《Infinite Thera》Volume 1: Plight of the Gods | Reinhardt 6 Part 2


The rain may have stopped but the wreckage left by the battle left a savage mark in Phracea. Though damages in infrastructure were kept at minimal due to the interventions of the army, there were still some reparations to be made. Everywhere, people can be seen sitting on the ground or standing with their backs to a wall for support, some due to injuries while some were due to exhaustion. Ophelia was one of those, her small frame slouched on the ground. Her Mirage Fumiko was currently in her standby state, appearing only as a tiny version, about an eight of her original size. It was a form that Mirages took to preserve spiritual energy usage.

That battle was too close. If it dragged more than it had, she may have really exhausted her spiritual reserves. Especially since it hadn’t been a long time since she became a Spiritual Contractor.

A Spiritual Contractor is different from an Awakened. Yes, they operated on the same basic principle that they create a tangible manifestation of their souls. But that’s just one of the few similarities it had. For one, contractors did not lose their ability to use their magic powers when compared to awakened who did. The sad thing was, although they had access to variety, they lacked the necessary spiritual power reserves. Since awakened converted their magic power reserves to spiritual reserves and added it, they basically have almost twice the capacity of contractors.

Another big difference is the way the summoned beings are given forms. The modern day Awakened summoned by Phracea military personnel and licensed individuals use a ‘mark’ which serves as a gateway. In other terms, a unique tattoo symbolizing their summon is used as a means for the spirit to cross the boundaries of the spirit realm into the physical realm and use their Awakened’s spiritual powers to have a tangible body. Whereas spiritual contractors use different mediums depending on the type of powers they tap into. Ophelia’s for instance used a “memento” from the Mirage as a medium. When she first met Fumiko, the Mirage had given Ophelia her muffler.

“We need to train more Fumiko…we got lucky this time.” Muttered Ophelia as her hand reached up to wipe her forehead. The Mythic paid her no mind, acting like she didn’t hear anything, and instead produced a book also minuscule in size. The Mythic busied itself with reading but flinched when she felt a menacing aura behind her. About the same time a huge shadow towered over her small form.

“Oy oy...you’ve been ignoring me a lot lately! Maybe I should start doling out your punishment.” Eyes that seemed like a mischievous cat’s came up behind the Mirage. Ophelia grabbed her partner’s tiny form, ensuring that she held her pretty tight so there won’t be any escape. The little spirit squirmed with gusto, her eyes shaped like x’s as she tried to escape but to no avail. With little spiritual reserves left, it was impossible for her to grow into her original form or to rematerialize somewhere else.

“Hey…thank you for your help earlier!” came a deep voice, a bigger shadow cast upon Ophelia this time. She looked up at the source of the voice and first saw the hand being offered to her. She looked up to see a guy with sandy brown hair, his features rugged and battle worn, soot, and scratches all over his face and armor.

"My name is Kristov! Nice to meet you---" Kristov paused with an expectant look on his face. "Lia…you can call me Lia.” The Ophelia answered, taking his hand as she stood up. Fumiko still held on her other arm, who lay helplessly and was twitching from the treatment she received.


“Sorry if I can’t stay long! I still have somewhere else to go to!” Kristov apologized while he placed his closed left fist across his right chest. That was the equivalent of a knight’s salute, which knights do, not just to greet someone of higher power but to greet civilians as well.

Before Ophelia had the chance to say it was fine. The man had already hightailed it out of there. “Big brother…where are you?” her words lingered to the open air, none having the answer to her question.


The scene shifted and yet the events that transpired earlier were being duplicated, albeit the lack of a hulking knight to help Miranda. Falling down on her knees, she let out a huge puff of air as she tried to clear her head.

The twin mirages got wrapped in a puff of smoke and changed into their standby forms to conserve energy. Lu Yin flew and stood on one of Mira’s shoulders. “Are you okay mama?” The little girl’s worried eyes scanned Miranda’s face, her small mitten wrapped hand resting on her mama’s flushed cheeks.

“Hey…hey you! You’re fine right?” The other twin said hesitantly, trying not to sound too concerned as he stayed afloat, his arms crossed on his chest.

Miranda looked up this time and raised on of her arms to pat Lu Yin on the head. “Don’t worry about me Lu Yin, Lu Yang. I’m just a bit tired but I’ll be fine.” She said as she tried to pat Lu Yang as well, but the male spirit avoided her.

