《Katra》Chapter 4
Chapter 4:
21 Days After Summer’s Ending, 18 Days after Fall’s Beginning
124 Days After The Ra’tok Attack Amia Village
Edge of The Jungle of The Gods
Sariel Ventos’s Caravan
Wiping her brow, Sariel urged the draft horses onwards. They were behind schedule by 5 days and she wanted to be as far from that damned jungle as possible.
They were one of several caravans that travelled to the outposts on the edge of the jungle. Not many were willing to do it, but the military paid good for supplies.
The Eastern Edge outpost was her last stop, now she was headed back into The Traezar Empire. She would stop by a few more villages along the way, but it was more or less a straight shot.
What she was worried about the most was the attacks. There had been a growing number of attacks along the roads, even a village had been wiped out some 3 months back.
There were whispers about one of the Tulnar clans being responsible. If it was one of the clans, it would be best to stop coming into this area altogether.
One of the mercenaires pulled up next to her wagon riding his horse. He waved to get her attention.
“I think it might be best to camp here. There’s a storm approaching from the west, and it's getting late,” Elder Vicar said. He was a veteran Talri warrior, having taken 84 lives, many of them, probably most of them, sacred artists. The red chevrons on his right pauldron signifying his rank and how many he has killed.
Sariel glances back at the line of 9 wagons. She nods reluctantly, “We will stop in about a third of a mile. That way we are close enough to the river for water, but still far enough that if it floods, it won't get in our camp.”
Vicar nods and talks to one of the other 11 mercenaries, and the message is passed down the line of wagons.
As they near the campsite, they cross over a old bridge. It arcs over the rushing river, vines crawling along its sides. Once they reach the campsite, they circle their wagons. Sariel quickly unhooks the two draft horses and leads them for a drink at the river side.
She then leads them back to the wagon and sets up a tarp over them, protecting them from the rain.
Sariel walks over to the center of the wagon circle. Walking over to the pot over the fire, she asks, “What's for dinner, Calvin?”
Calvin is a rather thin man, his arms muscled but not by much. He has a scraggly beard and his brown hair matches his eyes. Even though he was average in looks, he was a great chef.
In contrast Sariel was anything but average. Her tanned, olive like skin marked her as a southerner hailing from the Rhua Desert. Her raven black hair stood out among the people around these parts and her brown eyes held a ferocious glint.
“It’s lamb stew tonight, just about the only thing I can cook fast enough before the storm hits. Should be done in about 15 spans.” Calvin goes back to seasoning and stirring the stew.
Sariel went around the camp, checking in on all the families in the caravan. Her caravan was a group of about 9 small trader families all belonging to the House of Ventos.
Grabbing a bowl of stew, Sariel goes back to her wagon. Sitting in the wagon with the canvas covering over head, she looks over maps of the Traezar Empire, trying to find a way to cut down her route.
She looks up as Vicar climbs in. He holds a bowl of stew in one hand, smiling, he asks, “May I join you?”
“Yes, it’s fine. I'm just trying to find someway to shorten our route and make better time.”
With a groan, Vicar sits next to her. He takes off his helmet, swiping a hand through his graying hair. His dark eyes still have a steely resolve in them, despite his old age.
He takes off his gauntlets, a circle on his hand glowing electric blue, noting his rank into the diamonds.
Sipping from his bowl, he looks over the maps. “Where are we now?”
Sariel points to a spot along the edge of the Jungle of The Gods. “Right about here. We will be following this road for about another 5 miles, then moving back towards the center of the Traezar Empire. We will probably stop in Baros Town, then make our way over to Coskana. Then that should be it, we will pass through a few villages, but I’m hoping to be there in about 14 days.” She points at various locations on the detailed map, tapping the city of Coskana.
Vicar nods his head slowly. “We could maybe cut down on time if we just cross Jurick River here.” He taps the indicated location, where a small bridge is drawn.
