《The Love of a Lazy Potato with Cheats- MCU FanFic》Episode 22- Lab Life.


I intend for Extremis to be a simple back up ability in case my main fighting method doesn't really work out in a fight or I need to heal up.

I am mainly planning to abuse the Extremis for its rapid healing and regenerative properties rather than its strength with the way I was going to fight my enemies.

For example, if someone shot through my heart or decapitated me my ability would quickly activate to heal and regenerate me back in 1 second. As I haven't used all of Extremis full ability and just part of it I still have a near full 1-hour fuel tank left. As I only used the ability for 1 second I still have 59 minutes and 59 seconds of usage left(in simple terms 3599 usages).

In basic terms, Extremis will be my source of healing method which gives me 3600 chance to fully heal from extremely mortal wounds.

It is a bit like holding 3600 full health potions in games that automatically is consumed when health is down to only 5% or lower. I would be an annoying unkillable pest to my enemies that cannot be killed for a long time like Steven Strange was to Dormammu.

I will just keep getting back and fighting even when my head and limbs are severed within a second.

A problem with having it passive was that Extremis can easily be affected by my state of emotions. If someone somehow manages to anger me then my surrounding temperature will quickly rise and things will start catching on fire; within the centre of all this purgatory being me.

Another problem is that if someone accidentally or luckily manages to hurt me everyone will see me rapidly healing from the wound.

Both of this kind of scenario will alert everyone around me at that time that I am some sort of superhuman that needs to be captured and experimented on. Sure I could wipe their database of any information on me or my powers if they managed to capture recorded evidence of it.

But could I wipe the memories of 100's of people that saw it? If I had the mind stone to study sure, but since the mind stone won't be here for at least another 6 years then no.

Magic wasn't much of an option for me right now. The Ancient One probably won't teach magic to someone as cold and ruthless as me. So I will stay out of their way and they stay out of mine.

That doesn't mean I have completely abandoned the idea of magic. Magic is after all just science that is not understood. After learning so much about the laws of the universe I wasn't simply going to stop because some leader of a cult group will refuse to teach me.

There are other people I could learn magic from like Loki.

Now I know he uses Asgardian Magic which is different from the Eldritch Magic that the masters of mystic arts use. But with a mind-controlled Loki and the help of mind stone, I can grab a master of mystic arts through Loki and get everything I need from them.

Not to mention I might possibly be able to wield the Asgardian magic if I am lucky enough to get my hands on Thor and Loki's DNA.

However, that plan is going to have to wait for 6 years as well.

Was I worried I might lose so much potential in not learning magic earlier? Not really. Steven mastered magic give in roughly 1 year(plus or minus 6 months) and he was considered a natural at learning. Then what about me who is a monster at learning with the help of my gifts.


After I capture Loki I will have roughly 6 years before Thanos and his lackeys arrive. More than enough time to become more than a master of magic and incorporate it into my primary fighting methods.

This was my plan for magic. God knows what might happen to change my plans.

Now back to the Extremis.

So no I couldn't wipe the memory of 100's of people right now. And even if I wiped their database and they remember me and my ability then they will become aware that I can enter and manipulate their database as well. This won't be beneficial to me.

So the need to have Extremis as an active ability.

Extremis as an active ability won't activate unless I let it activate.

In scenario 1 when someone manages to piss me off, all he and the rest of the world will see is his ultimate downfall to rock bottom before he is crushed by my hands personally. There won't be any raging inferno or anything for anyone to be aware I have powers.

In scenario 2, when someone accidentally manages to hurt me (e.g. slash my arms with a knife), I will just act like I am hurt and move away from the publics eyes. I will then go to an empty area activate my power to heal my self to full health before walking out in another random place.

The Extremis ability is a semi-passive ability right now which means it won't show its superpower unless I will it, and it only activates if I can't react quickly enough to mortal danger.

Now about other things pertaining to Extremis.

When I examined my blood I found almost no traces of any genetic mutation or manipulation.

My DNA was as normal as an average human with nothing about Extremis shown in it.

From this, I finally concluded this to be the work of 'Comfy Potato' and 'Same potato'. The comfy potato was essential there to make me look like a normal human no matter what. And the same potato will stop anyone including me from deriving any of my powers from my genes.

Any physical mutation was hidden with these gifts making me look like an average human unless I used my strength or healing capabilities in front of people.