“Who says I’m worried about you!” The angry boy turned around rambling words, “Stupid woman getting all tired! You have to be better than that to deserve my power!” The little guy turned around mid-air and created a small puff of fire ball, slammed it on a nonexistent grand and stepped on it to release his anger. “Stupid stupid woman…making us worry!” the last part was muttered too low that it didn’t reach Miranda’s ears. He continued abusing the little ball of flame, puffs of smoke rising from his head.

‘I wonder where Laureant, Z, Lorelai and Coreen is...’ She hoped that they were fine and were able to accomplish the tasks she gave them.

“Captain!” Miranda’s eyes snapped to the arriving knight. From the way he looked and the frantic way he ran towards her, she somehow knew that something wasn’t right.

“What’s the matter?” She asked in a commanding tone, something only a superior officer could do.

“The…the general…we received word that the general perished from the battle…”


Miranda didn’t even know how she arrived back at the church. All seemed so vague as people looked at her with sympathy. Things she didn’t quite notice as she was still reeling from the news. She knew that her father had arrived back from his mission at the borders seeing as his Mirage appeared to fight off that monster. For a long while, doubts plagued her. She couldn’t…wouldn’t believe the news until she sees the visible proof that her father had passed away.

Upon her arrival, Miranda was led to an antechamber, the door cluttered by flocks of people trying to get in. The only reason they were unsuccessful was due to the two well-built guards standing in front barring the path. “Clear the way, the Templar Knights Commander is here!” One of the guards bellowed, clearing the path from the knights all around. The sea of people parted like an ocean as Miranda strode inside, Lu Yin and Lu Yang in tow.


Miranda’s outstretched hand stopped as her palms connected with the cold door. She hesitated. Afraid of what she would find on the other side. It just felt final. The two Mythics kept their silence, controlling their own impulse to open the door themselves. When Miranda finally had the courage, the door slowly creaked as it opened, the haunting sound adding to the grave atmosphere.

What appeared before Miranda was the body of a man lying on the bed. He could’ve been sleeping, if not for the wounds and the blood all over his body. His armor had been taken off and his body was half covered by a pure white blanket.

“Grampa!!” The twins simultaneously yelled as they flew over Graham’s body. Puffs of smoke covered them as they returned to their original form and settled on top of the bed on the sides of the old man. “Grampa! Wake up! Please wake up…” Lu Yin had her tiny fists scrunched up on Graham’s clothes as she tried to shake him awake. Tears forming on her eyes, big splotches appearing as droplets fell, the girl sobbed while she continuously tried to rouse the man before her.

Lu Yang who knelt on the other side tried to suppress his tears, only to fail miserably as beads of water fell freely from his eyes. Snot started forming on his nose as he tried to muffle the sobs wanting to escape. The young Mythic tried to be the pillar of salt among the two, as always, but this emotional upheaval was just too high for him to conquer. He finally gave in and bawled loud, his arm rising up to cover his face in shame.

“Lu Yin…Lu Yang…you have to give Miranda some time with her father…” Coreen intoned, Miranda didn’t even notice her presence. The four Templar Squad Leaders stood on the side of the room with somber expressions on their faces.

The twins didn’t respond but they both floated away and stood on the side.

Miranda’s feet moved slowly, step over each agonizing step. She knelt down on Graham’s side, her hands reached up to cup her father’s face.

‘Father…’ She called out inside her head, her mind going completely blank, the words echoing loudly in the deafening silence.

The floodgates opened as the dam finally broke. Tears flowed freely, like a leaking faucet, water fell nonstop with no signs of it ending. Still no one heard anything from Miranda. Not a sob, not even a squeak.

Miranda reached into her satchel and produced a white handkerchief. Unfolding it, she started to wipe the dry blood, for a lack of a thing to do. She was trying not to break down, to keep her dignity as a knight. To not look disgraceful in front of her subordinates. Her father deserved more than that.

“He used true summoning to fight off the enemy Mirage. He…died a true hero…” A voice pierced the silence, and Miranda recognized it as the Lieutenant General. “He told me…to tell you…he was sorry…”

After those words, Miranda choked, unable to stop the buildup of emotion as all her memories of her father came flooding back. How he would read to her when she was a child. How he would stay with her during stormy nights. How he taught her how to wield a sword. How he was with her while she graduated the top of her class. Everything flashed before her eyes.

