《D.E.D. Exorcists》Chapter 12


Chapter 12

All he could do was stare at what was before him, as he reached the top of the incline. Partially because he was exhausted. He was pretty sure he’d give the damned record holders a run for their money with that time. And partially because whatever was happening, was out of this world. Okay, well, that was a given, but still.

Before him the air shimmered, much like that portal he’d stepped through previously to observe the tiered demon battle. However, the energies seeming to swirl around this one was a different, lighter tone, and even as he watched, he could tell it was forming into some sort of form. What was even more baffling about the whole situation though, was the amount of light being thrown off during this process. How could no one see this?

And then he remembered that everything regarding the D.E.D. and this other dimension hinged on being able to perceive the proper frequency of things. Meaning all this light, all the stuff he was seeing, was actually atoms vibrating at a frequency normal humans couldn’t observe. Just because he was in tune with it, didn’t mean others were. It was a much more advanced situation regarding how bees could see in the ultraviolet spectrum, or how animals and plants emitted their own sounds and signals that humans couldn’t perceive. And some other science stuff he didn’t understand.

I’ll do whatever I can to protect you, Awakened One. His Evil Eye said, taking a place just to his side. The eye focused on the rift as well, and Henry wondered if it could perceive what was coming through already. All it seemed like to him was a bunch of colors randomly taking shape. In short…it didn’t really make sense.

And that was clarified to him a moment later, because what he saw wasn’t one shape, but two, forming before him. Entangled in what appeared to be a fight, were two individual creatures.

“I thought only singular D.E.D. came through the smaller rifts.” Henry said quietly to his companion. As of yet, the two forms were still solidifying, and it was rather fascinating, and disturbing, watching as they fought against each other while they were still being formed.

Normally yes. The Evil Eye started, but given the amount of energy you’ve given off, and the circumstances of this location, the rift in question was able to handle the transfer of these two. It is likely they both came upon the rift at the same time, and began fighting over the right to pass through. In doing so, they both happened to pass through. The winner here, will claim the essence of the loser, and be even stronger as a result.

Henry didn’t like the sound of that. He hadn’t like the thought of trying to fight a random D.E.D. that had come through a portal, especially considering all he had was a level 1 Evil Eye. Every gamer knew taking on the unknown by yourself with a starting creature was usually a bad idea. But no, his situation got worse. There were two potential foes before him, and if he had to guess, the victor would definitely become stronger than his Evil Eye currently was.


“So, what do we do?” Obviously…they had to do something. The most optimistic situation, in his mind, was if they both joined him. Then he would go from one D.E.D. to three in the span of a few minutes. But if that couldn’t happen…the most favorable situation would be slaying one with his Evil Eye, to level it up, and then capturing the other. Immediately after having these thoughts, he shuddered. It was going to be weird, thinking of them as real creatures, and not just data.

That is up to you, Awakened One. Oh yeah, real helpful Evil Eye. As I’ve said before, I will do my all to keep you safe. Other than that, consider me your loyal servant.

Henry made a mental note to question his Evil Eye about its intentions, as well as why it kept calling him ‘Awakened One’. For now though, the two figures had nearly completely solidified, and he could tell both were wounded as they continued in their fight. The logical thing to do, in this situation, was to strike while they were distracted. But, he still had no idea what they were, nor their intentions. What if they were willing to join him as it was, and he attacked. Would that ruin the deal? He had a feeling they would be less likely to join him, if he straight up just attacked them without warning.

The whole ‘these creatures have human levels of intelligence’ was making this a lot more difficult than if he was playing a regular game. Because if that was the case, he’d probably just attack the stronger looking one in the battle. That way, he could turn the tide of the fight, get his Evil Eye some good experience, and likely gain the loyalty of the weaker of the two creatures once the stronger of the two was defeated. Cold, calculated, and efficient. But nooo….this was real life.

“Screw it.” Henry let out a sigh. “Which of these is stronger?” He held his phone, holding its camera towards the two creatures. As he did, the app pulled up the information on the two of them. The first creature, a snake like creature with feathery wings, was listed as a Flying Serpent. It was level 1, and had an air affinity. The other was a lizard like creature, which had a scorpion style tail, which it was using to slash at the snake and try to drive it away, as the serpent coiled around it. That creature was a Level 2 Bladed Drakeling with an Earth Affinity. If he had to guess, that meant it was a baby Drake? He remembered from his friends that the D.E.D. in the game could evolve into stronger forms through leveling up, and fusion.

