《A Path to Magic》Chapter 15 Normative Behavior (2.0)
Vignette - Birth of a Guardian
“Golem, I wish to choose the second option. I will be a guardian.”
“Very well, Candidate, this will feel rather invasive. I will enter your mind and show you how to touch the magic field. Be aware of the consequences. You will feel how I touch the field and will never be able to unfeel it. You will not find your own way. My way will never fully fit you. Without a connection that fits you, it will be nearly impossible to chart out an original path. But you will gain a safer path. You will be able to follow the paths of others by mimicry. Pick one other to follow or follow many. It will be up to you.”
Chapter 15
He took a break from the fevered crafting in order to watch the arrival of the norms. Partially for the reunion. Partially to show solidarity. Partially because even he knew that humans do not handle elite minorities well. Three to one, if they didn’t get this started on the right foot it could go sideways in a hurry.
Even with the norms they did not quite have the 500 Joseph, one of Jessey’s acquaintances, said was suggested for a stable breeding pool. Apparently as low as 250 could work. 500 was just safer. He could not explain why this was true but he was sure of it. That and the info that siblings and cousins should not marry. Even Timothy, who was not a fan of biology classes, knew that much.
They needed the norms, but no one was willing to force them to stay. Unfortunately, norms could not survive on their own. That point had been made many times in practice battles. It took magic, and a lot of it, to survive. He hoped they were wise enough to realize that fact… or at least figure it out before it killed a lot of people.
Even if they stayed, the positions available to them were not exactly grand. They could not defend others or themselves and could not even work efficiently as peasants. All the magic tools he had required an awakened will to use.
The only thing left was odds and ends of manual labor. Picking up essence bricks and carrying them to the right spot, picking up branches or harvesting crops (He would have to make sure not to build magic tools to do those jobs). Maybe picking weeds from the gardens as well. It was not the most glamorous list of tasks.
People needed to do something to feel good about themselves. Sitting around in a protected location until it was time to breed a new generation… That was not for humans, that was for cattle.
So how do you present to a group of people that included at least one highly paid lawyer, his brother Jason, that they were now second class citizens, hell maybe third class? Good only for simple manual labor and as breeding stock?
They needed to establish them as second class citizens. Every child needed to be encouraged to choose magic. Their settlement needed that magic for survival. If children didn’t see it as a status benefit why would they risk the dangers and the pain?
Enough, he had listened through the discussion the previous night. It was a crappy situation but thankfully there were plenty of others with a willingness to deal with the inevitable shit storm. He was just here to watch.
“Woish..sh..sh..sh..sh” The portals at last opened and a mix of 300 men and women and a number of children stepped through. The children had been in stasis this entire time. Anyone under a certain level of maturity. Apparently the age differed by culture, sex and individual. Akil wouldn't tell him all the details. In America it was apparently around 16 for boys and 15 for girls.
Voices rose in waves, a solid mass of confusion, anger and general stupidity. They had a mob on their hands…
A voice rang out, singing above the catacophy. “♪ Calm the fuck down ♪” The magic field pulsed with Gareth’s voice. Even Timothy felt it for a moment, a gentle gauze that dampened the ragged edge of fear and anger, before he threw it off.
Gotta give him credit, crass or not, it did the trick. But if he messes about in my head without permission we are gonna have a chat.
Regi climbed up on top of a handy boulder and bellowed into the sudden silence, “Enough of that! There is one simple question I need answered. Are you willing to do what is necessary to live.” He stared at them and lightning begane to play across his hair, arcing down to the ground in spits and spats. “In one week, we will have to deal with monsters that make the worst slasher film look like a romcom. Look around you Dorothyy, you're not in Kansas anymore.” He pointed to the towering trees, taller than office buildings, draped in thin looking vines that were as thick as a man's waist. It was hard to really get a grip on the height of them from the first glance. The perspective clashed with memories of how big a tree should be. He then one upped himself, with a flick of his fingers lightning began to arc around his body in finger thick swirls.
