《My Supers Online》Super Delivery Chapter 14


Chapter 14

As we raced through the streets, bobbing and weaving through the traffic on the road and occasionally the sidewalks, I had a clear lead on Streak. That was until I looked back and noticed something odd, you could hardly see it, the air in front of her seemed to be rippling.

Panic was coursing through my mind, someone with the ability to manipulate air was doing something! I slowed just slightly, then grabbed her arm and turned down an alley stopping with my back to a wall and scanning around the corner.

“What’s wrong?” Streak asked, her level of panic mimicking my own.

“Someone was doing something to the air in front of you. Don’t know who or why.” I stated trying to remain calm.

Laughter burst from the speedster next to me.

“Really? That’s why you pulled me back here?” She said between laughs.

“Yeah, it’s not something that I find particularly funny!” I started, “I’m missing something aren’t I?” I finished with the realization that she knew something.

“Have you ever wondered why I can keep up with you?” She asked.

“Thought never really crossed my mind…” I said under my breath.

“My main power is superspeed, one of my others is Air Manipulation. I decrease air resistance so I can run faster!” She told me, laughter almost rising to the surface again. Well two can play at that game.

“Wait. Are you telling me you are a Bridger!” I said dramatically.

“Yes.” She said confusion tinging her voice. I put the back of my hand to my forehead, for extra drama.

“You wait until now to tell me!” After I finished, I pretended to faint.

“You’re an idiot, you know that, right?” She insulted then asked. I shot back up to my feet.

“Now that just hurts.” I said shoulders slumping a bit.

“Maybe this will help.” She said then surprised me with a kiss.

You know how people say the world stops? This was like that, kind of. I sped my mind up, causing the moment to last far longer than it actually did.

“Feel better?” She asked after what felt like hours to me.

“Um… Uh… Yeah…” I said a little dazed by the action. She blushed and moved a strand of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

“Good because we should get going.” She said, hopping a little on one foot before turning and walking towards the way we came.

“Well luckily we can get there fast, you know, since we’re fast.” I said catching up to her before we left the alley.

“Really? I knew I was fast, but you being fast is news to me.” She teased.

“I believe I have a lot more points in speed than you do.” I said teasing her back.

“If that was true, then how come I won the race in the tower yesterday?” She asked stopping at the entrance to the alley.

“It’s because I couldn’t let a pretty girl lose.” I said getting into a sprinter’s stance. She didn’t say anything as she mimicked my stance. We looked at each other and nodded then took off at full speed.

Right after we took off at high speeds, I accelerated myself to just faster than she was going. I then turned around and ran backwards in front of her and returned the kiss she gave me moments before. I then took off speeding to my max in order to beat her there.


Streak slowed a little as we moved along allowing me to arrive at our destination first unimpeded. I looked up at the building in front of me and started to move for the door.

Before I could move inside, I was tackled to the ground by what felt like a speeding bus.

“I’m sorry!” Megan said standing up. “I was lost in thought and stopped paying attention!”

“It’s fine, I heal fast.” I told her while getting my feet under me.

“I should have been paying more attention.” She mumbled.

“Look I’m alright, only did like fifty damage. I heal twice that in five seconds, It’s ok.” I said reassuringly. She nodded not meeting my eyes.

“This is Maine Conglomerate’s corporate headquarters I wonder who Dark Omen is.” I said thinking out loud.

Just as I finished speaking that thought, the door opened and a sharply dressed young man walked out and stopped right in front of us.

“Ms. Maine is expecting you Mr. Celerity, and… I’m sorry my paperwork said Mr. Streak not Ms. Streak.” The young man said before motioning for us to follow.

“I guess that answers your question, doesn’t it?” Streak asked.

“Either that, or she knows who we’re looking for.” I answered.

The young man, who still remains nameless, lead us to an executive elevator, typed in a pin, and sent us to the top floor.

It was a quick ride that felt longer as the awkward silence made me uncomfortable.

“Hey…” we said in unison, but both stopped to let the other continue. A few seconds later the elevator doors opened.

“It’s about time you guys arrived.” A younger woman, presumably Ms. Maine, said as we stepped off the elevator into a large office space.

“Ms. Maine?” I asked

“Of course, Ray. Or do you prefer Celerity?” She responded with her own surprising question.

“What is with everyone knowing who I am?” I asked the universe, who never answers.

“Well with the amount of assets I have, tracking a speedster’s comings and goings is nothing.” Ms. Maine answered in the universes place.

“Right.” I said now unsure how to continue. Luckily Streak is smarter than I am.

“So, you must be Dark Omen.” Streak said without any doubt.

“You are perceptive, and not a man.” She said the last part with a hint of surprise. “May I ask how you knew?”

“I’m a Bridger, and on my world, there is a very well-known tech billionaire who moonlights as a vigilante.” Streak answered her question.

“I’d very much like to meet him.” Maine told my partner.

“So would I, but he’s not real.” She told, the now revealed, Dark Omen.

“Well that’s not confusing.” Maine said.

“Tell me about it, she said something similar about a speedster.” I inserted myself back into the conversation.

“Well then to business?” She started,” I assume you are here about the recruitment?”

“That is correct, but can I ask what your powers actually are?” I asked.

“Before I answer what do you two think they are?” She returned.

“My money is on some form of shadow manipulation.” I told her.

“And quite a lot of money it is. Normally I’m the richest person in the room.” She said, releasing the fact she knew what my net worth was.

“I think you don’t have any powers.” Streak said. I looked at Megan curiously.

“You’d be right, cleaver girl.” She answered.


“Wait… You’re telling me, you have gone toe-to-toe with some A-List villains with no powers?” I asked shocked.

“Exactly what I am saying.” She told me with a devious grin.

