《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 16: This Feels Familiar


"You need to put more force into it."

"Like this?"

"Yes, that is good. Now focus everything into the palm pf your hand."


"No, you need to concentrate more."

"I'm trying!"

"Try more!"

This is how the following week went by. Ansgar has yet to bring up our previous conversation. I know my lie did not fool him, I would have been surprised if it did!

To my surprise, after I had lied to him, Ansgar said nothing and instead continued refilling my mana. I felt bad for lying but what should I have said! Oh you know, I was originally from another world but after I died I got reincarnated in this one as a bird! Crazy huh!?

Nah mate, that ain't happening.

After my mana was full again Taro stormed into the room and hugged me. With tears in his eyes he thanked Ansgar for helping me. Ansgar just smiled and said it was nothing; the way he acted, it was as if our conversation never took place.

"You must promise me to never worry me like that again! Promise!" Taro were practically shouting the last words.

I-I'm sorry Taro, I promise. I must really have worried him...

"She says she is sorry and that she promise" Ansgar suddenly said.

"Good" Taro said, smiling a little.

Huh wait why are you saying what I said!? And why does Taro seem completely fine with it?! Did you tell him!? started flapping my wings wildly.

"Huh!? Ruth, what is wrong?" Taro said worried.

"She is just mad because I told you she could "talk" without her permission." DON'T TELL HIM!

"Oh... But why am I not allowed to know? Doesn't she trust me?"

Taro started to frown.

Ah crap, I didn't mean it like that. I trust you Taro but I just couldn't explain it. Tell him this instead!

This went on for a while. Apparently things got a little bit wild after I fell unconscious. Ansgar carried me to Julia-sama, Taro and Ruter while they was in the midst of building. When they saw a limps body in his arms they thought he had killed me. I don't know the details but from what I heard Julia-sama and Ruter were ready to attack when Spada appeared. When they saw how calm she was around Ansgar they decided to calm down and listen to him.

He then explained what had happened. Then Julia-sama and Ruter nearly attacked him again because they could not believe we had "talked" to each other. But this time it was Taro that stopped them. He thought that it was believable that we could communicate with each other.

Ansgar then told them he was also the one that had accepted the teacher request. He proved this by showing them a badge that showed his latest missions that he accepted from the guild.

They put me to rest in Taros room and when I woke up... Well the rest you know!

The magic lessons started next. The first day was pretty calm. Taro was eager to learn and so was I (Ansgar allowed me to be on the lessons). First he talked about the basics of mana.

In this world there is two types of mana; inner mana and outer. Everything living has inner mana that forms a soul while the outer mana exists in everything around us; the trees, the stones, the air and the ligh for example.

But while everybody posesses inner mana only a few have the ability to use it in the form of spells, these people are called mages. About 1/100 have the ability to control mana but even among those that exist only a few can become full fledged magicians.


While people have a limited amount of mana they can borrow it from other sources for example mana stones that produces mana and their familiars.

When people use to much mana it drains on their souls and as we saw happened with me, they fall unconscious for a while. When he said this he gave both Taro and me our own mana bracelets so that it will never happen.

He then continued to explain that while there is a lot of mana around us only the most highranking mages can manipulate it; these mages are called sages. They are the strongest of all the mages and have the ability to affect the world itself. Currently there is 10 known sages; three from the human empires, four from the elven country, one dwarf, two demons and one that belongs to no one. There may exist more mages on the same level as these but no one knows exactly. Every sage is treated with outmost respect, the only difference being the demon sages by the humans.

When Taro asked about the sage that belonged to no country Ansgar explained that this sage detested conflicts and is currently nowhere to be found, hiding to not get mixed up with the other countries.

Around 500 years ago the countries entered a truce that has lasted till today, even if minor fights happens. It was also around that time a magic academy was created. This academy was meant to be neatrual ground where boys and girls from all species could come and study magic together. The academys name is Sainthills Academy and still exist today. Most nobles send their children there and even royals have entered!

This made me really excited as it made me remember one of my favourite movies in my past life. You know, the one about a boy entering a magic school.

*gaasp!* Maybe Taro can be my Potter and I can be his Hedwig!

The second day we started training focusing our mana on different parts of our body to strenghten them, similar to my Physical Buff spell. Thanks to this I gained a new skill; Mana Manipulation, which allows me to handle my mana better and use it more efficient. By training I leveled it up to level 4! I wanted to check Taros level but I can't! Damn you Chreshna!

Third day we continued with our mana manipulation and my Mana Manipulation rose to level 6.

The fourth day Ansgar talked about different attributes. He explained that some mages have easier to learn a certain type of magic. There is seven attributes; fire, water, air, earth, light, darkness and astral. According to him he in order to learn which element that suits you the most you need to use a special crystal. Ansgar said that he will bring one next week in order for us to find out.

Fifth day, nothing. Ansgar fell asleep and we couldn't wake him up. Why does this continue to happen? I need to ask him that later. Taro and I spent the day training to focus our mana. In the end my Mana Manipulation rose to level 8. We wanted to help out building my sleeping place but Julia-sama and Ruter said it would be better if we focused on our training.

So I decided to try out some of my Siren Bird abilities. Taro and I went to the forest to train without disturbing anyone (except the animals). First I tried out Sonic Screech. Seeing whay was about to happen Taro covered his ears. When I screamed it's level instantly rose to level 5.


