《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 22


It took an apology and some appeasing sentences from his friends before the crow let Jin walk away without punishment. Apparently, being disrepectful to an elder spiritual beast was a big 'no-no'. Still, Jin remained shocked as they walked through the different rings. Hearing crow talk was something beyond his ability to instantly cope with. He had lived once before but he wasn't the type to believe in other worlds and dragons and such... Now that he met not only one but dozens of talking crows, he felt weird.

The fact that this was a brand new world filled with new things to experience hit him once again forcing a devilish grin on his face. He began to wondeer how the crows fought and how he would fight them...

He was soon forced out of his reverie as Sang-Min declared: " Alright, we're here, that's where the fifth stage guys battle it out. Take a look and tell us what you think. " and so, Jin looked at the fight in the closest ring. Two guys a little older than him were exchanging hits. He could see them but couldn't quite grasp the exchange. He understood quickly why he felt this way. They were too fast. And since he couldn't adjust to their speed with his vision, the conclusion was easy to reach. He turned to his two neighbours and was honest: " They're too fast for me to fight them "

Both of them as they had expected it. Jumping realms to fight was easier early on but it remained an achievement worth bragging about. If it was easy, the sect wouldn't hold the admission test for those under second stage. It was quite unfortunate though. Han-Bi told him: " It's quite unfortunate. Once you become a spiritual warrior, you can only reduce your ability up to that point since the five first stages reinforce the body itself. We won't be able to spar with you I guess "


Sang-Min nodded : " Too bad. We will have to wait until you reach the fifth stage I guess. Seung-Ja will be disappointed"

Jin wasn't sure why this girl he hadn't even met would be disappointed but a reason soon came to his mind. Maybe they spoke about him to her? Or rather, they must have done so for this stranger to be aware of who he was. And from there she got interested in his battle sense and maybe wished to see for herself what a gold fist owner was like? It was likely how it went. In fact, moments later, Sang-Min gave him the answer and he had guessed right.

Since they had seen what they needed to see, they decided to go back. As they walked back and went through the other areas they had previously skipped, they asked Jin everytime how he would fare against people from those stages. It turned out that fourth stage was too strong too and third stage would prove to be very tough. Not impossible but tough and so, dangerous as well. He had no reasons to take risks for the moment anyways.

It was good to be aware of the reality though. Second grade of the refinement. That's the strongest kind of people he could duel at the moment. He couldn't help but wish he was already at a higher realm. Damn did he want to spar with those guys!

And so, from then on, he focused on trying to absorb spiritual energies inside his room, lighting candles after candles...

Two weeks later and he was still unable to absorb a single dot. Frustrated at the fact, he got angry at the little specks of flickering lights. Why couldn't he absorb even one?! Then, as one floated in the front of his nose, he concentrated once more. The dot wasn't moving. Frustrated, he just opened his mouth and physically gobbled it up.


And that's when it happened.

He began to feel the spiritual energy dot inside his mouth. And he could interact with it using his will, having it move. He directed it down his throat and...It disappeared. At the same time, he felt his mind rush far into himself and soon felt himself looking at...Well, he didn't have the slightest clue of what it was. It was solely pure darkness with a single minuscule dot of light.

The dot was the spiritual energy he just ate. He could feel it. And he knew he could still move it around. But he didn't know quite what to do next... In the end, he thought of 'exiting' that space and felt himself open his eyes. Back in his room. He was drenched in sweat.

This was quite the experience and, even to a man of many battles, it had given him quite the scare. Feeling that space filled solely with darkness... He hadn't liked it one bit. It wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't comfortable either. It felt weird.

Understanding that there was no way he could find what all this was by himself and that it would only be a waste of time to try, he got up. The fell down due to his legs still out of it... Only after calming down did he get up and went outside. He hoped Han-Bi or Sang-Min was around...

Turned out they were in Han-Bi's front garden sipping afternoon tea. He went straight to them, greeted them and asked right away. He was still in shock. But while it had been frightening to him, to them, it was just usual and they found him hilarious. It was very fun to see this kid's reactions... Still, they answered him: " That was your soul sea, or inner self if you prefer. It is the representation of your state of existence. At the moment, it is still blank. We cultivators work to fill this soul sea by creating a core inside it and growing it further and further. Anyways, congratulations on finally absorbing spiritual energy! How did you manage to do it in the end?"

Then, Jin dumbly said: " I ate a dot of light " which sent both Han-Bi and Sang-Min into crazed laughter.

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