《Techno-Heretic》Chapter 8: Bunich
The town of Dunwhich had a chapel, an assortment of two or even three story buildings and what looked like blacksmiths on both sides of the town. But what stood out to me as I observed the town from the top of a hill was the massive wall with two sluices for the river running through it. It was made up of two layers of logs at least 100 feet high, which had an inner ring platform for what I assumed would be archers. The ring had two entrances: A small one by the church and the other larger one by what looked like a mini fort.
As I approached I found the road strangely had a sparse few people on it, far too few for what I assumed was a mid sized city. I managed to keep my eyes on peoples shoes whenever I got in front of someone. The guards didn't seem to mind me refusing to look them in the eyes, having some one more handsome and taller than them showing frayed nerves just talking to them was quite an ego boost apparently.
When I got into the town proper, more mysteries presented themselves. The most mystifying was that most of the houses seemed to be completely empty but conversely well maintained. They were made of thick wooden beams with solid stone foundations. Their main features were having only one wooden shutter facing the street on each floor with a simple sturdy wooden door on the first floor. The entrance of which quickly presented another peculiarity. Every building, be it shop or home, had a step case of stone leading up to the door. This stair case was just barely wide enough to allow one person to walk on it and was always put in even when the terrain forced owners to put the entire structure on a raised stone foundation just to allow for this one feature.
I felt like I had been transported to row after row of children's plastic brick houses made for man sized toys, their roofs having the slightest slant for the rain. I quickly made for the chapel which seemed to be the most populous section of the town. Once there I found the plaza in front of the chapel also served as a pseudo market filled with only few dozen people. It had a stone floor in a circular pattern of dull browns and reds, with merchant carts and stalls on the outer portion of the ring. I browsed various goods and even some ads for housing for a while until he got tired of walking.
I decided to gather information by relaxing at one of the communal tables at the center of this circle. I quickly laid my almost empty knapsack onto the table and rested my head on it. I caught snippets of passing conversation while appearing to be a common drifter and it also served to hide my face as my tears soaked into it. I had been going at a ragged pace for about 3 days with a headache that gradually got better and this was the first time I could stop and think, which was the last thing I wanted to do right now but my mind went through its motions without any consideration for me as it spun through the smiles, jabs, and death of Lilly.
I listened for while and focused on the most informative conversation.
" Yes we just came back. Old Briar Patch is our home but I swear sometimes I wish I could just move out to the capital, Necrosis doesn't really effect them I hear and not having to help maintain two homes, one I hardly ever have to be in, would do wonders for our means."
"Oh sweetie, it affects them just as much as any one else, they have big armies to protect them but so what? Them big leaders sit pretty but we folk still die and get eaten same there and anywhere else. The regular stiffs of the capital is no safer there than here." The two women left after this exchange.
'So, that would explain the empty buildings, but what was Necrosis and why would it require two houses?' I though to myself
After a while I decided that waiting for someone to just blurt out a bunch of exposition wasn't a good use of time. When I finished clearing the tear streaks running down my face I started to walk around. One look at my surroundings told me I wasn't in an advanced society. The children ran around on dirt roads with ragged clothing, a complete lack of cell towers or any kind of energy infrastructure, horse carts for transportation had all the hall marks of pre-industry.
But there was also another mystery in all this. I read up on the ancient humans before the great space ways were made. I knew of the dirty conditions that were considered typical in middle-ages Europe, which is what the races of the inhabitants and their architecture led me to believe was the rough time period I was in. But the commoners were well bathed in what was a stark contrast to the habits of their earth age cousins. The further appreciation for hygiene was seen in the public toilets of the river running through the middle of the town. The wooden out houses were on a raised stone platform covering the rivers exit of the town.
Several residents also read books with leisure, which should have been a tremendous luxury item in this time period. The presence of books should have corresponded to the rise of machines. The explosion of knowledge led to the making of the first oil and gas based cars in a few short years, leading to the digital age several decades later.
I eventually came up to the chapel where a wall made up of smooth marble was standing on the left side of the entrance by itself. Looking at the writings on it I realized I hit the jackpot.
"This monument was provided as a learning tool for all people of the Coalition with the proviso that the church of Adia will provide supplementary instruction, so that the magical potential of everyone might be realized. As ordered by president Charles the third as an act of congress with the support of the Magical Progression Front."