I smiled at this. This was perfect for my next step.

'Start making a perfect hulk serum from the data obtained from Bruce banner's blood.' I ordered my ability which soon started its process of trying to create a hulk serum.

My mind was a hell of powerhouse/ supercomputer at this point with the help of rooted potato. With all the knowledge I had, there was no need for a physical lab for experiment or anything. My mind would simulate a perfect lab to a perfect degree with all the knowledge in my head allowing me to carry out any experiments in my head.

The only time I would need an actual physical lab was when I needed to gather external data on unknown things like Bruce's blood or to actually make something like the Extremis once I had formulated a perfect solution.


Days turned into months and both me and Bruce got bored of sitting in our labs.

I never forgot to call my parents and check up on them every few days lest they keep calling me and worrying about me.

Needless to say, they were eager to welcome me back to Uk when I told them I quit my 'job' at the 'company'. However, their eagerness shattered when I told them I was working as a freelancer and making riches.


Mum gave up on convincing me to come back to Uk and it was just dad doing the convincing on his own. As for Jack he just jumped around hearing my voice like a cute little monkey.

"Why are you sitting there doing nothing? Do something?" Bruce ordered in boredom.

"I will let you know that I am currently working on a project but am just too lazy to do everything in the paper, so I am just doing everything in my head," I told him who was already used to seeing my genius mind cultivated by rooted potato.

"God I am soo bored. I never thought the day would come when I would get sick of sitting in a lab 24/7." Bruce complained while looked at the ceiling.

That is to be expected. With no one to supervise us, we just devoted ourselves to our private lab doing all sorts of research. It was a bit like binge-watching or binge gaming for weeks continuously.

However, this became a bad decision to do as we soon got bored of researching and experimenting which led us to our current predicament.

"Why don't you make some kind of superpower using my blood like that rat dragon? I can help you as well." Bruce suggested as a joke without knowing I was currently working on it.

"Interesting, how would you suggest I do that?" I asked him which earned a boring reply from him which soon sparked into a debate of sorts.

After a while of talking and sharing ideas about various projects, we became bored again.

Yes, we. Not just Bruce even I became flippin bored at this point.

It seems all the government, secret organisations etc nearly gave up on me. I would occasionally poke them with a stick to get some reactions but they have gotten numb to my nuisance at this point.

"What is for dinner?" Bruce asked as he kept flicking TV channels.

"Whatever is in the takeaway menu," I answered him as I received an alert on my phone that one of the items I had set to be developed in one of my hidden labs has finished.

Seeing this I pulled up the next project to begin on my phone.

"Can we cook something? I am tired of eating take-out at this point." Bruce suggested.

"Sure you do the shopping? Cuz I am not moving from here." I stated as I took the remote from him.

"Fine." He got up in excitement before he wore his Photostatic Veil and left the house.

When Bruce had come back I began cooking with the ingredients. "You can cook?" He looked at me in shock.

"Picked it up during my free time in Uni to save money," I answered him.

A few minutes later as we both ate the chicken pasta bake Bruce exclaimed. "Holy crap David. You can cook."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, what are you eating if I can't cook?"

"No not like that you, dimwit." Bruce shook his head as he pointed at his plate.

"Cook as in making tasty food." Well, that is to be expected. I did use rooted potato to make perfect dishes while in Uni.

Suddenly this gave me an idea. "Bruce I think I just figured how to solve our boredom." I grinned at him.

Needless to say, I bought a restaurant in town that was on the verge of closure along with the apartment above it the very next day.

I had to obviously transfer the money from my 'Consultant' account to my account under the name of a non-existent loan shark in case anyone ever decides to investigate how David Henswick got the money to run a restaurant.

This was obviously done after wiping the traces of money ever being linked to my Consultant identity.

We decided to run it as partners (obviously he would be wearing the mask I gave him while in there.).

Due to how fragile our identities were we decided to be the only staff working there lest anyone discovered Bruce's identity.

For this epic plan to get rid of our boredom, I was to be the chef and Bruce was to take care of the customer and other stuff.

Both of us soon started refurbishing it.

We both agreed to put a limit down saying only 5 groups or couples at max were allowed inside the small restaurant at a time. Due to it being just me working in the kitchen I won't be able to handle the massive amount of orders if people started coming in recklessly.

