《Chronicles of Ionathan Spellweaver [pending rewrite]》Chapter 20 - Questions
“Current migration of the beasts is a strange one indeed. Not only wolves, vargrs and owlbears are migrating. Yesterday, I’ve spotted hippogriffs assaulting cows; for them to fly so far to the north… Something must have chased them off from the mountains. It seems that beasts are heading north-east, towards Dwarven Range. I heard about similar occurrence years ago when a few Drakes migrated to Trolloc Mountains.
In southern villages, more people were killed by passing monsters. Also, according to farmers, apprentices of the wandering priest convinced some of the serfs to join them. They headed to Crestfall village.
I will report when I arrive there.”
- a report delivered to House Faranger
Ion's mind was in a turmoil.
At the beginning of the meeting everything was completely normal, yet as they continued the talk and he was trying to imagine what Vision-he would say in the negotiations like those, something has changed.
Looking back at this conversation, Ion knew that at some point he has forgotten that he was only pretending. It was a surreal feeling; being Vision-he, discussing another contract, with someone he instinctively disliked. For a time Ion couldn’t discern his memories from those he had only experienced in the visions. All of them blended together, created a strange conglomerate.
'Was it a similarity to a memory that triggered this state? Why instead of just sinking into a vision like before, I behaved like him, forgetting about myself? What is happening to me? During that state, I even used a spell I have never really managed to understand... And casted it in a way that was far above my current capacities; with no gesture nor chant, imagining the whole spell at once, not by creating sigils one by one.’
Currently, Ion was suffering from a backlash after casting; the exhaustion and ache in all of his muscles were the first things he experienced after his trance-like state ended. Even maintaining his concentration on the magical disguise was a struggle for him.
Sae was talking about something as they walked, yet Ion was too concerned to bother with her.
'Am I possessed? Could it be someone else casting a spell using me as a conduit? What would have happened if in this state I would try to cast something even stronger, of a higher circle?'
Ion remembered how his first spell backfired. He didn’t have any experience back then, true, but it was just a 2nd circle spell... how would it end for the current him if he had tried to cast something of 8th or 9th circle?
'Is this how those rumoured Gifted spellcasters die? The newborn child thinks he is a wizard and destroys his body accidentally? Maybe I’m not so special to have those visions, maybe they are a part of being a Gifted? But if so, then it would be widely known, right? Maybe it is a secret kept by Wizards’ Guilds?'
Up until now, Ion wasn't really that concerned about his visions. He wanted to find out why they occurred, true, however as the time passed, the dreams have become for Ion just a part of his life, a free knowledge and tutoring about magic.
“There is always a price to pay,” a faint voice of Vision-he spoke at the back of his head, stilling Ion.
Sae who was currently hugging him stumbled.
“By Uther’s hammer, move, we are close!” she pushed him further.
It was almost the same as during the meld; just a single phrase. Nothing later on, no matter if he mentally cried or asked for answers. Only a disturbing silence.
'What is happening to me? Maybe those visions… could they be an effect of a spell? Is someone feeding me only with memories he wishes me to have, deciding what and when I see? But for what purpose? Could it be some sort of possession, mental control? Was I too neglecting? Someday, I wanted to search magical libraries of Cirran or Aetherna University for answers, yet do I still have time to wait? Maybe I should really talk with someone more versed in this matters. I don't even know how to exactly call a condition I’m dealing with currently…'
‘Should I join one of the Rikse’s Wizards’ Guilds and visit their libraries? But those that I know about have their libraries located in Utherlight or Earthen Call. And I am still not sure if I wish to join them... to have a liberty to do as I please in the Guild I would probably need to enlist having a position of power, not being a mere 3rd circle caster. However, could I continue to procrastinate? Who knows what’s going to happen if my condition worsen?
Still, the guild located in Utherlight is focused mostly on Evocation… a better choice would be to seek help from the Enchanters’ Guild… yet their headquarters are in Earthen Call… if I manage to travel there, I might as well take a trip to Cirran.
The Eternal City, same as Aethera University, has its libraries open to any willing to pay or contribute.
Would I be able to reach a similar agreement with Riksian guilds? I doubt so. Maybe I could simply pay some smaller guild or unaffiliated wizards for their knowledge?’
He wondered what he could currently offer in exchange.
‘Could I strike a deal similar to the one I made with Archibald? Or maybe… an exchange for daemon’s true name? Or should I risk contacting him on my own? A’canthosh could be the only reliable source of answers concerning Vision-me…’
He dismissed that thought for now.
‘There is also Orryn, but would he be able to help me in such matters? He focuses more on artificing, not casting Enchantments on people…’
His train of thoughts was interrupted by Sae as soon as they arrived at one of her hidden spots.
"Well, first thing, you have never told me about this spell used today. What, by the Eye of Vecna, was that?”
'Great, now there is another problem at hands.’
"It was a spell I was developing for quite a time... I finally managed to cast it correctly, but I still suffer from a magical backlash after doing so. All in all, I decided that it may be worth using in a situation we were in."
Ion answered elusively yet truthfully. Sae seemed to be uncanny effective when it came to spotting outright lies.
