《Boss》Chapter 25: Thank Me Almighty, I'm free at last!
The air shivered from the shockwaves that were created as the boulder exploded from the amount of shadow forced into the microfractures it possessed. “Yes! Booyah! Take that you rocky mother fucker!” I cheered as months of hard work culminated into this effortless performance. Had I been paying attention I might have tried to still my tail as my excitement made it twitch erratically.
When I had first started practicing my abilities in my dimension, I had decided on a method of testing my progress as I worked to improve. My first test was on a clod of wet earth I had packed into a ball. I forced my shadows into it and was barely able to break it into separate pieces using everything I had. Now whenever I used everything I had, I blew a boulder as large as me sky high.
“I think it’s safe to say I am fairly proficient. Maybe now I’ll be able to hold up against a raid of players.” I struggle not to fall to my knees as I’m hit by the expected wave of exhaustion caused by my magical power almost being completely drained. “Still, I’m a little disappointed in the lack of improvement in my stamina. At this rate, I can only use up to 10 or so really powerful spells before becoming completely drained.”
I grimace in irritation as another thought crosses my mind. “What will my power be like in the body I create to explore Dreamscape’s world? I’ll bet I won’t have nearly enough power to perform my big spells.” I turn my attention away from my monologue and examine my surroundings with fresh eyes.
The arena I am standing in had changed drastically from the simple sandbox it had been when I first created it. Now it was a massive circular structure with several different levels that formed concentric rings. The largest ring circumvented the outside of the arena. It was perfectly smooth and level and served as my speed track. Here I would work to increase my running speed, pretty simple.
The next largest was similar in purpose but was riddled with a ludicrous amount of obstacles. It had been relatively simple when I first created it, but as my skills improved, so too did the difficulty. There are support structures with thick pillars, randomly activating death traps, patches of rocks or gravel scattered all over the track to create unstable footing, anything at all I could think of to help my reaction time improve.
I had many rings continually decreasing in size with various intents and purposes. From being completely bombarded by ranged attacks to improve evasion, to avoiding detection from magical arrays created to detect motion. I struggled to make sure I covered every aspect of my being and improve myself to the point that I wouldn’t embarrass myself in a fight.
These last two weeks though have been the most harrowing of them all, though it was for completely different reasons other than what one would expect. During Amy’s last visit, she had almost worked out her method of duplicating the codes she had gotten from me and wanted to test them out before she made everything live. So, she decided that testing out her ‘sentience software’ as she calls it on all the minions I created in my dimension would be a good idea. At the time, I didn’t see any problems with it. Now though, I REALLY wish I had said no.
“Master Ebony, the dark ant colony wishes to send you their congratulations and apology on your performance today. The rock exploded with such power and beauty it had rendered them speechless, and they had forgotten to applaud and regret the fact they were unable to show you their appreciation in person as you so rightfully deserved.”
I let out a world-weary sigh. “Come on guys, can’t you all be a little less… subservient? I get that you all greatly appreciate how I created you, but seeing me as your god is going a bit far, isn’t it?” Instead of answering my question the representative of the dark ant colony remained prostrated before me, or as prostrated as you can be when you walk on six legs.
When no response was forthcoming, I grumble out my usual response. “Please send my thanks for their congratulatory gesture and express my understanding and acceptance of their apology.” The dark ant straightened up. “I thank you, great master! I will bring your words to my queen. She will be very pleased.”
I relax when the creature finally left. I can’t stand their formality whenever they address me, and they act like everything I do is something of praise. There is a flash of light behind me. When I turn and face its source, I find Amy sitting on one of the crumbled fragments of rock I had recently blown up just a short while ago. I feel the usual emotions of trust and adoration welling up within me every time I see her but force it down. Instead, I act more casually, allowing a slight smile to show.
Amy smiles back at me, her smile was wider than mine, but I could tell it was less genuine. She was happy to see me of course, but that happiness was always marred by a sad undertone from when she realized she had practically railroaded my emotions to satisfy her own desires. At the time I was right in the middle of suffering emotional trauma and hadn’t realized what she had been doing.
