《Distant Leaps to Circinus》Chapter 10
Section Song: Chilly Memories of Dawn
The skinny shop keeper rested on the counter and gave a dismissive wave, “Sorry little miss, we don’t have any ranged weapons here. Only close and defensive.”
“What about Stelite? Do you have that?”
“We’re dry out of crystals miss. Not even a useless one.”
“Is that so…”
The man tipped his hat down and slapped the counter as he stood up, “That’s right. All them up and sold.”
"I see. Thank you, Mister."
“No problem kid, be safe out in town!”
Eris exited yet another store, disappointed. Out of seven shops, none of them had anything useful to her.
“Nothing. This whole street had nothing.”
A sigh escaped her as she looked up at the sky. Gray clouds rolled by, taking away the suns light bit by bit.
I guess the other side is next. I hope she was right. At least one of these places has to have something. If I can just get a little bit of Stelite, I can finish off my other tools and sell them.
Eris looked down the street to look. The road was nearly empty except for a few people scattered about.
The ground gave soft crunches underneath her boots as she walked through the district. There were plenty of shops that littered the street, but there was an almost complete absence of customers.
This place is so empty.
She could count on both hands the number of people she saw who may have been customers. The few she saw looked like they were from different regions of Celcilin, as they were wearing in her opinion, strange clothing. Various hard surfaces lined their pelvis area and they had cloth imbued with crystal. There were only three men she saw that looked that way, the others seemed to be women that were scattered about at various stores. Their faces had the stereotypical outsider look as they smiled at the many deals available.
Shopkeepers relaxed outside and inside their shops. Most had no customers and didn’t seem to mind that nothing was going on.
Even with so little people around, why are so many shops open?
Eris pondered for a few seconds then gave up on thinking about it, it was just barely of interest to her as she walked across the section roads. The Inn could just barely be seen around a corner from where she was. Anya's instructions were helpful, but the distance was much different than she thought to get to the town.
All four directions of the street were nearly cleared of any carriages or mounts. There was only one man with a cart, being pulled by a donkey, he was selling fruit.
I’m glad I skipped over Rigas, I wouldn’t have found anything.
She continued to the next part of the district and was greeted by the first shop's bright view of fancy clothing. The assortment of dresses, pants, top wear and hats were on the high side just from a glance. Many of the items had high-grade leather and wool from Silver Sheep. Again, she had no other interests besides weaponry.
The next few stores were much of the same setting, clothing, and jewelry. None of them caught her eye initially until she passed by what looked like a mix between another dress shop and one that sold armor. There was clothing on display, but behind it, a few plates of metal armor stood hidden.
I have time. Just a little peak.
Section Songs:
Hint of Hope
A place that once was *NEW RELEASE*
Eris grabbed the handle of the shop and entered with a dazzling hum from the utility crystals above her head.
A woman behind a counter peaked from around the corner of the counter. She looked like she had a rather relaxed position like the other shop owners, “Oh? A customer?” Her head could barely be seen, but the sound of her voice was clear.
Is she speaking to me? Eris saw no reason not to introduce herself, “Yes. Hello.”
The woman stood up from behind the counter and walked around it. She yawned with her eyes closed as she walked toward the aisle, “Yes, how may I help yo-” The woman stopped in her tracks when her eyes met with Eris’s. “oou..”
She had smooth chocolate colored skin and a small purple earing that pierced her left ear. With light brown eyes and a slightly opened mouth, she had a look of surprise on her face. The black curly hair that flowed past her shoulders waved slightly from a nearby window. The vanilla long-sleeve shirt and knee-length skirt followed suit with her hair, dancing slightly from the wind.
The woman relaxed her expression, "H-How may I help you, young lady."
Eris walked up to the woman and stopped a few feet away, “I’m looking for Stelite. I saw that you had armor and..”
Her words trailed off as she looked up at the woman who had a strange expression again.
“And, I was hoping you had some.”
The woman's face had an odd smile that Eris thought was, Kinda creepy.
Eris tilted her head slightly, “Ma’am?”
The woman seemed to jump out of some sort trance, “OH! I’m sorry, I spaced out for a bit, what did you need?”
“Stelite, I was wondering if you had any.”
“Ah, okay. One moment, let me see if I got any.”
The woman took a double take before she walked to the door that stood behind the counter.
Is there something on my face?