It detailed how magic ability came in four tiers with each more powerful than the last: Crafters, Casters, Scions and the semi-mythical Ultimate. All humans can utilize spirit magic, an ability like that electric sensation I used to talk with Lilly in her final moments. They can use this to cross translation barriers as their words and voices can be imbued with it. It also allows them to interact with the creations of the higher tier mages. Crafters can make special items that have assorted effects. ' OK that's pretty straight forward'
To make these special items they require the input from the Casters or Scions to allow their spells or mana input to take hold on the runes they craft like setting up the mold for them to pour the liquid metal into, only its some form of mana and spirit magic structure.
The Casters can use the surrounding mana to create some sort of circle that makes spells. It showed a simple graph of what it called the Basic Spell Construct, which when used by casters could create a steady flow of what it called the Mages Element, which could be: Fire, Water, Earth, or Wind. They could also use what was called a convergence of the elements but it gave no additional information on what those were. It was the presence of this element that was the mark of the difference between a caster vs a crafter at the most basic level. But the methods to make these circles or crafts were not provided.
The information on scions was less detailed merely saying that these individuals were powerful enough to manifest familiar partners. The ultimate mages had the simple description " the manifestation of magic".
'Well that was informative. But this graph isn't enough to tell me how spells work'
I snapped back as I heard some voice call to me. The mans chest had the brown cloth and rope belt of a friar and his feet were well maintained with leather strap sandals.
" Is this your first time reading the slab? I noticed the concentration on your face as you read it, something that has long since faded from the locals perusing it." The man said with a gentle tone.
"I see you have a problem with strangers and know nothing of magic principles. No worries though. So many pups from the isolated farmhouses come through to make their mark on the world you'd think we were a pit stop for the all of the adventurous youth of the world." The man said to me and himself.
" young man if you would like, I can give you a quick tour of the chapel". He offered.
"Sure, mister?" I responded with appreciation.
"Brother Bartholomew, if it pleases you." The friar replied gracefully, turning to go up the stone staircase to the chapel itself. It was a fairly typical church in the same architecture of the great wonders of European construction, with two large stone box like side structures adjoining the main body. It had a high roof and two large stone pillars on two sides show casing a grand entrance. Going through it to the main hall the light of the stained glass flowing through onto the pews and the main podium gave off a spectacular view of rich reds, blues, and greens. The floor was made of simple dark wooden planks with stone brick walls. The stained glass showed the picture of Jesus on the right side and a cross on the left side to the podium.
The friar seemed content to let me soak it all in in silence before leading him off to the left side and through a door. Coming through the door, the left side had a printing press. I immediately wandered up to the workers and machines going through their well practiced art. It was fascinating, like watching a museum video about man's earliest practices come to life.
"First time, huh? I understand, it's quite a complex process to take in. This is our pride and joy." The friar beamed proudly.
I stared at the pressing of paper, the slathering of ink on the assortment of lettered cubes after each squeeze, and the constant back and forth of the men in white aprons and bandannas carrying paper until my eyes fell upon a most curious sight.
'Are those electrical wires?' I thought almost dumbfounded.
Rushing over off to the side of the work area near an assortment of hammers, picks, hoes, and other implements of any number of professions was what turned out to be a ring of copper wire about an hands length across and a finger thick of small wires making up its outline with staples of iron to keep the shape intact. The look of incredulity on my face must have looked something more akin to shock as Bartholomew chuckled behind him.
"Most people just pass that bit over as a discarded piece of art. But the truth is we are just keeping it until our finances improve enough to finish the contraption."
"What has the finances so bad and what is the contraption?" I asked.
"While we may be laid back about most things, unfortunately there is still a process to get the information for our workings so I cannot tell you at this time what the contraption is.The sacred texts of Saint Adia are not given out as freely as the scriptures. The tax man probably can't be asked to visit were your from, but the tax rate has approached near 60 percent with the war taxes in addition to everything else which has put us in quite the pinch." Bartholomew with a voice laden in anguish.
"How massive is this war justify something so ludicrous?" I asked,dazed at the absurd amount.
"Word of caution my friend, watch your tongue and surroundings when saying such things. If the wrong ears hear you they will report you to the government for your inconsideration towards your country's greater needs and lack of patriotism." The friar said quickly in a hushed tone.
"As for the size of the war, well its more appropriate to say the wars. The capital currently has us in the north-west neck in the swamps but they also had us in the southern part until just 2 years ago. Before that we had a long sordid mess with the dwarves as well as being in the mid-north section of the swamp at the same time. I would say that we have been at near non stop war for almost 25 years in that swampland with wars stopping and starting for some reason or another. So most people just say the war because we can't be asked to figure out what the current mess is."
'Jeez, what a shit show' I thought to myself.
"What does your library have to offer?" I asked looking over Bartholomew's shoulder towards the rows of bookshelves on the other side of the building.