She had sent me here into this dimension, and it had helped me gather my thoughts and realize what was happening. On the other side, Amy was helped to realize what she had done and was mortified. She was also smart enough to realize showing up to apologize to me in person would only make things worse, so she sent me a detailed message to me instead. This lets me know what she wanted to say without influencing my emotions to any extent. After some time I decided to invite her periodically for short, infrequent visits to help me acclimatize to the feelings.
“Hey there, buddy. You gonna zone out all day or you gonna say hi?” Amy said.
I shake myself out of my daze. “Oh sorry, I just finished up with my last magic test before the patch launched and was a little tired is all. So how are you doing? What have the players been up to recently?”
Amy shrugged her shoulders. “I’m doing alright, I’ve got things wrapped up, and I am currently installing my sentience software in the background, and things will go live in approximately 23 minutes and 18 seconds. Players are currently logging in by the thousands. They all want to see what is going to change once the patch finishes installing. Enough about that though, how did your magic test go? Last time you told me about that you could completely pulverize rocks bigger than my head!”
I smirk as I gesture to the rock she was currently seated on and the other scattered debris around her. “Pretty good if I do say so myself.”
Amy looks around her, and it is obvious when she realized what I was talking about as her eyes widen and her mouth hangs open. “Y-you made THIS much progress?! How?!”
After spending so much time being cooped up all by myself, I was more than happy to extol on my own accomplishments. “Well, it wasn’t too bad. I learned my abilities depend more on control than raw power. Actually making something happen through raw power has always been the most draining for me.”
I picked up another chunk of rock off the ground and experimentally bounced it in the palm of my massive hand. “For example, The rock you are sitting on wasn’t blown up by a massive ball of destruction like other people might believe. Instead, I pushed my shadow into the tiniest cracks and flaws that the boulder contained. Once I did that I just kept pushing in every direction and before long, boom. Instant rubble.”
To drive my point home, I repeat the action I described with the rock in my hand. Having been recently broken, it already had many obvious cracks and flaws which made the task several times easier. Not even a half second goes by before there is a pop and the rock in my hand explodes. It was all the more impressive since I timed it to explode when I had said ‘boom’.
To my satisfaction, Amy jumps as the exploding rock startled her. I always liked putting on a show for people. Maybe if I had a different life, I might have become an actor. I smile to myself as I get another idea. Who’s to say I can’t be an actor right now? I am a dungeon boss in a MMORPG. I have yet to meet an entity more dramatic than a stereotypical dungeon boss. Except for mimes, but I would be dramatic too if I wasn’t allowed to make any noise.
“It’s not funny! I didn’t know the rock was going to explode like that!” Amy was pouting at me, having mistaken my faint smile for teasing her.
“Sorry, I didn’t really mean anything by it. Oh, how much time before the patch?”
Amy rolled her eyes “23 minutes and 18 seconds. Still. It’s only been about 12 centiseconds. That’s not going to change for another 88 centiseconds now.”
“Shit. I guess I’m just ready to get outta here is all.” I said. “Is there any way you could let me out early?”
Amy pursed her lips in thought. “Weeell. Maybe? Have you tried creating your Vessel yet?”
I scratch my head and laugh nervously. “Um. Well, I never tried. I thought I needed to be able to leave in order to create a vessel.”
“Nah. You create it here first and then send it through the portal. After that, it’s all on you.”
“Is that all?” I asked. “It seems like this is one of those things that should be really complicated and time-consuming.”
She smiles at me. “If you want, I could make it complicated. I thought you would appreciate it more if it was easier.”
“NoNoNoNo. Keep it simple! I LOVE the simple!”
Amy nods with a smug smile as if she just proved she had been right the whole time in an ongoing argument. “I thought so. You had been so caught up with everything going on in here I knew you wouldn’t have thought about leaving until now… I’ll tell you what. When you finally create your vessel, I’ll let you out of here. It’s not like you can get into too much trouble with only a few minutes before the patch.”
I raise a single feline eyebrow. “Is that a challenge I hear?”
Amy’s eyes bug out when she hears my words. “No! NoNoNoNo! That was not a challenge!”
“I think it’s a challenge.”
“No, It’s not a challenge!”
“Totally a challenge.”