Sariel nods her head, taking a sip of soup. “I was thinking the same thing. I was also thinking of skipping several of the villages all together.”
Vicar hums thoughtfully, taking a long gulp of stew. “That may be the best-”
He stops mid sentence, jerking his head around to look at the side of the wagon.
“What is it?”
“Something big is approaching, stay here.” Vicar dawns his helmet and gauntlets, jumping out of the wagon.
Sariel grabs a sword and hops out of the wagon. She has no intention to hide like a coward.
Several of the Talri mercenaries are standing at the ready, their weapons drawn. Electric blue lightning Katra coats their blades, sending sparks off.
A roar of rage resounds from the forest. The ground starts to shake as something large crashes it’s way through the foliage.
The warriors tighten into formation at the order of Vicar, their shields held in front of them.
“Don't try to kill it, just try to drive it off!” Vicar barks at his men.
The thick foliage across the open meadow the caravan has camped in parts. A person runs from them.
They run frantically across the meadow, but stop as they see the warriors. The boy starts running again as another roar comes from the jungle.
The foliage of the jungle is ripped apart as a Sacred Beast runs through it. It is a lizard, but the size of a horse. Its covered in a thick hide of green scales, large spikes protrude from it’s back. The snout of it is filled with knife like teeth, meant for tearing flesh. It’s claws leave furrows in the ground and it’s spiked tail wipes behind it.
Sariel gasps in fear, saying under her breath, “Rage Drake.”
Vicar roars for the benefit of the other warriors that are stationed around the caravan incase of this being a distraction, “Contact!”
Rage Drakes are considered minor dragons. Related distantly to dragons. They were feared mostly for their high resilience and unmatched rage. Known for being able to shrug off Truediamond attacks, they were highly feared. A rare few people used them as battle mounts.
Stopping, she knows there is nothing she can do.
“Fire!” Vicar shouts as he unleashes a bolt of lightning Katra from his hand. It strikes the beast with a crack, and 5 more bolts follow shortly after.
The drake halts its charge, hissing. It easily shrugs off the lightning.
Vicar spreads his warriors out in a crescent, protecting the caravan. They let out shouts, trying to scare off the rage drake.
The minor dragon roars again and charges forward.
Vicar meets its charge with his shield, slamming it in the head. A flash of light makes Sariel squint as electricity discharges into the rage drake.
The drake roars in pain and swipes with its paw, knocking Vicar to the side.
The other warriors flank the drake from both sides, surrounding it. They take swipes at it, but their blades just bounce off its scales without harming it.
The rage drake swipes its tail, sending a warrior flying. Then Vicar is back into the fight.
He slams his blade down on the drake’s head, causing it to stumble. He follows it up with a uppercut with the edge of his shield, discharging more lightning into the drake.
Hissing in displeasure, the drake backs off. It opens its maw, Katra gathering in the back of its throat.
Vicar has only a second to bring up his shield as a wave of acidic mist crashes into him. He takes big steps back, getting out of the cloud.
His shield is hissing and popping as the metal is broken down. He tosses it to the side, gripping his sword tightly. He holds out his left hand, lightning Katra gathering in his palm. Letting out a roar, he unleashes a ball of compact lighting.
It crashes into the rage drake with a massive boom and flash of light.
Sariel is forced to close her eyes. When she can see clearly again, what she sees shocks her.
Vicar is dazed on the ground, the rage drake pressing him down with a clawed hand. It hisses, opening its mouth, about to unleash another attack.
The other warriors are beating on it desperately, trying to distract it. But their lightning attacks don't harm it.
Clouds of acidic Katra start to billow out of the rage drake’s mouth. Then it’s mouth is forced shut by a cloth tentacle, wrenched to the side.
The drake stumbles off Vicar, pulled along by the tentacle for an instant.
Sariel looks at the boy, black wrappings snaking through the air from his outstretched hand. They try to entangle the drake’s legs, but the monster backs away from them, batting them away.