"Sadly we cannot give out its use freely, the governor was tired of getting complaints about the unsavory wannabe mages it was attracting. So we came to a deal were only citizens or those who pay out a single silver can use it. We were loathe to limit the access but his complaints were valid and our coffers could certainly use the lift." Bartholomew said with some tinge of guilt and slight frown on his lips.
I understood, frankly it was impressive that there was a library at all. But my eyes were then drawn to the metal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It had a very light glow but the source, a simple looking crystal, just dangled at the center of its metal fixture with no apparent wiring or flame. It did however have a chain link of iron running down from its side with no apparent gears or mechanical purposes.
"Ah, magic stones. Extremely expensive but if your a long running operation like us who also has long working nights, almost any price would be too cheap compared to the mountains of candles we would burn through without their glow. They collect ambient mana during the day then give out light at night when you command the link in the chain." Bartholomew indulged me in my curiosity.
"How would I get my hands on one of those stones" I asked, the application of such a long lasting light source having innumerable applications for just the past few days.
"My boy, those stones are worth more than their weight in gold. They are mana itself condensed down to physical form. I don't imagine you could afford even a shaving of it after a decades savings unless you forgo having a family and your own home."
Bartholomew then politely coughed.
"There is a hostel in town that provides bunks on the cheap and there is always some lumbering or mining work available if your interested in starting out in this town. After some bare bones living you could get enough to lay down roots here and maybe even learn a craft if your so inclined. There is a luxury goods salesman who comes through at this time of year buying up the sparse few magical resources that pop up in these parts if the stones still hold interest for you. He's the one with the gold and purple tent by the governor's mansion."
"Thank you Friar, I think I am going to look around Dunwhich some more" I gave a light bow towards the general direction of what should be the friars head and made for the door to leave.
"The locals would be ill disposed towards you if they hear that name, we prefer the name Bunich." The friar warned, his voice tinged with some of that very same anger.
"Oh I almost forgot, If you are still interested in any magical techniques, this would be the second best place to do it in the whole north-east region. While we lack magical resources, our library has magical knowledge to rival even the Diamond academy and is considerably less demanding."
I turned around to quickly thank him for the information as an idea came to mind but the direct, unobstructed face of an average middle aged man with a black hair bowl cut and slight beard came into my vision. He had a pointed nose with brown eyes that had bushy eyebrows laying atop them. "Good day to you, sir" I quickly said as I half ran out of the church.
I then went out onto the plaza and walked forward about a 100 yards until I came to my intended target near what looked like a mini mansion. Unlike the others this house was made of large blocks of stone and had a longer almost rectangular shape, but it still held to the same sturdy bare wall faces and sense of brutal strength as its smaller wooden nephews.
This large block house had the same single windows on each of its three floors but these had the addition of panes of glass as well as the wooden shutters. The roof tiles made of stones and borderline gaudy decorations spoke of the owners wealth. The roof had soaring eagles holding roses on the corners of the house with stone vines in between spoke of the owners embellishment. Even the chimney, simple blocks on its poorer brothers being more than sufficient, displayed this obscene architectural sense as I saw the gaping maw of a dragon poring out a light smoke skyward. In stark contrast, the entrance maintained the same slim bare stair case of stone leading up to the door as its fellows.
Off to the left in a small patch of grass was a large tent with alternating colors of bright gold and deep purple. The sign on a stake to its right said 'Ranhcho's magical goods and services'.
The namesake of the store was behind a small table showcasing assorted magical swords, books, jewelry studded with magic stones, and some small strands of a sparkling substance. He was looking over a necklace intently before I bowed my head when I saw the pudgy bald head and preemptively looked away before he could show me his face. All of the other items were resting on fluffy red pillows with panes of clear glass panes to keep them from being picked up from anyone not behind the counter. Beside this counter was one large metal chest on each side.
Surprisingly he didn't throw me out when I moved towards the counter and looked over his goods, which I half expected considering I still looked and smelled like I had hiked through the woods for days on end. Instead he was completely fine with letting me peruse his goods. I must have looked surprised when he actually let me look in the chests with his goods.
"The only real source of business in this backwater is with the governor or the church. Still, no stone left un-turned as my mother used to say. Besides, politeness is one of the few truly free things in this world and even if you would steal my goods." Rancho got a dangerous tone at this suggestion.
"I have poured vast amounts of money into their security, if any random person on the street could steal them I would be very much inclined to throttle the crafter who made the enchantments. After I hunted you down, of course."
I nodded in understanding and went back towards the counter.