“We all had a choice at the beginning of the fall, those standing with me chose magic and survival. You did not! You chose poorly.”
“Without our willing help” he gestured widely to his sides and back. “None of you will live through the first week on Earth. We won’t do anything to you. But that will.” He pointed toward the trees.
His tone softened, “Look, my brother and sister stand among you, we want to help you. But our survival depends on the willingness of everyone to help out and contribute. There can be no exceptions. I am going to demonstrate a few things for you, to make a point. Then we will give you a half hour for a reunion with any family members you might have.“
“After that you're going to be split into squads and sent off to gather food and resources. Enjoy this time. You'll have to work hard, but it might be the last time you get to walk around outside and not worry about critters eating you!“
He smiled at them for a moment then slung the lightning clinging about him toward one of the boulders about 50ft away. The bolder exploded into shards of rock, shards that came back to earth in a hard, vicious rain.
“We can and will protect. Make the right choice this time.”
He stepped down and a few moments of silence went by before the two groups splashed together into anxious knots. Family members searching for one another, hoping that the golem's words were true. That at last they would be reunited. Even the ever present fear gave way to the longing for reunion.
Mary with little William in her arms came free of the swirls of humanity, rushing towards her husband Jackson, a guardian who had put in a massive amount of work this last week. A couple seconds later James appeared as well, shame and anger warring on his face as he headed for Regi, while his ex, Amy the guardian, started for them both.
Nope! Not getting involved in that one. Big brother talking down to little brother in front of the crazy ass ex girlfriend…
Nope! Mary it is.
He walked slowly, letting Jackson get there first. The poor man hadn’t seen his wife or child for seven years. A couple moments to themselves was the least he could give. Still, she was his sister, he wanted some time as well!
He was not the only one headed for the little family. Mama and Jenney were already there, holding back for a few moments before diving into the dog pile. A grandbaby was irresistible bait after all.
He at last could delay no longer, wincing slightly at the cooing and baby talk “Aren't you a handsome little boy, oh yes you are!” He snagged a side armed hug...and a kiss on a Williams cute little cheek.
“I missed you Mary” he had to get his words out quickly before the inevitable collapse of all reason in favor of baby watching could hit its full stride. Nothing seemed to drive sense from a conversation like the presence of a cute baby. Otherwise intelligent people would devolve into fools, clowning around for the baby's pleasure.
It was enough for now. He would have to spend some more time with her later once things settled down.
A glance over showed a yelling Jason, Regi with his arms crossed pulling a Mckayla… and Amy in tears…
I love you dearly little brother but...
Thirty minutes slipped past like a greased pig at a county fair. Awkward and messy but at least over quickly.
It was time to see who was willing to work, and who was not worth helping.
Regi again stood up on his rock stage. “Ok folks, everyone here is here because of an emotional connection. You are a good friend of, a sibling of, a parent of, something of somebody already here. “ As he spoke the wizards started drawing apart into their pre arranged groups. “ You can see we already have groups separated off. Please join a group with your friends or family. Each of them has a large number of sacks. Grab one and we will show you how to find food,” he tapped his stomach, visibly ripped despite the coarse clothing. “A lesson near and dear to my heart.”
Regi smiled at them, but his smile turned stern a few moments later “The only food you get tonight will be from your own sack. There is plenty of food out there, but no one will get it for you. We have already established most of what is safe to eat, but when in doubt ask. Jenney has magic to let her know if something is safe.”
Regi picked up his own sack from the rock below and hopped down, Timothy with a wry smile grabbed two sacks and joined him. He needed to clear his head anyway, and they all needed to set a good example. Everyone worked, everyone ate.
Besides he had not had an opportunity to explore the forest yet either. Shoving the second bag into Jason’s unwilling arms he wrapped the arm around his mid back. Damn size differences! At six foot even and built like a basketball player, Jason did not have the intimidating size and bulk of his eldest brother. But compared to the 5’6” Timothy whose frame could charitably be described as a runner's physique, it was not surprising that most could not correctly pick out the elder of the two.
