《Chronicles of Sora: Ruler of Rules》Re: Chapter 3.2 - A new body


Sora-Chan’s POV

"SoraChan are there any other questions for me?"

Hmmm….is he trying to dodge my question? I think my question is valid, right now I know nothing about this world. Is it like Sword Art Online where there exists no magic? Or like Royal Road where there exist endless possibilities. I am curious to know how was he able to make those glowing symbols? It could also be a race specific attribute - attribute being magic. Information is key and after this I need to make a power - I need all the information I can get before I come up with a power.

"How do you win?" I guess I should just get to the point.

"I do not understand what you mean?" The Abbe looked at me with a confused expression.

Stupid NPC. Do I need to dumb down my words.

"How do I beat the game?" Is that better?

"Which game?" The Abbe continues with his perplexed expression.

Is he the standard NPC which has no idea this is a game? Then I should word it so that he can understand me...

"Why have I been summoned here?"

"I am not aware of that matter, SoraChan....but you will need to investigate yourself why you have been summoned to this world or who is it that has summoned you to this world. It is the belief of the residents that each adventurer has a role to fulfill or something to teach us....but in my personal experience it is the adventurer themselves who chose to come here; always in pursuit of something or the other."

Woah....a game without any objective. No I am sure there is an objective....but maybe I am not asking the right question. I think I should just play on and the objective will reveal itself. I am sure there are other players who can tell me the rules and objectives of this game.


"Should I continue?" The Abbe asked.

I nod my head - I have more questions but I feel they can wait.

“So you have 98FP. I can’t believe my value has been reduced to 1FP.” I overheard him mutter. My ears are unbelievably sharp here.

“SoraChan…do you have any prior experience in combat?” The Abbe asks me while rubbing his chin.

“I am so-so with the sword and bow. I can also do a bit of martial arts.”

The Abbe posed a strong gaze at me. “Please don’t be modest. I need your own proper assessment of your skills so that we made decide on an appropriate combat Guardian for you.”

“In that case, it would be best to say I am average.”

The Abbe revealed a slightly disappointment on his face. “We would need another combat based Guardian.”

The Abbe made a similar gesture of moving panels. The line-up kept changing. He was faster than me; much faster. I guess he has had experience with these things. He quickly stopped when he found what he was looking for.

“SoraChan, please select him.”

The Abbe was pointing to a small boy.

You got to be kidding me. I didn’t think he had any combat abilities.

I check his additional information.

Species: Human - Commoner

Age: 6

Intelligence: 5

STR: 5

Level: 1

Cost: 3 FP

“Are you sure about this.” I am very suspicious. I don’t exactly trust the Abbe; however what caught my interest was the price. He cost 3 times more than the Abbe and Maylon. Maybe there was something special about him. Display additional information.

Descendant of the Garzal Tribe.

“SoraChan, take my word. Although, you are new to this game this a child of the Garzal Tribe. He is not to be taken lightly.”

I go with the flow. I nod my head. 95FP. I wonder if I should go for some more macho looking Guardians…


“Abbe…can we select more guardians after I create my body and power?”

The Abbe thinks about it. “I do not know if we would need more Guardians or not. It completely depends on what you can come up with...”

“I understand. I think as a party of four we seem to be sufficient. As long as I am able to create a strong body and power it should be fine?”

The Abbe remains silent. I am not sure what to make of his expressions; is he surprised or shocked? Or is not allowed to speak?

The Abbe responds with simply, “There are adventurers who select 100 guardians. There are those who select one only. There are even those who dare to not select any. I guess it is quite possible for you to create a body and power then continue selecting more Guardians. If you wish to create your body first and then Guardians, it can be done. However, I cannot assist you in matters of which body should you choose or what power should you be blessed with.”

I can't wait to create my own body! I nod and press the button that says “Create Body”

I felt a huge blow to the back of my head. I lose consciousness.


I wake up in a small room with a single wardrobe and an antique full body mirror; there was no Maylon or Abbe or child. I also couldn’t see my arms or legs…only my consciousness existed in this place…If I looked in the mirror, I could see my human self but if tried to look at my arms directly I couldn’t see anything…

Ah…this feels much more like an activation process. Many games have something like this….it’s the place where one is introduced to the game. Though this is my first time seeing a room like design. In Royal Road it was simply a vacant place… “a space within the universe”….

“Hello??” I called out. “Cute female guide voice?”


Hmmmm… first impressions….while the dark room with a single spot light falling on the mirror etc is an interesting effect the lack of a guide makes this rather troublesome. I could only imagine this is a poorly coded game. *sigh* I got my hopes high for nothing.

There is only one thing left to do…open the wardrobe…and walk through it Narnia style… *kidding*, I have not idea what awaits me inside the wardrobe…but it certainly isn’t a magical kingdom…at least I hope not….it also makes me wonder what good would the mirror be for then?

Ok here I go, 1..2…3, I quickly open the wardrobe and take cover…. It’s just a precaution….hmmm nothing happened. I peak inside…holy f*ck!

This wardrobe is never ending….it’s like staring into space. The door I opened was like opening a window the middle of the galaxy….except there are bodies floating here….bodies of ever race imaginable….

Ok…its beautiful…in a creepy sort of a way.

The moment I took my first step into the “space” like room, window pops up:

Time Remaining: 2:00:00

So I have two hours to do whatever I can.

I run in to the room and try using a bit of hand gestures to bring the bodies closer to me and examine them. It works.

I quickly identify most bodies…especially having seen them in the Guardian line-up.

I can create my own body…this game is seriously broken. I wonder how many players have already beaten this game...

Well time to get started.

I grab an eye of the half dog and half cat creature and REPLACE it into my own socket. Or at least where my right eye should be.

*Interesting* My vision just became black and white.

FP points: 99

Did my FP points just go up? Ah I see! Is it because taking on a disadvantage is the same as negative points? i.e. If I constrain myself then I must be compensated elsewhere….a devlish idea crawls into my head…

Let us commence project Frankenstein!

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