Next I focused it on a tree. It ended with the tree shattering a little bit. Wow, and I screamed at Ansgar like this. How did he not go deaf? After that I used my Healing Voice on the tree I damaged and to my amazement it healed! Healing Voice leveled up to level 2.

I wanted to try my Hypnosis Song but my Sonic Screech scared everyone away so Taro and I had to move to another part of the forest to find some animals. After a while we found a rabbit peacefully eating plants.

Sorry rabbit-san, I am not animal experimenting but I need to do this!

As soon as Taro covered his ears I started singing. The rabbit started wobbling. I imagined the rabbit running in cirkles and so it did. I imagined the rabbit standing on it's hindlegs and it did. Hypnosis Songs level rose to level 3.

This power truly is terrifying.

Taro was truly amazed when he witnessed my powers an maybe I gloated a little bit to much but who cares?

But what made me more happy than anything is what waited for me when we arrived at home.

My sleeping place is finished!

I immedieately climbed up the ladder. I love it! Even if it don't have any walls I don't need any, my feathers protect me from the cold. Up from here I can see everything! Ok not everything but you know what I mean.

Iiiiiiiiiii! I'm so happy. Taro climbed up and sat beside me. We spent the rest of our day there. It was really comfy.

Sixth day Ansgar woke up. We had a fun time tricking him it was still the fifth day. Hehehehe. But other than that nothing really happened. We trained controlling our mana and discussed uses of it but nothing else.

And finally, the seventh day, which is today! I wonder what we're gonna do?

"Today if you'd like we can finally make a contract between you and Ruth" Ansgar suddely says.

Taros eyes are shining.

"Really? We can really do it?"

"Yep, the only thing you need is a beast and mana and because you have both I can't see a reason why not. If Ruth agrees of course."

Taros and Ansgars eyes are on me. Taro seems tense.


I hesitate. W-well, it's no that I've got anything against it but uhm...

"If Ruth don't want to, I-I guess it's a-all right..." Taro gets tears in his eyes.

Oh no I didn't mean it like that! Taro, I would love to be your familiar. I put my head against his cheek.

"It seems she accepts" Ansgar says, smiling gently.

"R-really? You mean it Ruth? Would you really like to be my... Familiar?" Taro looks at me in disbelief.

Of course Taro. You are the only one I could accept.

"She means it Taro, she wants to become your familiar." For once I am really happy that Ansgar is there to tell Taro what I think.

Taro is at a loss of words but then he begins to smile.

"I-I am so happy! Thank you Ruth!" He hugs me tightly. He then turns to Ansgar. "Can we do it now?"

"Ahaha yes. I have actually already prepared everything. Follow me."

Taro, Ansgar and I walk out into the garden. On the ground there is a cirkle decorated with strange symbols. To my surprise around it stands Julia-sama, Ruter and Spada. Behind them is my sleeping place. I think I will call it the Nest. Yeah, that sounds good.

Sorry, focus. Around the cirkle there is lit candles. This feels kinda demonic, like we will soon sumon the devil. Oh, the sun is also about to go down.

"Step into the cirkle you two" Ansgar says. We do as he say. Taro takes a deep breath. This is thrilling, I can barely feel my stomach because of all the butterflies. "Good, next I want you to repeat after me."

Ansgar takes out a tiny book out of his robe.

"Esthaar, anam ente se."/"Esthaar, anam ente se."/Esthaar, anam ente se.

"Ctsul delim Ikra."/Cstul delim Ikra."/Cstul delim Ikra.

"Ya lavor at stane wid di cide."/"Ya lavor at stane wid di cide."/Ya lavor at stane wid di cide.


"Tu er nim balevod."/"Tu er nim balevod."/Tu er nim balevod.

With those last words the cirkle began to glow. Suddenly a screen appeared before me.

//Do you want to enter a familiar contract with Lentaro Blizt? This contract will be permanent until either the contractor undoes the contract or one of you die. Y/N?//



All of a sudden a lot of screens appears in front of me.

//Your title Pet of Lentaro Blizt have been changed to Familiar of Lentaro Blizt!//

//You have gained all abilities that follows a familiar contract!//

//You have gained enough levels to evolve! Please chose from following evolution paths!//

Banshee Bird(rare Earth claw variant)

Banshee Birds are terrifying, merciless birds know for their deafening shouts. They are know to be drawn towards death and they are an omen that signals someones upcoming death. Therefore, when a Banshee Bird is seen eveyone is one guard. They are also said to be the distant cousin of the Siren Bird. Despite this they look nothing alike, with Banshee Birds having pitch-black feathers, long sharp claws and a piercing stare.

Banshee Birds have extremely powerful screams that can instill fear in friends and foes alike. If the enemy is weak enough it will die immediately from fear. They are able to cast curses on those that are unfortunate to cross their path.

The Earth Claw variant is extra profficient in Earth magic.

Terra Priestess Bird(unique Royal variant)

A bird that is know for it's superiority in Earth-and healing magic. This is also one of the more intelligent bird species and are very loyal. They have very long lives and can adapt to many different kinds of enviroment.

They have a more humanoid apperance than most other birds and can use tools. In the ancient times they were known to follow the most powerful and wise shamans, many who became sages.

Very sought by both royalty and the church after because of their healing powers and natrual grace.

The Royal variant is more powerful than the normal ones and have higher intelligence and magic power.

Wow these look really cool but... I'm feeling really dizzy. Taro also seems to be. Oh gosh, am I gonna pass out.


I just chose something randomly before my mind went blank.

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