《Chronicles of Sora: Ruler of Rules》Chapter 11.2 - Powerful steroids?


Well now that they are in; they are in. There no use in crying over spilt milk. What is done is done. What I can work on and change is the future.

I have the option of treating these five days as a holiday and waiting for them to return or I can think of it as an opportunity to do something worthwhile.

Originally my plan was to go sightseeing around Feladonia, now that is clearly not going to happen.

The only thing I can think of is training.

There have been many things I have wanted to experiment on….with regards to my body.

I head back to my hideout, it’s basically an oasis that we found near the outskirts of Feladonia. (My water supply was secured with this).

I enter my hole and cover the top with the curtain.

I look at my slime body carefully.

It has been bothering me for some time now on the process of how I gain STR and AGI stats.

The current process is that I form muscles and then punch against a wall for hours like an idiot and then I gain some stats.

While this does make gaming sense….there were some questions which were left unanswered; why didn’t I gain stats before i.e without making muscles?

The first explanation could be that I needed to have muscles to store these stats point in? While that does make sense in some weird way, I don’t get why it works like that. It’s also weird that these stat points go away when I release the muscle like structure and become into one grand blob of slime.

In theory without muscle formation repetition of the same punch the wall should have the same effect…

Experiment one: I banged my blob like body around the walls. I was mostly bouncing off it from one end to another. It was fun. I splattered all over and then I was smeared all over…

Conclusion: My blob form is my weakest form. Even though my membrane’s durability has increased without stitching and layering my body explodes too easily with the slightest impact. This makes it practically impossible to grind and gain stats…

Experiment two: I created two hands punching the wall with only one hand. The idea with this experiment was to see if I use only one set of muscles will it increase STR for those muscles only? Also is there any kind of structural changes in my muscles?


Conclusion: It took a while but I did gain some stats. The surprising bit was that the benefit was limited to only the hand with which I punched. This was contrary to my previous understanding of how my body works. I feel I have inherited a more human like body than I previously imagined. No that isn’t right…this game is more realistic than I previously imagined.

I never tried it in Royal Road, but when I hit the scarecrow for four weeks straight, I believe “all of me” had become stronger.

So if I use a set of muscles only those become stronger, eh?

Why? This is the bit that has really been bothering me. Why do they only become stronger and why do the stats disappear when I release muscle form. It makes sense only a particular muscle becoming stronger when I am a human. However, when one is a blob the entire body is like one big muscle?

At least that is how I am understand my own slime body.

I have slime; which consists of some weird nucleus all over which provides control to my body, my slime membrane which maintains my form and surface tension. There is also tiny hair on the membrane which enables my slime to move (like the mercury bot in terminator)…so it’s not like I have specific set of muscles. If were to interchange parts of one muscle (i.e. slime) with another then I should be able to distribute the stats? Conversely, if I were to put all “powered” stats in one hand, I could have a punch like death?

These are just ideas…

Staring at my own slime like body I noticed something strange in my muscles. It’s too small so it went unnoticed but there was a slight discolouration in my muscles when compared to the rest of my non muscle slime body.

I used my Cyclops eye to see really closely, I can’t tell what is causing the discolouration since it is so small but now that I think about it….

I quickly form back my other hand which I didn’t train. There was a variation in colour. This was slightly just by the faintest of margins more of my original colour.


I begin punching again with the same hand (the one with which I trained previously)…till I gained one more stat….the discolouration increased…again only marginally.

I think I got it. I am assuming a hypothesis here, I could be wrong. *Grinding* in some way makes me release some kind of chemical? And these chemicals are the equivalent of stat points. If I think about it like this…it makes sense because there was a law of “earthly sciences” or something.

In which case stat points would be required to have some sort of physical manifestation or form.


I am a genius!

This is one crazy hypothesis but if what I am thinking is correct the possibilities of what I can accomplish with this information increase infinitely more.

I mean think about it….if I have these stat points does it mean other players and NPCs etc have them too? What about monsters? Also would it be possible to acquire this chemical? Like steroids? And artificially make myself stronger? I feel like I have become some sort of cheat character.

So does this work like Re: Monster? Or Arifureta? Where simply eating creatures will make me stronger?

No that can’t be the case, I haven’t gained anything from eat rats….

But I did cook them….

No that doesn’t even make sense…even if I ate them raw I don’t think I would gain any…

Maybe because rats don’t have enough stat points to begin with?

Then should I eat something bigger?

No that won’t work either…I did eat the worm’s meat. No stat gain there either…


Too many ideas buzzing in my brains!

Okay calm down.

This is a very big revelation.

I need to think it through.

If it was possible to gain stats just through eating creatures then everyone would be gaining them right now. So there must be something which prevents stat transfer….either that or I am mistaken what the chemical is. But the chemical being equal to stat point’s fit so wonderfully with everything else…

Take a deep breath.

Let’s take a step back.

There is still part of the puzzle that I can’t explain why do these “stat points” aka chemicals disappear when I relax muscle form and where do they disappear to?

I stretch arms out and then release the muscles.

I keep a close eye on arms…more like at the fluids coursing in me.

I can barely tell since it is so dim in my hole (must be night already), but I can tell that the chemical is absorbed into the many nucleus (by the way these are about the same size as one cent coin) floating in me…

So that’s what happens.

I wonder….

I recreate new muscles and I can see the chemicals being released again.

Ah, it’s some sort of muscle memory. I read about this in biology, when a movement is repeated over time, a long-term muscle memory is created for that task, eventually allowing it to be performed without conscious effort.

If that is the case, would it be possible to release stat points even when not maintain a muscle form?

Not that I see any point to this since without muscles I can’t maintain a sturdy enough body but still…

It took me a while to figure out how to do this experiment. It’s not like I have a lab here that I can experiment away freely…

Mental stimulus aka visualization or imagination.

If I were to imagine I am forming muscles and imagine the “sensations”, I should in theory be able to fool my body in thinking that the chemical or stat points as I call them, need to be released….

Gist of it, it worked. Not the same degree of stat gains but enough to give me the confidence that if I practised like this I would be able to release my whole potential without muscle formation. I could also now concentrate my stats into a particular arm leg etc…

I couldn’t help but smile.

I haven’t grown stronger but at least I know a short cut on how I could become stronger…


I feel so powerful.

Long live the slimes!

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