《Friendship Overload》Ch. 16 Dealing with the Aftermath


“Oliver, what do you think I do as the family head?” Simon Hunt asked his son one day. The boy, 11 years old at the time and recently picked as the future head, said the first thing that crossed his mind.

“You make and sell pills?” He was far too young for this question.

“Try again.” His father nudged.

“You trade with other alchemists. Mom says you get the best deals.”

“Close, but no... Son, making and selling pills is very important. It puts food on our table. Trading with other alchemists is another vital part of our success.

However, the role of the family head, your role in the future is one and one only: to find opportunities that benefit our family, and to seize them. So, I guess you’ll have 2 roles, haha.”

These words stuck with Oliver ever since. Even now, while waiting for Ethan to return from the Academy’s main building, he was still repeating them in his head.

‘Find opportunities and seize them. No matter what, Ethan, you’re mine.’

Eventually, his target returned with a skip in his step and a carefree smile. Oliver waved with enthusiasm.

“Hey man, you up for that lunch now? I’m starving.”

“Sorry, I don’t date stalkers. Did the fighter class come out yet?”

Unperturbed by the youth’s comment, Oliver maintained a casual demeanor.

“Actually, you’ve just missed them. But, if you want to see a fighter, I can introduce you to my brother. He’s in his second year and the best in his class.”

Ethan ignored him. Looking around, Ana was nowhere to be seen.

‘Has she left with the other students?’ He was a bit disappointed.

“Was there a blonde girl with them? Long hair, rough palms, wearing pants like a coal miner?”


“No... There were no blonde girls in the group. I checked.” Oliver averted his eyes but couldn’t hide a lecherous smile.

There was a 3 hour break at noon before Ana was supposed to meet her master with the other pupils. Even if she went early, James should be in the middle of his reincarnation by now, probably into a cockroach.

‘So, where is she?’

Ethan asked Oliver to point him towards the training grounds, and they went there together. The sight which welcomed him made his fists clench and his spine shudder.

In the middle of the yard, within a giant scorched dent in the ground, lay Ana motionless. Her body was covered in bruises and coagulated blood from head to toe. From large puss filled scabs on her back leaked a sickening looking liquid.

The now pale Ethan was all too familiar with such scenes. But… how could he let this happen?

“She’s alive!” said Oliver who had run and checked her pulse. This brought the youth back to his senses, and in a split second, he joined them.

Oliver pulled a pill out of his pocket and made Ana swallow it.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a vitality pill. It restores one’s energy and helps with self healing.”

Out of the alchemist's pockets, pill after pill fell to the ground. He picked one for pain and gave it to her just in case. For this situation, only these 2 would work. He fed Ana another vitality pill and came up with a plan of action.

“Let’s take her to my place. I have healing potions there, and I’ll get someone to bring a healer as well.” This girl seemed important to Ethan, so saving her would easily win his trust.

The mage nodded. He had no choice but to put his faith in Oliver. He picked Ana up and channeled mana into and around her body creating a link between them. This way, she would heal faster and there’d be less shock during the trip.


He then gave Oliver the go ahead and started running after him. The boys wasted no time, and in less than 10 minutes, they were in his room.

After Ethan placed Ana on the bed face down, his new friend pulled several large bottles from a cabinet and began pouring the contents on her back. The red liquid seeped into the cracks between her scabs, and the girl’s complexion improved considerably.

“She needs to drink it too. Let’s get her up.”

“No need.” Ethan took the bottle from Oliver’s hand and levitated the liquid out of it. He didn’t know how to make healing potions, but he had plenty of experience using them. He made a small incision into her arm and fed the liquid directly into her vein.

“Young master, is everything alright?” One of the house’s servants walked in.

“We need a healer.’ said Oliver. “Go to their Guild and bring one now!”

“There’s one entertaining your brother. Should I call him over?”

“Yes!” screamed Ethan with bloodshot eyes. “Move it!”

The servant almost tripped on his robe. He ran as if chased by wolves and soon returned with Oliver’s brother and the healer in tow.

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