Also, despite trauma he suffered today, he was still excited about the possibility to finally learn this spell for real. If assisted with a proper chant and gestures, taking time to visualise sigils, it should be doable to him.
‘Probably in a weakened version, but still... I might be really addicted to magic... is this a quirk common to all wizards? Or is this something I received as a side effect of my visions? Is my behaviour influenced by the spell? I’ve already animated dead, something I would have never done before. What would my father say if he knew?'
He felt some guilt after his deed, especially when he found out that one of the zombies he had created might have been resurrected if not his actions. Now, he wondered if his guilt was somehow dulled not because of his rationalisation, but due to an outside influence.
'The price to pay… huh?’
Sae snapped her fingers.
"I see that you are drifting away, again. So just know that this spell you’ve used had a very unsettling vibe to it. Should you decide to ever cast it in combat, I hope to not get accidentally hit by it!
Also, perfect acting today, you really convinced me by the end. However, if you decide to make up the names for alchemical components or monsters ever again at least have the decency to inform me earlier!”
She angrily put her hands on hips.
“And don't EVER again suggest to make them the biggest part of the payment! What are you even planning to use them for anyways?''
Ion had a hard time to remember; he had some memories of Vision-he dabbling in alchemy, yet he usually wasn’t that interested in them. Truly a shame, but learning spells or runes was so much more interesting.
"They were not made up. Probably this alchemical book I once read was just really, really old."
‘…Or from far away, like you know, some other Plane.’
"With the materials, they would provide us with, I should be able to concoct some basic potions. A few healing and stimulating…” Ion tried to sound confident. “Maybe even increasing strength if a quality of components would be good enough.”
‘I think that some of those I ordered could be used for that. For the rest, I have literally no idea. I also have to find proper utensils first. I hope that brewing a few easiest potions won’t be that hard.’
Sae looked at him dubiously then shrugged.
“Okay. Just rest. Starting from tomorrow evening we are beginning the infiltration. During our stay in Silverfords’ estate try to be as convincing as today .”
Ion found himself lying in a dimly lit room. He smelled an odour of rust and blood. Suddenly, he heard the sound of door opening and approaching footsteps. An unfamiliar, red-robed, breaded wizard was closing in, comparing parchments he levitated around himself. The man stopped just outside Ion’s cage, gazing at him through the bars.
“Ah, the test subject has awoken. It is time for more experiments.”
The figure spoke and without leaving Ion any chance to react released the spell, engulfing him in flames. He screamed, watching his flesh and clothes being charred.
Ion had no idea how long the spell lasted, however when he opened his eyes again, the wounds were healed.
“Curious… You have so much untapped power.” The red-robed wizard continued, weaving another spell.
Still not understanding what was happening, Ion tried to disrupt man’s casting with Counterspell, however, he wasn’t able to direct his mana. An electric arc appeared, jumping between the bars of Ion’s cage, electrocuting him. Ion wanted to ask the man why he is doing this, yet was unable to produce any sound as his muscles twitched erratically.
“Do you even realise your potential?” The man spoke, indifferent to Ion’s struggles. This time the ice covered his whole body, also taking his ability to see anything.
When it melted, Ion’s surroundings changed. He was standing in a plain, open area, no cage nor wizard in his sight. Instead, he was surrounded by the zombies he had created on the graveyard.
“What have you done to me.”
One of the approaching undead accused him, its rotten breath nauseating to Ion.
The walking corpse swiped the young wizard with a claw. He wanted to cover himself with a Shield, yet similarly to his earlier try, his mana wasn’t answering his will. Before he could dodge, the strike connected, leaving marks on Ion’s clothes and scratching his skin.
He retreated, willing Scorching Rays to attack the zombies that slowly encircled him. To his dismay, once again, nothing has happened.
Frightened Ion turned to run away, yet whenever he looked back, the zombies were shambling just behind him.
Fleeing, he tried to cast every spell he knew but none of them worked.
Suddenly, he collided with something and fell on the ground. A white-haired elven wizard stood in front of him, a sad expression on his face.
Before Ion managed to say anything to Vision-he, the zombies swarmed him. The last thing he saw was abyssal blackness of undead’s throat as it tried to sate its hunger.
Ion woke up, covered in a sweat. He immediately created a glowing ball of light above his hand, illuminating the dark room.
Sighing with relief seeing that he still was able to cast spells, he lingered in his bed for a few minutes. Around him numerous parchments were scattered, some contained spellpatterns, on others he tried to recreate what little he remembered about alchemy. Through, it served mostly as a distraction.
‘It’s been almost 4 years since I started to have those visions and all in all I can’t argue that they were beneficial. I’ve learned on my own how to control those happening while I am awake. What happened yesterday was strange, but I will be able to also deal with it. It is only a matter of time.’ He said to himself once more.
When Ion saw the first rays of pre-dawn light above the city, he dressed up preparing for another day. There were many things he wanted to do today.
Orryn wasn’t very helpful. Instead of answering his questions concerning the potential use of Enchantment to influence someone in dreams, he was more eager to once again tutor Ion how he should pretend to be deciphering his notes.
