《D Days》1-5: New Arrivals


It had been a month since Rosalyn had had come to live with the small nun at the Temple in this faraway mountain village on the southern border of the Kingdom. Her days had been very busy as she assisted her new guardian with various tasks, but she had been amazed at how fast the formerly ramshackle grounds had come together. The laborers had managed to not only remodel and expand the main Temple building, but they had created a dormitory exiting off of the right of the Temple and a mess building near the property’s well. Their last project before they left with the soon to be arriving caravan was a simple one room classroom for Mother Cham to use in her school lessons. Rosalyn found herself growing more and more excited as her new home got closer to completion.

That thought had surprised her when it first popped into her head. This was her new home. Sure, she was still getting used to the chores and lessons, but Rosalyn found that she was happier here than she ever had been with Florence. Also, Mother Cham seemed to genuinely care for her well being, which was more than she could have hoped for when the woman took charge of her. She had been teaching her many things, including how to read and write, do basic sums, and even defend herself from ruffians and strangers with her bare hands. Mother Cham was surprisingly strong for her size and very smart. Rosalyn just knew that if she was diligent that she would learn a lot in her care.

Today though it was very hard to focus on her tasks. This was the day the first caravan was scheduled to come and deliver supplies and the first batch of the children that were being transferred from the overflowing inner city orphanages. Apparently, this one even started its trip in the Elven Federation. She wondered if she would meet any elves? Rosalyn was incredibly excited at the prospect. Mother Cham’s lessons about the other nations in the world had stirred something deep inside her heart. Curiosity and a desire to see the world! She desperately wanted to know what was over the horizon. Staring off into the distance Rosalyn let the peas she was shucking fall out of her hand into the basket. That is when she saw the wagon trail. Excitedly jumping to her feet she adjusted her satchel and ran to get Mother Cham.


A few minutes later they were both waiting as the procession of wagons stopped. Rosalyn stood beside Mother Cham as she nervously watched the laborers that had worked on her new home for the last month unload various crates and large jars from the first wagon. Clutching her Mama’s locket she scanned the other wagons looking for the other children that were going to join their family. The first to exit the wagon was an older boy with bright red, almost orange hair. He looked like he was twelve or so, and was leading a smaller boy with similar hair by the hand as they left the exit ramp. The next arrival was a dark haired girl on the cusp of puberty carrying a bald toddler who was fast asleep in her arms. However interested Rosalyn was in these new arrivals her focus instantly snapped to the last girl to exit the wagon. She was a few inches taller than Rosalyn was and had a mop of tangled hair so blonde that it was almost white in the direct sun, but what really caught her attention was the girl’s ears. Her pointed ears. Rosalyn started to vibrate with excitement as she broke away from Mother Cham and ran up to the elven girl.

The young blonde elf shrank back in alarm as Rosalyn entered her personal bubble, raising both arms to shield her face. Rosalyn, not noticing how uncomfortable she was making the other girl starting shooting off questions at a rapid fire pace that would make a trained auctioneer jealous.

“I’m Rosalyn. What is your name?”

“How old are you?”

“Are you an elf?”

“Can you speak with trees?”

“What do your elf eyes see?”

The new arrival stood there with her arms covering her face and watched Rosalyn through the crack in between her bony arms. The questions were coming so fast that not only could she not get a word in edgewise to answer, they were starting to blend together as the excitable young girl started to bounce up and down like a hyperactive puppy.

Thankfully, Mother Cham chose that moment to walk up and rap Rosalyn on the head with a ruler she always seemed to have on her person. “Settle down child! Let her speak! Now dear, what is your name?” The pointy eared new arrival looked at Rosalyn for a long moment before lowering her arms and replying “My name is Janie, Ma’am. I don’t have a surname. Also, no I am not an elf. They made that very clear. My mother was human.”


Mother Cham raised an eyebrow “Ahh, a half-elf. Very rare to see one. You are only the third one I have ever met, and I am a little more well traveled than most people. Still child, you are welcome and safe here.”

It had been a week since the new children arrived and the laborers left, and while she got along fine with most of the kids there was one that was actively avoiding her. Janie. It was more than a little vexing.

“Maybe I came on a little strong?” Rosalyn mused out loud. Resolving to fix the problem she walked around the property until she found Janie sitting in the low hanging branch of a maple tree on the edge of the Temple property. Looking up Rosalyn shouted “Can we talk?”

Looking suspiciously down at the girl who had all but ran over her when they first met Janie slowly nodded and started to climb down to face her fear. “Okay? How can I help you?”

Rosalyn gripped her Mama’s locket as she thought about what to say, “I think we got off on the wrong foot. I saw your ears and I got really excited, because you are the neatest person I have ever met and I really want us to be friends.”

Cocking her head to the side with a confused look Janie replied “Why do you think I am neat?” Rosalyn blushed and responded “Well… you are an elf, or at least part elf. Mother Cham has been telling me about all of the places she has been to and my dream is to travel the world to see those places and meet as many people as I can, and when I saw your ears I thought meeting you would be a good start… and I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

Rosalyn bowed deeply which caused Janie to throw both of her hands up in protest. “You don’t have to bow to me! I am not worth it anyway.”

“Whaaaat? Noooo! You are totally awesome. You are so tall, even though I am older than you and you have such pretty hair! Not to mention your awesome ears!” Rosalyn loudly declared with both hands on her hips.

She was understandably surprised when Janie started sobbing.

Janie didn’t know what to say. It was the first time in her life that anyone had ever said anything nice about her. She had called her pretty and even complimented her ears. So, she did what her heart told her to do. She cried. She didn’t know if they were happy tears or sad tears, but she did know that she was surely crying a lot of them, and it made her cry even harder as Rosalyn tried to console her.

After about an hour of this back and forth Janie had finally stopped bawling and they were both quietly sitting under the branches of the oak. Rosalyn was stroking Janie’s hair as she laid her head on Rosalyn’s satchel. They spent the next couple of hours talking about all the things that children talk about. Their favorite color, what food they liked to eat, what games they knew how to play, and many other topics as they probed each other and learned all they could.

After a while their conversation died down and Janie stood up to head back to the dormitory to do her afternoon chores. Janie took a few halting steps before turning around and looking at Rosalyn. “You… dream of seeing the world one day right? Would… would you mind it I came with you?

Scoffing, Rosalyn stood up and grabbed Janie’s hands. “Of course not silly! We are friends now aren’t we?”

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