“Don’t you da-”
“CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!” I shout loud enough to cut her off and give her my best feral grin to show I meant business and my business was going to be oh so enjoyable.
“No! If you’re going to be like that, then I won’t let you out until after the patch!” she stomps her foot like a mother drawing the line in an argument with her child. There is one problem with this situation. I am an adorably massive werecat with a face only a mother could love, and guess who is standing right in front of me?”
I quickly turn around and rub some grit into my eyes really hard to get that shimmery watery look. It’s a few seconds of setup and my eyes burn like hell, but I make it seem like I am trying very hard not to cry in order to buy some time. Once everything is ready, I turn around and quickly fall to my knees so that my head was lowered to hers. It’s important to get that lowered perspective to make you seem more pathetically vulnerable. I look up into her eyes, pooch out my lip a little bit, and press my massive hands together in an adorable version of begging.
There is a long moment of silence as we stare each other down, neither willing to give ground. Soon though, I can see Amy’s lips press tightly together and tremble slightly as if trying to suppress a strong emotion. Yes, Yes! Just a little more! I start pouring in the cuteness thick and heavy, adding in a slight whine barely audible to the ears and press my hands tightly under my chin. Her lips tremble even harder. Yeesss! Just a little more!
I decided to add in the finishing blow. Well, the finishing blow adds itself really. My eyes had reached peak irritation since I had not bothered to clear the sand out and a single tear worked itself out and slowly fell down the side of my face.
She covers her nose and mouth with one hand. Clearly, she is overwhelmed! Rendered speechless! Victory is at hand! I maintain my posture, willing her to cave in with all my might!
Congratulations! You’ve learned a new skill!
New skill: Willful Aura- project your will into your surroundings, allowing others to feel your emotions.
Then Amy burst out laughing. She tried to hold herself up by resting her hands on her knees, but quickly lost balance and fell over into the sand. Instead of trying to stand up again, she settled for clutching her side as she desperately sucked in the air she lost as she laughed.
Confused, I took a moment to try to rub the sand out of my eyes before just staring at her as she took in great heaving lungfuls of air between each wave of laughter. What the hell is so damn funny? I make myself comfortable by sitting cross-legged in the sand and watch the show until she can eventually calm herself down.
It eventually gets to the point where she is too exhausted to continue the full out laughter from before and quiets down to fitful giggles, and I take the opportunity to get my answers. “What the fuck was THAT all about? I don’t find being locked up here for a few more hours all that funny.”
Amy shakes her head. My words finally snapping her out of her delirium. “Sorry, It’s just that I was trying to be so serious then. All of a sudden you drop down to your knees in front of me like a child begging for something he had wanted his entire life. Except you aren’t a child, you are a 10-foot tall Werecat.
A hulking behemoth that has created an assortment of monsters that worship you like you're their god and you are begging me on your knees. The contradiction between your looks and behavior was so absurd that I just found myself trying to contain my laughter. The more I tried to contain it, the harder you pushed. Than you unlocked that new skill and I suddenly felt you pushing cutesy cuddly emotions at me, and I just lost it.
When I hear her explanation, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed with myself. My ears droop, and I absently grab my tail and start fidgeting with it in a habit I had picked up during my moments of idleness in this dimension. “Does that mean I can’t leave?”
Amy instantly notices my disappointment. “Oh sweetie, don’t be like thaaat!” She bites her lip as she struggles to come up with something to say to cheer me up. There is only one thing that would do that though, and it is only a matter of time before she gives up. I don’t look up at her; eye contact might let her realize I’m not as upset as I appeared. Like I said, I love being dramatic. I don’t do depressed often though because it’s not as fun and more likely to be upsetting than enjoyable.
“I’ll let you through on one condition. You must behave yourself at least until the patch officially launches. So you can’t cause any problems.”
Crap! I didn’t think she would put in conditions! How do I get out of this?! Ah! I got it! I’ll change tactics and throw her off guard! I instantly straighten myself and put an angry pout on my face, this time careful to make it seem like a genuine pout instead of the cheesy parody I did earlier. “That’s not fair! This is a game for players. They live for trouble! There is no way I could cause enough trouble with so little time!”
