《A healthy mind in a healthy body》13. Cultist.



The dead unicorn lifted its head, its eye sockets were empty, but still fixed on them. Gaius wondered why that was, he didn't know much about Necrology but it surely didn't use nonexistent eyes to perceive the world. He stepped ahead, unwilling to let his frailer companions be the centre of the creatures attention.

“Does that mean Ken knows about that thing? Because I sure don't.” Whispered Akihiko while preparing a barrier. At the same time Ryuunosuke panicked not knowing what to do, before he calmed and asked for orders.

“What do I do?”

“Stand by for now. I'll try to beat it the old way. You two try to contact Ken, to see if it has a weakness.” Said Gaius without looking back.

He suddenly sprang to action and sprinted ahead, tackling the horned horse. It didn't seem affected by it and tried to skewer Gaius, but he sidestepped and grabbed it. He proceeded to lift it in the air and slammed it on the floor. He was about to punch it when he jumped back, just in time to avoid a wave of force.

The unicorn used that time to stand up and prepare to charge. Before it could do so a distortion hit it, Gaius had projected a punch at it. It staggered back, unable to deal with the strength behind the punch, but didn't seem damaged. Gaius saw this and charged a spell.

The unicorn managed to dodge a beam before rushing at Gaius, shining blue. It had nearly reached him when the beam impacted it, the Judgement Light having turned after missing. It's charge was disrupted and it fell, but it quickly rose, unharmed. An intense light shone. It was unaffected, using the time the spell gave it to charge a thick lightning bolt that stroke Gaius.

He felt his natural shield tremble, the unicorns magic too weak to truly harm him.

“Not weak to the Sun then.”

He then tried an arcane bolt to no avail. Having run out of magic he approached the unicorn and engaged in close combat. He dodged a slash with its horn and circled to its back, where he hit it with a flaming punch. It fell to the ground, but its kick had connected and Gaius was thrown back a metre. Both fighters rose, but the unicorn had realised it didn't seem to be harming him and switched targets.

While this happened Ryuunosuke and Akihiko had tried to open the door, communicate with magic, and with their phones, but failed at all of them.

“Both kinds of communication are blocked here, with magic and signal jammers. If we want to contact Ken we need to get out. I can open the door, but it'd take at least ten minutes and I can't do anything else in between. Cover me.” Ordered Akihiko.

“Couldn't I use my Word, it twists magic.” Proposed Akihiko.

“It's worth a try.” Akihiko gave him the go ahead.


Akihiko tried to open the door but it remained closed. He cursed and examined its defences.

“You only undid one of the spells, seems we've found a limitation for your magic. Ok, now cover me.”

Ryuunosuke stood between Akihiko and the unicorn, before seeing that it was charging at him, Gaius close behind. He panicked and did the first thing that came to mind.


It only stopped for half a second, but that was enough, Gaius catched up to it and threw it to the other side of the room. He then run to it and embraced it while transforming his Touki into electricity. That actually hindered the unicorn’s movements, it didn't harm it noticeably, but it couldn't escape Gaius’ grasp. The human realised this and kept pumping it full of lightning, and shouted.


“Nothing I do sticks! Get its weakness!”

Three minutes passed in this deadlock before the unicorn stopped its resistance. Gaius hoever didn't slacken, his wariness rewarded when the undead struggled with even more force before halting once more. Four minutes passed and Gaius grew increasingly worried, for he knew it was doing something. His doubts were answered when its horn began to shine and a fireball rose upwards, before falling in them.

Gaius was blown back and tasted blood in his mouth. He spit saliva mixed with blood and three molars. He lifted his head to look at his foe and saw its bones broken. He was not stupid enough to think it self destructed and lifted himself from the ground to run at the monster. His caution being validated when he saw the thing pull itself back together, fast.

He however reached it before it finished regenerating and grabbed the skull. For he had remembered that European unicorns were famous for the healing properties of their horns and guessed its regeneration came from it. He tried to break it, but found it was far harder than he expected, he was unable to even scratch it.

The rest of the abominations body slammed him from behind, catching him unaware and making him fall. Stupid, he thought, of course it doesn't need its head to move.

The unicorn recovered its head and stood ready as if nothing had happened. It was about to skewer him when a voice forced it to stop as its leg broke.