“Enough arguing little brother. It’s time to shut up and soldier. If you want to eat, follow along. And if you ever want to get back on Amy’s good side you might want to stop with the sulking.“ He dodged the predictable elbow by pulling back with a large smile.
“I am not sulking!” James sulked back, even he must have recognized it because he sighed.“Even if I was, I have reason to. I had it all in my hand, fame, fortune and beauty. What do I have now?”
“You have family, you jackass, and a chance to see an entirely new world.” He considered if a smack would help snap Jason out of this funk. Regretfully he decided not to. If that would have worked Regi would have delivered it much more impressively anyway.
Breaking into a jog he quickly caught up with the rest of the squad and began searching for edibles. He had to hope Jason would follow along. His brother had far too much of the family stubbornness for force to work. Focusing back on the moment he paid careful attention as Regi began pointing out the various berries, vegetables and mushrooms to look for, and a few poisonous ones to avoid. Mushroom growths the size of a person could provide a ton of food, but a bad trip enhanced by magic? No thank you, all mushrooms would be checked by Jenney every time.
It was exhausting but beautiful, The forest giants towering all around them, wrapped in colors. With flowers and fruits of all shapes and colors. Ferns with an opalescent sheen. If you touched or brushed past the fern then a layer of skin would be left behind. Bushes with silver leaves that flutter like luers in the light wind. That bush was also dangerous, it would dig out a pit below the leaves, lined with root spikes to feed on whatever fell.
This was not a safe place even without the beasts. With them… he would not have much access to this wealth of food and color for some time. Mabe Regi could manage it with his magic. But how much food could he drag out while on guard at all times?
No, enjoy this for what it is, a grand opportunity. No need to borrow trouble, it would come on its own plenty soon enough.
I should have knocked on wood after that one.
“Hello Candidates, you have settled in nicely, well fed and sleeping warm. Congratulations on good planning. I have hope for your group. You might very well survive and even prosper. I think so highly of you that I am going to bestow on you a final gift. On the last day in this advanced tutorial, you will be besieged by a beast wave. “
Of course, the usual golem sense of ‘gifts’.
“You will not be allowed to die here, but you might face great pain. This is a final opportunity to do a trial run before the real thing. To spice it up I will make an offer you can’t refuse. I will awaken the magic of any normal who kills a beast.” Timothy’s face turned white at that. After being slapped with second class citizen status more than a few norms would jump at this chance…
It was a good thing to have more wand wizards. But… the beasts were not something that could be killed casually. Each variant he had seen had some kind of magic. From psychic buzzards to the giant wild boars that absorbed and released impacts.
They might get a few wand wizards out of this. But they would get a lot more not-deaths. Even if they were not permanent, the pain would linger. That much pain could disable someone just like a real injury. He could promise that from his own experience.
With a shudder he threw off his blanket and stood up. The mourning sun was barely peeking over the horizon. What should have been the start of a wonderful day instead brought him the taste of ashes.
He snagged his food sack, a vine towel and stumbled towards the creek. A Blue near-berry worked for breakfast. The wonderfruit usually brought a smile to his face, but he was not in the mood to appreciate it this morning.
A cool dip in an eddy of the fast flowing stream and a brisk rub down completed his morning ritual.
It was time to face the music.
He was accosted almost as soon as he topped the river bank. A catacophy of requests. Requests he had not decided how to answer yet. It all boiled down to “Make me a weapon Bitch!” Alright, the bitch was his own grouchiness talking. They were actually being polite, there were just so many of them talking over the top of each other that it was hard to tell.
Foolishness, you can not protect people from themselves. He was not even sure if they should try. This might be their only chance to become something more. He could not block that hope.
He climbed, carefully onto a boulder and yelled “Quiet! Hold on a minute and I will answer you.” The noises slowly receded in eddies and swirls, taking a good 30 seconds to finally subside.