Technically, the Drakeling was stronger. Meaning he should attack it. But, the flying serpent was wind affinity, and he already had a wind affinity evil eye. So…in theory, Henry decided to change his plan up a bit. “Cast your air shield on the Drakeling, and then use an air burst on Flying Serpent.” He ordered. His Evil Eye began to glow, complying instantly. On his app, he saw the MP on his Evil Eye drain as it executed the orders.


At first, as the wind shield erupted over the Drakeling, the two combatants seemed to freeze, finally taking notice of Henry. The Drakeling let out a startled roar, while the Flying Serpent beat its wings in surprise, pulling itself away from the now encircled Drakeling. A split second later, a burst of air smashed into the wings of the serpent, causing it to falter and drop down towards the ground. In an instant, the Drakeling’s tail struck out, driving deep into the Flying Serpent’s skull. The creature dissipated into essence. A small portion flowed into the Drakeling, while a larger portion flew towards Henry’s Evil Eye. Looking at the screen, he saw his Evil Eye had just gained 5 experience. And apparently, it needed another 5 to hit level 2.

What do we have here? A gravelly voice said in his mind, and he knew instantly it was the Bladed Drakeling. Luckily, from what the App was showing, it was still rather beaten, and it hadn’t leveled up. Meaning, technically, if it attacked, his Evil Eye should be able to defeat it. After all, wind was strong against Earth. An Awakened One come to greet me?

Henry looked at his Evil Eye questioningly for a moment. Once again, there it was, the Awakened One title. Was that what they called individuals who could resonate with their frequencies? That was an issue for a later date. For now, he realized he had no idea how this process was even supposed to work.

“Uh,” he cleared his throat, “I’ve come here to make a pact with you?”

Is that a question, or a statement? The creature grinned at him, its eyes flicking between Henry, and the Evil Eye.

“A statement.” Henry said firmly.

Then I refuse. The creature’s tongue flicked outwards as it laughed. Is what I want to say. But, perhaps I’ll join you, if you can explain something to me.

“If he attacks me, drop your air shield and blast him with your air bursts.” Henry said quietly to his Evil Eye.

I can hear you, Awakened One. The Drakeling said. As it spoke, it pointed its bladed tail towards him.

“Good, then you know not to attack me.” Henry was gambling on the fact that the D.E.D. didn’t know the levels of their own kind. Like, he knew his Evil Eye was aware it couldn’t handle the grim earlier, but he was hoping right now, the Drakeling didn’t know it was technically a level stronger than his Evil Eye.

I grow weary of this charade already. The voice commented. Just, it is apparent to me that you could have, so willing, attacked me, instead of the pesky serpent I was battling. In doing so, you would have easily defeated me, and then could have easily dispatched the flying serpent as well, considering it had already taken a lot of damage from our battle. The Drakeling’s eyes gleamed as it looked at Henry. So Awakened One, why take the risk and leave me alive? Hubris? Do you overestimate your abilities? Or is there another reason? Depending on your answer, you will live or die.

The way the Drakeling spoke, made it apparent it was quite confident in its assessment of the situation. That, or it was bluffing really, really well.

“Honestly,” Henry started, looking from the Drakeling to his Evil Eye. “I’d rather grow my resources, than simply kill any D.E.D. that comes here.” That was true. “And my Evil Eye already has a wind affinity, so I felt you would be a greater asset to me, than the serpent.” He paused there, seeing if his words would have any effect. However the Drakeling stayed silent, watching him.

“Additionally,” Henry added, after a long moment. Perhaps the Drakeling wanted even more from him, “given the situation between the two of you, I found it unlikely I could stop the fight, and convince the two of you to join me. Therefore, the smarter play, was to eliminate one, and hope to reason with the other.”

At this, the Drakeling began to chuckle, the sound sending chills down Henry’s spine. And yet, at the same time, its tail lowered. It seems you have a measure of sense about you, as well as a level head when it comes to seeking power. The Drakeling closed its eyes, and essence flowed from it towards Henry. I will enter into a bond with you, and see just how powerful we can grow together. As the essence wrapped around Henry’s wrist, the pentagram appeared on the app of his phone. He held his thumb to it, even as the strange sound began resonating from it. A moment later, the Drakeling disappeared completely, all of its essence flowing into Henry. There, it would reside until he summoned it. At the same time, a message appeared across his phone’s screen.

[Level 2 Bladed Drakeling – Earth Type] Acquired

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