It jerks its head to the side, pulling the boy towards it. The boy is launched through the air like he weighs nothing.
He lands in a heap at the drake’s feet. It lets out a roar and brings a paw down to crush the boy. But Vicar is there in a flash, he takes the swipe to his armored back and is thrown a couple feet away.
The drake leaps at Vicar, attempting to pin him again. He dodges out of the way, bring his sword into the drake’s side with a flash of lightning and crack of thunder.
The drake’s attention is wrestled from Vicar by the other warriors as a lightning bolt crashes into its head. Roaring, it charges toward the offending warrior.
Then black cloth entangles it’s legs, tripping it. It crashes into the ground with a roar and boom.
The boy is ripped from his feet, but stumbles back to standing with his legs spread wide.
Clawing at the cloth wrappings, it swings its tail at the boy.
He tries to dodge it, but isn’t fast enough. The tail collides with him, sending him hurling through the air. He lands somewhere out of Sariel’s sight.
The drake hops to its feet, hissing angrily.
The Talri warriors charge at it, hitting it with blasts of lightning Katra. The drake roars and starts to retreat.
It runs off into the jungle with a roar of pain, it’s spiked tail swinging behind it.
Rushing forward, Sariel asks Vicar, “Are you alright?”
He looks into the forest, nodding. He rubs the large dent in his breastplate. “I’ll be fine, we are lucky that it was only a juvenile. If it wasn’t for… Where is he?”
Sariel looks around the meadow and can spot a form lying in a heap.
She quickly runs over and kneels to look at the boy.
He is only wearing pants, and they have many ragged holes in them. He is covered in a thick layer of dirt and there are long scars running across his thin body. His dark hair is matted and looks like he used a knife to cut it.
The boy’s eyes are wide with terror as he coughs up a mouthful of blood. He looks up at Sariel in fear. He raises his wrapped black hand, silvery runes flash and then the bandages seem to come to life.
The bandages snake through the air, pushing Sariel back with surprising strength.
She stumbles, but the bandages stop once the boy loses consciousness, coiling back around his arm.
“What in the 4 hells?” Sariel says, then she starts yelling, “Go get Ferrick!”
One of the warriors runs off to get the caravan's healer.
Vicar crouches down and looks at the boy. He gently picks him up and starts toward the caravan; Sariel walking along side him.
She activates her Silver Sight, looking at the Katra and vital arua of the world. She glances over the boy, focusing on the wrappings around his hand. What she sees startles her.
There is an empty void where there should be Katra. A complete lack of any Katra whatsoever. Like something is being hidden there.
“You saw it too.” Vicar states. He looks Sariel in the eye.
Then they have reached the caravan. Vicar sets the boy down on the ground, letting Ferrick look him over.
Ferrick glances over the boy, then he activates hit Katra. His hands glow a soothing diamond. He hold them over the boy’s chest and ribbons of golden Katra flow into the boy’s body.
Wincing in sympathy, Ferrick says, “Almost all his ribs are broken, and one of his lungs it punctured. If it’s not treated now he will die.”
Ferrick moves his hand, “I'm going to reset all of his ribs, someone grab the healing elixir out of my bag.”
Sariel pulls out the bottle and sets it next to Ferrick.
Ferrick grunts and stops using Katra, he uncaps the healing potion and pours some down the boy’s throat, forcing him to swallow.
Standing up, Ferrick says, “Move him to my wagon, there I can monitor him and make sure everything is healing right.”
Two of the warriors put the boy on a stretcher and carry him off.
Ferrick approaches Sariel. “Where did he come from?”
Sariel shakes her head, “I don't know. He was running from the forest.”
“That boy was seriously injured. He is malnourished and dehydrated. There are large amounts of scar tissue on him and most shocking is that almost all of his Katra channels are shattered. He’s stuck at Lowbronze. By all accounts, I think he should be dead.”
Sariel is speechless.
