《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Eyes of a Secret Garden - VI
Bled's group was still there. I don't think they had left, which is a good thing. They didn't have to worry about being late, I guess.
None of them acknowledged us as we walked through the doors again. Bled was staring at her hands, in which she held her ID. Rabbit looked incredibly pissed. I don't think it'd be wise for me to talk to him now. Romeo had stopped fluttering around Bled, and had stood closer to the stage, staring at it. And Tailor was pacing in a small circle, anxiously playing with the hem of his shirt. I could cut the tension in the room with a knife.
Killer and King are relatively silent, and we make our way towards the middle of the room. I sit in a chair, and King takes the chair to my left and Killer takes the chair to my right. King doesn't make a move to hang off me. He must be really worried.
Protagonist: It'll be alright.
I want to reassure them, but I'm not great at that. So for now, I'll pat both of their backs.
Killer gives me a thumbs-up, smiles. King nods his head and mimicks her gesture.
Killer: I'll place my trust in you, Protag-kun.
King: I see no reason not to trust you.
Another group enters from the back of the room. I turn my head, and catch a glimpse of Collector's group... and he seems to be lecturing Glasses about wandering off again. Glasses isn't listening, and waves at me.
Glasses: Protagonist-san...hello.
He stands in the beginning of the aisle of seats, King sitting between him and I. Collector scoffs at his lack of focus on his speech.
Collector: You can't keep wandering off... I keep telling you. Stay more focused on the task at hand as well...
It seems to be falling on deaf ears, because Glasses isn't even looking at him. I wave at Glasses.
Protagonist: Glasses-kun, hello! I'm glad you're here. I was worried you might not show up... I mean...
I didn't want to say he seemed like the type to avoid important events, but it was true.
Glasses: I was dragged along.
King: So you're not scared, huh? This crazy maid could cut off our hands.
Glasses: I don't think she will.
Killer: Huh!? Why do you sound so confident in that!?
Glasses: It's only if we get a wrong answer, right?
He looks at me and smiles.
Glasses: I have faith in Protagonist-san. I think he'll be able to come up with a good answer to save us.
Whoa... I felt my cheeks heat up. Putting that much pressure on me already... But it means a lot. I think having Glasses's trust will be something that will help me in the future... so I can't screw this up.
There's also the thought of my hands and eyes on the line.
Protagonist: T-thank you. I promise, I won't let you down!
Glasses: ...
Glasses: I'm glad.
It seems like that's exactly what he wanted to hear, because he's smiling. It's a nice sight.
Collector coughs in the background.
Collector: That's nice and all, but you can't put all your faith into someone so blindly. They might turn out to be someone you didn't expect them to be.
Killer: That's right! I heard about this one famous 3ch thread, called um, Senko! This creepy stalker guy was posing as a confused lover and asking for advice on how to woo his girlfriend! But it was all a ploy! And he was really a stalker!
Killer: And he used this creepy emoji!
Collector: ...
Collector: ...
Collector: Not like that.
King: I think I've read Senko before! Man, talk about nightmare fuel.
Protagonist: I think it'll be fine.
Collector sighs, and then shrugs.
Collector: I was only trying to give advice. But, I don't think it'll make much of a difference with someone like you...
Uh-oh, what's that supposed to mean?
Protagonist: Umm, alright...
I laugh nervously, and he goes to stand near the front of the stage. Glasses looks at me one last time before he goes to stand near the stage as well, though not anywhere near Collector. The next group that enters is King's old group. Spring immediately twirls into Rabbit. For a second, I'm worried that she's about to be beat up, but Rabbit just guffaws loudly and sets her in the right direction again with a pat on the head. Man, those two are unlikely friends...
Valkyrie and Flare wave at us. Flare's wave is curt, and she goes to stand by the stage. Man, should we be standing by the stage too? Valkyrie walks over to talk to us.
Valkyrie: Hello again, you three.
Killer: Hey Val-chan!
Valkyrie looks surprised, and points at herself delicately, and tilts her head.
Valkyrie: Are you perhaps, talking to me?
