《Abomination》Chapter 10 Horde (Unedited)


“Fucking hell.” Lucifer let out a weary groan as he slowly rolled himself onto his left flank to look at the now unconscious Luna. He knew deep down exactly how risky the bonding ceremony was for her. If their Elements weren’t compatible, worse case was he would die. But Lucifer is truly a being that defies logic. Two different Elements share his Mana Core and Luna’s ceremony awoke them. Now Light Element and Dark Element Mana perfectly balance in their circulation of Lucifer’s body. Light Element flowing from his Mana Core through his cranium then cycling through to the rest of his body. While the Dark Element Flowed from his Mana Core, brought itself into his heart and then spread itself throughout his body in tandem with the opposing Light Element.

Now having two opposing Elements was completely unheard of in Gaies. It is very well known that warriors of the Water Element cannot use any Fire Element magics. Even amongst the Gods, none were known to be able to utilize opposing Elements. Derived magics like Ice from the Water Element or Solar from the Light Element are very well known. This is most explicitly shown when the God of Heaven and Light let the human race use Holy Light magics in exchange for the Nephilim breeding program. But there has never been a being in the history of Gaies that can or could use two opposing Elements, Lucifer is the first.

As his sight fell upon the sleeping Luna, Lucifer’s thought came to a crashing halt. Luna was barely breathing, he body heaving up and down ever so slightly. Crushing pain stung briefly between Lucifer’s brows as his eyes caught sight of a gold streak of fur on the crown Luna’s head. Little did Lucifer know that a matching streak of golden hair marring its way through his lush pitch black hair. Clutching his head trying to deal with the phantom pain still piercing through his skull, Lucifer slowly began to drag his brand new exhausted body to Luna’s side. Almost replaying the scene previously happen where Luna came crawling to his own side, Lucifer bent down and gave her a loving kiss on the new golden patch of fur.

As the two were caught in a picturesque moment a deathly hoarse coughing broke the serene silence. Yue was slowly breathing her last bit of life. Through painful breaths and torturous coughing she had luckily survived till Lucifer awoke. Lucifer cast a glance towards the wounded woman who was about to die with slight interest. Remembering the words of Luc in his inner consciousness, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel resentment towards his forced teacher. The woman who took part in Luc coming into existence and causing the two to fight with their lives on the line.

“Fuck. Don’t tell me I have to save you.” Lucifer let out a bitter sigh as he gently gathered Luna into his embrace. His delicate actions betraying the exasperated words he spoke. Carrying Luna towards Yue, Lucifer ever so carefully knelt a few steps away from the draconian woman. With her clothing torn asunder by the blast that injured her to such a state, Yue lay naked and broken before Lucifer.

Lucifer felt a growing heat warm his crotch as his eyes appraised the body of Yue. From the slim and delicate legs of hers, up to the sex she possessed between her legs, while unlike his own which was a long shaft, Yue held nothing of the sort. Only light grey scales grew around her groin, covering her stomach up until her palm size B-cup breasts. Her hourglass curves fully taken in by Lucifer’s draconic eye as it etched every single detail of her pale skin, thin limbs and taught muscles. Regardless of how broken her body was in it’s current state, Yue’s beauty could not be diminished so quickly. Only the urge to fix her arms and oddly caved in chest welled up in Lucifer’s mind as he tried to push aside the uncomfortable heat that was soon becoming unbearable in his groin.


Dropping to his knees Lucifer began to think of ways to heal Yue of her injuries. He had been taught of healing and the process of it by Eric, but the knowledge of his own Element and how to ‘get it to restructure’ her body. Eric said it was incredibly difficult to heal someone else because of the difference in body structure between individuals. But Lucifer felt it would be especially easy to ‘restructure’ Yue’s body, if he only order the Mana of her body to assist his own efforts to heal her. So with a single idea of ordering her own Mana to fix her body, Lucifer urged his own Mana to compel Yue’s. Slowly a black and gold haze drifted from Lucifer’s fingertip towards Yue’s prone body. As if in response, a dark grey fog came from Yue’s body in order to greet the twin coloured Mana of Lucifer.

