《Spirit God Shura》Chapter 7: Decision


Azalon was immersed in his own world as he tried to analyze the pros and cons of the different information provided by the mysterious man, who named himself Asma. He was pondering on each and every bit and point, dissecting them, analyzing them, and applying them to his current predicament.

After a long time, he came out of his trance. He slowly opened his eyes and his determination flared up, as he hopped from the rock he was sitting on. He landed gently on the banks of the pool, and slowly approached the man called Asma. As he walked closed to the man, he saw that man slowly open his eyes, looking at him with a faint excitement, as if waiting for his decision.

He sat down in front of the man, and silence enveloped the area, as both of them never uttered a word for a long time. Neither of them knew what’s going on through the other’s minds, but the first one to break the silence was the black-clothed man.

“So, Azalon, what is your decision?” Azalon could hear some panic in that voice, and he felt puzzled. But he did not go down that train of thought, as he had already made up his mind.

Azalon took a deep breath. “I am willing to do it. But, you have to explain the procedure to me in detail. Don’t leave out a single thing.” He declared in a determined voice.

A bright smile immediately sprung up onto that handsome man’s ‘pretty’ face. The inhuman beauty and that brilliant smile even made him, a man although in terms of his soul, feel dazed by the charm of that smile on that face. His body visibly shuddered, while he tried to calm the rush of blood making its way to his lower part of the body.

‘God… What’s happening to me? He is a Man for fuck’s sake. Get a hold of yourself, Azalon. You are a Man, you should only be interested in women, not these pretty boys, and that too women with big breasts that go *Boing* *Boing* *Juggle* *Juggle*.’ With great willpower, Azalon managed to get a hold on his mental fortitude.


He let out a faint sigh, after sorting out his orientations, he lifted his head and silently waited for the explanation of the Awakening, no, it should be, Re – Awakening, of my Spirit. The man sat there silently, staring at me without a single word. After a long time, Azalon couldn’t hold his irritation at the silence of the man, and was about to open his mouth, when the man suddenly spoke.

“Are you sure about your decision, Azalon? You did not even ask me about why i am doing this, or more importantly, why I am doing this to you? You don’t seem that stupid to me.”

“I know that there is no such thing as a free gift. I could guess that there is something that is expected from me. But I know that the current me, have no chance of doing whatever that you want be done through me. I know you will visit me once again, when I amass certain level of strength, to expect your payment for the goods delivered. So, there’s literally no use asking you these questions, as there is no need for them. Am I wrong?” Azalon asked with a matter-of-fact tone, and he watched in satisfaction, as some astonishment appeared on that ever-aloof face.

“Good. Very Good. Haha Haha… yes, it’s as you say. That information is of no use to you, but the time will definitely come, if you have the capability that I think you have, when I will once again seek you.” The man answered with a hearty laugh.

“So, since all that is over and done, let’s get on with it.” Azalon added with some irritation.

“Alright, alright. Don’t get all ruffled up.” His voice turned serious as the man continued. “There are no negative aspects to this pill and the method, expect what I explained to you before. But you have to be careful in the sharing of your Life Force, and you have to make sure to not let your Spirit steal more than one-fourth of your Life Force.” Azalon simply nodded.

Seeing Azalon listen with rapt attention, the man slightly nodded his head before continuing.


“Before you take the pill, you have to practice the Soul Embryo Cultivation Method first. You have to memorize the entire scripture of the method, so much that you have to be able to perform while you are even unconsciousness. Only when you are that familiar with the cultivation paths can you inject the pill. Do you understand?” Azalon nodded once again, closely remembering those words.

“The pill will induce into a temporary vegetative state, when your Soul will undergo the mending process. As soon as the Soul is healed, your consciousness will be restored, but only at a subconscious level. You have to immediately form a Soul Embryo for your Spirit, as soon as you detect the formation of your life force being depleting.”

“How many days will it take?” Azalon asked after a moment of thought. On Earth, he heard of some cases of coma patients remaining in that stage for decades, before regaining consciousness. There’s no way in hell where he had to spend decades as a coma patient.

“Hmmm… that depends on your type of Spirit and even on the number of Spirits.” The man said after pondering over his question.

‘Number of Spirits?’ what the hell does that mean? “What do you mean by ‘number of Spirits’?”

“Oh, you don’t know? There exist some cases where an individual will awaken more than one Spirit. There have been some incidents for Dual Spirit Awakening, but that’s extremely rare. And Triple Spirit Awakenings are almost non-existent. You don’t have to worry about it. Oh, to answer your question, it will take 4 days.” That man replied in a nonchalant tone.

Azalon sighed in secret. This pretty boy… does he want to explain or not? ...

“After you form your Soul Embryo, you can form the temporary Soul Bridge through this Embryo. But the Spirit Energy you gain through this Soul Bridge has to be used for the nourishment of the Embryo. It will take almost 3 to 4 weeks of nourishment, and your Petrified Spirit will Awaken. Once your Spirit Awakens, you can reinforce the constructed Spirit Bridge.”

Azalon remembered all the new information and analogized all this with his previous information as well all he read in the public records of the library. He could form a rough understanding of the procedure he had to undergo for the Awakening of his Petrified Spirit.

Study the Cultivation Method thoroughly, Take the pill, Go into Coma, Automatic repair of the Soul [‘I have no idea what will happen during this step’], Wake up, Form a Soul Embryo using my Life Force, Connect my Soul Bridge, Wait for a month, Awaken my Spirit, and then… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. WAIT FOR ME, WORLD… I AM GONNA DRILL OUT ALL YOUR SECRETS… MUHAHAHAHAHAHA…

Ah, i sound like a perverted Uncle. Calm Down, Azalon. Take a deep breath. You will have your chance. Haah…

“Mr. Asma, I am ready. But I have to inform my grandfather of what happened here, as you said I will be in a vegetative state for 4 days, and he will be worried sick if I don’t return home.”

“Ah, OK, but Azalon, don’t say anything about what happened here. Just say that you will be training or something like that. You cannot absolutely speak a word about me or the things I will give to you. Understand?” The last word came with a massive pressure, like a huge mountain, instantly pressing him down flat onto the ground.

He hurriedly nodded his head with some difficulty along with some light whimpering, with the pressure and all that. As soon as he nodded, the pressure eased up and he just lay there panting. The man waved his hand and turned around walking deep into the forest.

As Azalon stood up with some difficulty, that pressure once again pressed him flat, along with a light voice sounding right beside his ears.

“Return as soon as the sun reaches the horizon in the west. And, Azalon, don’t be late.”

‘Grrrr… this woman faced bastard… I swear I will kick that pretty face one day…’ But he could only howl in his heart… Poor Azalon…

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