《A healthy mind in a healthy body》2. Escape.


Chapter 2. Escape.

Gaius was slightly confused. He was aware of many things, things that he should not know. Such as how to speak and write every language ever made in Earth, across all possible timelines. Such as an overview of the worlds history, such as cultural customs around the globe. Thankfully he also had forgotten many things. Such as the history of every single elemental particle that composes Earth, from the Big Bang to the current day, as well how they interacted with each other.

Is it any wonder that going from omniscience limited to Earth across all universes in which Earth existed, regardless of the condition of life in it, across all possible timelines that could have been, to a normal if absurdly knowledgeable human was confusing?

And let's not speak about going from information overload originated insanity to sanity. Compounded by the realisation that everyone he knew was so long dead that even their cultures had perished. And the fact that he is in a land that prior to his ritual he didn't even know existed.

So yes, slight confusion was honestly an underreaction. However it was also true that he was in a bad situation so he chose to shove the existential crisis aside and speak to his fellow captives. This time rationally.

“I'm sure that you have many questions, and I'm equally sure that I know how to answer them, but now is not the time. Now is the time to escape, and then I'll answer your questions. Is that agreeable?”

“Ok, sure. Do you know how to get out of here, “ answered Akihiko.


“Unfortunately I've lost practically all my knowledge except things that I had previous to my former state. So little supernatural capabilities but I have common sense, language, knowledge of modern science, the world's surface political state, and… Well, I remember a lot but not anything that can help us right now, except this buildings blueprints. But as you've probably guessed I have abilities. One is something that allows me to feel and draw energy from my surroundings. Some sort of energy that makes me stronger, faster and increases my defence, and the ability to transform the energy in question into other forms of energy or project said energy. I also have martial arts and a little bit of magic rituals, which are useless right now.” Explained Gaius.


“Well that's good enough for me, an extra fighter is always good.”

“Not really a fighter. I have never really fought only practised, but with my literally encyclopaedic knowledge of the human body I should make do.”

“Wait a moment! How are you not freaking out Akihiko!” Exclaimed Ryuunosuke.

“Because freaking out right now is useless. Once we're out I'll collapse and scream in abject horror, but until then I won't freak out.”

Having said this Akihiko moved to the metal door and began examining a panel near it.

“This looks like an electronic lock. Tch, warded against magic, this will be a pain.”

“Actually I have a plan. See, this lock was designed to be both difficult and easy to open from both sides, depending on who is trying. It has an overload mechanism that opens the door if dosed with a great quantity of electricity but only if the safeties are disengaged, and if the safeties are disengaged the central security room will be notified. So easy to open, near impossible to do that without alerting the Locapala.


My plan is simple. I punch it with electricity just as someone, I suppose you Akihiko, uses magic to physically disengage the safeties. It's just flipping some switches over there. So that I overload the system, opening the door and stopping the transmission thus escaping unnoticed. For a while at least. We’ll surely be noticed as we escape, but it'll give us some time.”

“Wouldn't it be better if you used a magic that triggered as your punch hit the lock? I think there are spells like that, no?” Suggested Ryuunosuke, trying to calm himself.

“That's actually a good idea. I can do that. Let's do it.” Akihiko commented, before moving to the switchboard. Muttering some incantations while the others watched.

“So, Makoto dies?” Asked Ryuunosuke worried by the news.

“Probably not, now that you know. You just need to make sure that he learns to drive responsibly. See my prophecies are based on the principle of Laplace’s demon. I use full knowledge of physical and mental facts in order to create a model that predicts, with differing accuracy, the most likely future. This means my prophecies are not set on stone. Above all when my model doesn't take into account the changes that the prophecy brings. So don’t worry, you can prevent it.”

“Ok, it's done. Whenever you want.” Akihito remarked moving away from the switchboard.

“Well then, give me some time to remember how I did this.” Said Gaius who moving in front of the door and setting in a stance. Focus, breathe in, focus, breath out, feel the energy that surrounds you worry discard outside influences, concentrate the energy from inside in your right arm, use the energy from outside to replenish the inner energy.

Ryuunosuke watched fascinated as Gaius began to glow with a soft white light, but had to avert his eyes as the right arm began to shine brightly.

Awefearawesurpriserecognition Discard outside influences. Transform the energy, electricity, condense, contain, spread, intensify, hold. Arcs of electricity began coursing through his forearm. Strike!. He punched.

The door opened without incident.

“I was a bit rusty.”

“That was awesome!”

“Was that senjutsu and touki?”

“No idea. Now let me tell you about this building. The floor we’re in is the highest security one, but it doesn't have cameras in fear they would be hacked. We should be able to get out without problem. Which is good because otherwise the door would be locked and forty centimetres of magic-reinforced, albeit badly, steel-tungsten alloy is not something I can break through.

There are elevators but we shouldn't take them. The stairs have thin retractable bulletproof crystal shutters, but I can break them easily. They shouldn't stall us for long. Midway through there is a five centimetre wide door of the same materials as the first one, I should be able to break through in less than three minutes. From there on there should be no obstacles except people.

The Locapala have 60 soldiers and 5 inhabitants, 2 mages, 3 ki warriors. The mages should be at your level in magic power Akihiko, but not in skill. The ki users are barely superhuman, they should be able to get to Olympic record level for three minutes.” Explained Gaius.

“Do you have a plan?”