To avoid sounds from leaking out, Miranda buried her face on Graham’s chest. Whatever the Lieutenant said next was lost on deaf ears as her emotion finally gave way. Everyone could only look on in silence as Miranda’s shoulders wracked with silence, while her Mirages held each other’s hands trying to get support from each other.


A ghost town…rather a deserted city. It was the most apt description one would come up with when describing the capital right at this moment. Apart from the occasional droplet of rain falling from the trees, nothing else could be heard. The conflict culminated with the victory of the knights of Feria, but Reinhardt's emotions were still on a rampage. He was in a secluded area within Phracea, with his body soaking wet from the rain. Beside the ground he sat on, a newly formed mound of soil was formed beneath the tree. On top of it was a makeshift tombstone. ‘That scum…’ He thought to himself. That dictator managed to pin all the blame on him. Insanity inched slowly at the corners of his mind, the absurdity of the recent events almost too hard to process. One thing he knew was right was that he was just too tired. The conversation he had earlier with Erina played throughout his mind.

Click! click! click! click!

"I knew you would be here, Sir Reinhardt!" Erina huffed, skidding to a halt. Right now, they were at the elder tree, a secluded area in Phracea which had a pond and in the middle of it was an island like area with a magnificent tree in the middle. She knew where Reinhardt might be because it was the couple’s favorite place. They often lounged below the tree and even did picnics there. Only the two and Erina knew about the location.

Reinhardt didn't even react when he heard the voice. He was too busy, too emotionally drained to even care. Strong and bloodied hands raked at the soil as he made grave deeper. It had been three hours since this madness started. Yet, that length of time seemed to last forever. Even those his hands had blisters and blood mixed with the dirt, Reinhardt didn’t take notice. He was just too numb from the pain he felt. He did not care. It was all for Lumina’s burial. Not caring a whit of what was going around Phracea. He didn't even give a shit if Maximus' Mirage destroyed the city and annihilated its inhabitants. He wanted to get revenge on Maximus, but the sane portion of his mind told him that it wasn't the best time considering what happened.

Erina hesitantly moved forward to where Lumina was lying. She knelt down and stroked Lumina’s hair, tears springing to her own eyes. "Sir Reinhardt, please…let me…” Slowly standing up, Erina placed her hands on Reinhardt’s shoulder. If he did this on his own, he’d have skinned himself after the grave was at an acceptable depth. When Reinhardt stepped out of the area, Erina chanted an earth elemental spell, showing that she wasn’t an awakened like most of the people in Feria. By the time she was done, the ground had been cleaved with the ideal depth for a burial.

“Sir Reinhardt…what really happened? I can’t believe what Bishop Maximus said. I won't believe it..." was all Erina could say. Reinhardt wouldn’t go as far as to attack the grand bishop just because the Oracle had died. Some of the screws in the old man's head may have been loose but since he had been a benevolent ruler and it was enough for Erina to believe that he meant well.

"He knew about the cure, Erina. He knew about it a long time ago. In fact, the grand bishops had some of the elixir.” At this point, a throaty laugh escaped Reinhardt, his hand swiped at his cheek. “But he never told us about it. Lumina needed just a drop. Just a drop so she wouldn’t suffer the detrimental effects of using her powers! At first, I thought it was for his own selfish reasons...that he wanted the cure for himself..." He had to stop for a minute to breathe, otherwise he would've exploded once again. "And I was right all along!” By this point, a self-depreciating laugh escaped his lips. “It was indeed for his own selfish reasons! He wanted Lumina for himself!" His muddied hands went up to smack his own forehead at the thought, his shoulders still shaking with laughter.

"And when Lumina rejected him, the son of a bitch decided she should die! He decided that she deserved to die! That son of a bitch!" He roared at the end, his shoulders shook not from laughter but from anger. His eyes blazed with hatred. "I will avenge Lumina...I will make sure that he pays for what he had done! He will die by my hands." He said while looking at his dirty hands, imagining the different ways he could accomplish his goal. Yes, if he had to dirty up his hands just to make sure this kind of thing never happens again, then that he will do.

