《Of Ghouls and Ghasts》Book 1. Chapter 1: Sweet Victory!


Book 1

(So Reborn, Again.)

With a mighty shout, I stood over the demon king and raised my sword high up into the air. Four years. Four. long. years. My body ached from my wounds and as I struck the final blow I felt my muscles scream with the effort of it all.

My lungs tried raggedly to fill up with breath, I looked over my shoulder towards my team.

The Archpriest Simon Malgrave, a man built like the terminator with a salt and pepper beard and short slicked-back hair. Though usually not as dishevelled. He was smiling at me ear to ear now with such glee in his eyes, so much so it was infectious. His white surcoat tattered and torn and didn’t look white but more beige brown at this point, with the frayed edges of his chain mail showing from under the coat. The steel breastplate and pauldrons upon his chest and shoulders had groves and scars all over.

“Y-you did it?” An almost trembling voice asked and as I looked to its owner I saw her. Princess Amelia Wolfsgarde, her radiant smile creeping up her lips as her golden, almost white, hair seemed to glow in the faint firelight that burned in the braziers around the demon king's main hall. The spear in her hands was almost bent to the point of uselessness and the dents, scratches and rends in her armour told the tale of our hard-won victory.

She was a Valkyrie and the first one I met when I arrived in this world. Her cute button nose and large blue eyes had captivated me then just as they do now.

“WE DID IT!!!” Ragnar bellowed boisterously with a wide grin on his black-bearded face. His large two-handed battle axe placed over his shoulder held with one hand and a whine skin in the other.

The boisterous fellow had been our tank and despite wearing full-plate armour the tattered furs around his waist and shoulders made him look like a heavily armoured berserker from some Viking tale of old.

I smiled at him as he began to pour beer into his mouth from his wineskin, the bear of a man had always managed to keep my spirits up, even when I had lost my arm. The thought made me look down at my left shoulder where my arm used to be, having been cut off at the elbow and now with a specially made shield placed there instead. Something I still wasn't used to.

A loud thwack echoed through the hall. For a moment I thought more enemies were coming at us, before I saw the figure floating above Ragnar as he rubbed his head sheepishly. His wife, Sigrun, floating there on her broom and dressed like a witch with her black formfitting robes and wide-brimmed witches hat. “Manners dear~” She purred in her sultry voice and I was reminded of my crush towards her when I had first met her, and how Rangar despite being her husband took me out for drinks to drown my sorrows once I found out about their relationship.

Her raven black hair and slightly tan skin always made her seem like some exotic woman to me, and the size difference between the two always made me chuckle inwardly. With her only barely reaching up to his pectorals.

“Come on people!” The last of our party shouted. Mario the Wizard, dressed in something one might feel a scholarly adventurer might wear. Minimal leather armour, a long coat and with a spellbook and scrolls fastened around his waist along with a few pouches.


He clapped at us as he usually did when he found us to be slacking off. Right as he began to move around the corpses of the demon guards, looking for loot. The glee in his eyes and the wide smile on his lips showing he was in the same mood as the rest of us.

“It’s been a long road, hasn’t it?” Simon said to me as he came up and placed his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled widely at him, though I winced from the pain in my body and nodded. “It has certainly been that. Just too bad, The others aren’t here to enjoy it with us.” I said with a slight hint of melancholy in my voice as I remembered the two we had lost on our travels. Silv, the elven druid and Borst, the dwarven Axe-lock, both had been great friends to have. Besides Ragnar, they had been the ones I had somehow always felt the most comfortable with.

A look crossed Simons face I couldn’t quite place before he smiled and nodded. “Ay, but their people and ours will honour them as they deserve. Once Mario finally gets off his ass and opens the portal back to the capital.” He then said chuckling a little as he looked at Mario who had a demon’s breastplate held high above his head as he peered at it.

With a chuckle, I tapped Simon on the shoulder and looked back towards the demon king. To think this had all been so cliché and yet not somehow. Summoned to another world with an almost video gamy system by a goddess of light after my death. My body was regressed from almost thirty to eighteen years old, appearing in the summoning chamber of the main cathedral in the capital. With no clue as to what was going on.

I remembered I had to spend almost half a year in training, not only in armour and weapon use but also learning the language. I had to mime almost everything for the first month just to get what I wanted to say across. Even now I still struggle with the Noble language, that the nobles and higher ranked people of the kingdom use rather than the common tongue, used by the commoners and tradesmen.