“No, before all this I was just a hermit monk. No experience with this kind of thing. Also I've gone through what I remembered and I should be bulletproof.”


“Fuck, let's see. Ryuunosuke you should be able to use Distant Shock about thirty times and Word twice more, right? Reserve it, use it only when I tell you. Gaius you take the front, I'll be the rear, Ryuunosuke in the middle. When we reach the middle door I'll put up a bulletproof shield and Ryuunosuke will take down those behind us. Gaius will break the door and take down those in ambush behind it, there'll be some if they aren't morons. Can you do it?”

“I should be able to fight at a level capable of taking down guys like them for about three hours. With all the breaking doors two. I should have no problem escaping, it's you two I'm worried about.”

“That's just unfair. I also have a spell activated that allows me to trace back my steps within twelve hours so I can guide us. Fine, that's the plan. Lets get going.”


The three got out of the tenth and ninth basements without problem. They were running through a hallway in the eighth when Gaius noticed something ahead.

“Enemies, four, rifles, one ki user.”

“Deal with them!”

Gaius run up ahead turning through the corner and catching them by surprise. He opened with a kick to the first's leg, followed by strike to the temple, knocking him unconscious. Then he uppercutted the second and punched him in the ribs, before shoving him to the ki user making them fall. The fourth opened fire, aiming towards Ryuunosuke who had just turned the corner, Gaius put himself between him and the bullets, stopping them with his body and throwing an energy punch that flew towards the man, knocking the rifle out of his hands. He then run to him and kneed him in the gut, punching him in the face when he doubled in pain. After this he turned to the ki user who had begun running at full speed in another corridor, and began pursuit.

“Stop!” Exclaimed Akihiko. “It's not that way!”

“But he’ll escape!”

“He may be luring you towards a trap and at your speeds we'd get separated, stay together. The exit is not in that direction.”

“Alright. Sorry, tunnel vision.”

They began running once more. They went through basements eight to five. Dealing with four attacks of five, four normals and the previous ki user, three, two, and five, all normals. They managed to knock out all of them.

In basement five they run into the door, and began preparing to take it down.

“I'll tackle it. For that I need at least five meters of space.”


They sprang into position, just in time since they were attacked by twenty men and the two ki users from behind.

“Ryuu! Use your Word on the two ki users!”

“Knocking force! Knocking force!” Shouted Ryuunosuke.

The ki users where blown back, knocked out. The soldiers took them and retired to another corridor. They returned with a few wielding enchanted shields, forming a shield wall from behind which the others began shooting. Akihiko had finished stabilising the barrier, and grunted with effort when the bullets began impacting the barrier.

“Now begin shocking the soldiers when you get a clear shot! Let's hope the barrier holds up.”

Meanwhile Gaius was tackling the door, which began to bend and distort under the force.

“How much longer, Gaius?!” Shouted Akihiko to be heard above the bullets.

“Two to three more hits!”

Ryuunosuke managed to take down two of the soldiers before Gaius managed to crack the door and slip through it.

He found the other twenty two soldiers and the two mages.

“Gaius Atiius Quadratus, I am Colonel Hamamoto Daichi of the Locapala. Surrender! We know that you were barely a Mage when you became an Oracle, and your lack of magic other than a physical force field and enhancement show it! You can't have a magical barrier! You can't win!” Said an older looking man, before signaling one of the mages to throw a fireball at him.

“That would be true." The fireballs impacted him. Before the smoke dissipated a voice was heard. "If I was using magic, that is.” He was unscathed.

At the other side of the barrier Akihiko was growing tired.

“Is he done, Ryuunosuke!”

“I still hear screams! So no!”

“Fuck, let's begin retreating. Go to the door!”

The screams suddenly stopped.

“Guys! I'm done here. Between the ones we've already taken down and the ones on your side that should be all. I'm going over there.”

“Thanks!” Answered Akihiko.

Gaius returned and proceeded to take the remaining soldiers down.

“Let's get out of here and call the Waning Moon,” advised Akihiko, ”they'll take them to the proper authorities.”

With their way free from enemies they easily left the building.

"GAAAAAH. What the actual fuck! The Oracle woke up on me! Shit, fucking douche luck! I'm gonna get killed!"

In an alley near the Locapala’s base, Akihiko called the Waning Moon.

“Now that I think about it. Couldn't we have called from the inside?” Questioned Ryuunosuke.

“Nah, there's no signal inside that place and they jammed magical communications. Trust me I tried.” Answered Akihiko.

“You know. I didn't even think of that. Both mundane and magical communications were far more difficult in my time”

They waited ten minutes before the Waning Moon operatives came and began gathering the Locapala and confiscating their property. After speaking with them Akihiko returned to speak with Gaius, accompanied by a suited woman.

“Do you mind coming with us? The elders would like to listen to your version of the events. And I want my answers.”

“More like they want to know if I can still answer their questions. The answer's no, by the way. But I've got literally nowhere to go in this world, except maybe the Roman Catholic Church, so I'll go with you and answer all of your questions.” Answered Gaius.

“Good. My name is Tsuchimikado Sakura, the governments liaison with the Waning Moon, I'd like to be present for the interview if possible, Gaius Atiius Quadratus.” Requested the woman.

“Wait isn't that rude-” Began saying Akihiko.

“Heh, you even know roman customs? Thanks for the politeness. Ok, no problem.”

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