《Greed》Chapter 5: Goblin Elder


Noticing that the goblins continued their conversation even upon him entering their territory, Kei was relieved.

(Seriously, do these two idiots not realize that some random just walked into their village? But, then again, mimicry is just THAT good.)

Kei was right. His skill allowed him to thoroughly copy the bodies of those he killed. This allowed him to walk past all the unsuspecting goblins with very little trouble.

(Now, what should I do? Am I supposed to have a house or something?)

He walked around, hoping for someone to recognize him. While walking around the village, he happened to bump into a goblin. However, this was not just any goblin. He was much taller than Kei in his goblin form. His skin tone was blue and he was quite muscular. A large scar, shaped like an “X”, was easy to spot on his bare torso.

(What the heck! How do I get myself into these situations!? Will I have to fight him and whoever joins us?)

But, the goblin just glared at him as if to say “move aside if you don’t want to die”, before suddenly walking off. Having avoid unwanted conflict, Kei continued searching the village.

Unknown goblin: [Hey Kawai! You seem to be lost. What are you looking for?]

Kei was confused. A short goblin with the appearance of an old man appeared before him. He wondered who the short goblin was addressing. However, the goblin continued staring right at him. Kei finally understood.

(This old fart’s still staring at me? So the name of the goblin I killed was Kawai… what a horrible name. I must have done him a service for killing him.)

After a short conversation, the old goblin revealed himself to be the village elder. Kei made the excuse that he experienced some form of trauma whilst fighting a monster, and therefore could only remember the location of the village. While listening to his story, the goblin slowly nodded in silence.


(Let’s just hope he believes this crap.)

From what Kei learned, the goblins would sleep in their own shed at night. Then, when morning came, everyone was free to do as they pleased. Food was not provided, and the only way to survive would be to hunt. The elder lead Kei towards a small shed. This would be his lodging for the night. Apparently “Kawai” (the goblin that he killed), lived alone and fought solo. Before leaving, the elder informed Kei on where to find him. If Kei wanted, he could ask about general information like the monsters that existed in the forest, or even the ranking system of this world.

(Ranks!? That’s the first time I’ve heard of them. It looks like I really need to know more about this world. Good thing I’ve met this guy. If he’s lived long enough, he might even have some good skills for me steal.)

Upon entering the shed, the intense stench of manure permeated the environment. There were no beds. Instead, Kei found a pile of grass in the corner. He assumed it to be some sort of pillow. He put his spear on the floor, and tried setting up the grass in the most comfortable manner. Once lying down, he realised the shed could just barely fit his body. But, he didn’t mind. He finally managed to infiltrate the village, and now, he could hunt monsters to his heart’s content. Before entering a deep sleep, he imagined all the endless possibilities in front of him.

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