Killer: Mmhmm! Val-chan! I thought of it after we left. It's kind of a cute nickname right...?
Killer looks to Valkyrie for validation, who puts her hand on her cheek in response, and smiles.
Valkyrie: I'm touched you thought of a nickname for someone like me, Killer-san.
Protagonist: Killer-san really likes giving nicknames, huh?
Killer: Yeah! I'm glad you like it!
King: You talk like a grandma.
Valkyrie ignores King entirely, and laughs. She does kind of talk like an old woman.
Valkyrie: It was nice meeting you two earlier. Sorry we didn't have much of a chance to talk. I was simply looking for clues around here that might point to whom our captors may be.
Valkyrie: Though... I did want to thank you. I got much more work done after King-san left, heehee.
King pouts, and Killer grins.
Protagonist: Ahah, well, uh, it's no problem.
Valkyrie: I do hope he didn't cause too much trouble... I'd simply feel bad.
Protagonist: Um...not too much.
Valkyrie: That's good, I suppose.
Protagonist: You said you were looking for clues... did you find anything suspicious?
Valkyrie: Hm... not really. Whoever's running this operation has been very thorough not to leave anything behind.
Valkyrie: Though that's a clue in itself, hm?
Protagonist: I guess.
King: Like a detective, they're usually the evil ones. They don't ever leave behind evidence.
Killer: I think you have "Detectives" confused with "Serial Killers".
Valkyrie: ...A serial killer? Eugh, how vile. Just the thought of it makes me want to retch.
King: Yeah, haha. Gross, right?
He's smiling again.
Protagonist: Well, um... I think we won't have to bother with that. Maybe Maid-chan will let us out if we get this right...?
Valkyrie frowns. I think that was the wrong thing to say. I can feel her disapproval.
Valkyrie: You're the optimistic sort, huh?
She waves again, and walks towards the front of the room.
Only a minute later, Syringe's group comes through the door. Sol has Puppet riding on his shoulders. He looks a bit pained, and King laughs at him as he catches sight. He stands up and heads over to Sol. Syringe casts a suspicious looks over towards King, but continues walking towards the stage. At this point Killer and I get up too. I don't want to be the only person sitting down... However, I bump into the last straggler.
Moth: Hey, whoa-...!
His tone is light, and he laughs a bit as he catches me before I can fall.
Moth: Watch your step there, Protagonist-san...!
Moth: I don't peg you to be the careless type, so I'm gonna guess that there's something on your mind?
Protagonist: Hmm? Oh, uh... I mean, we HAVE been kidnapped.
Protagonist: Just... the situation at hand.
Moth: ...
Moth: Yeah, that's... pretty heavy on my mind too. But, don't worry. I think we'll come out of this just fine.
Moth: Besides, you seem like a pretty chill guy! I'm just a regular high schooler too, so I think that we could be friends after this.
Moth: It's not too bad if we come out of this with all our limbs and new friends...?
Protagonist: I mean... It's still pretty bad...
Moth: ...
Moth: You're right...
Moth: I'm not cut out for looking towards the bright side of stuff.
Protagonist: I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, Moth-san!
Killer: Yeah, stick with Protag-kun here, and you'll be a pro in no time!
Moth: That's a relief to hear. I think I'll do that.
Moth: Were you heading towards the front?
Protagonist: Oh, uh, yeah.
Moth: Then I'll come with.
I nod, and we head up to the front of the room, standing just before the stage. He grins at me. Wow, he's got a refreshing smile...
As we approach, the lights suddenly dim. A murmur goes through the crowd. Something big is about to happen...
The floor beneath the podium opens up, and through the floor, something starts to come up. She's posing, not facing us - blonde pigtails, and a charming old-fashioned maid dress.
???: Hello everyone~! It's been forever, hasn't it, kyahaha! How time flies!
Maid-chan: I, Maid-chan, welcome you again, to the Joker Manor! Your indefinite home!
Maid-chan: The place you'll stay for the rest of your li-
Rabbit: Cut the bullshit! Will you let us go if we answer your stupid guessing game?
He seems to be getting really worked up...
