《A Slayer’s Diary》Day 4,543


Day 4,543

Today, Eina asked me to spar with her.

I had nothing else to do, but I was hesitant to oblige. I do not hold back from any fight, and I loathe to make her cry in defeat. I am often seen as a villain whenever that happens.

But Oldrin was watching; an unusual sight. The old Slayer rarely observes any sparring session between the lower-ranked Slayers. In the end, and after much teasing from my companions for being afraid to fight someone younger, I agreed to her challenge.

We sparred in the training field of Varen's Hold. Fortunately, it had been left untouched during the siege. A lot of my fellow Slayers crowded to watch as we faced off; Eina with a training sword and shield, I with just the sword. I would have used a shield, but I found them too cumbersome for my aggressive style.

I expected an easy fight despite my disadvantage. I was wrong.

I knew Eina to be fast; I have seen it when fighting alongside her. But I did not expect her to be faster than me. She struck like a serpent and moved like water, precise and fluid in one. I could barely defend myself, and I was soon forced to utilize all my experience in being a Slayer.

In the end, it was a draw. Though I could argue that I gave her more bruises than she did to me.

I spent the rest of the day contemplating our session. She is fast, that is for sure. But she lacked proper footwork.

Perhaps… perhaps I can teach her a few lessons. I'll tell her tomorrow.

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