“Dying fucking hurts! I have felt it! Ask around, others have felt it as well. What you are asking for will suck like nothing you have ever experienced.” He took a deep breath and continued “That said, I will do my best to arm those of you who volunteer. Go ask Regi about tactics. Maybe even ask Jenney for some potions.“
“I will do it because everyone should have an opportunity to improve themselves. I will do it because our little settlement is more likely to survive with more guardians. I will do it, but the consequences are on your heads. You asked for this! Remember that when the dust settles.”
He hopped down and began to plan. Spears were the only thing he could think of. Ten, no twenty foot long pig stickers with their wielders in tight braced formations. They might kill a hog that way... before they died. He could not think of a damn thing that would work on a hovercroc or psychic buzzards. Still usually the giant boars charged first. They would have a slim chance at success.
Regi tapped his shoulder, causing a small jump “Dammit brother, don’t do that!”
Regi looked at him with disapproval “I didn’t sneak up on you little brother. You need to work on your situational awareness.”
He brushed it aside “Bother that, you realize what is about to happen don't you?”
“...haaa. Yes Timothy, I know what is about to happen and I have to be grateful for it. Deeply grateful.”
“Grateful? I guess, we do need more guardians but -”
Regi shook his head in a flat negative as he interrupted him. “No, that is a secondary benefit. More importantly, many of the normals don’t understand, refuse to understand, how dangerous the world is about to become. This will provide a much needed wake up call.“
Looking at his hands he continued “The torture they are volunteering to face will likely keep them alive. Despite the cost.”
Timothy flashed back to having his guts eaten while he watched. With a practiced shudder he threw it off. “Alright, I already told them I would help. This doesn't change anything. I am thinking essence wood spears with stone essence tips. Long ones. They will be heavy as hell, but might not break from the first hog throwing itself at them. Something like 80 pounds each. Form a phalanx and impale the first few.”
“I don’t have a better idea, except to help them with the terrain. We can set up the magic defenses around them. Protect them from three sides.” Regi nodded and added one more point, “Any traps you make will be your kills, not theirs. They can't stand over a pit and stab the pigs either. The only way they are going to do enough damage is to use the hogs' own momentum and muscles against them.”
Timothy thought about that, “They could try to dig out some traps as well? But they don’t have a lot of time. Up to them I guess. I’ll just get started.”
He climbed back onto his boulder and yelled to the norms still crowding the area. “Ok, I need rocks and lots of branches with the bark removed. Whoever wants to participate in the fighting will need to provide their own stuff. I’ll turn it into long heavy spears. You can also get with Regi or one of his lieutenants and dig some traps. Not sure if we have time for that but you can try.“
Back on the ground he began to dig out a spear mold from the dirt. The stone spear blade would be incredibly heavy, he would need a stone balance spike on the butt of the spear. One mold for the shaft, then stick the shaft into the liquid stone molds for the tip and butt. He nodded, it would have to work. The shafts would come out of the mold round on one side but square on the other. The corners would need to be carved off….
“Excuse me Timothy,” He jerked, losing his chain of thoughts. A youngish guy was standing next to him, well muscled, black hair and dark olive skin, maybe of Indian descent?
“Yes, umm, I don’t believe we have met.”
“It’s Bashir, I was wondering if you could make me a Katana instead. I’ve been studying kendo in school. I even won some competitions.“
Timothy froze… What the hell do I do with this guy? “Umm, Bashir, the spears are going to weigh around 80 pounds. I could make you a sword out of really dense wood or out of stone but it's going to be pretty heavy. That’s all we have available. The critters you will be fighting are large and have extremely tough skin. Not to mention magical abilities that allow them to absorb impacts. I don’t think a sword will do much.”
He searched Bashir’s face, hoping for some recognition, seeing only a blank look he continued. “If you still want to continue with this, then dig out in the dirt the shape of your sword. Use a bit of water to make the walls smooth. Then go grab enough branches to fill your mold four times over. “ What did he know, maybe Bashir had some tricky plan…
And maybe he was just an idiot. He ignored that cynical inner voice and got back to working on his spear mold.
