《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 22: Rune Inscriptionist?!


Author's note: This chapter was sponsored by Karman D! It is time to start clearing the queues today; next chapter should be up soon.

Host's note: I'm not the author. I'm rehosting this story on RRL with the permission of the author... And in other news, I just ate a pizza and it was delicious.

"And once you reach a certain level of strength and when I can be sure of your loyalty, I will personally help you two girls open up all your meridians so you can perhaps experience another leap in strength.” Jin Xia concluded.

The two girls were silent after Jin Xia finished speaking.

When Jin Xia told them the grade of the skills, they were already extremely shocked. After all, a Top-grade skill is much harder to find than even a Top-grade weapon. They’re practically priceless within the country of Great Azure Country.

So when they thought of how Jin Xia had casually given them such books, they were taken aback. But when they heard Jin Xia claiming that he could open all their meridians, the two girls were further plunged into a cycle of endless shock.

Opening all the meridians? Although this practice was well known in WuDang, extremely few people knew of the method. And those select individuals were all age-old hermits whose status is incomparably high in the world of WuDang.

Since being able to open even a single meridian in one’s body would signify a huge boost in cultivation talent and potential.

But even those hermits would only be able to open at most 5 of the normal meridians. To open all 20 meridians, including those hidden ones, in a person’s body was practically unheard of.

If those old anchorites could not do it, how could a mere young man achieve full meridians opening?

The girls hesitated and were about to reject the skill books when they stopped after their eyes met Jin Xia’s. They noticed there was a calm look in them that was void of any malice. And a strong light of stubbornness.

After thinking about Jin Xia’s peculiar personality, the sisters decided to give up rejecting Jin Xia’s offer. The sisters sensed that they might not be able to deny the skills even if they wanted to. Their status was still that of slaves, after all.

“Now, let me get rid of those Spiritual Shackles on you.” Jin Xia said after a while, as he walked over to the girls.

“Eh? But you don’t have the keys…” Fei Yu softly muttered in confusion.

Spiritual Shackles were products used to confine and limit criminals and make them into obedient slaves. The shackles were made with extremely precious, sturdy minerals around the world. It was practically indestructible and could not unlocked without a special key from its creators.

“Don’t worry, those spiritual shackles on you are quite poorly made compared to the ones I’ve seen before. The Rune Inscriptionists who made those shackles were most likely no higher than the first level. Pretty weak.” Jin Xia casually replied.


According to the previous host’s memories, Jin Xia was aware of the existences of several other professions in this world, besides being a cultivator. And one of such exotic trades is being a Rune Inscriptionist.

While many train in the arts of combat and body cultivation, there are those who choose to fortify their mind and comprehension of the world instead. These beings are able to utilize the natural law around them to create what they refer to as “symbols” or “inscriptions.”

When these symbols are inscribed onto items, they bring along a colossal change to the item’s ability. For example, if a Rune Inscriptionist was to carve a special symbol onto an ordinary sword, that sword’s attack power would go through a huge boost in strength.

And as the number of symbols inscribed on an item increase, the ability, and sometimes even structure of the item, undergoes a dramatic transformation.

And such items with these special inscriptions are called Symbol Artifacts. That is to say, only rune inscriptionists would be able to create such objects. Their status were naturally high in this fact alone.

After all, a person with the ability to create powerful Symbol Artifacts would naturally be a priceless support to any clan or sect, more so a powerful individual as well!

“Then, you have a method to break these Spiritual Shackles?”, Fei Yu asked with wide eyes.

“Naturally, if I had personally brought up this topic, I would have a method to deal with it. Now, let me release you both.” Jin Xia said as he walked over to the two girls.

With a fluid motion, Jin Xia waved of his sleeves toward Fei Yu and Fei Qing at the same time. Two waves of dark-colored Qi swiftly shot out and slithered into the shackles on the two girls’ body.

The black shackles shone with a brief yellow light before…

*Ch! Clack!*

…the shackles suddenly unlocked and fell powerlessly onto the ground.

Right after, Fei Yu and Fei Qing felt a surge of Qi well up from their dantian. They instantly felt rejuvenated and energetic.

The suppression on their cultivation by the shackles was finally lifted!

With a satisfied smile, Jin Xia said: “From now on, you both are no longer slaves, but bodyguards, no, I should say protectors of my Jin Clan.”

“How…how did you do that?” Fei Qing was in awe as she looked at Jin Xia.

“C-could you actually be a Rune Inscriptionist?!”

“Ah? Well, you could think of it that way if you want. The encryptions for those shackles were pretty simple so I was able to break it.” Jin Xia answered with a faint smile.

“Besides, if one’s strength is greater than the creator of those shackles, then naturally they will be easily unlocked regardless if one possesses a key or not.”

While trying to process the shock, the sisters looked dumbfoundedly at each other as they both faintly nodded.