Erina couldn't say anything, all this time she had her hands on her mouth. She had to stop herself from gasping too loud due to her shock from Reinhardt's revelation. Deep inside her heart, she knew that Reinhardt wouldn't lie to her. But still, she can’t let him. She feared the repercussions of what he was plotting. Reinhardt would be branded a criminal, an enemy of the country, wanted in all the corners of Infinitia.

"Sir Reinhardt, he is still the grand bishop of the church...you can't do that!" Erina protested, her head snapping up to meet Reinhardt's eyes. She wanted to make sure if he was saying those words because of his grief. One look was all it took, and she knew that he was serious. He was indeed going to exact vengeance through his own hands. She looked down at Lumina's face and somehow she knew what the Oracle would've wanted her to do, what she would've wanted her to say. "You can't, Sir Reinhardt! Lumina wouldn't want you to! She wouldn't want you to dirty your hands like that! If what you're saying is true then come with me and face the trial. I'm sure that the people will listen to you!" It was a nice sentiment. The irony was, she knew her suggestion wasn’t in the least bit convincing. Maximus held a huge influence in the church. No one would dare oppose him and his authority. In Erina’s heart, she wanted to tell Reinhardt to run, to go away and forget all of this ever happened.

"You don't know what you're talking about Erina. Everyone in the upper echelon of bishops knows the side effects of using the Oracles powers. It slowly saps you of your life force and eventually, you will die. Countless Oracles died in different times because every person is unique and spiritual life force differ per individual! That's why there wasn't any suspicion behind their deaths! None of them knows about the cure because Maximus withheld the information from them. A cure that he could have given the Oracles so that they may live longer. But he didn't! To him, they were just expendable toys they can use to keep the power of the church! It’s our words against his. It’s a conspiracy!"

Those words resounded in the silence and Erina could only look up at him in desperation. "Sir Reinhardt…please...don't do this. It won't solve anything and it might make things worse. It won't change the world if you killed bishop Maximus! They would just replace him with a new bishop from the upper echelon who thinks the same way he does. It won't change a thing!" She was pleading now, wishing and hoping that he would stop.

Erina's words had more impact on Reinhardt than she thought. Every single word embedded itself in his mind. She was right...nothing will change. The world will be the same...no matter what.

A sudden epiphany.

Then it hit him. The sudden realization made him gasp for air. "You're right...if I kill Maximus...it won't change a thing. It won't change Feria...it won't change the world..." Reinhardt intoned which almost brought a smile to Erina's lips thinking that she had won the argument.

She wanted to believe she did, if it weren't for Horus appearing suddenly in a flash of bright yellow light. "No Reinhardt! You mustn't let darkness seep into your heart. You musn't----Nooooooo!" A dark aura started to rise from Reinhardt and the darkness grew to envelop Horus. The Incarnation struggled against the darkness but to no avail, his master's heart has already been shrouded in darkness. When the aura dissipated, a Mirage that looked identical to Horus stood there but instead of the bright and warm light he gave off, the light seemed to vanish where he stood. There was an absence of light, gentle warmth was also sucked away and replaced by bitter coldness. His eyes that once glowed the bright yellow-orange of the sun now shone the brilliant blue of the moon. The Mirage’s vestments also changed. Reinhardt barely noticed the change in his Mirage and instead faced Erina "If I can't change Feria...if I can't change Infinitia...then I will destroy it." He said as his once gentle dark eyes slowly changed to crimson red. All the warmth and light gone from his eyes and they now looked lifeless as if Lumina took away the very light that made him alive when she died.

"No...Sir Reinhardt! You shouldn't let the darkness take control! This isn't you, don't let the demons of Nifleheim take control of you!" Erina's horrified eyes grew as she turned from Reinhardt to the Mirage.

"Get out of my way Erina. I won't harm you because Lumina holds you dear in her heart. But if ever you stand on my path, I won't hesitate to cut you down. I won’t be as merciful next time." Reinhardt stood and finally took Lumina's body in his arms, he slowly lowered her body into the grave and slowly refilled it with soil. "Leave." He muttered with finality as he put the finishing touches on the grave.

He couldn't even say goodbye to Lumina because as far as he knew he wasn't the old Reinhardt anymore. All of the things that shackled him as a human didn’t exist anymore. All of the people he cared about are gone from his mind and in his heart, he would never care about anyone ever again.

