《Friendship Overload》Ch. 85 Playing the Long Game


The inner walls of the coliseum were half melted down after the fight. A glass like material replaced the sand, and the first three rows of seats were abandoned. Though the fight was clearly over, the cramped audience in the upper rows was still waiting for something to happen.

It didn't help that, after the water dome collapsed and the knife was revealed, Ethan took his time walking towards and then picking it up. Within the artifact’s depths, two restless souls struggled for freedom.

‘I've lost four souls but gained a strong one,’ noted Ethan. ‘193 scrolls are gone... Is this even a win?’

While the teen contemplated his losses, Stella was chewing out her nails. Losing was beyond her calculations, and she needed a way to save face. Unfortunately, she couldn't come up with ideas on the spot. After a while, Ethan finished his train of thought and locked eyes with her.

“I win.” he said flatly. “Make the announcement.”

As a mage that primarily focused on healing, nobody expected the girl to make it far in the tournament. On the other hand, she was part of the 13 great families, so losing to a mere commoner was a bit much.

“How about…”

“Resign or I’ll take your head,” the boy warned ominously. He was already pissed off due to the wasted resources. If after all he went through the girl tried to pull his leg, it would definitely end in blood.

Unsure of how to proceed, Stella lifted her eyes towards her family’s area. When she locked eyes with Isaac Laurel, the mage nodded solemnly.

“Phew.” The girl sighed in relief and raised her right hand. “I give up.”

“Winner: Ethan Masalis!”

For the first time in who knew how many years, a commoner had defeated one of the 13. The crowd rose up and clapped furiously. Even a few roses were thrown towards the boy, though they fell short due to the distance.


“Congratulations,” said Stella while clasping her hands in front of her and bowing slightly. “It was a good fight.”

“Sure,” answered Ethan with a complicated look.

“About that knife…”

“I’m not selling it.”

“I’ll give you a horn.”


“I’ll add in some healing scrolls.”

For some reason, all the offers Stella threw at him felt refreshing. This little banter snapped Ethan out of his gloomy thoughts, and by the time he returned to his friends, the mage was back to normal.

“Congratulations!” cheered Ana while giving him a hug.

“Great job,” added Oliver. His grandfather and father nodded in recognition, while his brother and mother ignored him.

“Is every kid from the 13 like this?” asked Ethan exhausted.

“What do you think?” smirked Arthur. “You can’t get far in this tournament by underestimating your opponents.”

Ethan wanted to talk back but was too tired to do so. After making a mental note to return the favor, he went to one of the family’s fancy chairs and slumped down.

“You were brilliant,” said Ana after sitting next to him. Secretly, she was more pleased with Ethan not fighting the girl directly than with the match’s outcome. To her, it felt like progress.

“Ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your seats, for the next duel is about to begin. Let’s give a huge round of applause to Zoe Davis and Mark Nelson!”

Despite the host’s enthusiasm, the next few fights were nowhere near as interesting as he made them out to be. It was always one of the 13 against a smaller noble or a commoner. Every single time, the brat with the superior backing won easily.

There were a few interesting moments here and there, enough for Oliver and Simon to take notes, but they were still pretty boring for everyone else.


After six duels concluded, the melted sand of the arena was broken into thousands of shards. The inner walls were obliterating along with the first row. The more sensible commoners started vacating the premises while die-hard fans still stuck to their guns.

As another fight concluded with the noble’s win, Edwin Bell descended onto the stage for the next announcement. Behind him, the sun was also starting to set. It had been a full day of battles, yet the tournament was far from its end.

“Next fight: Ana Taylor vs. James Brown!”

“My turn.” Ana tried to get up, but Ethan pulled her back.

“This tournament is not a battle of strength,” he whispered in her ear. “It’s a battle of endurance. So, no matter what you do, save your mana cores.”

“Even if I have to scrap your necklace?” she asked jokingly.

“Even if you have to summon Bobs.”

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