Romeo: Why aren't you a sexy French maid...
Luna: Why us, anyway? Is it because we're all important people?
Flare: I need to hire a better bodyguard. Hmph.
Maid-chan: HOLD IT!
All questions will be answered in time!
Maid-chan: You want to know why you're here, right?
Maid-chan: Take a good look around at you! To your left, and to your right!
I looked around at the people standing near me. They were all people in the same boat as me. Scared, and confused. They didn't deserve to be kidn-
Maid-chan: Nine of you are infamous serial killers.
Almost immediately, outrage poured through the group.
Collector: What's the meaning of this!?
Killer: Why would you trap nine innocents with nine sickos!?
King: Huh, I should've guessed.
Diamond: I don't believe you! No, I can't believe you!
Moth: It... It can't be true, I can't be with nine serial killers...
Spring: But everyone here is my friend... they can't be... a...
Maid-chan: BELIEVE IT, BABY!!
Maid-chan: And let me finish! Nine of you are infamous serial killers, yes! Nine of you have taken at least four lives! You will be living with nine serial killers!
Syringe: Let me guess. The remaining nine of us are detectives. It's the only logical outcome to this predictable charade...
Maid-chan: Oh, we've got a smartie! Syringe's correct! The remaining nine are famous detectives! ...Of course, we have an exception, and there's a last minute replacement but...
Protagonist: ...
I'm not... I'm not a detective, but I'm definitely not a serial killer.
A replacement... could she be talking about me? I try to look over at Killer, but she's cracking her knuckles ominously. I don't like the looks of that.
Spring: Puwawawa, so... is this going to be a Detectives vs. Serial Killers type game...? Isn't that gimmick overused...? Uwa....
Puppet: Kyehehe! I think it's just the right gimmick here! But even so! Let us go! This is unfair!
Tailor: This is a serial killer's doing. I know it.
King: I wouldn't be too sure about that~.
Killer: You're one to talk! You're most definitely a serial killer!
King: Hmm, am I?
Sol: No, King-kun wouldn't... He wouldn't... You.... you wouldn't.... r-right?
Sol: This has to be a joke, right?
Maid-chan: Let me speak!
Maid-chan: This isn't a joke!
Diamond: God, what- the - what- no - serial killers?!
Valkyrie: As Diamond-san so eloquently put it: What the fuck.
Maid-chan stomps her foot impatiently.
Maid-chan: Anyway, we're gonna play a little fun game in the meantime. I figured, since I have such famous people as guests in my manor, why not entertain them?
Romeo: You say that like we have a choice to be here...
Maid-chan: Like I was saying, this game is... a "Survival Game", as much as it is a guessing game.
Maid-chan: All of you here, you have identities. Your civilian names! Like hmm, Arata Shoto for starters... or Hifumi Sena, or Daisuke Hoshizora! Yes, I know all of your names!
She said my name. I don't react, for fear of someone linking my name to me based on that.
Maid-chan: You also have aliases! Detectives, with the exception in mind, you all go by your detective's name! We've got some pretty big names here! Dolly, Gallerian... even Obsolete Prototype No.1!
Obsolete Prototype No.1.... I had heard of the first two yes but... OPN.1 was the world's greatest detective. There was no case they couldn't solve, or so it was said... I felt a little better after that.
Tailor: Bled-san says, "Then, shouldn't you be scared...? That a detective will uncover your identity?"
I looked over to Tailor and Bled. Bled looked at me briefly, before turning her attention to Maid-chan.
Maid-chan: Ohoho! Maybe! But that's part of the fun! Kyahahaha!
Maid-chan: We've got some pretty big name serial killers here too. We have Lover Boy, for starters... and one has even killed 28 people!
Luna: I'm gonna have an aneurysm.
Syringe: That is so fucking illegal.
Maid-chan: But... anyone who can match the "Civilian Names" and "Aliases" to the person, will be the winner! They'll be able to get an incredible advantage! But we'll cross that bridge when we get there, right?
Valkyrie: You've been hyping it up... an advantage to what? What is there to play, besides this sick guessing game?
