《A Slayer’s Diary》Day 4,521


Day 4,521

My journey through the wilderness is usually uneventful. Today was an exception.

It has been a week since I left Delmarva. The road went north to Arlonia, but I had to passed through the Ucaran Forest, which I have done plenty of times before. It was usually peaceful along this route, so I was at ease.

But something had apparently changed. It was Baleth who noticed it first; he grew agitated as soon as we reached the middle of the forest, and nothing could calm him down. I have seen this behavior many times with my previous horses, so I tried to soothe Baleth while drawing my blade. We were surrounded by tall vegetation; monsters could be lurking nearby.

I was right, except they were already around us before I noticed. My only warning was the groaning noise as a trio of Yukaela burst from hiding, whipping their vines into my body.

The monstrous walking plants are usually found along the northern frontiers where the land is still untamed and dangerous monsters prowl. They lived in jungles, not forests.

Dispatching them was relatively easy, though I had to let go of Baleth in order to defend myself. Fortunately, the horse is smart enough to not wander too far during the short battle.

Something strange is happening. I knew it as soon as I had inspected the Yukaelas’ dead bodies. The monsters are larger than those I’ve seen; an unusual trait.

I have to get to Arlonia soon and report this to our order.

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