《The Accidental Archmage - BOOK 9 (THE DRAGON HOUSES)》Giving Back. New Year's Gifts! Free eBooks!


Hi, guys. It's going to be 2021 and I pray it's a better year. Whatever your beliefs are (unless you're a member of the Praying for the End of the World Church), I believe one thing is certain: 2020 was an insane year and I am being polite.

A final gift for the Season and the New Year - free eBook downloads!

January 3 to 4, 2021 (Pacific Time/Amazon)

1. The Accidental Archmage Series - Omnibus: Arc One (epic fantasy)

2. BONER the Barbarian ONLINE XIII: Level DOOFUS (satiric fantasy)

Enjoy and stay safe. All the best for 2021.

The Writer.

December 30, 2020

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