《Spartan (Re)》Chapter 3


Heavy footsteps filled the crowded halls.

Curious heads turned, sharp whispering pierced his ears like knives, jutting fingers pointed at him accusingly.

“Jesus fuck, he’s huge!”

“Told you.”

“Should get em’ on the rugby team.”

A homeroom door smoothly slides open, the juvenile conversations of the room rapidly grew quiet in the presence of the large newcomer.

“That’s him right?”

“Who else could it be?”

“Damn he’s enormous!”

Thor quietly snorted to himself, these things always repeated themselves. Well, they usually did in the other schools. This new one wasn’t shaping up to be much different. This was understandable though, Thor towered above the students like a terrifying monolith, in both height and mass. He understood it could be seen as quite threatening.

Finding a solitary seat near a window, Thor amused himself with a little game he played when visiting a new school, spot the groups.

His cold gaze landed on a group of girls with shortened dresses crowed around someone’s phone, Groupies.

A small group of guys gathered around each other exchanging cards of a sort? Nerds.

A large group of students chatting with one another, normies.

And finally, a small, tightknit group of students chatting with one another, each held an impressive amount of confidence and somehow radiated above their classmates. Gazing around Thor saw other students sneak glances at the afor-mentioned group in admiration. Ahh, the Idols.

The Idols group consisted of two jaw-droppingly beautiful girls, one annoyingly handsome boy and a well-built boy who looked fresh off the football field.

“Pretty clique” Thor thought amusingly to himself as began to spin a pen between his fingers. Trained eyes followed the cheap post-office pen spin and flip around his scarred dextrous fingers, just as Thor was about to attempt the fabled Index-Pinkie triple flip, darkness consumed his vision.


It took a full second for Thor’s disciplined mind to catch up to his empowered senses, as far as he knew he was still spinning his now empty fingers. It happened instantaneously, one second Thor was sitting in a classroom, next he was suspended in what seemed like endless purgatory.

Thor blinked, or he thought he did, he honestly wasn’t sure at this point. But when his eyelids opened again, he was met with the disturbingly close face of Mr Handsome from the Idol group. Thor felt cold rock agaisnt his back, he was on his back?

“Hey guys! He’s awake, though he looks kind of pale.” The guy called back to an unknown group

“That’s probably his natural complexion, don’t be an ass about it.” An unknown voice responded back.

“Shut up guys, give him some room. Hi my names Akane, do you know where we are?” Thor heard the feminine voice before the pretty girl leaned down face Thor’s prone form. Thor glanced around the unfamiliar surroundings, were they in a cave of some sort?


“Scuse me?”

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