《Minglings》The broadcast


The coffee shop was silent as everybody stared in disbelief at the television. The shocking message was starting to replay again.

"Fuck.." Jake said as he leaned back in his chair. He glanced at the ceiling for a moment before looking across the table. Sitting on the opposite sofa was his best friend, who was spacing out, looking at his coffee cup.

"Mason, snap out of it! What do we do?" Jake asked, breaking the silence. Some people looked at him in shock before whispered discussions started everywhere.

"I.. don't know. But we should probably call our parents before the network gets congested." Mason said.

Nodding dumbly, Jake took out his phone. It took a few minutes to explain the situation to his almost hysterical mother who wanted him to come home immediately. After telling her they had less than thirty minutes left, he promised he would find a place to hide with Mason and ended the call.

Looking at his friend who had just ended the conversation with his parents, Jake picked up his jacket and stood up. "We need to find a hiding spot… how about the underground car park?" He asked.

"No, I've got a better idea. Follow me," Mason whispered, turning around and heading for the exit. Next to the door was a small staircase leading up to another part of the coffee shop. Making sure that nobody was watching, Mason pulled Jake up the stairs. "Almost nobody comes here. It should be safe."

Agreeing with his friend, Jake followed upstairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. Entering the gloomy room, they found some comfortable chairs and sat down.

"We've got 21 more minutes," Jake said, after glimpsing at his watch.

"So will you pick the goblin race as they said?" Jake asked, before continuing in a rush." I know what that goofy guy said made sense, if we all pick the same race to.. mingle... we will have a greater chance as a species. But if those goblins are the same as what he said? That all the games and all the books were nothing but preparation?... I don't want to be a stupid green goblin."


"Pffft, don't get your panties in a twist, Jake. There are five options. Beasts are out because you lose all your memories. Those insectoids aren't an option. Eating your own kind? Pass. Goblin? Yeah, no thanks. If they resemble what we read in books, we'll lose any semblance of humanity, no matter what they said. Fiends are evil, so they are out too." Mason looked at his friend, sharing a knowing grin.

"So, that leaves one choice," Jake said, rubbing his hands.

"Kobolds, the least powerful dragon blooded thing around." Mason leaned forward looking at Jake's watch. Ten minutes left. "What did they say? Don't pick Kobolds because they don't care about species and have slower growth?"

Looking at each other, they chuckled and bumped fists.

"Fuck, what do they know," Jake said, before falling silent and staring out of the window looking at panicking people.

After phasing out for a while, Jake's phone beeped, indicating they had one minute left.

"Ok, we should take off our shoes, if we get talons, it might hurt," Mason said, before removing his shoes and socks.

Jake copied him, but before he could make a funny remark about the smell, they both sagged back in their chairs, their eyes still open.

All of a sudden, the whole world fell still. Minutes turned into hours, when suddenly the room started shaking, cracking the walls. As unexpected as it had begun, the rumble ended, and silence returned, only to be broken by the occasional sound of collapsing buildings.


Jake slowly regained consciousness. He only remembered closing his eyes, seeing five images, and having the irresistible urge to pick one. He had a vague memory of focusing on the distinctly reptilian one before everything turned dark.

"Agggghhhh.." A guttural moan came from somewhere close by, and he shot up, opening his eyes.

"Woaahhh" he barely recognized his own voice. Swaying around, he tried to keep his balance using his tail. Looking at his arms, he saw they were covered in silvery-blue scales and glancing down he saw that his fingers ended in vicious-looking claws.

Turning to the side, Jake saw a being the size of a large man. Reddish golden scales covered a snouted face with bright yellow eyes. Shreds of ripped clothing covered its muscular frame.

"Damn Mason, is that you?"

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