《Unleash the beast》Notice


This is a notice about this very story.

Okay, the reason that I've been on hiatus for a while now is because I had this sudden and irresistible urge to write this new story that I've been concocting inside my fucked up mind for a while now.

So I planned out a whole story line that's full of surprises and (hopefully) heart wrenching moments. I practically orgasm every time I think about the new story I'm writing.

I know that this whole thing is like I've slapped you in the face and then threw you head first into a huge pile of rotten dog shit.

I know I'm being an asshole, but my creative urges cannot be controlled by ANY MAN. including myself. (I'm like a beast)

You can check out my new story here:


More chapters on the way, for both stories.

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