I know rather straight forward but the language was all kinds of weird, like a mix of German, Mandarin and Spanish. How I had wished for a language translating skill.

With that in mind I chuckled and then looked over to the obsidian armoured form of the demon king. I remembered the exp I had gained and quickly checked my status.

Name: Robert

Class: Warrior / Paladin

Level: 100 / 99

Race: Human


(Novice (N) >

Apprentice (A) >

Journeyman (J) >

Expert (E) >

Master (M)

Strength: 301

Active skills:

Passive skills:

Agility: 150

Sundering Strike (E lvl 9)

Detect (J Lvl 8)

Vitality: 280

Shield bash (j lvl 4 N/A)

Sword mastery (M lvl. 2)

Endurance: 300

Holy light (J lvl. 3)

Armour use (E lvl 6)

Intelligence: 120

Smite (J lvl 10) Heal (A lvl 4)

Mana manipulation (A lvl 9)

Perception: 80

Armour of light (J lvl. 6)

Toughness (E lvl 1)

Traits: Increased Exp gain, Hero of the goddess of light, Liberator

Smiling to myself, I closed the status in my mind and looked over to Amelia who was staring at me. I realised she had been since the demon king had fallen. She seemed deep in thought and before I could stumble towards her, Mario suddenly piped up.


“All righty then people!” He said with a wide grin, having picked up that particular saying from me: He began to weave a complex spell between his hands. Within moments a large portal opened up with a 'whooom' sound and he hurried over to me and began to push me towards it with his wide grin. Even Ragnar joined him in pushing me into it as both laughed merrily. I just shook my head and chuckled.

“Come boy! We have a parade to attend!” Ragnar said with a wide grin and I couldn’t help but laugh more as I was pushed to the portal and the others followed, though I winced every other step from my wounds. Despite putting on a strong front I was in pain.

“Why don’t we have Simon heal us up first?” I asked as I was just at the rim of the portal. It's shimmering precipice so inviting. For it promised a well deserved rest.

“Well because we want to show the people that it was a hard-won victory.” Amelia said smiling.

With a light laugh I fell through the portal and arrived in a tent where one of the royal guard stood and saluted me with a wide smile.

“You did it!” He said with such genuine mirth in his tone and he laughed happily as he gripped my shoulders and almost hugged me. Though as I winced he seemed to realize his station and coughed a little and took up his post.

I wouldn’t have minded but apparently etiquette was something vital to the Wolfsgarde kingdom. Instead, I patted his shoulder and smiled at him.

Peering over my shoulder I saw Ragnar emerge. The queazy look on his face reminded me why we didn't use portals all that much. Soon afterwards the rest left the portal and the sickening 'slorp' sound sent a shiver down my spine. That was the second reason right there.

We waited as the royal guard ran out to prepare everything for us and we chatted amiably amongst ourselves. I was managing to hide my pain but I noticed Simon look at me as I favoured one foot over the other.

"Ready?" Amelia said with a wide grin as she left the tent with the rest of us in tow. "This parade won't start itself." She said as she headed towards the horses made ready for us.

Soon our group was saddled up on white, muscular war horses and we were trotting down the main road through the capital. Leading to the cathedral of Light. On either side were commoners and even a few nobles cheering us and a mood of such high spirits was around us. I couldn’t help but have my already high spirits soar at the sight and forget my aches and pains for a moment.

Children waving and parents hugging and crying as the threat that had loomed over them for so long was now gone. It was something I found, I wished to bring to more people. Perhaps I’ll go on another adventure after a month or three of well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Roses and flowers were thrown onto our path and flower petals flew through the air. As we made our way down the main road until we came upon the cathedral and dismounted. I winced as I felt my wounds act up and I sort of limped up the large stairs leading up to the towering cathedral. The cathedral's towers gleaming in the sunlight as it’s white marble structure reflected it a little.

It was almost a little blinding but just the right sort to look heroic. So I'm a sucker for some cliché's, sue me.

“Always a welcomed sight isn’t it?” Simon said next to me. I smiled as he helped me up the stairs when he noticed just how severe my limp was.