It was indeed true if one’s cultivation is much higher than another’s, then no matter what restriction or tricks the latter resorts to, it’ll be useless in front of raw power.


Moreover Jin Xia’s display had already confirmed the girls’ suspicion that the youth was not simple at all.

And factoring in the fact Jin Xia actually understood the encryption symbols on those shackles, it might be that young man in front of them may truly be a Rune Inscriptionist…

If that is indeed true, then no matter what insight level on symbols Jin Xia has reached, his potential as a Rune inscriptionist would be boundless.

In the sphere of Rune Inscriptionists, they are categorized by what is known as “Levels.” And the prerequisite requirement of becoming a Level 1 Rune Inscriptionist was to first reach the first stage of Xing Profound realm. After that, one must also retain an extremely strong mental fortitude and comprehension ability in order to grasp the idea of symbols.

Considering these two rigorous requirements and the mediocre cultivation of the masses, it is no wonder the profession of being a Rune Inscriptionist would be so luxurious and respected.

At least, the total number of Rune Inscriptionists could be counted on one hand in the Great Azure Country, and most of these experts were extremely secretive, unwilling to meet most people.

“Wait, you said that if one’s cultivation is higher than rune inscriptionist who made these shackles, then one could easily break them.” Fei Yu’s eyes lit up when she recalled Jin Xia’s words. “Then, what is your cultivation level?”

Jin Xia looked at Fei Yu and gave a small smile before saying lightly: “Xing Profound Realm.”

The room once again quiet down as the two girls felt their heart greatly disturbed. It was unheard of for anyone to reach the Xing Profound realm in the Great Azure country before the age of at least forty, with one reaching such realm before the age of twenty five being considered as peerless geniuses.

No one has reached Xing Profound realm before the age of twenty before in this country. And with their Fei Vermillion Country being of similar status and structure, they, too, do possess host such expert. If they did, perhaps the girls would not be like this now…

That was the moment the two sisters finally realized that this seemingly young man before them was an abnormal existence. His talent can be said to be horrifying.

Back when Fei Yu and Fei Qing were still princesses of their Fei Vermillion country, they had thought themselves to be geniuses. Having reached the mid-Wudan stages before the age of twenty can already be evaluated with such status.

But now they realize that before Jin Xia, they were pretty much mediocre. They finally understood what it means that there’s “always a man beyond the man, and a sky above the sky.”

(Note: “always a man beyond the man, and a sky above the sky.” = There’s always someone greater or better than you. Don’t get cocky, peeps. )

“Alright, it is late now, so I will not stay any longer. Remember to continue your practice, and if you need anything else, you can come find me in my yard.” Jin Xia said as he turned around.

As Jin Xia was about to leave, Fei Qing suddenly spoke out: “Wait!…You…you, why are you being so kind to us? We are from different countries and enemy countries at that! And to us, your Great Azure Country is an enemy. If you allow us to grow, are you not afraid that we will take revenge on your country, or even you?”

“Little Fei Qing, don’t…” Fei Yu quickly held Fei Qing’s hands as she tried to silence her.

After knowing about Jin Xia’s fearsome strength, she had felt a sense of dread towards the young man. She knew he could easily do whatever if he wants to them, and they would be powerless to resist, even if they were to both resist at full strength.

With their meager strength at the Wudan realm, it was impossible for them to clash with someone at the Xing Profound realm. That is an entire two realms apart!

Jin Xia halted his step when he was right in front of the door. Without turning his head, Jin Xia replied:

“What you wish to do after you have become stronger is up to you. But just keep these two points in mind: first, it was not my clan, or I, who caused the downfall of your country. And second, I do not have any attachment to this country. If you are powerful enough and wish to take your revenge, then go right ahead. I could care less.”

Jin Xia paused for a while before resuming: “But if you choose to remain loyal to me and my clan…then at that time, your revenge and burden…I, Jin Xia, swears to shoulder them with you, for eternity and thereafter.”

With that, Jin Xia gave a faint smile and left the room while the two sisters sank into quietude.

“…your revenge…shoulder them with you, for eternity and thereafter…” Fei Yu muttered softly under her breath as she looked towards the door in which Jin Xia had left.

Fei Yu turned to look at Fei Qing. When they locked gazes, a glint of determination could be seen in both of their eyes.

“What do you think, little Fei Qing? Should…we truly follow him?” Fei Yu quietly asked as she continued to stare into Fei Qing’s eyes.

Fei Qing remained silent for a while before she said, in a resolute voice: “Mn. For our revenge, even if I have to give up my life I am more than willing. And..and…”

“Hm?” Fei Yu tilted her head slightly as she looked kindly at her younger sister.

“…And he…seems trustworthy..” Fei Qing said quietly, as she lowered her head.

Fei Yu smiled and quietly nodded her head in acknowledgement…

Host's note: Ratings/reviews would be much appreciated.

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