Amy opens her mouth to deny my accusation before thinking about it. “I guess you have a point.” She says. “With only 20 minutes, the patch should already be out before you can actually manage anything. By then, whatever happens, will be on you… Alright, you can leave early once you make a vessel. I suppose as long as we don’t receive any complaints from the players it would be alright.”
“Promise?” I ask, looking up at her.
“I promise.”
“Pinky promise?” I hold out my hand and extend a single massive pinky claw.
Amy smiles at me before intertwining her own pinky with mine. “Pinky promise.”
I immediately drop my act with a broad grin. “Thanks! I’ll see you on the other side then.” I say as if I hadn’t spent the last minutes in a state of depression. I stand up and dust the sand off my fur covered legs before using my earing of creation to float to my greeting chamber which contains the portal connected to the dimension of dreamscape online. As I float away, I can hear Amy mutter to herself. “What just happened? Did I get duped by a fucking temper tantrum?”
Once I get to the portal I sit down in the massive throne I had made there. It is actually very comfortable and sits on a raised dais. I placed 2 enchantments on it to make things more convenient. One was an illusion to make it look like it was carved from stone. You can’t really be as intimidating if you are sitting on cushions after all.
The second enchantment was my favorite though. Instead of placing a barrier around my throne to prevent people from trying to sit on it if I was gone, I decided to make things a little more… entertaining. If anyone other than me tries to sit in my throne, they get launched a good 60 feet into the air. It cancels out any levitation or featherfall spells and if, even after that, you are lucky enough to survive the fall you damn sure weren’t going to be happy about your current circumstances.
I make myself comfortable before putting my mind on how to create a vessel. As soon as I started to think about how to accomplish the task, A pop-up flashed in the corner of my vision.
Would you like a demonstration on how to properly create a vessel? Yes/No
Oh hell yes! I had no idea how to even start, so any help at all would be… well, helpful.
Once I confirmed my choice, I felt a stirring inside myself. An energy I hadn’t felt before was slowly pouring out from my chest onto the ground in front of me. I felt how the energy was manipulated to shape into a very familiar quadrupedal form I had not seen for a very long time. After a minute, the energy finished leaving my body and the form solidified into Ebony the shadowstalker panther. I blinked and the feline shape was gone. I looked around but everything looked like it should have been.
“Huh, I guess it really WAS only a demonstration.” I tried searching for the energy inside me that I had felt before and was surprised at how easy it was. I grabbed the energy like before and started pushing it out my chest. Once outside, the energy started moving of its own volition. Once I had passed the halfway point it was like a dam had broke and the rest of my energy flowed out faster and faster. I started feeling light headed and tried to stop it to no avail.
My vision got dark but I could still feel the energy leaving me. There was a moment of nausea as it felt like I was doing backflips. My perspective flipped around and tumbled about. If I was capable of throwing up, I think I would have. I didn’t have to suffer long though as the world stopped spinning and I was able to stabilize myself.
My vision was still dark but I could feel I was on my hands and knees and the energy I had poured out of my body was now rushing back into me. What happened? Did I screw something up? I opened my eyes only to see myself. Literally, see myself. I was sitting in my own throne head bowed as if in deep thought. Realization dawned on me and I looked at my current self.
“Yes! It worked!” I ran around the room on the four legs I had missed so much. I don’t know why but there is something exciting about being able to move with four legs instead of two. Like you can push yourself to move faster without having to worry the instability a fast speed brings to two-legged creatures. I run an entire lap around the room which equates to about a mile, and by the time I reach the portal, I am panting pretty heavily.
“Alright, enough shenanigans! It’s time to get out of here and get some fresh air!”
I step towards the portal and as I near it the dense shadows that covered it before peeled away, revealing a landscape spanning from horizon to horizon as if viewed from a bird’s eyes. I recognize the forest where everything started.
“I guess this is as good a place to start as any. I can probably whip up a bit of mischief while I’m here. Besides, I have some unfinished business there.” I lick my lips in anticipation when I remember that I had been killed by an alpha direwolf. I focus in the portal until a chunk of forest not too far from a decent sized village was centered up in my view. I stepped into the portal as anticipation welled up within me. “I wonder what I can do to mess with players before the patch releases?”