“Yeah, to be honest, I never thought I’d see it again.” I chuckled as I accepted his support and we entered through the huge iron double doors leading in.

I continued to limp along with Simon's help into the darkening main hall of the cathedral, the sunlight coming through huge stain glass windows. Bathing the interior in muted colours of almost every type. A column of light piercing down at the altar from a skylight surrounded by stain glass depicting the deities of this world, with the goddess who summoned me holding a globe that worked also as the skylight.

“Where is everyone?” I asked, as I noticed when we were halfway to the altar, that our group was the only one inside and the heavy iron doors closed behind us.

“The goddess wishes to speak with you.” Simon said with a kind smile. “We don’t want the people to go mad with glee now would we?” He said with a mischievous grin which I reciprocated. Despite being a priest he had his good points with that sense of prankish humour of his.

“Ain’t that the truth~” Sigrun cooed and as I looked towards her, I noticed Ragnar was missing as well. Noticing my look, Sigrun gave me one of her sultry smiles. “He’s off to get a few kegs ready for the after-party, seems he’s intent on drinking you under the table~” She told me and I had to chuckle at that.

Once we came up to the altar, a large radiant spire of light spilt down from the open skylight above the altar. From the almost blinding light materialised the goddess. Aona, the Goddess of Light. As beautiful as the first day I saw her.

Spiralling curls of caramel coloured hair spilt down to her midriff and her piercing grey eyes. The white angelic wings at her back only seemed to accentuate her fair facial features and those gorgeous eyes, which I had almost fallen for the first time I had seen them. Her strong physique, while still having the right kind of curves didn’t help me get over her either.

“Robert.” She said in that loving tone she always had to her silvery light voice. “You have done what I asked of you and saved my people. What you have done can never be repaid in kind or in full.” She said with that sweet smile and I almost didn’t feel any of my wounds at all as I almost melted right then and there.

“Um… maybe healing us all?” I sheepishly asked of her. The bell-like chuckle she gave me made me almost swoon. I felt like a lovestruck schoolgirl or something.

“I believe first things first.” She said with a smile and waved her hand in front of me, a soft light trailing her fingers. To my surprise, my status screen popped up.

Name: Robert

Class: Warrior / Paladin

Level: 100 / 99

Race: Human


(Novice (N) >

Apprentice (A) >

Journeyman (J) >

Expert (E) >

Master (M)

Strength: 301

Active skills:

Passive skills:

Agility: 150

Sundering Strike (E lvl 9)

Detect (J Lvl 8)

Vitality: 280

Shield bash (j lvl 4 N/A)

Sword mastery (M lvl. 2)

Endurance: 300

Holy light (J lvl. 3)

Armour use (E lvl 6)

Intelligence: 120

Smite (J lvl 10) Heal (A lvl 4)

Mana manipulation (A lvl 9)

Perception: 80

Armour of light (J lvl. 6)

Toughness (E lvl 1)

Traits: Half of Exp gain directed to party, the dupe of the goddess of light, Controlled progression and status menu

Unspent skill points: 39 Unspent stat points: 80

I was a little shocked at the change and once I went over the traits, I had to look through it and at her. „W-what is this?“ I asked, the sensation of cold water creeping down my spine. I felt the heat of anger rumble in my gut.

„What it looks like my dear~ You are simply my tool~“ She said sweetly and I was about to shout at her. Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back and chest. Agony bloomed in my mind and I wanted to scream.

Looking down I could see the demon king‘s blade jutting through my chest. Blood flew out of my mouth as I felt my lungs begin to fill up with blood. Silver lining though it missed my heart but still! I had been stabbed in the back! Figuratively and metaphorically!

Looking behind me, I saw Simon with an almost passive look but I saw the corners of his mouth almost curl up. My vision focused and unfocused, blurring every so often, as I looked at the people that I had trusted with my life. Hell I had given them four years of hard dedication from my life! My eyes settled on Amelia and I was a little shocked at seeing her frown when the others had simple passive looks, trying to hide wicked smiles.

„Wh-why?“ I asked her with a shaky voice. As blood almost freely flowed out of my mouth and I felt my breath catch as my lungs fill up. Too much to be able to speak, I was literally drowning with my own blood. The burning sensation was agonizing.