We opened the restaurant and soon received plenty of curious customers who came in to see what the new shop had to offer.

Bruce looked after the till and managing customer flow and closing the restaurant once 5 people or pairs were in etc.

While I looked after everything related to cooking on my own without my ability.

To be honest, I never thought I would ever be doing this. And soon Earth's 2 strongest and brightest minds just started enjoying running a restaurant in a corner of New York.

Months flew by and our restaurant was doing extremely well. People started making advanced reservations and the sort as the quality of my cooking spread.

Needless to say, my parents weren't really happy with the restaurant business I was doing. After all who in their right mind would spend their life cooking when they could earn much more from working, especially an MSc Physics graduate from Oxford.

However, I assured them with the fact that I only went to the restaurant when I was free from my freelancing job but still, they were concerned about the direction I was going.

Running a restaurant was fun and occupied plenty of my time. Especially with the renovation, we do for every holiday seasons.

One day as I was walking to the store carrying some ingredients needed for the next day, I encountered a little bit of a problem.

"Hand over your money dude!" Someone came at me with a sharp knife.

"Really? Do my hands look like it's capable of taking money from my pocket right now?" I asked him and showed him my hands occupied by the bags.

"Um… no?" He asked.

"Is that a bloody question or an answer?" I asked him.

"Answer?" He looked confused.

"There you go again." I rolled my eyes at the man as I got ready to take him down. But something in me was not comfortable with attacking the man in front of me that looked he just dived into the dumpster.

*Growl* Suddenly I heard his stomach growl as his face turned red.

'Hungry...?' I noticed the bruises in his arms and face.

'He is just desperate to do anything to eat.' I suddenly remembered a certain chef from a certain anime. How he would never refuse food for the hungry even if they were the worst criminals.

'Why am I remembering that perverted chef? Maybe this is an opportunity given by the universe to imitate an anime character. Meh might as well take the opportunity offered to me.'

"Follow me, I will get something for you to eat," I told him and carried on walking ignoring his knife. If he as much as use the knife on me then what awaits him is death but I doubt if he has the guts to do it.

"Hey wait…" He came running after me, but I had already entered my store and kept it open for him to enter.

"Sit down and look at the menu and tell me what you want," I told him as Bruce looked up from counting money while he took a glass of water for himself from the table in front of him.

"Umm, I don't have any money?" He stated the obvious.

"No shit sherlock! You wouldn't have resorted to stealing money from me if you had, would you? Just order something it's on me." I told him.

Bruce started coughing on the water he was drinking.

"You all right?" I asked him to which he just awkwardly nodded.

"Can I have the meat feast pizza?" The thief asked.

I soon cooked up a pizza for him, Bruce and myself.

"So what's your story?" Bruce asked unable to stand the awkward silence as we began eating.

The man was silent before he began his story. It was the generic situation of how he was scammed, bankrupted etc. Who the hell cares?

"Why are you crying?" I asked Bruce seeing tears in his eyes.

"Nothing," Bruce replied as he wiped his eyes. God, can this be anymore cringe-worthy?

The man carried on telling his story to Bruce even after they had finished their meal.

Before the man left, Bruce stopped him. "Wait." He quickly ran upstairs much to both our confusion.

Bruce came back holding a cheque of $1000. My eyebrows twitched seeing this."Get your life back on track." Bruce passed the cheque to the homeless man as he cried and hugged Bruce who hugged him back.

Good lord. God knows where that man has been with his clothes and you hug him?

The man left with spring to his steps.

"You do know that there is a possibility that he is going to squander what you gave him?" I told Bruce who shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no need for all the money I gained from running the restaurant. At least it will be useful for him in some way rather than me." I sighed hearing his explanation.

'Bruce you are too nice for this world and the responsibility bestowed upon you. Unfortunately, you met someone like me.'

"Besides what happened to you? Why did you give him free food? I thought you valued equivalent exchange or whatnot for your customers." Bruce reminded me.

"That was an equivalent exchange," I told him which earned a smirk from him.

"I got to emulate a person from a series I have always liked watching," I told him.

"Yeah, yeah." Bruce shrugged his shoulders as he went to get some wipes to begin cleaning.

Life went like this for a while, with Bruce occasionally calling me an egghead; hard on the outside soft on the inside. Only if he knew I was being serious about using the homeless person to emulate an anime characters cool side.

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