《D.E.D. Exorcists》Chapter 24


Chapter 24

“It was just a small zap.” Jon started, before the Branch Director could say anything. He was backing away from the door, and the director, and Henry was pretty sure the man had paled slightly. “He was interrupting-“

Emelia rose a hand, and Jon went silent. He paled even more. “You know the rules.”

Jon let out a slight whimper, and glanced back at Henry. This, was a completely different side of Jon. And if Henry was being fair, a different side of Emelia. But maybe this was the true side of the Branch Director? Whatever it was, the shorter lady definitely seemed to be the most intimidating figure in the room just then.

“Now, are you going to apologize, or do I need to make a scene?” She glanced past Jon to Henry, and her eyes quickly shifted from murderous, to cheerful. She even offered Henry a smile and wave, mouthing hello to him. Then, her eyes snapped back to Jon, and she was scary again.

“I’ll apologize.” Jon said sullenly.

“And?” Emelia added.

“I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Good, because if it does,” she smiled sweetly, which was terrifying. “I’ll make sure you never do it again.” The level of…certainty in those words, sent a massive chill through Henry. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but whatever it was, he didn’t want to be there anymore. He really should have left when Jon had mentioned it.

“Now then,” Emelia walked past Jon, patting him on the shoulder as she did. At her touch, Jon seemed to completely freeze. The moment Emelia let him go, and continued towards Henry, Jon was gone. He didn’t look back. He just left the room, faster than perhaps even humanly possible.


“Initiation go alright Henry?” Emelia asked him, once again the picture of kind and caring. Henry, was more than a little off balance. “I heard there was a, shocking, interaction this morning during interaction, so figured I would come check up on the new recruits.”

Was that what this was about? “It went well.” Henry said, his voice faint as he tried to find it again. He was still shaken by the exchange he’d just witnessed. He had a feeling that was a side of Jon no one ever got to see. He also had a feeling, Jon was not happy Henry had seen it.

“Everything go well with the field experience? Were you able to gain a new ally?”

“I,” Henry paused for a moment. Sure, Loki said he could trust Emelia, but he was just on edge from what he’d just watched. Then again, given what he’d just watched, he figured he never wanted to be on her bad side. As such, he decided to tell her about not only the Storm Crow, but the Bladed Drakeling and Winged Serpent encounter from the night before.

“My my,” she looked at him appraisingly after he’d finished, “I knew you were going to be special, but consider me impressed.” She laughed lightly. “It’s not often we have a new recruit with three D.E.D. on their very first day. Much less two uncommon ones. There’s definitely greatness in you.”

“I’m just trying to figure everything out.” Henry responded. He didn’t feel great. He felt lost. He was excited about this, excited about his goal to become strong, excited to see what his D.E.D. could become. But he would also be lying to himself if he weren’t nervous and scared. What Jon had said about the dangers of being an Exorcist, that was worrying. And the Storm Crow’s comment still hung in his mind as well.


“Aren’t we all.” The director laughed again. “That’s what living is though. Figuring things out. As long as you keep moving forward, you’ll keep trying to figure more things out. The moment you stop, the moment you cease that search, that mission, is when you start to die.” Her eyes seemed to grow distant for a moment, and the air around her seemed to vibrate. For a brief moment, he could have sworn he saw that strange form again. Like a haze, or a shadow? There was something around her, that much was certain.

“But, for now, just know you’re doing a great job. And for what its worth, you’re in good enough hands. Jon may be a bit…reckless when it comes to his methods, and he definitely doesn’t like to follow our rules, but there is no doubting his strength, nor the strength of the members on his team. As long as you stick with them, you’ll keep growing without fail.”

“Is that why he was in trouble?” Henry couldn’t help but ask. She’d opened that up for him, he figured, in her statement. “For shocking that initiate this morning?”

Emelia smiled and nodded. “Our ability to resonate with the frequencies of the D.E.D. and the other dimension, give us great powers. In ancient times, those who wielded these powers, fought against each other utilizing them. We are past those barbaric times though, and it is highly frowned upon, to utilize D.E.D. powers against another exorcist.” She stressed that part, “even if they are being belligerent.”

“I didn’t even see Jon use a D.E.D.” Henry said quickly. “Just, all of a sudden, it was clear he was being shocked.”

Emelia pursed her lips, looking over Henry keenly as she seemed to think about her response. “Perhaps once you get a little stronger, we can discuss what exactly Jon did, and I can show you how to do something similar. For now though,” she nodded towards the other entrance into the room, the one the other initiates and their instructors had left from, “your peers will be returning soon, and I do fully intend to speak with each and every one of them about their experiences. After all, a good Branch Director makes themselves known, and available to all those under them, no matter how low or new.” She held out a hand to Henry. “Focus on getting stronger, and we will talk more a little later. For now, welcome, officially, to the D.E.D. Exorcists.”

Henry shook her hand, and tried his best not to react to the rush of energy that seemed to resonate off her as he did. The Director, was definitely on a whole different level, and Henry couldn’t help but wonder if catching her eye was actually in his best interest. All he knew, as he left the room, and she headed off to speak with the other initiates who were returning, was one thing. Strength seemed to be king in the organization, and he needed to level up, fast. Because Henry had a feeling, there was much more going on than anyone was letting on.

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