Vicar asks as he approaches, “He is a Lowbronze? A cripple?”
“Yes. Now I best be going to check on him. I should probably use some Bone Heal on him too.” Ferrick walks off.
A cripple in the sacred arts is considered a lost cause and many families will not have the funds to heal them. So more often than not, they are cast out to die.
“I want to question that boy when he wakes up.” Vicar says, looking at the retreating back of Ferrick. He holds up a worn and dirt crusted bag and a spear with what looked like a tooth as the head, “I found this when I looked around where he fell. It’s full of a bunch of stuff.”
“Where do you think he came from? Do you think that maybe he was cast out from a House? Maybe they left him to die in the jungle?” Sariel thinks out loud as she moves to sit in her wagon.
Vicar shakes his head, “I don't know. But I want to find out.”
That was when the rain started to fall, pelting the ground. Vicar placed the spear and bag into Sariel's wagon and said, “I'm going to go on guard duty. No telling what else might be out there.”
Sariel nodded.
She looked into the bag and from a cursory glance she could see a scroll, ink pot, brush, two beast cores some jerky and a few other items. She closed the bag and looked out into the rain.
“Who exactly is he?” She asks out loud.
I am slow to come to, groggily shaking my head. I feel like I got rammed in the chest by a boar.
That's when it starts coming back to me.
I sit bolt upright, my hand flying out next to me to grab hold of my spear, but all I grab is air. I start to stand, but stop when I feel a burst of pain from my chest.
Looking down, I can see bandages wrapped around my chest, some kind of salve darkening the fabric, it smells of mint and other herbs.
Rolling to my side, I stand up excruciatingly slowly. Once I have stumbled to my feet, I look at my surroundings.
I am in a wagon, a few crates are stacked in the corner and there are arrays of jars and other medicinal herbs. Looking around, I can't find it.
Where is my backpack and weapons?
I stumble towards the flaps out of the wagon. Pushing on them, I nearly fall out, but catch myself.
Looking out, I can see a large number of people moving to and fro. It is very noisy as people talk and shout.
My mind starts to panic. I’m surrounded and outnumbered.
What can I do?
I start scanning the area for the best way to escape.
No, stop.
I shake my head, clearing it of panic.
I don't even know if they are hostile.
Looking out the flap, I can see a man approaching the wagon. I let go of the canvas flap and move to the right, hiding in the corner.
As he walks into the wagon, he stops a few feet from the door, looking in confusion at the empty cot.
I stealthily approach behind him, putted my right arm around his neck. The man gasps, but falls quiet.
I push Katra into my hand, forming the clawed gauntlet. The pointed fingers come to rest on the man’s throat.
Opening my mouth, I try to say something, but end up coughing.
When was the last time I talked?
I try again, forcing my voice out, “W-who… are you?”
The man is shaking, but responds, “I’m Ferrick. This caravan's healer! I healed you! I know you are probably confused, but if you just let me go, I can explain everything.”
I consider his option, but shake my head. I can't let him run to alert the rest of the camp. It would be better to have him as a hostage for leverage in case they are hostile.
Then I shake my head again. Why would they heal me if they are hostile?
I teeter between two choices, but let go of Ferrick. I shove him forward, jumping out of the wagon.
I nearly fall, but catch myself at the last second.
Whipping my head around, I keep all the people in my line of sight. I start to back up towards the jungle, all the people have stopped to look at me. They whisper quietly between each other.
I start to turn around to sprint, but collide with a wall of metal. “Gahh!”
Lashing out on instant, my armored hand bashes the soldier behind me and forces him a step back.
“Whoa there boy! Calm down, we aren’t going to hurt you.” The soldier says, taking off his helmet, revealing a aged face.
I hold up my right arm, but can already feel my Katra dwindling. “Whe-where a-am I?”
The soldier raises a calming hand, saying slowly. “You are in a caravan. We saved you. We are friends.”