Maid-chan: Finally! A useful question! Thanks Valkyrie~n.
Maid-chan: An advantage to this killing game of course.
Protagonist: Wh-what!?
Tailor: Killing...?
King: Hm. Like I didn't see this coming.
Flare: I'm going to call my lawyer and fucking ... just ... fucking, run this place into the ground!
Oh man, he totally speaks like a country boy when he's mad... Rabbit steps out of the group.
Maid-chan: Why? What do you mean?
Rabbit: You have thirty fuckin' seconds to explain before I put my fist through that gotdamn skull o' yers.
For the first time, Maid-chan turns around. And we see it.
Where her face is...
Is nothing.
Rabbit steps back.
Rabbit: What th' fuck-
Maid-chan: Let's make another rule, right here, and right now! Violence against Maid-chan is punishable by immediate death!
Rabbit looks like he's about to test that, but Spring puts her arm out in front of Rabbit, and pulls him back into line.
Maid-chan: That's what I thought. Pussy.
Spring: NO-
Killer is near Rabbit, and helps Spring grab onto him and hold him back. The two manage to subdue him.
Killer: You'll get yourself KILLED!
Tailor: Being a brute here isn't wise, Rabbit-shi...
Spring: Puwaaa, calm down, Rabbit-chan...!
Maid-chan: Hey, set reminder in 10 minutes to ask Rabbit what he thinks everyone has in common. Okay, cool.
Something inside of her arm beeps, and Rabbit gives her the finger.
Maid-chan: Like I was saying... a Killing game!
Flare: Yes. A killing game. What does that entail.
Puppet: Killing, I'd guess! Kyaheh!
Flare: No need to be a smart ass.
Sol: Puppet-san....
Maid-chan: Yes! It's also a way to leave the Manor, you know!
Maid-chan: If you want to leave the Manor so badly, we have a special two week or so period!
Maid-chan: The first week is the No-Killing Week! Killing during this week is absolutely NOT-ALLOWED! If you try to kill someone, you'll be heavily punished, and that person will be cared for medically, considering they're still alive.
Maid-chan: However, as that week comes to a close, we'll have our Revealing Ceremony! As a group, you'll come to a choice on one serial killer and one detective's identity that you'd like to reveal! Of course, these have other benefits, but we'll get to that later, kyahaha!
Maid-chan: This brings me to my favorite part of the period! The Killy-Killy Period!
Maid-chan: I don't care how, but you can kill anyone, besides me, you want! Your limit is two people. Any more than that and it'll be rule-breaking territory, and you'll have to be punished~. Of course, if you want to leave, you'll have to make sure that NO ONE knows it was you...
Maid-chan: A story for another day, hm?
King: That's all?
Diamond: Gh- I don't want to...
It seems she had broken down into tears.
Trapped here forever, forced into a game of mutual killing...? But...
Protagonist: But we won't kill! No one will kill!
Protagonist: I have faith in us! We'll work together to find a way out! No one will kill!
Killer: ...
Collector: You have to be an idiot to believe that.
King: No offense, Protag-chan, but he's right.
Diamond: There are nine serial killers here... we can't trust anyone...
Valkyrie: You're being way too optimistic...
Protagonist: Even so, I want to believe!
There has to be a way to reach them - I have to reach them...!
Protagonist: If we all stick together, we can do this! No one has to die!
Killer: Protag-kun...
Protagonist: You're with me, right Killer-chan...?
Killer: ... You say no one has to die but...
I look around the room. Everyone's head is lowered... are they really thinking...
Killer: Don't you think the serial killers should die? I mean... killing 28 people...!
She said it. I opened my mouth, but no words came out.
Maid-chan: Kyaha! Just what I love to hear! Wow, such willing participants! I think it'll be even more fun this time! I can't believe it...
Protagonist: Will no one even try?!
Glasses, who has been awfully quiet this entire time looked at me. He walked towards me, pushing up his Glasses as he did so.
Glasses: I think I'll stand besides you...
Killer: ....
Killer: I won't kill, of course. I'm not so sure about King-kun, but I'll... stick besides Protag-kun for now.