Gaius rolled away of the beast and stood up, taking advantage of the time Ryuunosuke had bought him. They recovered at the same time and charged each other, the impact resonating in the air. They pushed against each other, Gaius grabbing its skull to keep the horn at bay.

It was at that moment that Akihiko managed to leave the room and quickly returned.

“Gaius! The thing is weak to starlight! It halts its regeneration!”

“I already tried Solar Flare!”

“Not sunlight, starlight! From a star at least 50 light years away!”

“I don't have anything like that! Summon a star spirit!”

“I don't know how!”

“Neither do I!” Intervened Ryuusuke, feeling useless.

“Shit, so only I know how. Electricity stops it! How long can you keep it away between you two?”

“The unicorn managed to take advantage of his distraction and slipped from his grasp. They engaged in a close quarters fight while Gaius shouted.

“I have the taser spell! I can use it thirty three times!”

“I can keep it in a barrier for about ten seconds if Ryuunosuke manages to stop it for two! I have enough to do it thrice!”

“Do it at the count of three! One, two, three!”

Gaius disengaged and dodged at the same time Ryuunosuke's spell hit it. Akihiko created his barrier and Ryuunosuke stood at attention to shock it when needed.

The plan worked and Gaius began to prepare a summoning circle with chalk he had never left without. The circle was composed of an outer circle with another concentric one within. He divided the space between them in twelve and filled them with the occidental zodiac constellations. In the centre he drew Earth, and he wrote many symbols in the leftover space, connected by many lines.

The unicorn broke the first barrier and Akihiko made another.

“Oh beings beyond the earthly sphere, born of the shining stars.

You who hold dominion over starlight.” He began chanting.

“Follow the coordinates I give you and answer my call.


I swear as Quaesitor in Virtute that I shall offer for your aid a just pride.

I call upon your power to strike my undead foe.

Those willing to answer my call shall receive a just price.

I swear I wish you no harm, and this ritual is not a trap.

Those willing to accept this hasty plea shall receive a just price.

I call upon any of you who hold virtue in your hearts.

I summon you children of the stars.

I summon you fathers of light.

I summon you guardians of the day.

Answer my call!”

Once he finished the circle remained dim for a few seconds. After those seconds the chalk illuminated with soft light, that kept growing in intensity until it became blinding.

A stern elderly voice resounded, speaking in a strange tongue. It stopped and then started anew.

“I have come. I ask of you. What task do you wish of me. And what offerings do you have.”

Gaius answered respectfully. He noticed the second barrier go down.

“Honourable spirit of the sky, I wish for you to shine your light upon the undead in this room. I swear that I shall summon you for an adequate offering at a later date, but right now I hold nothing of value.”

“You summoned me without offering?! I shall punish this-” the voice exclaimed, outraged.

“Banish!” Ordered Gaius, and prepared to summon once again, when the circle lighted up anew. This time without his magical energy.

“What is going on?” Gaius was astounded, this shouldn't be possible, he wasn't supplying magical energy to the circle. It should be inactive, unless they were powerful enough to summon themselves no one could use it. But why would such a being come to him?

“I feel your distrust young one.” An bizarre voice sounded, as if a thousand voices spoke as one. “Do not worry. I hold you no ill will. I shall answer your call. My only price is for you to summon me again, and give serious consideration to my offer.”

Gaius looked at Akihiko and saw him sweat and tremble. Knowing he wouldn't last much longer he decided to take a gamble. “I accept!”

“Then the contract is established.”

As the words echoed the room was filled with light. The unicorn was visibly affected, as its bones began to darken and its resistance faltered. Gaius approached Akihiko, who now relaxed and asked.

“Lower the barrier, please.”

Akihiko nodded and did so. Gaius managed to reach the downed unicorn and broke its bones. Ryuunosuke collapsed to the floor in relief. Gaius smiled at him and returned to Akihiko.

“Do you still have Ken on phone?”

“Yes, do I pass him to you?”

“Yes please.”

He did so.

“Hello Gaius. I suppose you manage to kill the unicorn?”

“Yes. Why exactly is an undead European unicorn, creature of the night and starlight, weak to starlight?”

“Because unicorns are creatures of starlight, well European ones, African and Mesopotamian ones are different. They are also pure creatures, unfit for combat but great at illusion and healing magic. They can't be raised normally. In order to do that their attributes are inverted. Where they were unable to fight, now even the weakest of unicorns is a Rank 3-4 fighter. Where they could only heal others, now they can only heal themselves. And where starlight strengthened their gifts, it now weakens it.”