Sweat soon gathered on Lucifer’s forehead as he began his hypothesis of healing. Watching intently as the two separate Manas began to interact with each other, Lucifer noticed his own Mana had actually succeeded in being sent out of his own body for the first time. Chalking it up to the recent battle between himself and Luc or Luna’s assistance. Lucifer redoubled his efforts at commanding Yue’s own Mana to speed up the process of her body’s self healing. Only to realise his own Mana would soon be emptied and himself no further in helping her. Lucifer became truly desperate for some reason unknown to himself. He wanted deep down to beat and dominate the woman who had traumatized himself into forgetting his own pride. But Lucifer could not fully understand this bit of emotional trauma only understanding he wanted Yue alive, he let out a single command through his Mana. Heal.

With that command issued from another Mana, Yue’s Mana slinked back into her body as it began to assist her body’s healing. Forcibly repositioning her snapped arms and setting her broken ribs, her Mana worked in overdrive to do as it had been commanded. To heal. It did not matter if the injuries were old or recent, all of them were being fixed by Yue’s Mana. Her old scars from battlemaid training and years of harsh study were slowly being erased. Even her skin which had not been taken care of properly for 8 years was being aided as it became full of colour and Yue’s almost too thin figure became a bit fuller.

As this groundbreaking healing was happening Lucifer was unsteadily falling back onto his back. Mana exhaustion hitting him like a stampeding wild boar. After a minute of dizziness Lucifer soon succumbed to the Mana exhaustion urging him to fall asleep. Only catching a glimpse of movement moving at incredible speeds towards Luna, Yue and himself. With the last bit of strength he could muster he forced a vicious growl to emerge from his throat as he passed out.

With Lucifer’s new gear wrapped and with a 8 foot bundle of wrapped cloth under his arms Eric, left the building of Alchemist Fasra. He had sent Jasmine back to the cabin as she was just going to make it so that they would have to pay extra gold in a bid for the best quality merchandise. The elf had become strangely attached to Lucifer, creating a pet name for when he wasn’t around. She had totally become an aunt like figure in her own mind for the boy. And she was determined to make sure that her odd sense of love was beaten into him at any cost. Whether it be the extremely intensive magical lessons or the fighting she started with Eric, to stop him from sending Lucifer out to hunt the strongest Beasts around their little home. Currently though the bratty and overly affectionate elf was gone and Eric could take his time and enjoy the silence that followed her departure.


Jasmine on the other hand had just arrived at the where their cabin had stood hours before. Terror wracked her lithe frame as she thought of what could possibly have happened to ruin their home. What kind of accident could have caused the disappearance of Yue, Lucifer and Luna while something destroyed their cabin? As thoughts of the most heinous of possibilities swirled in her mind, Jasmine took quick frantic looks throughout the clearing. Terror continued to build up inside of her as she spotted a large brown body running amidst the 200 meter clearing towards the east. Anger soon took over her fear addled mind as Jasmine launched a deadly barrage of Ice magic spells to capture this large intruder.

[Ice Prison]


[Tundra Breaker]

Were the three spells Jasmine sent out to stop and immobilize the brown Beast that was running full speed towards the now noticeable forms of Yue, Luna and Lucifer. Jasmine’s choice of spells were so prompt and also the best choice of spells possible for capture that it truly became apparent how skilled she truly is. Using [Ice Prison] as a means to stop and capture her prey would normally be used as the final spell. Yet Jasmine used it first as a means to slow down the rapidly approaching Beast from reaching the three bodies of her companions. [Hailstorm] is truly a risky spell to use in this situation though. [Hailstorm] creates a small to medium range blizzard of sharp swordlike ice shards to kill and maim foes at a distance. It is one of the most commonly used Ice magics in the world for it’s versatility and combat effectiveness. Finally [Tundra Breaker] the highest grade spell Jasmine unleashed in her deadly combo. [Tundra Breaker] is most commonly used as a magic spell for unleashing supreme blunt force damage to the recipients. The spell gathers all the ice magic in the vicinity and uses it to form a massive iceberg like mass of solid ice. The true danger of [Tundra Breaker] is the amount of ice it gathers and drops onto the unsuspecting foe. Imagine a mountain of pure solid ice falling directly on top of you while you defend against a barrage of other magics from afar. This is the deadliness of [Tundra Breaker].