-Zone Chat for Arbalest Village-
Yuppi- Hey! Looking for a group going into Misty Woods. I got a herb gathering quest in there but can’t solo the mobs.
Fartinoogen- WTB stack of arrows! 5 silver
SmashyMcSmasher- lol noob! If your low level, go in the plains!
GrammarKnotsee- You’re*
Ebony- Whooo! Free at last! Sup bitches! I got out early because of good behavior!
SmashyMcSmasher- Shut up asshole! No one cares about speaking like an English teacher!
GrammarKnotsee- Typing*
IcyDeadpeople- Whoa dude! How is your text all bold and shit?!
SmashyMcSmasher- SHUT UP!!! No one cares about how stupid you sound!
Yuppi- No one cares about what you think Smashy. You’re just a dick.
GrammarKnotsee- Everyone* cares about how brilliant* you sound.
Ebony- Huh, I dunno. I guess I’m just special like that? It’s probably because there needs to be some sort of actual proof of who I am or something like that?
World Message: 15 minutes until patch update! Please make sure you are in a safe location before world restart.
Ebony- See? Like that ^^^ It’s all official and shit?
Ooglyboogly- Hey Ebony, did you just get out of jail?
IcyDeadpeople- Who are you, Ebony?
SmashyMcSmasher has been banned.
GrammarKnotsee- lol
Yuppi- lol
Ebony- Um… Well, both of those questions have the same answer.
Yuppi- I want to know to come on! Tell us!
GrammarKnotsee- too*
GrammarKnotsee- I have to admit I’m a bit curious as well.
2slow4pro- Whoa bold text? Tell me your story! Don’t keep us all waiting!
Ebony- Alright, alright! Don’t get your panties in a twist!
Ebony- You guys remember that announcement about the patch that’s coming out? About how they were talking about a new dungeon boss that would be capable of kicking player asses up and down the instance?
Yuppi- yea
Oooglyboogly- yes
Ebony- <---
2slow4pro- Whaaat! You are the guy that worked on that shit?!
Yuppi- No way! That’s so cool!
Ebony-Nope. I AM that shit.
Fartinoogen- Lol you’re a pile of shit?
GrammarKnotsee- No way! Are you saying you’re the dungeon boss they said was coming out in the patch?!
Ebony- No!
Ebony- I mean yes!
Ebony- Shit. I mean No I’m not a pile of shit. Yes, I AM that dungeon boss. I just left my dimension a few minutes ago.
IcyDeadpeople- lol yea right! You’re probably just a paid actor or just messing with us If you really ARE a dungeon boss, prove it! But since we’re talking about it, I’m so excited for this patch this week seemed like it would never end!
Ebony- Pffft if you thought YOU had a long week, you got nothing on me! Also, I don’t have to prove anything. Once I start murdering people word will probably get out on my name.
GrammarKnotsee- You know, he’s kinda got a point. We don’t have any other proof of who you are other than your own words.
Ebony- *sigh* Fiiiiiine! Geez! Alright, icydeadpeople. Take off anything valuable or anything you don’t want to lose and stash it somewhere safe than come out into the woods in the northwestern portion of town.
IcyDeadpeople- Alright, give me a minute and I’ll be right there.
Fartinoogen- lol I gotta see this!
Yuppi- Wait for me! I want to see too!
Ebony- Ah dammit! Fine you all can come too, but stay at least 20 feet away from IcyDeadpeople or else you won’t get to see shit!
Yuppi- ok
GrammarKnotsee- That sounds fine to me.
Fartinoogen- I don’t care as long as I get front row seats to the show!
2slow4pro- Shit, I’m busy selling trash. Tell me what happens!
Kleptobismol- LFG rogue dps for questing and lvling
IcyDeadpeople- Alright, I’m at the edge of the forest. What now?
Ebony- Ah I see you now. Walk into the forest for about 100 feet or so. Remember everyone else stays back or you don’t see shit!
Ebony- Oh! You look delicious! I haven’t eaten an elf before. MMMmmm Will you let me have a little nibble?
IcyDeadpeople- Where are you? I’m waiting for your so-called “proof”
Ebony- Don’t worry. It’s coming.
