals. In total 196G i earned. I thank the men and head in towards the plaza and towards Alice’s shop next.
When i enter i see her look over, then she jumps out with a happy smile.
Alice: did you get it?
Sting: not yet bandits are in the way.
Alice: just ignore them.
Sting: i would if i hadn't heard they had dwarven slaves in their base.
Alice’s face get serious now after hearing that.
Alice: dwarves, it’s illegal to enslave them, along with dragonians, dwarves and elves are strictly forbidden to enslave.
Sting: i understand dwarves and elves since they are skilled but why dragonians as well.
Alice: dragonians are called the noble demi tribe because of their incredible power in strength and magic, it’s said that if someone tries to steal from one of they can get a penalty as bad as death.
You have gaimed information on your race
+2 to ever stat
You have gained the title "Noble Demi-human"
This title will make conversation with royalties easier as you will be viewed as one.
When title is equipped you will be seen as a noble by all around you.
Sting: "troublesome title, it will attract TO MUCH attention that i don’t want now."
Sting: anyway Alice i brought some goods you might be interested in.
I led her to the cart with fabric goods. When she saw it her mouth dropped.
Alice: where did you get all this, you can only find it in huge cities.
Sting: a bandit raiding party
Alice: ...bandit…as in the ones to the east?
I nod and she looks from me to the goods before looking back.
Alice: you know i don’t have money for this kind of stuff.
Sting: can you work with this stuff.
Alice: ya my mom taught me everything she knew.
Sting: then make a few goods with this stuff ill help you get customers.
She looked a bit skeptical but then picked up some pieces of silk and leather and went inside.
After a bit she returned holding a lavished leather vest adored with silk that had intricate patterns sewn on it.
Silk leather vest
This beautiful vest was made by tge seamstress Alice. The hide used is comparable in strength to heavy iron armor while the silk gives it its beauty. The intricate patterns give a special effect to the vest.
Defense: 45
Level restrictions: 50
Special effect: Decreases damage received from magic attacks.
Sting: wow this is great, but is this the best you can do or did you hold back.
She looked down at her feet to advert her eyes.
Alice: i held back, mom told me to only use my full potential to give armor to someone i felt deserves it.
Sting: can i see a sample of your full potential.
She nodded and led me inside; i left my puppets to guard the carts.
Inside she took me into the back room she normally come out of. It was fully loaded with all sorts of armor of many different materials. I picked up a black leather vest to examine it.
Black Leviathans Leather Vest
Made by the genius Alice Heldon, this vest can be considered an art piece thanks to the craftsmanship that was poured onto it during its making. The sewn patterns are a representation of Alice’s thanks to the water spirits that guarded the beast that the leather came from until it reached he.
Defense: 230
Level restrictions: 370
Special effects:
With the complete set you can breathe underwater and won’t feel water resistance when submerged.
80% resistance to all water based attacks.
I stood there in a daze after reading the description of the item. I snapped back to reality when Alice nervously shook me and took the item from my hands.
Sting: that’s one of yours?
She nervously nodded, i could see fear in her eyes, something must have happened for her to be like this so i asked about it.
Alice: i-i-I'm just n-nervous because i o-once showed my work to someone and they came and stole everything and killed my parents.
She began crying now so i patted her head like i did when my sisters are sad, it calms them down. Luckily it works for her as well.
Sting: so you’re living alone now?
Alice: yes...i can survive with the sales i make.
Sting: then why don’t you travel with me?
She looked at me surprised then narrowed her eyes
Alice: you just want my tailor skills
Sting: no I don’t, you see Miss Ginger gave me a starting goal, she wants me to get myself five apprentices to teach them my job, since you’re all alone why not come with me.
She sat down and pondered deeply on it, I could see she was wavering as she looked all around at her things
Alice: what will I do about my items here I don’t want to sell them from my shop since it will attract a lot of attention.
Sting: want me to auction it off, us adventures have a safe auction area that can get us rich with the right items, your stuff can attract a lot of attention but the auctions from my connections doesn’t say where it comes from.
Alice: if it’s like that then ok but you need to see them in sets since the items main effects are set bonuses.
Quest Auction sales
Alice has lived alone for a while after her family was killed and her things stolen, you have offered her a chance to leave this small town and travel the world but you need to sell all the tailored armor before she agrees.
Difficulty F
Reward: Alice as your first apprentice.
Sting: ok then let’s get the sets ready so that I can put them to auction.
Quest accepted
She runs around picking up and sorting different pieces into matching sets. When I got to twenty sets my inventory was full so I told her to continue sorting while I go put them up.
I log off and quickly hook up my computer to the capsule and open up the Second life Auction site.
