《A Queen of Ruins》Chapter 14
Cecilia POV:
This is so Goddamn boring. The only thing of any real interest that’s happened in here was meeting Ti’sha, and listening to Saran make fun of Gabriel. But that little discussion quickly turned into a shouting match that occurred mostly in the Old Tongue, a habit of people from the lesser populated areas of the nation. Erians have a strong pull to solitude, a characteristic that led them to a strong kinship with the Orcs before the Upheaval. Even now, the Orcs are only willing to negotiate with pure bloods, in all the rest of the world they are seen as a blight on creation, but in Eria they still hold respect for our ancient kinship, and are willing to cohabitate and keep their own people in line. However, that doesn’t mean we share tastes in climate, the majority of Erians congregating in the outer forests of Maria, while the Orcs stay at their treacherous homes in the mountains of Uria, keeping to the overworld while the Stone-Kin keep to the underworld. Something about calming herbs found in the mountains, but whatever they are, I’m content to let them be, and only kill the ones that make trouble.
Then again, I feel that way about everyone.
I had gone back into my room, as I didn’t want to interrupt Gabriel and Saran’s little yell match. It was obvious that neither really desired a true argument, they had grins in their eyes and occasionally they would start laughing uncontrollably for a few minutes, before shouting at one another again. I say shouting, but their voices were only slightly elevated, my hearing is a pain in the ass that way at times. A strength can be as much a weakness depending on its nature, that is a truth one can never deny.
While staring up at the glowing roof of my room, tracing the patterns with my eyes, a knock comes at the door. I know who it is, the wheezing and groaning of his prosthetics, coupled with the clacking of his cane, are more than enough to tell me who is asking for me. He had stopped arguing with the Erass-Kin a while ago, I was mainly still here because self-reflection is rather calming and somewhat enjoyable to me.
“Come in.” Cecilia
I opened my eyes and sat up abruptly. A few strands of hair found their way in front of my face, I really should start braiding it. The door cracks open and Gabriel pokes his head through, he looks like he wants to talk about something.
“Yes?” Cecilia
“I would like to speak with you regarding some other questions, since our previous discussion was interrupted and it will be some time before the Guards and Rangers have swept and purified the palace of any threats, so this seems like as good a time as any. May I?” Gabriel
Ah, that would be more useful, and interesting, than being bored shitless, I suppose.
“Come in, just close the door behind you.” Cecilia
He nods and follows my directive to the letter. I get up from my recumbent position and sit on the center of the bed with my legs crossed over one another. The leggings I’m in are slightly uncomfortable when I sit this way, but it’s not uncomfortable enough to have me change either my position or my attire.
Gabriel Walks in and looks to either side for a chair, finding it to his right. Or is it my right? I have a terrible sense of direction when it comes to lefts and rights. He spots a chair and goes over to pick it up and move it. When he picks it up, I can’t help but look strangely at him as he uses his back, which is by far the worst way he could’ve picked it up. He then places the heavy looking wooden chair to the side of my bed while he drew in a few breaths of air, using his mouth more than his nose.
“You know, you really shouldn’t use your back when lifting something that heavy looking.” Cecilia
He looked like he wanted to reply, but he also wanted to breath, so in the end he decided to bang his prosthetic le- oh, yeah, that makes more sense. His legs probably aren’t the best with extra weight, so he has to lift with his back instead of the legs.
Eventually his breathing shallows and he sits in the chair.
“Sorry about that, milady, now then. I understand that you haven’t actually left the county in your lifetime, and left the service of bi- I mean Talia before her coming of age, so you haven’t much life experience outside of the duchy, at least. So, I’m going to need to question you a little on your general knowledge.” Gabriel
I was a bit amused when he nearly called Talia something beginning with bitch, there are many ways to extend the insult, but I also understood the purpose of his words. I nodded my understanding. He nodded back at me. The first words out of his mouth startled me a little, since they weren’t Erian, they were Eldar. His voice was a little different in this tongue, slightly lower pitched as I came to notice his Marian accent, he has done well to hide it.