I just sat there stunned. Not knowing what to say. It would be way too stupid, not to mention dangerous, to do that.

“Let’s cut to the chase, you know why we are here, and what we are offering. Are you in or not?” Streak asked.

“It’s not that simple is it? If I join, then you’ll have the backing of my company who specializes in gear and equipment for superheroes, so this has to be worth something to me too.” Omen answered.

“So, what do you want? You obviously don’t need money.” Streak said. It’s a good thing she’s here. If it was just me, I would still be staring at her in silence over the fact she’s powerless.

“I propose a test is in order. If you succeed, then I will join you, and you will have the backing of Maine Conglomerate. If you fail, you will have to buy the equipment like everyone else.” Ms. Maine said with a slight smile etched on her face.

“What’s the test?” I asked shaking myself out of the stupor I was in.

“I have received word of games taking place in Winter’s Garden. There is a suit as one of the prizes. Bring it to me and we have a deal, I’ll only need it for a few days, then you can have it back.” Ms. Maine offered.

“What type of games are these?” I asked.

“Some new up and comer is hosting them, He calls them Regan’s Winter Games. Registration starts tomorrow.” She told us.

“So if we do this, any and all equipment needs will be taken care of?” I asked.

“We will sign a contract first, of course.” She said.

“In that case I will be sending our team leader over to make the arrangements.” I told her.

“You aren’t the leader?” She asked a little shocked at this revelation.

“I am not.” I told her with my own smile on my face. “You’ll see who it is later.”

“Oh, by the way, the paperwork hasn’t gone through yet, what is your team’s name?” Maine asked.

“The Honor Guard.” Streak said.

“Actually, it’s not. I wanted something that would last longer and mean something more.” I said then turned and walked toward the elevator. “I’m sure you’ll know when the paperwork is finalized.”

Megan stepped into the elevator behind me and the doors closed.

“Can we talk?” Megan asked as we stepped out of the building.

“Is this a superhero talk or can we change first?” I asked.

“We can change first.” She said.

“Cool my place isn’t too far from here.” I said, “We can go there, changing in phone booths is not an easy task.” I said eliciting a small chuckle from Megan and breaking the tension.

We arrived at my apartment only a minute later, I unlocked the door and showed her around my modest living space. I then led her to the bathroom so she could change. While she was changing, I typed a quick message to William to let him know what Ms. Maine had said.

“Hey Ray?” Megan called from the bathroom.

“Yeah?” I called back.

“Would it be ok if I took a shower?” She asked.

“Go for it. I’ll order some food.” I yelled back.

“How about pizza?” Megan asked

“It’s like you read my mind…” I trailed off thinking about how Bridgers get three powers. “Did you read my mind?”

“No, I just wanted pizza!” She answered.

I placed the order, then went to get changed myself as I heard the water turn on. I decided to check out the games Omen told us about. The internet was going mad for it. It looked like it was going to be busy, and there were races for speedsters! I could dominate!

My investigation into the games only increased my excitement as I learned more about what was going to be offered. Team battles, Two person fights, solo fights… This would be a good time to test the new team.

I pulled out my phone and shot William another message.

Ray: Have you heard about Regan’s Winter Games?

William: I just heard about it through Ms. Maine.

Ray: I did some research. It seems like a good opportunity to test the team.

William: I agree. It would be nice to see what they can handle.

Ray: Yeah, I think Megan and I will head up first thing tomorrow to check it out and register. Should we register the team or are you going to?

William: I will do it. Hopper can get us there so don’t worry about us.

Ray: Ok. How did the meeting with Maine go?

William: If we can get our hands on a suit, very well.

Ray: Good. Oh, got to go, my food is here. Later.

I greeted the pizza delivery girl, payed for the food, and gave her a decent tip too, I have the money so why not?

“Is the food here?” Megan asked exited the bathroom with a wall of steam behind her.

“Just got here, it’s piping hot come and get it!” I said as I over dramatically placed the pizza on the table and waved my hand to get the aroma to my nose.

“Smells good.” She said absent mindedly.

We each grabbed a plate with several slices on them and sat on the couch the News on the TV was background to our quite eating.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” I asked as I finished my third slice and went back for more.

“It’s about what happened in the alley.” She said her face flush with embarrassment.

“What about it?” I asked a knot forming in my throat.

“Where I come from, it isn’t unheard of for someone like me to be in a relationship with someone like you. It is just looked down on.” She said almost inaudibly.

“What do you mean someone like you, and someone like me?” I asked.

“Well someone from my world, and someone from one of the worlds we visit.” She explained.

“Question. Can you leave this world?” I asked trying to get her to see something.

“Well not anymore.” She replied.

“Then doesn’t that make you of this world?” I quizzed.

“For now, but what if I’m able to leave in a week?” She asked.

“Then that seems like a problem for a week from now us doesn’t it?” I asked her, the knot growing larger.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well wouldn’t it be better to live now and be happy, then to worry about what could happen?” I asked her. She didn’t say anything for a while, lost in thought.

“You aren’t the first person to tell me that. I was told almost daily back on my world.” She mumbled.

“Forget that. What do you want?” I asked.

“I’m not sure anymore. I wanted to escape from my life, so I came here. Now I want to go back. It’s confusing.” She said.

“You don’t have to figure out everything right this second, I’m just telling you that you don’t have to worry so much about the future.” I said with a reassuring smile.

“I guess you have a point.” She said with a considering nod.

“Well it’s late, if you want you can take my room, I’ll take the couch. We have an early day tomorrow.” I said hoping she’d be less confused after a good night’s sleep.

“You’re right.” She said getting up and following me to my room. “One more thing, what did you name the team?” Megan asked.

“The Eternal Guard.”

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