The site allows you to sell items for either game money or real money; I choose game money since I don’t need real ones. On the page of each separate item there is a base price of the material cost, I increase that price about 20% more than link all the items to sell as a set and put it up for auction for 2 days. I do this to all twenty before I log back in to find a whole bunch more ready. In total I put up seventy sets up, to everyone who always searches the auctions im sure they are quite shocked at this stock of OP items.
As I sit there looking I open on set which is the Black Leviathans Leather set and ready the comments
AniCat: dude is this for real; there is no way for someone to get this many high level stuff in one go.
Greatmind: sorry to say it’s real, I have experience checking out pictures to see if they have suffered photoshop and not a single one of these sets have, they are all genuine items.
The comments followed like this, after a few more specialists checked out the auction and confirmed the authenticity of the item, the bidding war got into full gear. After a few minutes my father rushed into my room.
Dad: son what is the meaning of this, where did you get such high grade items so.
I didn’t respond but walked over to the capsule and messed with the external monitor and pulled up the conversation of with Alice. I let him watch it while I go back to the computer and read watch the war before turning the TV on only to see the anchor men talking about the amazing series of OP sets being auctioned off at the moment. My guess is that the true bidding war between guilds will begin after the auctions reach the past 10000G, at that point no normal player would have this kind of capital unless he is the lord of a very successful city or he is a guild master that takes money to allow people to join.
I walk over to my capsule, which my dad is still looking at with a tired expression. He looks at me with eyes filled with both pride and worry. I could guess what he was thinking, the media would hunt down the owner of the account, with no success if my dad had anything to say about it, and try and get interviews or anything just to see how I got the items.
I don’t worry about it and just log on again.
When I log in I find Alice sitting in the empty room just staring at the space.
Alice: you know, with this space clean now, I feel like I can finally move on past my parent’s death. I’ve only been doing tailoring because my parents were passionate about it and I didn’t want to disappoint them.
Sting: a parent will always be proud of their children no matter what they do as long as they follow what they want.
Alice: I guess you’re right, your carts are in the back, I had your friends take it back there to hide them and keep prying eyes from trying to steal them, im ready to go when you are.
Quest Auction sales complete
You have placed all Alices things for sale and have taken a burden off her back, she will follow you and learn from you as your loyal student.
Reward: Alice as your first apprentice.
Sting: thanks we should go th…
Sting: what’s that??
Alice: the church bells, they only ring for special sermons or if there is large scale trouble.
Sting: let’s go check it out.
Outside was a lot of confusion, many people looked worried as they look at the churches bell ring; suddenly a small window appeared in front of everyone.
Warning the army of Bandits controlled by the wanted Dragonian criminal Tristan the Red Claw is preparing to raid Relona, all adventurers are required to help with the defending the city anyone who doesn’t will gain 1000 infamy. All citizens are requested to head to the barracks to leave the city from an underground passage.
Bandit army: 600
Relona Guards: 200
Adventurers: 500
Sting: Alice go with the citizens, I have to help out
Alice: but I said I would come with you and be your apprentice
Sting: yes but you haven’t learned a thing yet you are my apprentice but one that doesn’t know how to fight yet so please go to safety.
She reluctantly goes along with the others. After she leaves Magi and Proto appear behind me.
Magi: she will…be safe with…them.
Sting: I know, we should get ready as well, this is going to be a large scale siege since they have dwarves working for them.
Proto: i’m excited…to fight, they…are a powerful…foe that…we shall crush.
Sting: ya lets get going them.
Like promised these are the stats of the Sting and the puppets
Name: Sting
Alignment: Neutral
Profession: None
Race: Demi Human Dragonian
Title: Noble Demi Human
Level: 22
Fame: 1600
Health: 1500 Mana: 1300
Strength: 76 Agility: 85
Vitality: 75 Wisdom: 55
Intelligence: 60 Dexterity: 46
Charisma: 30 Luck: 30
Sword Mastery (basic 1)
Sting Mastery (basic 6)
Meditation (basic 9)
Mana String (basic 9)
Mana String Sense (basic 3)
Internal Mana Control (basic 9)
External Mana Control (Intermediate 1)
Carpentry (basic 8)
Sculpting (basic 7)
Puppet making (basic 6)
Magic Puppet making (basic 4)
Handicraft (basic 7)
Puppeteering (basic 6)
Sigil Magic (basic 5)
Repair (basic 4)
Fire Ball (basic 2)
Fire Bomb (basic 4)
Ice Lance (basic 4)
Pressure bomb (basic 1)
Earth Lance (basic 6)
Earth Bomb (basic 1)
Lightning Bolt (basic 1)
Paralysis shot (basic 1)
Healing (basic 3)
Cure (basic 1)
Blind (basic 2)
Curse (basic 3)
Shrink (basic 4)
Grow (basic 1)
Magic Marionette (Proto1)
The first of its kind, this special Marionette was modeled after its creator in his attempt to discover the how to make magic puppets.
Renovated Construction, all defects have been removed and the body has been improved.