Knowing that there wasn't anything else Erina could say that could possibly bring Reinhardt back, she took one last look at Reinhardt and with tear-filled eyes vowed that she won't stand idle and just let these things unfold. She won't get in his way, because even if she didn't want to admit it, Erina wanted justice for her beloved Oracle. For her sister. She wouldn't just let the darkness destroy the man that Lumina had loved. With a final look, she turned around and started running away from Reinhardt.

Drops of rain started to fall from the sky once more, weeping at the state Phracea was in and crying for the souls that had been lost. The drops served as a balm to Reinhardt's soul as he looked up with closed eyes and let it soak him. He took a deep breath and stared at the sky and momentarily cursed Osiris and the other Gods for allowing a cruel fate to befall upon him and Lumina.

A sardonic smile appeared on his lips as he vowed to himself that once he destroys the world, he will go after the Gods, he will meet up with the creators of Infinitia and have a little "chat" with them and give them a piece of his mind. And then, maybe then he can finally meet up with Lumina. This was just a temporary setback just as Lumina had said, a fork in the road wherein they would have to take different paths. But in the end, their paths will cross once more and they will be together. He stood up abruptly and gave Lumina's tombstone one last look before turning around. "We have much work to do Horus..." And with that, the two disappeared covered in black smoke.


Rustling sounds jolted Maximus from his slumber. With weakened eyes, he searched the darkened room for any sign of presence. “Who’s there?”

The rustling sounds got louder, and from the dark corner of his room emerged a woman. A muddied long white gown adorned her body, her gait unsteady as she inched forward. The red eyes stared right back at Maximus who, through shock and the adrenaline, sat upright. Due to the exertion, the bishop had a coughing fit, blood spouting out of his mouth. “Lu-Lumina?! Is-is that really you?!” The man’s crazed eyes look at her, the emotions shifting from longing to regret then to horror.

The woman stopped upon hearing the name. A demonic grin appearing on her lips revealing sharp teeth. The crimson eyes glinted with rage, with hate for the living.

“It’s…it’s not my fault! I didn’t want this to happen…if you just. If you just said yes…” He wasn’t able to continue as the woman leapt towards him, her thin arms and dainty fingers closing around her neck. “Please Lu-mina…” The bishop choked, gasping for air. Still weak from the lethal wound he suffered. Even after he was healed by the best healers of the country.

In answer to his plight, the woman started to laugh maniacally. And then with a burst of smoke, the once visage of the late Oracle changed. In her place, a woman who had light purplish hair and violet eyes stood. “My my…what a savage. You let her die…and now you apologize? Humans are so fickle beings. You always rely on your emotions, that’s why you’re so weak.” The mage robe clad woman’s voice was dripping with venom. With a flick of her wrist, she threw the old man to the wall. The bishop collided with it and slumped down on his bed.

“What…have you done to Lumina? Is she alive?” the old man’s voice weak and filled with fear. He may be powerful but he couldn’t even compare with this woman.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. Whatever we do with her, is none of your business. For now…I have come to deliver a message.” And the Oracle started to relieve herself of her duties by informing the bishop about her master’s plan. As Violet revealed each and every detail, the grand bishop’s eyes kept growing bigger in bigger. And yet, he couldn’t defy their orders. It was already too late for him.


The scorching sun glared all throughout the desert. Its heat razed everything that was weak enough to succumb to its power. Up in the clear blue sky, a bird flew gracefully, unfazed by the merciless heat. A lone figure cloaked in a thin brown cloak walked towards the hill. He walked normally, even though he didn’t have a camel with him, as he crossed the desert.

Logically speaking, what he accomplished shouldn’t be possible. No ordinary human would be able to traverse the desert without the proper mount, food, and water supply. And yet here he was doing that exactly.

As he neared the hills, the man removed his hood and revealed his face. Sweat trickled down his temples but it didn’t diminish the peerless beauty he possessed. He had this enchanting look about him, owning a face that can cause envy even from the Gods. And yet, he looked quite clueless. Looking over the hill, he finally spotted his destination. The gypsy community in the desert country of Esperanza.

The air around him seemed to shimmer and sparkle as he smiled. His blue eyes glinted as his once sweat soaked appearance was replaced by a refreshed look. “Let the games begin…” he said in a singsong voice as he happily trudged down the hill. The air played with his silky light golden hair and breezed through his clothes. His arms swinging carelessly like a child’s, his movements carefree and his smile dazzlingly bright.

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