King: I'm not some shady guy. I'll stand on my own... but I wouldn't mind coming to Protag-chan's side, hehe.
Hearing King say that wasn't reassuring at all, but having Killer and Glasses near me made me feel a lot taller than I actually was...
Glasses: If we don't at least try... what does that say about us?
Collector: ...I see. I'll stand with you for now.
He came to stand with me. I was a little surprised, but I was happy that a stickler like him had come to see my point.
Puppet: I will as well! I'm all for violence, but only when it's fun!
Puppet: This is no-good. I have to give the person in charge here a piece of my mind!!!
Puppet gives me a thumbs-up that I can barely see through her long sleeves.
Maid-chan: Enough! I hate this sickening display of friendship! Turn on each other again!
Glasses stiffened beside me, and I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked down at me, and smiled.
Protagonist: We won't.
Maid-chan: Oh... that's what they always say~. Besides, you have a snake in your group there. Heh. Hm, oh well. Let's get onto the deduction now...! My reminder's gonna go off soon!
Maid-chan: If you remember, when you all woke up and listened to my transmission, I gave you a task!
Maid-chan: It was fairly simple if you ask me! Find out what you all have in common!
Moth: I'm sure there's a bunch of things we all have in common. Like for starters, we're all humans. Is there something specific you're looking for?
Maid-chan: Actually... that's wrong! But eheh, that's a story for another time. There is one thing in particular I'm looking for, but I won't be super strict on the answering guidelines. I just don't want vague statements like: We're all in high school! Et cetera.
Valkyrie: ...There's no way anyone can possibly guess what you're thinking, though.
Valkyrie: Doesn't that make this deduction impossible?
Maid-chan: Nope! If you've been paying attention while reading, it comes up a lot! Kyahaha, I mean, what?
Sol: So it's like a gamble...
King: Whoa there, SOLdier, I'm not gonna let you risk your limbs.
King clamps his hand over Sol's mouth. What's that about?
Maid-chan: Before I interrogate Rabbit, does anyone want to guess?
Maid-chan: Remember what I said about wrong answers!
The room was silent. Nobody wanted to test Maid-chan... And I kept wracking my brains for an answer. I felt like I knew something...
Maid-chan: No takers? Then we'll go to Rabbit! Who so kindly told me off with so much confidence! I'll take pleasure in chopping off one of your hands!
Rabbit: Just you fucking try it.
Rabbit: ...
I don't think he knew.
Flare: This isn't fair, you shouldn't make people guess if they obviously don't have the brain cells to know!
Rabbit: Oi, watch it-
Spring suddenly screamed out a guess. I commend her bravery, and I only hope that it's the right answer... Rabbit claps a hand over her mouth.
Rabbit: Shut up! Y'll get yerself hurt!
Maid-chan looks over at the two with glee. Suddenly, her hand opens up to reveal a sleek, long knife.
Rabbit: ...
Maid-chan: It looks like Spring took the fall for Rabbit. I'll take your hand instead.
Maid-chan: By the way, wrong answer. But only partially, kyahaha!
Spring looked horrified, but stood her ground. Killer had to physically restrain Rabbit before he attacked Maid-chan.
In a flash, it was over.
Maid-chan: Huh, I missed!?
Spring: M-my, my fingers...! It hurts...! Hck-...!
Flare ran over to her, and tore off her scarf. Someone screamed as we stared at Spring's bloody hand.
Flare: Here, I'll apply pressure. I don't think you'll bleed out like this, if we keep pressure on it-...!
Syringe: ...She's smart. She moved her hand at the last second so Maid-chan couldn't get the full thing...
Diamond: I want to go home!
Maid-chan seemed really pissed.
Maid-chan: Unless of course, someone can answer my deduction in the next thirty seconds, teehee! But I doubt it!!!
I had to do something... I remembered my promise. I had to protect everyone... and right now, I had to protect Spring!
Protagonist: Wait!
I spoke without thinking. Killer stared at me, horrified. Glasses looked down at me. It seemed like he believed in me...
Protagonist: The thing we all have in common... is...
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