“First I need to make sure you can speak the learned tongue, as you will probably hear it in court. Reply that you understand in Eldar, please, and do that again for every other language I’m about to speak, as well as name it for me.” Gabriel
I replied in Eldar, my voice becoming a slight bit smoother, since one’s accent somehow makes a great deal of affect on the pronunciations.
“I understand.” Cecilia
He nodded and we exchanged several phrases in every tongue I could think of. There were some foreigners who fled to Eria in the Pact, and then there was everything I learned while listening in on Talia’s lessons, plus the stuff mom taught me about the Beast and Wood-Kin tongues that my ancestors are apparently from. However, she always had a deeper respect for the Erians than for our homeland relatives. She told me that Erian strangers deserved more loyalty than our ancient kin who abandoned us during the Great Upheaval, and I’m inclined to agree, rather profusely might I add. When we were finished, Gabriel nodded at me in approval, his face still set in it’s overly serious state.
“Perfect, on every tongue. You’re quite intelligent, aren’t you?” Gabriel
“I was always listening in on Talia’s lessons, and her tutor was forced to over explain everything. One good thing that’s come from her being dumb as bricks with a superiority complex to boot.” Cecilia
He smiled mischievously at me before continuing.
“I share your distaste about the girl. Now then, I’ll give you a list of defining characteristics, and you reply with the race, yes?” Gabriel
I nod at him.
“Ears at the top of their heads, tails, animalistic features, hair ranging from full body fur to normal hair residing mostly on the head and limbs. They mostly habitate the Duchy of Esilia. Lifespan around 100 years, though a large disparity depending on animalistic characteristic?” Gabriel
“Mammalian Beast-Kin.” Cecilia
He nods.
“Tell me about the other variances of Beast-Kin.” Gabriel
“Each variance of Beast-Kin is highly disparate, the Mer-Kin and Reptilians are the only known variance, though there exist theories about an aviary form of Beast-Kin on some far off land, yet to be explored. The closest thing to an Insectoid variance are the Kendosi-Kin of the Kendali Marsh Lands, but they do not possess multiple breeds of insect like is characteristic for the other groups. Each will naturally prefer climates known to house the animal breed which they posses characteristics of. They only Mammilian life which doesn’t possess a Beast-Kin counterpart are the Erkin, as there are legends of the existence of a form of Horse-Kin residing in the uncharted sections of the Eternal Plains, although these legends usually depict far more equine visages.” Cecilia
He grins in approval, though I can see a questioning look in his eye.
“Very academic answer. You’ve listened to lectures in the past?” Gabriel
“My mom wouldn’t tolerate me going around and being a dumbass, though not in those exact words.” Cecilia
I was quick to add on the last few words, I didn’t want to paint a false image of her. Gabriel nodded at me, the statement seeming to answer more questions than he asked.
“Alright then, moving on. Long pointed ears, predominantly blonde hair and brown hair and prefers to inhabit the forested areas of the Duchy of Maria. They boast a lifespan of around 6-700 years and known for normally slim body structures and skill in horticulture?” Gabriel
“Wood-Kin.” Cecilia
He nods again.
“Northmar?” Gabriel
Oh, so he wants me to define some? And he used the foreign name as well, probably to help with when I do meet with foreigners. Smart, I won’t come up with answers as easily.
“Lifespans of around 100 years with overly muscular physiques. They prefer the cold climate of Valanar and were mostly unaffected by the changes in the world after the Great Upheaval, as they are a raiding people. They grow older faster depending mostly on their muscle mass, which is why they are the only other culture to employ the Marks of Maturation like most of the Erians.” Cecilia
He nods again.
“Salvati?” Gabriel
We spent the next hour or so discussing all the different types of people I will inevitably run into. That is, at least, until we got to the non-kinnic races. Did I forget to mention those?
