《Greed》Chapter 17: Wolf Pack


Throughout the entire night, Kei trained “Spider Silk”. The ability requires a long period of time to master. Therefore, he was only able to slightly improve the movement of the threads shooting from his fingers; despite training until morning.

(This is pretty tough to control. But, I can see how useful it could be in the long term.)

Since Kei wanted to get an early start on the hunt, he woke up his subordinates as soon as the sun came up. They ate snake meat to fill up their energy, then headed out.

(From today on, I’ll follow the same routine every day. We’ll go hunting for snakes until it becomes dark. Then, the rest of the night will be spent training “Spider Silk”.)

Being faithful to his plans, Kei continued this schedule without taking any breaks. His level was slowly progressing, and his subordinates were also improving tremendously. After four days, Kei was pleased with the results.

(Even though I haven’t changed as much as I did on the first day, I feel like I’m more in control of my skills. Also, leveling up has made my attacks deal more damage. Even those two goblin kids are a lot stronger. I wonder how much of difference ranking up will make…)

Both Ai and Yujin could now kill a snake on their own. In merely days, they managed to far surpass most (if not all) goblins. This was due to Kei’s guidance. Concerning his own abilities, he managed to greatly strengthen venom and poison resistance. Furthermore, he was now level 48.

(I can control my threads a lot better now. While practicing, I’ve also come up with a few uses for “Spider Silk”. It’s a good thing I decided to train it.)

One of the ways Kei practiced his ability was to make silk shirts. This required him to be both patient and precise. After multiple attempts, he succeeded in making a single good one. However, as a result of his efforts, Kei could now move the threads with decent control. Moreover, if he combined all of his threads into one, he could make a strong rope (that moved by will) to ensnare enemies. The same rope could also be used to lay traps ahead of time. However, since he was always on the move, Kei saw no real practical use for it.


(The best part about these threads is probably their offensive capabilities…)

Through trial and error, he came up with a way to maximize their use. If he focused his energy into strengthening the silk, moving it around would allow him to cut down most things. After testing the skill out on a tree, he found that its slashing strength was close to that of his claws. If he added on venom, Kei could even potentially poison targets from long range with his threads. But, the downside to this was that it depleted his stamina quickly. Therefore, he could only use it in very urgent situations.

(I’m fortunate that Ai and Yujin don’t ask too many questions. Even if I were to use this skill in front of them, they probably wouldn’t ask about it.)

After living with them for a few days, Kei realized that he had picked up great subordinates. During their short time together, neither goblin made a single complaint. In fact, so far, they had managed to greatly exceed his expectations. Most goblins wouldn’t be this useful. They had rebuilt his house to triple its original size. To top it off, neither ever slacks off and they always wait for his command before acting. They treated him as one would their master.

(With everything going according to plan, it looks like it’s time move deeper into the forest.)

If Kei wanted to continue his steady progress, snakes would no longer cut it. Seeing the considerable improvement of his subordinates, he decided to aim for stronger monsters.

(It’s been eight days already since I was born into this world. So far, I’ve gotten quite strong. Now that I can venture further into the forest, I wonder just how much stronger I can become.)

As the day’s hunt would be dangerous, he allowed the younger goblins to sleep a few extra hours compared to usual. They needed as much energy as possible to stand a chance against stronger monsters.

(We need to be in top shape when we hunt this time.)

In the afternoon, Ai and Yujin were both finally awake. Everyone ate a large portion of snake meat. Since they’ve been hunting snakes for the past few days, Kei had heaps of them in hidden in his shed.


(I need to warn these guys of the danger before we head out. I do have echolocation, but it’s better to be safe than sorry…)

[All right! Since we’re heading deeper into the forest, I have to make sure that we’re all on the same page. The monsters we’re going to encounter from now on are very tough. Stay alert and be very cautious…]

Ai: [Ai will try her best!]

Yujin: [Yes sir!]

The group advanced. Along the way, they ran into some snakes. The monsters were easily killed.

(So far, so good…)

This continued for a few hours. Finally, they met the first new group of monsters. The enemies hopped towards them.

(Not this again…)

Two rabbits were standing in front of Kei.

(I won’t be fooled by their cuteness!)

Seeing that their help wasn’t currently needed, he order his subordinates to fall back.

(This prey’s all mine.)

He activated “Spider Silk” and used it to capture the monsters. Two silk ropes were now tightly wrapped around them. The rabbits tried to escape. However, their efforts were in vain.

(Wow… they’re still able to put up a fight. No wonder I struggled against just one of them before.)

He approached the rabbits and began to violently slash them. The scene was so graphic, even Ai and Yujin were stunned for a brief moment.

(How does it feel to get cut up by your own claws? Hahaha!)

After a few attacks, both rabbits were no longer moving; their blood splattered everywhere. From this battle, Kei jumped up to level 49. He also managed to slightly strengthen “Slash”.

(It seems like I’ve become much stronger. That being said, I probably need to stop giving off that crazy killer vibe…)

Quickly regaining his composure, he called upon his subordinates. For dinner, they would eat the rabbits. Since it was Ai and Yujin’s first time eating such good quality meat, their mouths were watering. Kei was just grateful that he could take apart the claws of the rabbit he just defeated. In the near future, if he ever needed to provide more weapons, there would no longer be the need to go through the painful experience of ripping off his own claws.

(Hey… that’s pretty good…)

Since Kei had been eating only snakes for the past couple of days, it was refreshing to finally taste something different. After finishing the meal, they continued along their path and stumbled upon a few more rabbits. Although almost all of them were defeated by Kei, the two younger goblins managed to just barely defeat one while working together.

(It’s starting to get dark.)

Before returning to the village, he decided to go a bit further in search of one or two more enemies to finish off the day. Within a few minutes, he noticed five red dots on his radar. Sensing danger, he initially decided not to pursue. However, Kei ended up changed his mind. This was due to the fact that he hadn’t gained a skill in a few days. Most of the time, he would be cautious. However, right now, his greed was at its peak.

(Wait... what!?)

Before Kei could move any closer, it seemed like the red dots were already heading his way. They were moving fast. He realized that even if he planned on escaping, he wouldn’t be able to outrun these monsters. Expecting the worst, he ordered Ai and Yujin to move closer to him.

(Oh… what do we have here…)

In a very short time, the enemies managed to close the distance. Surrounding Kei and his subordinates were four furry orange four-legged beasts. In front of him was also a much larger beast with white fur. It began to howl.

(Crap... This is going to be tough. Let’s take a look at how strong this guy is.)

He activated “Observe”.

Name: N/A


Wolf Leader


“Pack Leader”, “Acceleration”

Upon seeing new skills, Kei became eager to fight. His drive for power far overshadowed any hint of fear he initially had. A huge grin appeared on his face.

(Let’s dance…)

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