While the shopkeeper made noise in the back room, Eris studied the armor she saw from outside. The charcoal black chest piece stood on a small stand, nearly hidden away by the clothing that was on display. Rays of light reflected off the surface of the reddish crystal encrusted collar and shoulder plates. She ran her fingers across the two places to feel out the difference in texture.
To her surprise, the metals rough looking pattern was actually smooth and the glossy look of the crystal was more textured and rough. A comforting cloth lined the back of the collar piece. Filling inside the cloth felt nice and plush when she pressed her fingers into it.
This is nice. It would be really cool to wear something like this. I wonder if there is something like this for my size?
Without warning, a woman's voice was close behind her, “That’s one of my favorite works you know.”
Eris froze up but her body language would never give off the heart attack expression that she had. She turned around slowly to look up at the shopkeeper standing behind her with a small bag in hand.
“I made that so long ago I almost forget about it,” the shopkeeper said.
Eris put a hand to her mouth to hide her sigh of relief, “Is there more?”
“Oh, you interested in armor young lady?”
“A little.”
A smile of glee appeared on the shopkeepers face as if she'd been waiting for that answer, "Well I've got a few things I can show you! Even at your size."
“I’m not looking to buy though.”
"I see, I see. That's fine, I will do you a service young lady if you do me a favor?"
Eris tilted her head, “A favor?”
“Yes, a very simple one. If you help me out, I will give you the Stelite free of charge and a discount on one item!”
The expression the woman made was almost childlike, an excited glimmer in her eyes that was admirable in a way.
Mmmm, I don’t know. What does this woman want from me? Maybe it’s something good? Can I even trust her?
Eris stared into the woman's eyes. They seemed full and bright in color, unlike other adult’s she’d seen before.
But that face she’s making is kind of, weird. If I can get the Stelite for free though… She seems nice enough, I guess.
She rubbed her arm with a hand, “Okay. What is the favor?”
“Weellll,” the shopkeeper said, “It’s sort of like two favors in one.”
Eris was almost reluctant to ask why, but she decided to trust her gut that this woman was not a bad person.
"Two? That's, fine."
“Yes!’ The shopkeeper pumped her fist with a bright smile. “Then, if you don’t mind.”
The woman's arm approached Eris. Before she could really think about why she was doing that, the shopkeeper said, "Can I touch your hair?"
You’re already trying to.
“Um, yes?”
As if her questioning tone wasn't even considered, the shopkeeper put a hand on Eris's head. She made a slow stroking pattern and curved down the side of her face to where her orange highlights were. The shopkeeper kneeled down, set the bag on the floor and continued to study Eris's hair. Unlike earlier, she did not have a huge smile or glimmering eyes, but a rather studious and intense expression. Her eyebrows were relaxed yet they gave her eyes a prominent, serious look.
Eris studied her face that was close enough to touch. Hazel irises and clean skin aside from small nicks and cuts. A nose that was around average size but leaned on the wide side.
She’s kind of pretty.
“You know. I was a bit surprised when you walked into the shop,” The shopkeeper said.
“Not many children are into traveling here. I can also tell you aren’t a resident here, this shop sees few customers.”
“Is that so.”
"Mhm, but that's not what caught my eye. It wasn't this cute face or your strangely nice eyes. It was this."
The shopkeeper ran her fingers through Eris’s hair and gently put it in front of her eyes.
“I always wanted to do hair instead of making clothing and armor. When I saw you walk in I thought Wow! What a cute girl! But then I saw these highlights and I just died inside. The color is really good you know? It matches your eyes and your actual hair is really smooth and fluffy, I’m sure a lot can be done here.”
“Yes, really. Who does your hair? Your mother?”
“No. Um, sort of yes.”
“Then she must really care for you. Look at how soft and well taken care of it is.”
Eris grabbed the woman's hand and had her release her hair. As if she had heard something ludicrous, she immediately said, “Valyn, doesn’t care about me. She only does it because Seresa asked her to.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is this Seresa, your mother?”
Eris shook her head, “No, but I wish she was.”
“How can you be so sure though? That the other lady um, Valy, doesn’t love you?”
“Because I’m not even supposed to be here.”
“Not supposed to be here?”
“I have curfews. I can’t leave town. I can’t eat when I want. Her son gets everything he wants, but I get nothing. She yells at me all the time and I never get to explain myself. Her husband is really mean and so is her stupid son.”
Eris’s voice became raspy, “How can that be fair? How is that caring for me?”