Even if it wasn’t out of Ion’s expectation, it was still a disappointment. At least the gnome was able to point him towards a shop where he could buy alchemical utensils and some additional herbs for his potions.
‘Almost 20 gold coins in total… I hope that with horrendous prices for potions here, I would break even soon.’ The alchemist from whom he bought already offered him to rebuy all of his healing potions in a bulk. Of course after warning Ion that he would need to check whether his potions are working, as he doubted that someone so young manages to brew them on his own.
It was close to midday when Ion entered a temple of Uther. The building, even if a little smaller than the one he remembered from Windhelm, had insides similarly brightly lit by cascades of dancing lights passing through stained-glass windows.
‘Through, I don’t remember ever seeing Windhelm’s temple that crowded…’
Instead of pious silence, whisperings between numerous people and acolytes were audible.
Ion entered deeper into the temple, passing rows of transparent columns with blazing torches engulfed within. Seeing that a group of townsfolk finished talking with one of the acolytes, he approached the man.
“May Uther’s light guide you. Could you tell me where to find Cleric Lyssa? She arrived with my group four days ago…”
“His light is everlasting. She should be somewhere around. I think I saw her counselling someone in the temple’s garden just a few minutes ago, but with so many people looking for our guidance it’s hard to say.” The young man shrugged. “If that is everything you require, please excuse me.” He left Ion and was almost immediately approached by a group of commoners.
Ion wandered around the temple looking for Lyssa.
‘I start to believe that finding Reria somewhere in the city would be easier.’
He decided to take one last look in the gardens before giving up. Leaving the temple he almost collided with a cleric hastily entering inside.
“Please forgive me… Ion?”
“Hello, Lyssa. I’ve been just searching for you.”
“Oh, I am so sorry... You probably wanted me to help in retrieving Darmud’s notes?” Lyssa sounded tired, ”I am afraid I won’t be able to... due to the recent events every cleric is needed here.”
Ion took a deep breath.
‘Now that I think about that, we hadn’t had an opportunity to tell her about our ‘pretend to be a necromancer hoax’. Better to keep it this way.’
„Well, I hope we could manage this without you then. But there is another reason for me to search for you. I have a few questions about erm… spiritual matters.”
“Well, I don’t really have too much time to chat, but I am glad that you finally show interest in teachings of Uther,” Lyssa smiled.
Ion kept a straight face remembering her lectures during their travels. He coughed.
“Surely. However, I wanted to learn something more about possessions…”
“You too Ion?” Lyssa’s smile immediately disappeared. “Charmed by a vampire, possessed by a demon… I believed that wizards are less superstitious than a common folk.”
“Since yesterday people are coming here days and nights claiming they’ve been attacked by vampires, saw demons on the streets, poltergeists in their houses, mimics in their wardrobes.” She continued, louder with each word. “Uther help me, I have enough of this!”
People around silenced after her sudden outburst. Seeing her behaviour wasn’t unnoticed, she took few deep breaths and led Ion deeper into the temple.
“Sorry. It is just so pointless to answer the same questions over and over again. Instead of wasting time for this we should be taking care of those who really need our help, like people still living in the slums outside the walls… But I digress. So how may I help you?”
“I really wanted to know how to recognise if someone is possessed and what it takes to possess someone. After our encounter with Yugoloths, I’d like to learn more, just in case.”
“Well, most often it would be a sudden change in a behaviour, inability to control one’s actions or to even remember them,” she sounded as if reciting from a book, “However, for a fiend to possess someone, first it needs to have a way to enter our Plane. It is much easier for it to possess a target if called by a vile ritual, as otherwise, it not only requires a way to appear here but also needs to have an ability to shed its material form on its own. It could also take residence inside an object…”
“And how could one stop a possession?” Ion tensed a bit after hearing Lyssa's description of symptoms.
“It is something that usually exorcists are taking care of...” Seeing the wizard’s pleading eyes she decided to continue. “There are some methods through, but most of them are dangerous for the one who is possessed. That’s why the best idea would be to simply bring such an individual to the temple.”
“First, you would have some clerics to help you if something goes wrong. Moreover, look around,” Lyssa gestured. “Can’t you feel it? It is a consecrated, hallowed ground. No fiends, undead, even feys nor elementals could enter inside. Even if there is someone already charmed or possessed, if he goes here, the influence over him would be broken. That is why I find those endless panicking people annoying. Maybe we should just place a sign outside the temple…”
Focusing, Ion could actually sense a divine magic encompassing a whole building. It felt soothing, yet powerful. It brought him a comfort.
‘So, it means that my current state won't be an effect of a charm nor possession. Always a step forward.’
“Thank you, Lyssa.” He said with a relief. “I also wished to ask about divination…”
“Sorry Ion, but I have to go, I ought to prepare for a visit of High Priest from Grasshaven. He might arrive at any moment.”
Ion left the temple in a better mood. Seeing it was already late afternoon, he decided to hurry back to their inn and prepare for a visit inside Silverfords’ manor.
“People often choose to believe only what they want to believe.”
Ion looked around.
“Hmph… it must have been one of the passers-by.”
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