《That Boy Hare [On Hiatus]》Chapter 9



Not yet.




Getting there...


It worked! It worked! He flew...one foot into the air.

{You have gained the skill 'Tail Leap'. At the cost of 2 MP, the user may jump into the air at an impressive height. Height increases with Proficiency, as does the cost.}

Frustrated, he tried again, this time putting a bit more oomph into the jump. He got another inch into the air. Repeated use got him a tiny bit higher, but he was still nowhere near the height of the sorta-kinda-not-mouse.

Still, he was happy with his progress. [Tail Leaping] after the sorta-kinda-not-mouse, he cried out: 'I'm flying!'

The sorta-kinda-not-mouse glanced back at him and stopped. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Bo grinned at its expression and bounded over to her.

'I found your secret!' he exclaimed. 'I can fly now!'

The sorta-kinda-not-mouse sputtered: 'I-I...How did you...Spell for Leaper Mice...What?'

Leaper Mouse...so that's what she's called!

Bo wiggled his tail at the Leaper Mouse: 'I figured it out!'

She stared at him, mouth still agape. Then she took a deep breath and asked: 'How'd you do it?'

'I used [Tail Whip] when I jumped! It's from being [Fox Kin], or so Michi told me.'

'Who...A fox made you their kin? Foxes eat hares!'

Bo puffed out his chest defensively and glared at the Leaper Mouse. 'No, they don't! Michi would never eat me! He just teaches me boring stuff!'

The mouse's tail stilled as she thought that over and then she heard the screech. Both hare and Leaper Mouse looked up and saw the big-brute circling overhead.

She nearly croaked right then and there at the sight while Bo wondered where he had seen the big-brute before. It looked like the one that had chased him and Michi into the burrow! And Michi had told him that they were extremely dangerous and were to be avoided at all costs!


He knew he should leave and run as fast as possible back to the burrow, but the Leaper Mouse was still staring shock-still at the big-brute. So, with a split-second decision, he grabbed her by the back of her neck as Michi often did and ran back the way they came. Of course, it was more of a hobbling run because he had to drag the mouse.

It was only after he started running that he realized he had no idea which way the burrow was.

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