“I suppose that makes sense. You wouldn't think of that at the moment though, normally undeads keep the traits of what they were.”

“Yeah, they are bastards. That said I recommend you keep the bones, they are a great reagent. And I don't need to say how valuable is the alicorn.”

“Alright, thanks.”

Gaius gave the phone back to Akihiko, who thanked Ken and hanged.

“How do you wish to distribute the spoils?” Asked Gaius.

“I will conform myself with a fourth of the bones. Ryuusuke did a little bit more, so I'd give him a third. Keep the rest, you earned it.” Was Akihiko’s answer.

“You sure? The alicorn is at least a hundred times more valuable than the bones.”

“Sure. What do you say Ryuusuke?”

He rose from the floor at hearing his name and waved.

“Yeah sure. I'm just happy to be alive.”

After they collected the remains they neared the door that lead inside.

“Should we expect something more like that?” Questioned Gaius.

“The police investigated him after the stalker business and he showed no signs of magic. He has no chance of being able to make something like that, otherwise I would have called reinforcements before heading in.”

“Then why did he have it?” Ryuunosuke had a confused look.

“No idea, but if he bought it he surely wasted all of his money. And if by some bullshit it's a gift, no one would give such a loser more than that. It'd be a waste. At least on normal circumstances.”

“So, be careful then.”


They went deeper and after going through a hallway the path bifurcated. They first went to the right, where they found a beginners workshop. Finding nobody there they went left. There they found their prize.

In there they found a cell block with many empty cells, in the last one they found their kidnapped man.

“So have we lost our perp somewhere?” Asked Ryuunosuke.

Instead of answering Gaius punched behind him. A scream was heard and a man appeared.

“Not quite.”

They secured the stalker and freed the young man. Gaius took the mage and Akihiko the victim. They were bringing them to the surface when the culprit awoke.

“Back with us?” Asked Akihiko. “You have a lot to answer for. For starters where did you get the unicorn?”

The man tried to free himself. “Release me! I have done nothing wrong!”

Gaius laughed. “Is kidnapping and who knows what else nothing to you?”

“The True Bodhisattva teaches us to follow our desires, and that's all I did! I've done nothing wrong!”

Akihiko narrowed his eyes and Gaius stopped. “Who?”

“The True Bodhisattva! She is the one true enlightened one, the one that leads all of us humans to happiness.” He proclaimed with fanaticism in his voice.

“By telling you to follow your desires? You do know that you were causing misery to your victim, thus negating you ‘happiness to all’ philosophy? Happiness for all is found when one learns to control their desires and fulfils only those that do not harm others. Which is impossible as it is shown by the fact that the girl you stalked found love with another and this caused you pain.

Fullfilled desires are a limited resource in this world, it's why we must learn to be happy even when things go wrong and we don't get what we want.” The man shut up, unable to answer.

Akihiko looked at Gaius in surprise.

“That's quite pessimistic of you.”

“If so Christianity is pessimistic, since we teach true happiness is only found in God. In this world we can only do our best and we'll be rewarded in the next.”

“Never thought of it like that.”

The man began to speak again. “He stole her from me! She was meant to be with me, he wasn't worthy of happiness!”

"Happiness for all humans still includes him no matter how much you deny it, you know?"

"Nonsense! Only the true enlightened deserve happiness!"

"Then why don't you enlighten him, instead of kidnap him."

"He didn't deserve it! I-"

Gaius tired of listening to his inane ramblings and knocked him out. “Ah! Demonising your enemy, moral myopia and not actually following the beliefs you say you follow. Such is the start of many tragedies. Still Akihiko. Do you know what he was talking about?”

“Yes. But I'll let the higher ups in the association speak for me. Come on, let's bring him there.”

They left the house, and after making sure the victim was alright they left him with the police and went to the Waning Moon. Once there they left the stalker in interrogation and gave their report.

They were made to wait before the woman responsible for this case brought them to a room. They entered and saw the Head there.

“Hello Akai. I guess you are going to fill us in.”

“”Wait, AKAI?!”"

“Yes, Gaius. Come on, sit down. Now, what do you know about the Cult of the Bodhisattva of Pleasure?”

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