As her first magic left her magic staff, Jasmine could only watch in horror as she realised what Beast she was currently facing. Soon a cage of solid ice imprisoned the large 4 foot tall mastiff looking Beast. Jasmine’s [Hailstorm] and subsequent [Tundra Breaker] soon arrived; piercing and then crushing the Beast into paste of blood and gore. The Beast she had so easily butchered was a common Blood Hound Beast. A very weak Beast, of only the 1st Rank and Low Order. But the reason it was named as the Blood Hound was because of it’s blood’s unique property. It gave off a distinctive pheromone that attracted all other Beasts in a domain. Now just attracting other Beasts was not an issue, but attracting ALL Beasts in this particular domain that was under the rule of a 3rd Rank Mid Order Flash Lynx was the true terror. The only reason the Flash Lynx stayed away from this area of the forest under its rule was because of the tribute that Eric had presented to it. The Mana Core of a powerful 4th Rank Beast.

Jasmine was left standing there with her jaw hanging open at how stupid her actions had been. Now the danger that the three bodies faced were even greater than just a single Blood Hound that even she could kill purely based on her physical prowess. Soon a horde of Beasts would be upon the group, and Jasmine had to do something to fix the situation. Thinking of the three different scenarios that could play out Jasmine began her preparations with the most defensive actions possible. She began casting the highest order spell she knew: [Bastian of the Arctic]. A spell that would freeze the surrounding area and then build a fortress of Ice Element upon the newly frozen earth. But casting such a high order spell would almost empty her entire Mana reserves. She could only hope that the prospect of facing the high order spell would deter most if not all of the coming Beasts. And so Jasmine drained 75% of her remaining Mana Core to create a fortress of ice that built itself around the unconscious bodies of Lucifer, Yue and Luna. As the fortress slowly began its construction, Beasts of all different walks of life slowly arrived at the clearing.

Jasmine could only bitterly sigh as she stood alone in front of the slowly forming castle of ice. Guarding the castle with her life on the line, Jasmine chose to only use magic when Beasts of the 2nd Rank appeared. Bracing herself for the battle about to begin Jasmine began to steady her breath. Slightly bending her left leg and letting it move a fraction forward, she leaned forward as if she was about to launch herself forward. With her long mace like staff tightly gripped in her right hand she held it parallel with the frost ground. Hoar frost instantly covered the surrounding trees and plants around the [Bastion of the Arctic].

Eric being totally immersed in the peace of not having to listen to the rude and trying remarks of Jasmine decided to take his time returning to the cabin. Only as he reached halfway back to the cabin he felt the surge of Jasmine's Mana. This surge of Mana was Jasmine's [Bastian of the Arctic] spell. Such a powerful spell would always create a spike in Mana as it was being cast. Eric being who he is, is able to sense even more subtle bursts of Mana let alone one as massive as Jasmine’s spell. In response to this sudden development Eric quickly took off towards the cabin grounds. Hoping that he would be able to make it in time to fix, rescue or avenge whatever was happening that caused Jasmine to use her highest order spell.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. There is no end to you lot now is there?” Jasmine rasped. Blood and limbs lay strewn all around her as horde of various Beasts stood some 20 yards away from her. “Fine you want to use numbers let me use real quality Beasts.” Jasmine spoke out as she instantly cast the medium order spell [Hailstorm]. She planned to use the density of the Beast horde to amplify her spell’s destructive power. [Hailstorm]’s true killing power is it’s sharp thin bolts of ice that flew at incredible speeds to pierce any unlucky beings in their path. With a thrust of her staff Jasmine cast the deadly spell towards the horde of Beasts.

[Hailstorm] tore through the bodies of every Beast in it’s path. Massacring over 50 1st Rank Beasts in a savage display of power. Leaving only a fraction of the horde alive. Though the ones left alive were left riddled with holes and shards of ice sticking out from their large and deadly forms. The only surviving Beasts were of at least the 2nd Rank. While injured Beasts at the 2nd Rank were still vastly superior to the Jasmine that was barely standing with only dregs of Mana left in her Mana Core.

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