Level 25
Job Monk Puppet
Exp 72%
Health/Durability 1500/1500
Mana 2000/2000
Stamina Unlimited
Strength 100
Agility 70
Dexterity 65
Vitality 60
Intelligence 55
Wisdom 50
Sword Mastery (basic 3)
Sense Presence (basic 4)
Fist Fighting Mastery (basic 4)
Monk Mindset (passive)
Fighters Aura (basic 3)
Knuckle Drive (basic 3
Rush Strike, Drop Punch (basic 2)
Magic Marionette (Magi)
A magic puppet made from an up-and-coming puppet maker. It was made decently and has no obvious flaws.
This special marionette was modeled after the creator’s younger sisters, as such as the ego it is developing will have a tendency to have a younger sister’s personality but will regard her creator as master out of loyalty.
Level 14
Job Elemental Mage Puppet
Exp 26%
Health/Durability 1400/1400
Mana 8000/8000
Stamina Unlimited
Strength 40
Agility 80
Dexterity 48
Vitality 75
Intelligent 70
Wisdom 65
Sigil Magic Mastery
Magic Mastery
Elemental Magic Affinity
Delayed Casting (basic 2)
Sigil Spells
Fire Ball (basic 2)
Fire Bomb (basic 4)
Ice Lance (basic 4)
Pressure bomb (basic 1)
Earth Lance (basic 6)
Earth Bomb (basic 1)
Lightning Bolt (basic 1)
Paralysis shot (basic 1)
Healing (basic 3)
Cure (basic 1)
Blind (basic 2)
Curse (basic 3)
- In Serial222 Chapters
The Beauty Inside: Stealing The First Kiss, Get a Wife
A tragedy struck Wenceslas family 22 years ago. A noble family no one would fail to recognise throughout the country. They owned wealth which would not run out to be inherited through generations.
8 759 - In Serial14 Chapters
Apparently, even heaven had the odd clerical error. Which was not something Nathaniel Miller would have expected, and yet, that seemed to be exactly what had happened to him. The collector of souls seemed to have been given the wrong address, and instead of taking one Nathaniel Miller of the earth apparently right next door, he took Nate. As recompense for this small bit of error Nate was placed in the body of the Nathaniel Miller that had supposed to have been taken in the first place, and seeing as he now had an opportunity to try to live his life a different way he planned on taking advantage of this chance. No one, however, had specified how different this world would be from his, sure they had said the tech would be a little older, and there were other small anomalies. But no one had seen fit to let him know that older meant medieval, and those small anomalies mentioned? They probably referred to all the fantasy elements and magic that seemed to be part of this world. Still, he was determined to do better this time around, after all, chances like this were next to unheard of...
8 145 - In Serial10 Chapters
The Dawn of Blood
As the saying goes, "Ignorance is bliss." That is a good way to describe us. We are constantly seeking to improve, to evolve. Coming up with laws and theories to better understand the world around us. But what if it was all for naught. What if what we think is truth is nothing more than the actions of higher beings, far beyond our reach. Upon the discovery of an entire new reality, remaining ignorant is certain death. The only way to live is to grow, to evolve, to adapt. This is my first novel so any feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated. I hope that I'm able to grow as a writer through this and hope that people enjoy my work. Credit for the cover image goes to Richard Luong. Check him out at https://tentaclesandteeth.deviantart.com.
8 138 - In Serial75 Chapters
Dawn Avante — The Record of Otherworld’s Cosmic War
The young man remembered. Through flames and ocean, he fought, all to be the symbol of hope. He started with a fist, then a gun, now a psychic blade. Some say the merging of his planet with this beautiful hell was a curse — that the Earth was doomed. As an optimist, he disagreed. They weren’t merged into a world with monsters and tyrants. The monsters were locked in the same world with a hero. What happened next was a tale as old as time. A sound of fighting was heard in the distance. He felt the presence of an old foe and several old burdens. It appeared Chronicler’s victory didn’t drill the lesson into that psychopath’s brain. Fine. He stood. He didn’t mind hard-carrying those idiots on his shoulder again. The hero vanished in the blur, speeding to save the day. … How did we get here? Well, let's go back a few hours before shit hits the fan. To a young porter who didn’t know that fate had a greater plan for him. Plans which involved comic wars, slaying outer-gods, and grenades. So. Many. Grenades.
8 352 - In Serial17 Chapters
dream › zhong chenle
❝ If I could see you in my dreams, then I could see you in person.❞▬▬status: completed ✓ nct | chenle short story.lowercase intended.© minsyeuga 2019-2020highest rankings.#3 on zhongchenle - 061220
8 245 - In Serial11 Chapters
Manberg (Fundy x Dream)
Some of the story will be part of what happened in the actual L'manberg. It might be spoilers if you did not watch some of the videos.
8 154