“Orc.” Gabriel
“Large individuals who naturally grow stronger with age. They possess skin colors ranging from green to black that is naturally strong, known to be as tough as Erkin Leather. Their skulls are shaped with the brain reaching backwards, with a large jawbone, a pair of tusk like teeth placed on the bottom jawbones, and slits placed where the nose would be. Known for their temper when young, but such Orcs are rarely let out of their tribes.” Cecilia
“Toca.” Gabriel
“Extremely reclusive and keep to the deep waters, they don’t have anything close to a Kinnic appearance, as far as they have been described, but are known to have a written language as they are capable of trading with the Mer-Kin. No one, besides the Mer-Kin, know what they look like for certain, but there are rumors and the occasional journal that will surface depicting them as whale-sized creatures with long tentacles in place of a tail, while also possessing horns and wings.” Cecilia
“Shraki.” Gabriel
“Unknown and reclusive beings who have never been sghted without their entire bodies being obscured. They are believed to live in a far off continent, as that is the only evidence for our lack of knowledge regarding them. We aren’t even sure if they are one race or multiple, and if the only reason we believe them to be of a different culture is due to their unique language and foreign attire.” Cecilia
“Dragons.” Gabriel
“Nothing known for certain.” Cecilia
There really isn’t. Tales of them exist throughout the world, and not a single one can be confirmed. You’d think it was a widespread rumor, but depictions of them exist in even Metal-Kin and Eldar ruins, so we aren’t certain.
“Phoenix.” Gabriel
“Unknown.” Cecilia
We then keep going on the list of unknowns, which is surprisingly long. Eventually he just nods at me.
“That’ll do, for now, any questions?” Gabriel
I think for a moment, should I ask anything? Well, I should probably try and determine what he thinks of me.
“What do you think of me.” Cecilia
He tilts his head at me, inspecting me. This goes on for a moment, and I feel the unnatural, or rather extremely natural, urge to growl at him. I don’t, thankfully, and soon after he opens his mouth to speak.
“You’re not a complete dumbass like your siblings and have you any idea how annoying it is to organize a bloodless coup? To annoying in my opinion, plus so far you’ve been agreeable, so I’ve no qualms about serving you. I also love fucking over the annoying nobles, and since you used to be a Ranger, I’ve got even more reason to stick around!” Gabriel
That, that works.
“Plus he finds you attractive.” Ti’sha
We both look underneath the bed, startled. She looks at us both, her head poking out from under the bedside. Everyone is silent for a minute, my own thoughts leaning towards a single, rather apt, question. WHEN THE HELL DID SHE GET HERE!! She just looks at both of us, examining my highly startled expression, and I don’t really know what Gabriel looks like at the moment, but it was probably similar to mine.
“What? He’s a boy and you look good.” Ti’sha
We continue to stare at her incredulously, or at least I am. She then turns her head to the side and mutters something, not-so-quietly.
“We’re all thinking it.” Ti’sha
Okay, yeah, no.
“ “GET OUT!!” ” Cecilia + Gabriel
Ti’sha just groans and disappears back underneath the bed before rolling out the other side and leaving the room without much fanfare. I then look back at him and I notice an annoyed look on his face, still staring at the door, before glancing over at me, before quickly looking back down.
“I-uh, I think I’ll, uh, I think I’ll leave you to it then.” Gabriel
I thought he looked like a little village boy who was avoiding his crush, but that didn’t exactly lower my evaluation of him. It was a little funny, but I wouldn’t say I found it cute or whatever most would probably see of the situation.
“T-that sounds good.” Cecilia
I doubt that I was much better. He stands up and bows, before turning around and leaving the room entirely. Hahh~, fuck my bloodlines, honestly. I know that this is affecting the way I think, I haven’t been this expressive since I was a kid, and even then I’ve been acting seriously strangely. First I start feeling the urge to growel at people, and now I start getting unnaturally happy when I’m having the shit beat of me, and beating the shit out of the others, in sparring. Hell, I feel like some flustered little village girl! I’m the goddamn queen, and the only time I’ve ever been in this fucking capital, was WHEN I WAS A MAID!!
Oh, hi there mr nobles, just bow the knee to a girl that has only ever run a group of, effectively, mercenaries in a single duchy, take note of the fact that that same group, hunts most of your family dow like the dogs that they are you filthy vermin.
Yeah, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that’s going to go down well.
At all.
I grab a pillow and scream into it. I just want to live peacefully, with nobody fucking everything up.
And everything got fucking fucked the goddamn fuck up.
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