But where am I?
“Jun-jungle.. Where i-in?” I rasp, working my voice.
The man looks confused for a second but says, “You are at the edge of the Jungle of The Gods, on the border with the Traezar Empire.”
I feel a swelling of emotions in my chest, and can’t stop the tears from streaming down my face.
Had I made it?
I soon break down into sobs, my bone gauntlet retracting. Falling to my knees, I stare at the ground.
I made it!
I survived!
I let out a choking and stilted laugh, crying tears of joy. “I-I’m alive!”
I feel metal arms lifting me to my feet, “Come along, we have a few questions for you as well.” The soldier leads me back to the healer’s wagon. Ferrick is standing outside. “Go get Sariel.”
Ferrick nods and says, “He needs to lay down, his ribs aren’t fully healed and I don't want them shifting out of place.”
The soldier nods.
I climb into the wagon and sit down on the cot. I am still wary, but relax a bit.
The man sits across from me on a crate. He looks me over and asks, “What’s your name? I am Vicar.”
I clear my throat, using muscles that I haven't in over 3 months. “This one i-is Ka-Kardin of Am… Amia Village.”
Vicar nods, his brow scrunched up. “You’re from the village that was attacked?”
I nod my head, I shift uncomfortably at the reminder of what happened.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
I think of the best way to explain it. “We w-were attacked by l-lizard demons. I-I ran… into th-the jungle.”
Vicar thinks for a minute and asks, “And where did you go after the attack?”
“Lost. Trapped i-in jungle. I s-survived.” I say with steel in my voice, remembering the first days I had spent, running in terror.
Vicar looks baffled, “You survived for nearly 4 months in the Jungle of The Gods?”
Before I can answer, the flap into the wagon opens and a olive skinned woman climbs in. She sits down next to Vicar. In her hand is my backpack and spear, she sets them to the side.
Smiling, she says, “Hello, my name is Sariel.”
I incline my head to her, “This one is Kar-Kardin of Amia Village.”
“The village that was attacked?” Sariel looks surprised and glances to Vicar.
Vicar says, “He was telling me how Amia got attacked by what I think are Tulnar, and he ran into the jungle. For nearly 4 months he has been surviving there.”
Sariel's face is a mixture of emotions, shock and confusion evident on her face. “How? I mean, how did you survive?”
I think of what to tell them.
Do I tell them about Inik?
No. I don't think I should.
I explain to them about how I had run for days, being chased and hunted, surviving off barely any food. I talk about how I built my tree house up where the majority of creatures couldn’t get me. I never mention Inik, only saying I ended up in a lower ranked area in the jungle. All the while it gets easier to speak.
Vicar sits back, looking at the canvas roof.
Sariel asks, “What about those bandages on your arm?”
I shrug, “I don’t know wha...what it is. I got them in some ruins.”
Technically I did get them from ruins, just that they were given to me in exchange for a black orb with a dragon. Or that the orb was given to me by a mysterious man that vanished without a trace.
Vicar glances at my right arm. “Do you know where these ruins are?”
I shake my head.
They both glance at each other, but don't say anything.
I point at my bag, “Can I h-have my bag and spear back?”
Sariel nods and hands them to me. My muscles that I hadn’t even realized were tensed relax as I take the spear into my hand. “What now?”
Sariel opens her mouth, but Vicar holds up his hand, “For now you stay here. Like Healer Ferrick said, you need to rest. We will be on the road for a while, headed towards Coskana. It’s up to you what you do after that.”
Sariel nods, “If you want, you can stay with our caravan if you wish. But I will tell you now that you will have to pull your weight.”
Is she offering me a job?
I am wary to accept it, but I realize that I don't have anywhere to go. I had been so focused on escaping the jungle that I hadn’t thought of what I would do next.
I don’t want to go back to Amia, there's nothing there anymore. I don't have any relatives that I know of and this may be my best option.