It was going to be a long day, and many other needed tasks would end up neglected.
With that thought in mind he checked the Essence Light charging cases and triggered the ones that were ready, switching out one filled glass storage card in the meantime.
“NO, put down the cleft stick!” Timothy startled, he had been about to start on the first Laser Wand when he heard an angry voice. A middle aged man with a distinctly military haircut was towering over him, a rough shaped wooden rifle in his hands. “I don’t know why you did it this way to start with, but we will not be using some Laser Spatulas!”
Timothy looked at him in confusion and responded with the power of his supreme intelect “What?”
“Here, engrave the runes on this,” He handed the wooden rifle to Timothy “I already carved a slot in the stock for your cards, this bit of wood will act like a latch” He bent the thin wooden tab to the side and slid a storage card into the slot, the wood tab sprang back securing the card, “We made you twenty of these already. How many more cards will you have by D day?”
Finally getting back on his mental feet Timothy rushed to stop the man, although the wooden latch was pretty nifty, “Wait, wait, wait, what's wrong with my wands? They are quick and easy, just point and shoot. Very little work to make. That rifle shape must have taken some serious time.” The single sided mold always left one side with sharp corners after all. “And what is your name, I don’t want to start shouting ‘hey you’.”
“Arthur, formerly Staff Sergeant Arthur Dalins, USMC, and your ‘wands’ have multiple problems. Let me walk you through them. First pointing. Here, point this simple stick.“ he handed Timothy a twig. “It’s quick and easy, Now try to point this twig with a rock on the end” A new stick was supplied “Having a large weight on the front makes it hard to aim quickly or accurately. Your storage card should have been in the back, not the front”
“But in the back you had a really uncomfortable hand hold.” Timothy muttered, but his heart wasn’t in it. The demonstration had been pretty obvious…
The look Arthur gave him reminded him of his mother when he claimed the room didn't really need to be cleaned as a child. “Next is accuracy. The more stable a weapon is, the farther you can shoot with it, a rifle has contact with your body in three different locations. Shoulder, and both hands provide a very stable stance for aiming. Your wand is only one hand. Finally the rifle has room for these simple sights “ he pointed to a trio of wooden pegs, two at the breach framing one at the tip of the barrel. “While your wand you simply point with.”
Knowing he was beat, Timothy switched tracks. “That's for long range, what if they get in close?”
Arthur’s look became a bit angry at that one, his square face was suddenly very, very close to Timothy “If you shoot this weapon at anything remotely close you won’t live to regret it. I can attest to that, having done so during the first fight. I heard you got eaten once. I assure you burning to death is not any better of a way to go.” he took a deep breath and stepped back, “Look kid, I know you did the best you could for us, and these really are damn good weapons. I am grateful we have them. But you need to use the experience of those around you now. I have shot over 20 thousand rounds from a rifle very similar to this. You have 53 hunters, 20 military and 8 police officers in our magic user group. They all have muscle memory using some variant of this rifle. Don't reinvent the wheel.”
Arthur gave him one last, considering look, before asking again “How much ammo will we have by the time D day hits?”
Fully defeated he let it go. He was now thirty-three years old, he was not a kid. But yelling ‘I am not a kid’ was always counterproductive. “I was planning on fifty weapons with one full card each. If we use them on this test though, we won’t have them for the real deal. I will make more charge boxes, but each one is only good for about 10 shots a day, and they take an hour and a half or so to make.”
Arthur nodded, speaking over his shoulder as he walked away, “Ok, I'll bring the remaining twenty rifle stocks over. Then I will get with Regi and the command staff to discuss the test. We might have to fight it without all of your tools. “
He sourly looked at the cleft tip of his wand. It used to be the epitome of cool. A wand that shot lasers.
All he could see now was a spatula.
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