The shopkeeper’s expression was near shocked the moment Eris began to scowl.
“Oh! I’m sorry! Did I ask something tha-”
Eris’s eyes began to water, just the slightest.
Why am I still talking? She doesn’t even need to know. Now I’m almost about to cry. I didn’t come here to do this. Stop it.
She covered her eyes with her sleeve and wiped tears away that would have otherwise fallen if she hadn’t been pinching arm the whole time.
“Are you okay, um, Miss?” the shopkeeper said.
“I’m okay.”
“What’s your name sweetie?”
“Eris, nice to meet you. I’m Ke’Yan”
The shopkeeper, Ke’Yan held her hand out with a soft smile that reminded her of Anya in a way.
After she calmed herself slightly, Eris reached out and touched her hand.
“You’re an odd one,” Ke’Yan smiled. “That’s suppose to be a handshake.”
She herself didn't know why she didn't shake it as a normal person would.
"Come on, I'll show you part two of my, favor," Ke'Yan said.
Eris followed Ke’Yan’s lead as she turned around and walked toward the back counter.
Why? Why does she feel so, good? I don’t believe the other adults are so nice.
Ke’Yan walked through the door behind her counter and gestured for her to come back.
Eris stepped around the corner and entered the room. It was a tad dark until Ke'Yan turned on Eternal Candles scattered about. With each candlelight, a new part of the room appeared. Within seconds, she felt as if she were in a whole other place.
A laugh could be heard from Ke’Yan, who looked at Eris as she turned on one last candle, “That face! Impressive right?”
A nod was all she could manage to do as she looked at the walls lined with various armors and weapons. Most of which she had never seen designs for. Each part of an armor that was part of a set, stayed hoisted up by black ropes.
Various markings and designs were etched into the metal plates. Each with its own set of colors and materials. While most of the armor looked like what guards wear, some looked entirely unfamiliar.
“D-Did you make all these?” Eris said.
“Yes! Of course.”
“Even these weird looking ones?”
“Those too.”
“Those aren’t what I wanted you to look at though.”
Ke'Yan made her way to the large desk that sat against the wall. A plethora of tools sat on the table showing years of use and wear.
“What’s that wheel looking thing?” Eris said.
"That?" Ke'Yan pointed to the object in question as she unlocked a large drawer. "Have you never seen a sewing machine before?"
Eris shook her head.
"Well, it's made to make all those pretty dresses and clothes out in the front," Ke'Yan pulled out a black chest plate looking piece and sat it on top of the desk. "It's also used to make this."
What is that? Is that armor?
Eris approached the desk and looked at Ke’Yan with a look of curiosity.
"Go ahead and touch it. You'll be surprised."
She studied the piece from all sorts of angels, and couldn’t put her finger on why it looked so different. There were straps to hold the chest section up, as well as the back. There were even parts on the sides that looked detachable via clips.
What is with this chest part? It doesn’t look right.
Her finger pressed against the black lining that seemed to cover the whole chest area. Almost reflexively she recoiled her hand from the sensation.
“It’s soft!”
Ke’Yan chuckled from nearby, “That’s right. It’s made with some really interesting stuff.”
“Is this armor the favor?”
Ke’Yan slapped the chest of the black armor with a smile, “You won’t just be looking at it. I want you to wear it.”
"Why do you want me to wear it? It doesn't even look like it's my size," Eris said.
“Don’t worry about that. Watch.”
Ke’Yan began to tug on straps and slide other pieces away. Parts slide around one by one as if it was a puzzle.
“See! Looks like it would fit you right?”
Eris looked on with amazement, “Wow. How does it work? Why are you showing me this?”
“Well, I don’t have many people interested in this kind of stuff and I actually made this with my Nephew’s size in mind. I’ve been looking around for someone to help me with fitting for a couple of days now. That’s why I just had to ask you; you’re basically his size!”
“But why do you need someone else to wear it?”
“Because young lady, everyone has a different feel when it comes to armor. And pieces like this could feel very odd to someone other than me.”
“What’s it supposed to feel like? Not soft? Is it suppose to be hard?”
Ke’Yan sighed and put the small bag on the table, “You ask a lot of questions, Miss Eris, you don’t need to be so skeptical. If you really want to know, let me put it on you. It’s safe and I won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with. Then you can have the Stelite and be on your way. How about it?”
