《Avitus Volten's journey through space and time》Chapter 2 - Operation New Game? 2


Ok, let’s examine the possibilities. First one that comes to mind would be that I’m a dream. But I should ignore it for 2 reasons. First, the complexity and the realism of the situation are unlike the ones possible in a dream. For the second reason let’s go with something similar to Pascal’s wager. If it’s a dream I lose nothing if I’m being careful. If it isn’t and I’m going all crazy it can end badly.

The next thing that comes to mind is that I’m in a VR game, but that quickly falls as I should be able to log out by now. If I’m somehow trapped in a VR, then it comes down to Pascal’s wager again. If I am and I play along I have nothing to lose. If I’m not and I lose my life trying to find a way to log out, well, let’s say it wouldn’t be a smart idea.

This leaves me with 2 other possibilities. One, this System is trying to make me believe I’m in a game for an unknown purpose. Two, this dimension’s or this world’s laws make the reality resemble a video game from my old world.

The System was able to perform modifications on my body, even operating on my brain, so I can assume it could have killed me many times over if it wanted to. I also don’t believe it would have been hard to extract information from my brain if that’s what it was after. Opposing the System at this point doesn’t seem possible, so playing along would be the better option.

Before the collapse of the game industry at the hands of Mario, there were over a thousand coming out every year. Even after, it didn’t drop below a hundred a year. Each one had its own set of rules. If this world really works like a game, the first thing to do is learning its rules. The Identity tab should be self-explanatory, so let’s try it like this. Explain stats.

Command not recognized.

Help stats. Stats help. Stats explanation. Help.

Command not recognized. Command not recognized. Command not recognized. Commands available to the user: Status, Assign Y(number) stat points to X(stat name), Available paths, Start the X(path name) path, Title X(title name) equipped effects, Set X(title name) as primary title and Manual.

What the fuck is with this number of commands, you goddamn stupid program? You can perform genetic modifications in an inter-dimensional space, but can’t understand more than 5 commands. Even the most basic of Earth’s A.I.s is able to extract commands from human speech. Speaking of which…

-Use my connection with the System and send the Manual command. Store all information received and sort it. From now on use the same display method as the System, except for urgent messages. Send me everything related to stats.


Stats represent a user’s capabilities. Stats are separated into 3 categories: base, added and bonus. The stats tab displays the base stats and the total stats.

Base stats are called ‘starting point’ of the stats, as they have great influence over the other two. Base stats also display some capabilities that cannot be improved by added or bonus stats. These type of stats can be increased through various means.

Added stats represent the improvements bought with stat points. While the added stat is below 50% of the base stat, improving it costs only one stat point. After that, every mark of 50% of the base stat doubles the stat point cost. Added stats have the following effects.

Strength (STR) increases the maximum physical power that the user’s body can exhibit.

Agility (AGI) increases the maximum physical speed that the user’s body can achieve.

Dexterity (DEX) increases the control the user has over his body.

Constitution (CON) increases the user’s body’s ability to withstand physical force.

Endurance (END) increases the stamina that the user’s body has.

Vitality (VIT) increases the regeneration of the user’s body stamina.

Perception (PER) increases the detail of information received through the user’s senses.

Intelligence (INT) increases the user’s mana regeneration speed.

Wisdom (WIS) increases the user’s total mana storage capacity.

Magical talent (TLN) increases the user’s ability to use magic.

Bonus stats provide a percentage increase to the sum of base and added stats. Bonus stats are very rare and can only be gained from a few titles, perks and paths.

Ok, the first 7 stats are easy to understand, but magic? Am I in some kind of fantasy world? Maybe this is how the wolf was able to use electricity. My base intelligence probably comes from my thinking speed, so I can assume that adding stat points don’t improve this aspect as well.

If I remember correctly, the A.I. chip identified a mutation in my brain that enabled the generation and storage of a new type of energy. Going by these explanations, mana is the name of that energy. Without the 5base stats boost coming here my magical talent would have been 1, but it makes sense as Earth didn’t have this concept.