IcyDeadpeople was killed by Ebony the Vessel
Yuppi- Holy shit!!!
Fartinoogen- Holy shit!
GrammarKnotsee- Holy shit!
2slow4pro- WTF is happening! Come on! Don’t leave me out!
Fartinoogen- Icy just got his throat ripped out by a mother fucking panther!!!
Ebony- Hey! I do not fuck my mother! That’s just rude!
GrammarKnotsee- WTF! Guys! Read the kill feed! It says IcyDeadpeople got killed by Ebony “THE VESSEL”
World Message: 10 minutes until patch update! Please be sure you are a safe location before restart.
2slow4pro- Holy Shit!!!
Ebony- Don’t you guys say anything else when you’re surprised? Like ‘Whoa, a giant panther! I am totally amazed!
Fartinoogen- Dude can you let me kill you? I’ll totally pay you back!
Ebony- What? NO! That shit fucking hurts! Unlike you assholes, I actually feel pain in this world. I found that out the hard way! If you ever think hangovers give you bad headaches, you should try getting your face pounded in a couple dozen times and tell me how that shit feels!
GrammarKnotsee- Wait, you’ve already died? But you just got here.
Ebony- Umm… forget I said anything. It’s not important anyway.
Ebony- I gotta go guys. I don’t want to be anywhere near here once patch releases. If I get swarmed by you players before I can finish my business I won’t be happy. Later!
2slow4pro- wait! Where are you going?
Yuppi- Hey Ebony, Can I be your friend?
GrammarKnotsee- aww, I guess he’s gone. Probably left the village’s zone chat. No way he could hear us now.
Fartinoogen- aww nuts. I only wanted to kill him a little bit
IcyDeadpeople- Holy shit! He’s a fucking panther, guys! Hey, Ebony! Where are you? Let me take a screenshot of you!
GrammarKnotsee- Too late man. He’s looong gone.
GrammarKnotsee- Heeey! It’s my favorite nincompoop! Just saying though, I didn’t report you for bad grammar. I reported you for bad language.
SmashyMcSmasher2 has been IP banned.
GrammarKnotsee- The difference, my friend, is that one can be corrected with proper education, while the other is corrected through proper punishment!
Fartinoogen- lol REKT!
Yuppi- lol
2slow4pro- lol
Kleptobismol- lololololololololol noob!
IcyDeadpeople- Karma’s a bitch!
World Message: 5 minutes until patch update.
Set in the near future, Brad is a talented musician in high school, however he has extreme social disabilities and anxiety. He prefers to live life in virtual reality (VR) where he has an artificial intelligence assistant and therapy system called Sonder that helps give him social cues and coaching. He can also alter his appearance to one that he can be more confident in. He holds a virtual concert and finds out that Alice, his high school crush, is actually one of his fans. They get to know each other and become romantically involved, but have extreme trouble bridging the virtual and the real world. This is a wholesome, vanilla love story about overcoming your fears and learning how to live with your weaknesses.This is a short story with a new chapter released at least once a week on Wednesdays until finished.Book Cover art by Romi Lindenberg.
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Masking Tape
“Well, I do sometimes wonder why we’re sent here, considering we never consented to be born. I’ll just go about living my life, I guess." A supposedly ordinary year in Semangat Junior College proves to be anything but normal for its students when a freshman gets attacked by a mysterious creature prowling around Bishan. That is just the beginning. Unexplainable bursts of magical energy begin mushrooming all over Singapore following the attack. An intern at Divyane is sent on a mission to investigate these strange happenings. Unfortunately for him, nobody told him that the life of an intern was not going to be easy. For one, there is an overly-enthusiastic supernatural fan who insists on following his every mission. Then there is the issue of the rogue mage who has been attacking the school's students and the unresolved disappearances around the island. Will Frankie be able to find the answers to his investigation? Most importantly, who is the rogue mage responsible for the unexplained attacks on regular students? What do they want? The first novel in the planned Rugged Backpack Series, Masking Tape combines elements of the magical girl genre with Southeast Asian mythos through an ensemble cast as they get tangled up in the affairs of a realm they never knew existed beneath their feet. New chapters every Monday and Friday!
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