《Chronicles of Sora: Ruler of Rules》Re: Chapter 2.2 - More Guardians


There was a red dragon, blue dragon, grey dragon, white dragon, black dragon, and green dragon.

I feel like a little child who has walked into a candy store.

I scanned the red one first; it looked the most ferocious of them all.

Species: Fire Dragon

Age: 500

Intelligence: 300

STR: 650

Level: 200

Cost: 98 FP

98 Fairness points! That’s so ridiculous! No one in their right mind would opt for something so insanely expensive! Next!

I now feel like a little boy robbed of his option to buy candies.

Species: Wind Dragon

Age: 449

Intelligence: 450

STR: 400

Level: 250

Cost: 96 FP


Species: Earth Dragon

Age: 1000

Intelligence: 700

STR: 700

Level: 450

Cost: 150 FP

150 FP? That was quite troubling. I mean we only get 100 FP. Time to ask Jiminy.

“That green one says 150FP…but don’t we only get 100 FP?”

“Oh yes…I did forget to add…you can always gamble to try and increase your FP.”

“How convenient that you just happened to forget…”

“Well I don’t advise gambling…although players have been able to increase their FP through gambling…majority always lose more than they gain.” The cricket warned.

“What kind of gamble is it?” I was curious.

“It really depends on your luck…” The cricket lamented as he saw my eyes sparkling with curiosity. “There are three games” he began explaining, “If you win in the first game, you get 10 FP but if you lose the game you lose 20 FP. You always lose double. The second game rewards 20 FP for winning but 60 FP penalty for losing. The last game, gives 30 FP for winning but takes 90 FP for losing.”

“And what are the games?”

“Unfortunately, just knowing what the games are cost 1FP for each game and an additional 2FP for details about the game...”


I was tempted. The blood of gambling runs thick in my veins. However, my mother’s side is rather meek ,gentle….and ultra-risk averse.

Although, I am inclined to try the game…my risk averse nature is dominating over me here. I only have a 100FP…if I were to squander 3FP just learning the name and details of the game that makes the net reward worth 7 FP only…worse still I don’t know what the odds are…odds in gambling are always unfair…even at 50:50…it would mean my expected pay-off is -8FP in the first game, -20FP or so in the second game….he’s got to be kidding me when he said somebody actually managed to increase their points….but maybe…from what it sounded like…

although players have been able to increase their FP through gambling…majority always lose more than they gain

Maybe the first game is easy? I want to make this expression :-/ . I have to make a difficult choice here….but I am not sure if it is the right choice…at this point my gambling side of the blood is whispering sweet words of taking a chance and risk in like.

No pain no gain…Risk and Reward go hand in hand….if I need to win this game I need to risk it…

“Sora-chan…you don’t have to make such agonizing faces…” The cricket muttered. “I can promise you that not gambling is the way forward.”

F*ck. Why is this game so intense? I mean its not even begun as yet…but why do my shoulders feel so stiff. F*ck it, I am going to gamble.

“I would like to gamble.”

The cricket shook its head feeling pity for me.

“Would you like to know what the game is? Or any details about the game?” The cricket asked.

Again another choice to make! If I spend 3FP now, my loss will be only 3FP if the game is too hard. Conversely, if the game is fair I only make 7FP…not looking good. I don’t have enough information.


I quickly glance at the Earth Dragon. It’s a complete beast. As per additional information, the monster is two hundred feet long, causes earth quakes and is super knowledgeable about the in game world. I want it! However, the me right now does not understand the value of even 1FP. A simple slime was 1FP…asking the name of the gamble is worth 1FP….but this doesn’t help me understand its relative value….


I get too excited when it comes to gambling.

I flip the panel. So long my beloved Earth Dragon. I didn’t even bother seeing what the other dragons were worth. I am certain they were out of my budget.

“Are you not gambling anymore?”

“I haven’t decided. I need to understand a bit more the worth of 1FP.”


The next panel had different colour werewolves and wolves.

Species: Night Wolf

Age: 100

Intelligence: 450

STR: 100

Level: 120

Cost: 80 FP


Species: Snow Wolf

Age: 58

Intelligence: 250

STR: 120

Level: 62

Cost: 40 FP

Not bad…

Species: Shadow Wolf

Age: 32

Intelligence: 140

STR: 150

Level: 23

Cost: 35 FP

I can see a pattern here. As age increases so does level of the guardian. As level increases so does the intelligence and STR. As these increase so does the FP. Pretty obvious. What caught my interest was their level. For example; shadow wolf was fairly stronger than a snow wolf but also at a considerably lower level….that may imply its growth potential is far greater…


Moving on!

Mermaids…. Additional details reveals…. “they can only live in water…”

Right....like they can be of any use on land.


Vampires! (another interesting category)

Species: Royal Vampire - King VII

Age: 1,600

Intelligence: 350

STR: 600

Level: 99

Cost: 50 FP

50FP for a royal vampire? Too good to be true. Checking additional details.

Special Power: Overlord

Limitations: Can only appear at night. Weak to sun - will burn to dust.

Warning: May try to kill you and suck your blood then kill you.

I knew there was a catch.

I didn’t even want to see the other categories of royal vampires…


Species: True Blood Vampire - Noble

Age: 350

Intelligence: 110

STR: 400

Level: 19

Cost: 31 FP

Again! Too good to be true. Checking additional details.

Limitations: Can only appear at night. Weak to sun - will burn to dust.

Warning: May try to suck your blood.

Rejected! No more vampires! Bloody hell! How many Guardians are their?

Next! Dwarves?

Sorry too ugly! Kidding! I don't get along with dwarves - personal experience in Royal Road. Let's just say the story is not worth mentioning and it is my vow to never get a long with dwarves.

Next! Titans????!!!

Species: Titan - Oceanus

Age: ???

Intelligence: ???

STR: ???

Level: ???

Cost: 200 FP

I had tears in my eyes. So awesome….but so completely unaffordable….ok I just had to look at one more Titan….

Species: Titan - Hyperion

Age: ???

Intelligence: ???

STR: ???

Level: ???

Cost: 200 FP

Ok time move on….Orcs…intelligence too low!

Next! Fairies! Too Weak!

Next! Undead! Too dumb!

Next Gods! … I am not going to even bother checking….too expensive!!

Next Mythological Greek Creatures….hmmm…

Centaur … too expensive…might consider…intelligent and highly rationale race....but too damned arrogant.

Cerberus…can’t afford…..rejected…also possibility of being dragged to hell....why do they even have such an option?

Minotaur….same reason as above….

Hydra….sigh…she is a real beauty....I would say love at first sight....a part of me literally wants to own her....


Arion….can’t communicate…might consider…

Phoenix….too expensive…

Cyclopes….might attack me…also very dim witted....

Drakons…..might eat me….

Sphinx….talks in riddles…I hate riddles…

Manticore….refer to Minotaur…

Pegasus….same as Arion….might consider…

I am starting to hate this entire scroll and select option, won't it be easier if I just began with a more affordable category first?

Moving on! Humans! Yes! Finally, the most affordable yet balanced category!


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