Then I remember what I said to Inik. What he had told me. ‘But yours will be a Path filled with pain, blood and death. It is one of no mercy, no love.’ I had said yes, I wanted to be strong, to get vengeance for Karla and Amia Village.
I knew I couldn’t stay with the caravan.
Vicar interrupts my thoughts, “I know that look in your eyes. I have seen it in many men who have lost the things they hold dear. You saved my life, even though you knew you had no chance to survive.”
Looking at Vicar, I am not sure what to say.
He leans forward, “I am indebted to you. And I would be loath to offer were it not for that. I will ask you once, Kardin of Amia, would you like to travel with us to our home town?”
I look him in the eye and ask, “What a-are you offering?”
“I am offering you a chance to train with the youngsters of my valley. To become a Talri warrior. But I warn you now that we will not teach you our Path, only how to fight.”
I am speechless. I should accept it. It’s basically my only option.
But I hesitate, he was a complete stranger. Why should I trust him?
It’s not the worse deal I have struck. Thinking back to the trader that gave me the orb.
I wince as I sit straight, “I accept your offer.”
Vicar nods, “You should rest now. We will be leaving the caravan when we reach Coskana.” He gets up and walks out of the wagon.
Sariel lingers and says, “I have never heard of a person being adopted into the Talri clan. They are the considered the best warriors on Auren. I think you made a good choice. I wish you all the luck in the world.” She steps out of the wagon.
I contemplate her words as I lay back on the cot, resting the spear next to me.
I hope I made the right decision.
Then I quickly fall asleep, enjoying the feeling of laying on an actual bed for the first time in 3 months.
I stare at the passing crop fields, farmers harvesting their crops. Groves of trees dot the gently curving land.
I am sitting on the wagon bench next to Sariel as she steers the draft horses. Over the last 2 weeks I have been increasingly getting better. As Sariel had said, she has made me pull my own weight. I have been helping around the caravan, like unhitching the animals and hauling crates.
I had gotten to know both Vicar and Sariel better.
Sariel was a kind person, but she had a tough streak in her. She would say what she thought and stand strong despite her fear. Sariel cared deeply for everyone in the caravan, treating them like her family.
I admired her tenacity.
Vicar was a highly trained warrior, he and his 11 other warriors were acting as caravan guards. The red and white chevrons on his right pauldron signified how many men he had killed, and in extension his rank. He came from a clan of warriors, and he was an Elder. A leader of the Talri Clan.
They usually did not leave their valley, but he had come out on this expedition because his son, Edros, was old enough to join. All warriors had to do a mandatory 5 expeditions for their clan, bringing in money so they could feed their people.
Vicar was a diamond, but which rank, I do not know. I just know that he is fairly powerful and is a highly accomplished warrior.
I am wrested from my thoughts as Coskana comes into view. It is a massive city, large walls surround it. I can see large buildings, I think they are mansions, in one side of the city. Another is made of more smaller houses. Large towers jut out from over the walls, piercing the sky. A ancient and impenetrable seeming keep stands in the center of the city.
The city rests on the west banks of the White Channel. I can see a small port; large ships are docked there.
But the most startling feature is the floating ships. They are suspended over the city, high above the ground. If I squint, I think I can see clouds keeping the ships afloat.
This is the first time I have ever seen a city. How many people could live there?
“It’s impressive, isn’t it?” Sariel says as she looks at the city, steering the horses down the hill.
“Those ships are flying!” I say excitedly.
Sariel laughs and nods, “They are.”
“How are they doing it?”
Sariel thinks for a few second and responds, “From what I know, they use a combination of cloud and air Katra to stay afloat. But most of the time they don’t fly, sailing instead. They belong to some of the more powerful Houses and there are usually several powerful sacred artists on them.”
I look at the flying ships, thinking of how much money and Katra it must take to power them. It must be a huge amount.
How powerful are these Houses?
Sariel spurs the draft horse on, the caravan following behind.
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