《Primal Adaptation》Chapter 13 [Bones and Sinew -1-]


A Limited was looking at the screen with rage. Her creature couldn't get the Sikara Mother's body because that blasted Lizard killed it, fooling the mutant. It was stupid to no level. She didn't know who was the owner of that creature, but she would kill the Limited, which made her lose so many Asther units and a body capable of creating more troops for her.

Basil was currently eating its fill, the Other Bugs were still killing parasites, and the ones who saw her Queen killed entered a rampage that made them kill whatever was closer.

Basil only saw this and continued eating all the Mother had in her body: Eyes, Brain, Spikes, even an irregular crystal surrounded by roots inserted in her brain. He consumed all and started moving out of that place with his gains in his belly and tail. Behind him were bodies and complete Havoc.

Evalyne was excited after seeing the conclusion of everything and even more when she began to see the Achievements Basil made.

The Specimen "Basil" got [Progeny Killer] [Tier 1]

Be the killer of at least three types of descendants of a single Species. As the Owner of Basil, you are being awarded 5000 Asther units for use. The Specimen "Basil" got [Purger] [Tier 1]

Destroy or Kill Parasite entities in sequence. As the Owner of Basil, you are being awarded 2000 Asther units for use. The Specimen "Basil" got [Marked] [Tier 1]

Be Marked by Curse, Pheromones, Sigils, or any other kind of conduit and survive the Punishment. As the Owner of Basil, you are being awarded 1750 Asther units for use. The Specimen "Basil" got [Battle Starter] Be the one to lead different Individuals to battle. As the Owner of Basil, you are being awarded 1250 Asther units for use. The Specimen "Basil" got [Clan War Starter] Be the one to drive a War between two small forces. As the Owner of Basil, you are being awarded 7750 Asther units for use. The Specimen "Basil" got [Regicide] [Tier 1]

Be the killer directly or indirectly of a Monarch, consort, or descendants. As the Owner of Basil, you are being awarded 10000 Asther units for use. The Specimen "Basil" got [War Survivor] [Tier 1]

Escape or survive a Warzone between two forces in mid-battle. As the Owner of Basil, you are being awarded 1500 Asther units for use.


That was a lot of Asther units in such a short time. It was ridiculous. It all added to 29.270Au. With this, she could buy many things for Basil, but she needed to think about everything carefully. At that, a Screen changed to the bark face of Mardok.

"That was an excellent Haul for how your face looks."

"You can say that again because he is changing fast. There were many things I would have done in his place to survive, but not in his, how do you say it, way? That was Bizarre. He earned seven achievements in that bubbling chaos."

"By the looks of things, you have made an enemy too, the one who controls the Selajivi is shouting to her Sponsors, and everyone can hear it in the halls. I don't know who she is, but she wants even to have a Duel against, and I quote, "The shitty Owner of the Blasted Lizard."

"That's rich. It is not my problem that those parasites were stupid and my little Basil a genius stratagem."

" Either way, we need to use those energy units wisely. At this moment, I am sure Basil should be looking for a place to hide and grow. He ate a lot from those bugs, and he must be pretty hurt. How is his Vitals now, by the way?"

"After he launched himself towards the Sikara Mother, I entered in a panic and could only watch."

"Je, well, let us see them."

Specimen Name Basil Specimen Lifeforce Core Gekkonidae Lifeforce 7/100 [Critical] [Bleeding] (Need rest) Stamina 15/160 [Critical] (Need rest) (Nutrients and fat in reserve [75]) Energy 200/200

"He is in bad shape. I suppose he will find a way to hide in those tunnels while those things keep battling." — Said Evalyne.

"Yes, by the way, what do you have in mind for his next gifts?"

"I, well... I thought of making him more durable and giving him a better regeneration, but I see that he needs with urgency a new way to fight. He is very limited now, and he was "lucky" this time."

"Would you let me have a word with my associates to see the better option?"

"Be my guest Mardok, but I hope it's something good."

"We will see."


"We made it big this time, I must say." — Spoke Dusanog.

"It was a risky bet for the wimp, but he made me recover almost everything I gave to support him, Mardok. Your instinct didn't fail this time." — Agreed Bik.

"I am happy too that it didn't fail me, but this time we have to give him something to develop more offensively. Right now, he was lucky and strategic with the opportunities his enemies presented." — Mentioned Mardok.

"What if we give him some shadow Tendrils?" — Asked Moraeus.

"No, we better give him a Better energy absorption." — Pressed Dusanog.

"I Think control over some plants could be beneficial." — Suggested Mardok.

"Mmmm." — Mussed Bik.

"What are you thinking, Bik?" —Asked Dusanog.

"All your ideas sound good, and all, but the Wimp is more Physical like me, shouldn't it be? I don't know, more beneficial to give him a mutation instead of a power he will need to learn to control and could be used only in a long time."

Everybody in the room remained quiet and looked at the red minotaur with strangeness.

"What? "— Uttered Bik with worry while looking at everyone in his portion of the sofa.

"It's that you always sounded so brutish we didn't believe you had some gray matter in that head of yours." — Mentioned Dusanog.

"You Insult me, Dusanog. I know I must look like some muscle head to all of you. Still, on my natal planet, I was a strategist, and this continued in each legion I enlisted while battling in the galaxy. I always tried to get my disciples their best potential when I was training them in their foundations before gradually obtaining ascension myself."

Everyone was silent after that.

"What do you propose them, Bik?" — Asked Moraeus.

"He has a regenerative ability now, right?" —Implied Bik.

"Yes, he has one but is very weak." —Replied Mardok.

"And he has a way to save his food, right?" — Asked Bik, again settling forward on the sofa while putting his hands together.

"Yes? But his tail can only have so many nutrients and fat in it, his body too." —Responded Dusanog.

"That's perfect, don't worry, your interest in giving him a better absorption was good, Dusanog, but he doesn't need energy. He can't even control the pure one he already has. But what if we give him a conduit to manifest it Physically? It will be slow but will have significant benefits when he evolves, grows, and uses it."

"I think I am getting something from what you are saying, Bik. But what could be that physical conduit you are talking about?"— Asked Moraeus.

"Bones people, Bones! is perfect because, with the correct sigils, they can become as magical as any crystal and more formidable than most metals. Is ideal for him!"

"So... We need to give him what exactly?" —Asked Dusanog.

" Ugh, ethereal beings, they would never understand." — Bik took one of the floating Screens in the center of the room and started navigating. He then showed everyone what he was looking for in the catalog.

"We will give him the ability to grow bones out of his body at will. He should have enough minerals in his system to make some sturdy bones with everything he had been eating. We need to complement the abilities he already has. We will look for something that grants him a better absorption of nutrients of whatever he eats. If we have some remaining Asther after, give him something to resist the pain and a better regeneration. It will hurt a lot."

Basil was escaping the zone and looking for a tunnel where he could get inside and hide. He was bleeding less by the time but wanted to get to a safe place.

After an hour of moving, he found a different cavern in the other direction, it had rocks with some shiny things in their crevices, and there were some small caverns in different directions. He chose one and continued walking in the darkness, expecting something to get out.

They were empty. Only rocks with shiny things inside were there. Maybe after resting, Basil could open one. He found a steep rock while looking up and climbed to get on top of it. There was another tunnel, smaller in size, perfect for hiding and resting. The little lizard couldn't maintain himself up, neither keep his eyes open. He plummeted to the floor and drifted to sleep.

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