„Because you are a tool, as the goddess said.“ She said and then I realized the frown wasn‘t one of displeasure but of disgust... at me?! „We summon people like you to help deal with the situations we feel we need a little help with.“ She then said just flatly but there was an undertone of venom there as well.

„Why yes~ What was the kingdom we conquered now?“ The Goddess asked with almost a gleeful expression on her face. She acted like this was almost an everyday occurrence for her. This rotten goddess.

„Roira, I believe~“ Sigrun said in a gentle yet sultry tone. She walked up to me and ran a finger along my chin. I wanted to strangle her and kill the rest but I found my body rooted in place beside my own neck. A quick glance to my left and I saw Mario looking at me and holding out a glowing hand towards me. His had a sadistic grin of utter, almost manic delight at the situation.

He even mockingly moved his hand up to give me a shushing gesture with his other hand. This rotten bastard had always been a prankster but this?! Come on!

Turning my head towards Aona once more, I bored into her with such visceral hate in my eyes. I could only hope the strength of it would burn this bitch where she stood but she only chuckled a little. „Now, now my dear~“ She cooed as she moved a little forward and pressed a hand to my forehead. I felt my face lighten to one of quiet acceptance, though my eyes still shone with utter hate towards her.

"Can't have the people's hero look like a furious demon after sacrificing himself to save his goddess now can we?~"

She had asked me to give up my name for her in exchange for power but in the end, it was all just a game to this horrid goddess.

“Don’t worry, You will have a heroes funeral, the people will know of your sacrifice as the demon king’s sword shot out to try and kill me and you moved to save me but...” Aona began before she let her fingers walk along the blade jutting out of me. Then gripping my throat hard and I felt her magic heal me just enough to keep life in my body while I felt everything! Each and every agony, pain and how through her magic she tore my very muscles apart from the inside.

“Unfortunately for you~ This sword destroys souls~ So you won’t be getting a second chance~” She cooed as she took out another obsidian short sword from behind her. For a brief moment, as I looked at it, it felt eerily familiar to me like something I had owned in a dream.

Then it was jammed down into my chest between my clavicle and sternum and I felt it pierce my heart. I’d scream out in pain but the bitch held fast healing my body while I felt my very soul burn within me. Yet she still, made me have that damnable face of utter acceptance on my face.

I could only scream and curse within my own mind as nothing but sheer agony ripped through my body. As I finally went limp, I could almost see the scene around my body without even being within it. Pulling out the short sword, Aona smiled wickedly and dropped my limp body on the floor. Simon had pulled the sword out of my back moments before she drooped me.

I lay there with hate shining in my dead eyes but a look of acceptance on my face as Sigrun gently closed my eyes. Aona then fully healed my wounds save the one the demon kings sword left on my chest.

“Well then~” Aona clapped and smiled at Amelia. “Shall we celebrate?~” She said as she took a human form, very similar to her goddess form. Just then Ragnar walked in with a slightly sour look on his face and a casket over his shoulder.

I was happy to see him but my happiness turned sour as I saw the casket over his shoulder. Any dream of him trying to avenge me died with his next words.

“I don’t like that we did this to him though… he was a good kid. So were Silv and Borst.” He muttered with a sour look only to get a few chuckles from Amelia, Sigrun and Mario. He simply harrumphed.

"There was nothing for it Ragnar." Simon said as he placed the Demon kings sword into my hands. "This is the way of things and we cannot allow such alien entities live after their purpose is served." He said with a slightly solemn look before his face twisted into an almost devilish sneer. "They might get ideas."

Ragnar's look only soured a little more. He then began to gently move me into the casket and as the lid closed, so too did the world darken around me.

I was livid, they had used me for their own gain! They had no regard for me even as a human being! And judging by that last exchange, they might have killed Silv and Borst just like me! The utter filth! They are all traitorous bastards, even though Ragnar was repentant, He didn’t stop it! So he was just as much to blame for this as the rest. He could have warned me!

I wailed, screamed, cursed and even roared like some beast in the empty void I was now stuck in. Those bastards, those traitorous degenerates! I imagined ripping them apart, tearing their flesh with my fingers and even eating Mario’s face as my furious madness reached its fever peak, then my mind too went silent and all I knew was the void of non-existence.

My last thoughts were of putting healing amulets around their necks and impaling them on spears. Covering them in salt and bird feed to let them feel the crows feast on their villainous flesh.

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