Now, I can roughly understand the stats, so moving on we have the paths. It’s a bit creepy seeing that I’m 0.2% percent human so I hope it mean what I initially thought. Maybe it’s something that started when I got here. Let’s see what the A.I. chip got on paths.

Paths are journeys that the user can embark on. By doing activities related to the chosen path, the user progress farther on it. Reaching milestones and completing paths provides the user with powerful bonuses. There are 4 different types of paths.


Racial paths are first and longest type of paths the user will encounter. To progress on them the user must experience and adapt to change, meet and interact with new individuals, experience a wide array of emotions or complete other paths. While most racial paths allow the user to improve different aspects of his race, some allow him to evolve to higher races.

Combat paths provide a wide array of fighting styles that user can learn. Progressing on this type of path requires the user to train into, fight with or gain deeper understanding of style represented by the chosen path. The user can combine different styles to unlock new paths. Having 2 or more combat paths with similar style will slow down the progress on all of them.

Profession paths support all crafts that the user can practice. Practicing, improving and gaining better understanding of the said craft will earn progression on the respective path. This type of craft can provide new ways to further the chosen craft.

Other paths are the ones that cannot be classified in any of the above 3 categories. Such paths are rare and don’t have a common line of progression. Unlike the first 3 types that have standardized rewards, with very few exceptions, the rewards from this type of paths are more often than usual personalized to suit the needs of the user.

The user can’t have more than 5 active paths at any time. Embarking on paths costs path points, with a few exceptions. Embarking on more than one path of the same type will cost 2 times the sum of their prices. Completed paths will no longer be regarded as active and user will retain all bonuses gained from them.

Ok, this is quite a lot to take in, but before recklessly choosing a path, I’d like to learn how to earn these path points. Spending them all, then finding better paths only to be unable to embark on them wouldn’t be the most well-thought out choice. The A.I. should have found something on the topic.

Path points can be gained by reaching paths’ milestones or completing them. In rare cases they can be obtained as special rewards. Most beings will receive their first path points by reaching the first milestone of their racial path.

So starting paths costs path points and finishing them gives path points. There is a lot open to speculation here, I don’t have enough data to make even a calculated guess on how this path system works. Some examples would have clarified the situation a bit, but the A.I didn’t find any.

After I requested to see my available choices, I’ve received a list of more than 200 paths. I quickly went through them and selected a few that caught my eye.

Path Name




Otherworlder 1

Arriving in a new world, you must learn to adapt and survive in this new environment.




You’ve come to new world and seen its rules. Now it’s time to make the world change after your rules.



Apprentice Hunter

Braving the wilderness, you now learn its rules. Tracking, stalking, killing and dismantling beasts will now become your daily routine.



Forest Forager

The forest is an unknown for many, for you it’s a gold mine. Avoiding dangerous beasts, you find all its natural resources.



Apprentice Cook

Anyone can roast a piece of meat. You take the step further to ensure that it’s safe and tasty.



Beast Dismantler

A beast’s body is full of resources, limited only by the imagination of those using them. Your job is to make sure they receive only quality products.



Animal Researcher

The world contains many species and races. You study the animals, seeking to understand the secrets hidden inside their bodies.



Apprentice Martial Artist

There are many weapons in the world. You chose the most reliable one, your body.



Karate Practitioner

Martial arts are as numerous as clouds in the world. You keep your distance, using the full length of your arms and legs to strike your opponents.



Apprentice Lightning Mage

Magic has many shapes and forms. You chose to wield the unbound power of lightning.



Lightning Warrior 1

Harnessing the power of lightning and wielding it inside your body, you strike your enemies with overwhelming speed and power.



Apprentice Space Mage

Magic has many shapes and forms. You chose to wield the dimensional power of space.



Apprentice Time Mage

Magic has many shapes and forms. You chose to wield the absolute power of time.



Apprentice Fire Mage

Magic has many shapes and forms. You chose to wield the destructive power of fire.



Apprentice Water Mage

Magic has many shapes and forms. You chose to wield the flexible power of water.



Apprentice Nature Mage

Magic has many shapes and forms. You chose to wield the wild power of nature.



Forstgol 1

Very similar to normal humans, Forstgols chose the forest as their way of live. You follow their path, becoming one with nature.


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