Rancho adjusted his blue scarf, white cloth shirt with a green sleeveless jacket and black jeans. Coming around the counter he came up to me, "The magic crafts I provide are as powerful as they are varied, fortunately I have been matching people to magical partners for years to suit their tastes and needs ". However, I kept my focus on the merchandise behind the glass panels.
"Thank you, but I am more interested in the magic stones themselves" I replied respectfully making sure to keep my eyes intently on the goods behind the display.
"How curious. Almost no one wants the stones themselves. A big burning sword is the typical order for young men. Even wanna be mages typically don't have the patience for the foundations and just want something quick and easy." Rancho said,almost like I was a curio more than a customer.
"Well I don't have any mana stones but these strands could become a fine stone if given enough additions. Typically I wouldn't have even bothered having them in the display but my stocks are low and they do add a certain sense of the mystical."
I looked at the almost hair thin silver strands sparkling on the blood red pillow. I thought that maybe an alternative solution, one which could satisfy both my empty wallet and curiosity, could be used in conjunction with this merchant. I suddenly cleared my throat and slightly bowed to the merchant.
"When will you be leaving? I might be able to collect a few items for trade."
Rancho's took in a deep breath.
"This business only deals in legitimately acquired items. So, if I hear of any thefts I will report it to the authorities if you try to pawn off any ill gotten goods here. However, I will be staying here for at least another week if your items are above board." Rancho said firmly.
"Of course, I think we will have a very lucrative deal" I said and then promptly headed out back the way I came.
- In Serial43 Chapters
The Epoch of Magic
Daron, since childhood has been engrossed in his fantasies of magic coming to the earth, or some way in which he gets to learn magic.As his life progresses, he cannot part with these imaginations, and instead decided to go down the path of a novelist, and spread his fantasies with the world.Over time, his fame grows as his novels become increasingly popular among people of most ages.At the age of 59, the world seems to have literally done against him as countless lightening bolts strike his house.Thankfully, the lightening rod protected him, which angers the world. After countless fruitless efforts, just as the world is about take take more drastic measures to kill Daron, he suddenly chokes himself in a wicked twist of fate, with his own tongue and dies a hilariously horrible death.When he regains consciousness, he finds himself an unborn child still in the womb of his mother, with his AI assistant from his laptop in his head.Follow Daron as he progresses through this new and mysterious world he had been reincarnated into. Please note: This story will be really slow in the beginning, and I appologize in advance.
8 63 - In Serial47 Chapters
Children of Eden
In the 142 years since its founding, the village of Prospera has existed as a paradise. Four of the children of Prospera: Hannah, Miranda, Kevin and Lisa, begin to suspect that there's more to Prospera's perfection than meets the eye and set out to learn the truth. What they discover places them in mortal danger and the children decide that their only option is to flee Prospera for the outside world, a journey that will reveal to them even more frightening truths about Prospera and its relationship with the outside world.
8 79 - In Serial26 Chapters
Adventure to the Stars
The tale of a young boy that drops into a small pond, only to find himself in a complete new world! Brandr has to figure out where the familiar blue light that guided him has lead him to, and more importantly, how to get back to his homeworld as quickly as possible!
8 126 - In Serial19 Chapters
Code Red
Dropping this one sorry
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Bloodstained (Thorin x OC)
After wandering Middle Earth for almost three centuries, Agarwaen, an elven outcast, gets roped into accompanying a dwarven company on a quest to reclaim their homeland, during which she must face her painful past. Will it end in more death, or will she find what she didn't even know she was looking for? This is a slow burn Thorin/OC story (cover art is not mine)
8 144 - In Serial19 Chapters
Impossible Devices
Twenty years after the start of the new millenium, the world was largely at peace. Crime was at an all-time low in most nations. No large scale conflicts between countries currently existed, and the people of Earth had even begun to see hope for the future. In the year 2020, all of that changed. The first occurrences of the interdimensional reality altering zones occurred. Named 'Dungeons' these supernatural and alien existences unleashed monsters and mayhem upon the world. Only after considerable loss of life and adaptation to the new world order did people begin to rally back. The discovery of a strange artificact item in one of the dungeons allowed humanity to develop powers far beyond their wildest imagination. This device worked on principles considered to be impossible. It was not the only one. Items of super-science and magic were discovered inside the dungeons of the world that could not possibly work according to the known laws of physics. Yet, they did. A special school was built to train young people so that they could specialize in dungeon exploration, in the defeat of monsters and the acquisition of the Impossible Devices. Warning: Tagged as [18+] for mature content that includes Adult Situations, Sexual Situations, Graphic Violence, and offensive language. Further: This story is a work of comedy and parody. It is not designed to be a gloriously realistic story, even though there are a few deep themes and other mature concepts involved.
8 137