I don’t know if I have time. I’ve never gotten to see something like this though. I want to know what it’s like, but can I trust her? She’s an adult just like all the others, but she’s also just a shopkeeper.
Eris studied Ke’Yan for a second, who seemed to see the doubt on upon her face.
"All you have to do is wear it," Ke'Yan said.
“That’s all I have to do?”
Ke’Yan shook her head softly, “That’s it. All you have to do.”
“Mmm, okay.”
“Great! I’ll give you more if you let me study you for a bit.”
“Only for a bit, I have to leave soon and I’m sure you were probably thinking of doing that anyway.”
Ke’Yan gave a wide smirk and chuckled as she put slapped the table, “Wow. It’s like you know me already!”
She took no time to pick up the black armor and unclip strap. Small metal clips that held the shoulder strap ends disconnected leaving the armor wide open with room to jump in. Hooks and other cloth pieces unraveled to expose the inside.
"This is really armor, right? It looks more like a vest."
“You aren’t far off, dear Eris. This thing wasn’t made from my idea alone. It’s been something my grandfather had worked on long ago. I just wanted to try out something different. Been working on it for a long time now.”
“Where did he get this idea from? It’s weird.”
Ke’Yan scowled as she tinkered with the armor, “You are just something, you know that?”
What? It looks weird.
“Anyway, it was the work of my granddad’s father. Long ago, before grandad worked on it, it was supposedly something they made while part of a thing called a company. His father was part of a group that was supposed to test out things and see if they worked.”
Ke’Yan kneeled down with the armor side open. She then slid it over Eris’s head and shifted it over her body.
"My grandfather used to say all the time that his father always talked crazy. How it was dumb for them to use metal plated armor when there were so many different options before. That's why when he proposed to make it with the other survivors of The Golden Tide, he was shut down because it was almost impossible to make at the time."
Ke’yan adjusted more clips and straps to make it fit it to Eris’s body.
“Now after so long, me and grandfather found a new way to make this. But he died long ago and it’s just me working on it in my spare time now.”
A final click sounded out once Ke’Yan had put a harness around Eris’s waist.
“Finished.” Ke’Yan said. “How does it feel?”
Eris moved her arms around and twisted about, “Kind of, strange.”
Ke’Yan narrowed her eyes, “Strange how? Or are you making fun of it again?”
“It feels, loose, yet strong.”
“Hm, alright. So it feels sort of like you can move around a lot right?”
Eris nodded her head.
“Good! That’s really good. Here I was worried it would feel to sniffling. Try putting your arms in front of you, then raise them in the air. ”
As instructed, she did the movements, with relative ease.
Oh? This is really light. It’s nothing like the metal plates guards wear.
“Did you feel anything touching here touching your bicep?”
“Where is that?”
Ke’Yan chuckled and pointed at her own bicep, “Right here silly.”
Eris shook her head.
“Good, Good. Now just hold still for a bit. Let me grab something really quick.”
Ke’Yan walked behind Eris and grabbed something off of a nearby desk. As she rummaged through the desk, a couple of drawers opened and closed with a loud grinding noise. Seconds later, she reappeared with a notebook and other various items.
“What are you going to do with those?” Eris said.
“I’m just going to write a couple of thing’s down and test some things.”
Eris looked at the items she had brought, one of which looked like a measurement tool.
“How long will this take?” Eris said.
“Ke’Yan grinned as she brought the notebook to her face, “Ooh, just a couple of minutes.”
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Till Death Do Us Part - A Taekook Love Story.
A Mate, is the most important person for a werewolf. They offers you neverending love and support... They will help you walk through every hail storm in life.. survive every drought... and harsh winters... so that you can bloom in to a beautiful flower again...In short, they complete you...Your other half...It's the one touch, that will never leave your hand... Your blessing from the moon goddess.... The best that can possibly happen to you, in your entire life time...That's what a mate was supposed to be...But for Jungkook, it was something totally different...Because his mate, is the one that is destined to kill him...Start - 13/09/2021End - 28/01/2022A/N - story line is all mine. Apologies if any resemblance to another story. I understand that there are LOT of omegawerse stories out there, so if you came across something similar, it's purely coincidental.And many stories have different omegawerse rules so I simply decided to make my own too. I'm not gonna specify anything here but you will get to know them as you read. Photo credit to rightful owners. Cover done by @vk_taegguk ❤All the events are purely fiction and came out of my imagination. No disrespect meant for anyone.Happy reading. 💜💜
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